Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3 Page 1

by Mz. Lady P

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  Chapter 1-Rahmeek

  As the bullets from Carmen’s gun entered my mother’s and sister’s bodies, I immediately drifted off into space from being shocked at the events that were unfolding before my eyes. I was the reason for all of this. My thirst for money and power has put the crew and our families in danger. The sounds of the kids screaming and hollering jarred me from my deep thoughts.

  “Call an ambulance now!” Momma Gail screamed as she applied pressure to my mother’s wounds who was lying in a pool of blood on the floor unconscious. Boogie was on the floor holding Stacy who was bleeding profusely from a gunshot wound to her shoulder. She was alert but in a lot of pain.

  “Nigga, this some straight bullshit! Rah, this shit is all your fucking fault! What the fuck were you thinking?” Boogie yelled as he applied pressure to Stacy’s wound.

  “I was thinking the same damn thing you were thinking! More ways to get this fucking bread!”

  I started walking towards Boogie. He has been in his feelings ever since he found out that Hassan and I are Stacy’s brothers. Before I could make it over towards him, Killa stepped in front of me.

  “Kill all that shit right now! It is not the fucking time to be pointing fingers at one another! Let’s find out where Markese, Nisa, and Hassan ran off to.”

  I never even realized they had exited the house. Killa and I ran out of the door trying to find out where they went. Gunshots in the distance made us haul ass down the long driveway. Nisa had Juan running with him on her hip and Markese had Gabriella on his shoulder running back towards the house. Hassan was shooting at Chico and the gunmen. He was laying Chico’s men down one by one. We all ran back towards the house and made it in safely. Sirens could be heard in the distance. I’m glad we have security cameras everywhere. The police would want to question everyone, but the tapes would tell the whole story. I didn’t have time to be fucking with the police. I needed to make sure my people were straight.

  “On every motherfucking thing I love, that bitch Carmen and that nigga Chico is dead!” Markese yelled as he checked Gabriella and Juan out.

  “Man, Kese, I’m sorry. This shit is all my fault.” I felt like I owed him that much.

  “We all fucked up, Rah. Don’t blame yourself for this shit. We were all bamboozled by that psychotic ass bitch,” Markese said as he walked over to check on Trish. She was just coming to after being knocked out by Carmen.

  The ambulance and the police had arrived. Boogie rushed out of the house carrying Stacy. Mike carried out my mother. They were placed into different ambulances and sped off. The police said that they would meet us at the hospital to ask questions. I handed them my lawyer’s card. I’m not discussing this shit without my lawyer being present. Hassan, Killa, Nisa, and Markese followed the ambulances to the hospital. I had to check on the kids and the girls before I followed them.

  “You cool, Trish?” I asked her because she was rubbing the back of her head. “I think you need to go to the hospital and get checked out.”

  “I’m good. I just want to stay here and make sure my babies are okay.”

  I ran up the stairs and found Niyah and Momma Gail in the nursery with the twins. Brooklyn, Lil Rahmeek, Lil Markese, Gabriella, and Juan were all still crying. I kissed all of them on their foreheads, thankful that they were not hit by any of the bullets.

  “Ya’ll okay?” I asked Niyah and Momma Gail.

  “We’re fine, Rahmeek. Go check on my daughter,” Momma Gail said with a look of disappointment on her face. Niyah never even looked up at me. We were real close so I know she was real upset with me.

  I walked into our bedroom and heard water running in the bathroom. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I twisted the knob and went inside. Aja was on the floor in front of the toilet violently vomiting. I grabbed a towel and wet it. I placed it on the back of her neck as I rubbed her back. I was trying my best to make her feel better.

  She roughly slapped my hand away from her. “Don’t touch me Rahmeek!”

  She stood up and gargled with mouthwash. She turned around and folded her arms. The look in her eyes let me know she was ready for an explanation.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry. Everything I did was for us.”

  “Really? If that’s the kind of gifts you’re giving out these days, then you can keep it. One million dollars, huh? That’s what you sold your dick for? Here I was thinking that our love is priceless. What does that make you, a male prostitute?”

  My anger got the best of me and I started to choke her. Mainly, because her words were too disrespectful for me. I understood she was angry and hurt behind my actions but the words she was using were not called for.

  “I know you’re mad, Aja, but watch your mouth! I fucked up but I have no problem with fucking you up behind your jazzy ass mouth!” I let go of her throat and she started to cry.

  “We have a family Rah. I’m pregnant with our second child and this is how you do us? This is something I cannot forgive. This is the second time in a couple of months that you have stepped out on this marriage. I’m done. I think it’s best that I take my baby and move out.”

  “You’re not taking my son anywhere! We’re in this shit until death do us part. I’m about to go to the hospital and check on my mother and sister. We’ll finish talking about this when I get back.”

  I grabbed her by the chin and kissed her long and hard. She opened her mouth and invited my tongue in. She wrapped her arms around me tight and hugged me like I was going off to the joint to do a bid. I walked out of the house and went to the hospital.

  Once I arrived, I was glad to know that my mother was going to make it. Stacy was going to be straight as well. I knew that I would have to explain my actions to the crew but that would have to wait. I needed to get home to my wife and make shit right with her. The only problem was that she and my son were gone when I made it to the crib. There was a letter on the bed. I sat down on the bed and began to read it. I wanted to cry but I was too gangster to let tears come from my eyes.

  Dear Rahmeek,

  I know that you’re upset with me for leaving and taking the baby. You left me no choice. I have to find out if being with you is what I really want. After tonight, I’m not sure if I want us anymore. I love you with everything inside of me but I need to love Aja more. I cannot be stressed out with this pregnancy. Don’t try and contact me. Let me figure this out for myself. If it’s meant to be then we will be together. If not, thank you for the good times and our children. I will keep Markese and my parents informed of our whereabouts. Please don’t spazz out and start murking people for no reason. Know that I love you with all my heart. I’m just trying to figure out if love is enough to keep this marriage going.

  P.S Brooklyn is at Niyah and Hassan’s house.

  Love Always Aja

  My ego was all fucked up. My wife walked out on me and took my seed. I want to find her and beat her ass but I know I brought this shit on myself. I’ll just have to thug it out until she comes around. I still need to focus on my position with crew and being a better father to my children.

  Chapter 2- Stacy

  6 Months Later

  My life has changed drastically in such a very short time. I still can’t believe it. I went from having no family to having a husband, mother, and two brothers. I love having big brothers that are goons. Rahmeek and Hassan are the best. They smother and spoil me like I’m a toddler. Sometimes I hate it, but I must admit that it feels damn good. My mother, Ammenah, is the best. She is trying so hard to make up f
or all of the lost time. We have become so close these past couple of months. Since the shooting, she has had some health issues, but she will fully heal. Getting shot in the chest is no joke.

  After I was released from the hospital, I was informed of the inheritance that Juan left for me. My check had been placed into an account for me. I am in possession of the funds he left me but Boogie refuses to let me touch it. He would rather us live off of his hard earned money.

  I have never been to the house that Juan had built for me. Boogie is dead set against me going to see it. Rahmeek keeps asking me why I haven’t been to look at the property. I just tell him I’ll see it when I get a chance. I know he knows that Boogie is the reason why I won’t go see it but he never comes out and says it.

  I’m not going to put my brothers in my business, especially when it comes down to my husband. Boogie don’t play about the crew being in our business. Lately, he has been so grumpy and distant. I just don’t understand why he is not happy for me in regards to finding my brothers and mother. He makes sure he is not around whenever they come over.

  Boogie is not fucking with Rahmeek period. He feels like the way shit has turned out for them is his fault. He is the only one still in his feelings about the shit besides Aja. The rest of us have moved on and trying to rebuild our broken family. The shit is getting old. Boogie is too damn young to be this fucking grumpy.


  Today is his thirty-second birthday. I want to take him to the strip club but he told he doesn’t celebrate his birthday. I don’t care what he says I’m doing something nice for him anyway. He loves my cooking so I decided to cook him a candlelit dinner, lobster tails, T-bone steak, garlic bread, and Caesar salad.

  I lit the candles all over the dining room. I had two bottles of Moet on chill and two Kush blunts already rolled and ready to be put in the air. A month ago, we were out shopping and we went inside a jewelry store. He had his eye on a diamond encrusted pinky ring with a matching chain. I made sure to go back and purchase it for him for his birthday. He deserves it. Plus, money ain’t a thang. He spares no expense when it comes down to spoiling me. He has been car shopping, but was undecided on what he wanted. I noticed him eyeing a white on white Masarati. I had the dealership customize it to what I knew he would like. I also made sure to get him personalized plates that read “Boogie 1.” I can't wait for him to see his gifts. He is going to be so happy.

  I was rocking a red YSL bondage dress with a pair of snakeskin Red Bottoms. Trish had my hair and make-up on point. I sat at the dining room table waiting for him to arrive. Two hours later, I heard him pull into the driveway bumping Blah, Blah, Blah by Rich Homie Quan. I anticipated for him to walk through the door and see the happy look on his face. Unfortunately, the mean scowl on his face told me that happy was not what he was feeling at all.

  “What the fuck is all of this Stacy? Oops, I mean Anastasia!”

  I overlooked the fact that he called me by my real name. Lately, he has been doing that and its really starting to get under my damn skin.

  “Happy Birthday, baby! Come over here and sit down to eat and open your gifts.”

  I walked towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He didn’t even hug me back.

  “What the fuck did I tell you? Didn’t I say that I wasn’t celebrating my birthday?”

  “I know Boogie. I just wanted to do something special for my husband. Is there something wrong with that?”

  “There’s something wrong with the fact that your ass is hard headed and don’t fucking listen to me.”

  Boogie walked away from me and went upstairs. I was done trying with this bi-polar ass nigga. I sat at the table and popped open the champagne bottle. I downed three glasses in a matter of minutes. Boogie still hadn’t come back downstairs so I decided to go upstairs and get him so he could open up his gifts. They were too expensive for him not to at least open them.

  I walked up the stairs slowly because I was hesitant about giving him the gifts. I was skeptical about his reaction to them. I entered our bedroom but he wasn’t in there. I walked into our bathroom and my eyes were wide as hell. My husband was leaning over the sink snorting lines of coke off of a mirror. I was in utter shock and disbelief. I let out a gasp that made Boogie jump and knock the mirror off of the sink. I tried to walk away but he caught me before I was able to get away.

  “Fuck is you doing spying on me now! What you going to do, run and tell everybody?”

  Boogie had a crazy look in his eyes. All I could do was cry and attempt to get out of his grasp. He was still holding my arms tightly.

  “I would never tell anybody your personal business. Please let me go. You’re hurting me!”

  He released my arm, walked back into the bathroom, and slammed the door. I went from upset to livid in a matter of seconds. I started to beat and kick on the door.

  “Open this fucking door, Kendrick, right now! Is this why you have been acting all strange the last couple of months?” There was silence on the other end and that’s when I heard him snorting that shit up his fucking nose.

  “Happy Birthday, you fucking dope fiend!” I yelled and walked away from the bathroom door.

  I didn’t make it farther than the hallway. I never heard him come behind me. He spent me around towards him and slapped me so hard that I spun all the way around. I hit the wall and caused our wedding picture to fall to the floor and shatter. I was in such a daze I couldn’t speak or cry.

  “Watch your fuckin mouth! I’m not a damn dope fiend! You wanted to celebrate my birthday so get the fuck up! Let’s celebrate!”

  He yanked me up from the floor and wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth with his thumb.

  “Go wash your face. We’re going to the strip club like you wanted.”

  He walked down the stairs and I went into the bathroom. I washed my face and tried to fix my makeup. I was in shock. I never cried. Boogie has never cursed, raised his voice, or even hit me for that matter.

  Him acting like a kid in the candy store let me know he had found his gifts. He was in the garage with the Masarati. I hurried downstairs and went into the garage. I put on a brave front but I was crumbling into a million pieces on the inside.

  “Do you like it?” I asked in a cracked voice.

  “Like it? Baby, I love it!”

  Boogie rushed over to me and lifted me up of off the floor and kissed me passionately. He lifted me onto the hood of the car. He continued to kiss me roughly as he ripped my thong off of me. I was trying my best to hold back but his touch felt so good. I laid there and let him have his way with me. He pulled his shirt over his head and let his pants drop down to his ankles. Without hesitation, he rammed his dick into my awaiting wet pussy. All eleven inches of his dick were deep inside my pussy. He pounded inside and out of me. I tried to match thrust for thrust but I was no match for him.

  Boogie’s dick was harder than usual. It felt like a damn brick pounding inside of me. He was so rough with me. The shit was painful and pleasurable at the same time. I kept trying to grab him but he had my hands pinned up behind my head. He pulled out of me and flipped me over onto my stomach. He roughly grabbed my hair and inserted his dick back inside of me.

  “I love you, Stacy. You know that right?” he said in between breaths and thrusts.

  “Yeah, I know, Boogie.”

  “You feel good than a motherfucker. I’m about to bust all in this pussy!”

  Seconds later, Boogie came but his ass was still hard as a rock. He had just literally beat the pussy up but he wasn’t finished. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me into the house. We fucked in every room in all positions possible.

  Once he was done, the sun was coming up. I laid under him and rested my head on his hairy chest. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I had just saw three sides of my husband in a matter of hours. The fact that he was getting high had me all in my feelings. I wondered how long he had been snorting that shit. The crew has no idea about that shit. Markese w
ould go ballistic if he knew Boogie was getting high. I looked up at his handsome sleeping face and I had no idea who he was. I couldn’t believe I was sleeping with a stranger.

  Chapter 3- Boogie

  I’m feeling like shit right now. I can’t believe I put my hands on Stacy. I love her to death and I would never want to hurt her. It’s just that I have been so angry and agitated lately. The only thing that calms my nerves is heroin.

  I have used occasionally but it has been on a regular basis these last six months. Heroin numbs all the pain and my past demons. No one knows of my drug use, but Stacy. Stacy is real loyal so I know she will never say anything to anyone else.

  Since we stepped back from the game, I have been focused on my chain of barbershops. I have been trying to suppress memories of my fucked up childhood. My street life and focusing on getting money blocked my thoughts, but now it’s been hard. I’m sitting on more bread than I know what to do with. I can retire for the rest of my life and my wife and I will be Gucci. Shit has changed drastically due to Rahmeek’s greed. I know that I can’t entirely blame him because we were all bamboozled by that psycho bitch Carmen. She better pray that I never catch her ass. I have a couple of bullets with her name written on them.

  Ever since Stacy found out that Rahmeek and Hassan were her brothers and Ammenah was her mother, I barely get to spend any time with her. I need her at home with me. I know that I sound like a bitch right now, but besides the crew Stacy is all I have in regards to having a real family. My parents are dead and I’m an only child. As I sit here on the patio sipping on some Remy and smoking a blunt, I can’t help but to think of my evil parents.

  My mother beat me if I breathed the wrong way. I thought my name was motherfucker because that’s all she ever called me. She hated me for existing. She would lock me inside closets for days at a time without food or water. I just knew that I would die in there. I would sit in the closet and wonder what I did to deserve all of this.


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