Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3 Page 2

by Mz. Lady P

  When I was seven, truant officers showed up to my house because I hadn’t been to school in over a month. My mother was gone and I opened the door. I must have looked horrendous because I was removed from my mother’s home. I went to live with my father. That shit was even worse than living with my mother. He turned out to be a raging alcoholic and a child molester. Every day that I lived with him was hell. He violated me in ways that no one should do to any human being, let alone their own child. He took care of the necessities I needed to survive but he was no father to me. When I was eleven, he ended up dying of cirrhosis of the liver.

  The Department of Children and Family Services sent me to live with a foster family in the Roosevelt Towers. That’s how I ended up meeting the crew. My foster mother never gave a fuck what we did as long as we were there when the social worker came. She made sure I was clothed and fed. The old bitch didn’t have a loving bone in her body. All she wanted was a check.

  Once I met Markese, it was on and popping. I hooked up with him and it’s been fuck the world and get money ever since. The last time I heard anything about my mother, she had died of AIDS. I hope that bitch met the devil as soon as she breathed her last breath.


  The only thing that I can think of is Stacy since I woke up this morning. I have got to get my shit together. I’m falling off and it’s not a good look. I know Stacy is disappointed in me and that’s the last thing I want for her to be. I have been thinking of ways to apologize to her. She was gone when I woke up this morning and she hasn’t returned any of my calls.

  I was happy as hell when I heard her car pull into the garage. I ran down the stairs to meet her at the door.

  “Hey Baby. I’ve been calling you all day. Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  “My phone is dead. I forgot to get the car charger.”

  I noticed that she never made eye contact with me as she looked inside the refrigerator.

  “Come here. We really need to talk.”

  I grabbed her by the hand and led her into the living room. I sat down on the couch and pulled her onto my lap.

  “I just want to say that I’m sorry about last night. I was way out of pocket for putting my hands on you. All you were trying to do was make my birthday special. You’re too good of a wife for me to treat you with such disrespect.”

  “It’s okay, Boogie.” Stacy kept her head low. I grabbed her by the chin and looked into her eyes. I noticed that her bottom lip was a little swollen and that made me feel even worse.

  “No, it’s not okay. Putting that shit up my nose was not cool. It also wasn’t cool for me to put my hands on you. I promise that, from this day forward, I’m done with that shit. I also apologize for not supporting you with finding out about your family. I guess I’m jealous because I don’t have any family. All I have is you and now I have to share you with others. I’m not used to that at all. I’m glad you found them and going forward I will support you.”

  Stacy wiped the tears from her eyes and looked into mine.“I love you more than life itself. No matter who comes into my life, you will always come first. I’m sorry for not taking your feelings into consideration. I should have known it would bother you, due to your child hood. I will admit that it really hurt me to see you getting high. I’m telling you right now, if I ever find out you’re still putting that shit your nose, I’m leaving and I mean it.” The look on her face told me that she was dead ass serious.

  “I promise, baby, I’m done with that shit.”

  I kissed her and she kissed me back. I slid my hand up her dress and I tried to put my hand in her panties, but she stopped me.

  “Baby, I would love to have sex with you but my pussy is swollen from our session last night. My legs hurt so bad I’m going to need to soak in some hot water in order to get my shit back right.”

  “I was off that shit. I’m sorry if I was too rough.”

  “It was pleasurable. Your ass stayed on hard no matter how many times you came.” We both laughed.

  “I love you, Ma.”

  “I love you more. Now get dressed. we’re going over to Niyah and Hassan’s for a BBQ in honor of her brother coming home from the joint.” Stacy rose up off of my lap and disappeared upstairs.

  I forgot all about Marlo. His ass did five years straight in the joint. That nigga was all about getting that money but he was a hot head and bad for business. He was getting money with us but Markese had to cut him loose due to all the heat he was bringing to the Towers. Shortly after, he was booked for drug and gun Possession. I hope he gets out and chill. We are all out of the game and living good. The last thing we need is to murk his ass for bringing heat or getting out of pocket. That nigga was always plotting and up to no good.

  Chapter 4-Niyah

  Raising twins has got to be the hardest shit ever. Hassan Jr. and Hadiyah are seven months old and getting big as ever. It’s a struggle trying to keep up with their asses and Hassan is no fucking help. He’s more focused on opening up the club. He, Rahmeek, and Markese are getting ready for the grand opening of their strip club, “Gentleman’s Paradise.” At first, I was skeptical. I put up a good fight and argument, but in the end, Hassan won the battle. I have to trust that my husband will not give into temptation. He has never given me a reason to question his loyalty so I wasn’t about to start questioning it now. If he knows what’s good for him, he will keep his dick in his pants. I’m not Aja and Trish. All that damn cheating shit is not flying with me. I’m going to jail and I mean that shit.

  It’s hard to believe that it’s been five years since my older brother Marlo has been gone. I swear I have missed him so much. I can’t wait for the twins to meet their uncle. I also can’t wait for him to meet Hassan. I hope and pray that Lo is on his best behavior. Before he got locked up, he was in the streets wilding and living reckless. He constantly kept putting all of our lives in danger. At first, he was mad at Markese for cutting him off, but after some years behind bars, he put his ill feelings towards Markese behind him.

  Lately, he has been asking about Aja. I just keep telling him that she is married and to leave her alone. He doesn’t care about that shit. Aja was the only person he ever cared about. Aja was his everything. He took her virginity and laid claim to her. She was so in love with him but he started cheating and running the streets so she ended up leaving him. Marlo needs to understand that she is married to my husband’s brother. The last thing I need is beef within the family. We all just got back on track since that Carmen bullshit.

  I’m glad to have Ammenah in our lives. She is the best mother in law and grandmother a girl could ever have. Stacy is a big help as well. She keeps the kids all the time just to give me a break. Hassan has been so happy since he found his mother. It’s like he smiles more and his eyes glisten with just the mention of her name. I just wish that he would spend more time with his family, but I know he is going hard to provide us a better life.

  Hassan is the best husband a girl could ever ask for. When we first met, we were on just some fucking type of shit. Who would have known that we would be happily married with children? I thank God for him each and every day. Truth be told, he saved me from the streets. Before I met him, I was out here fucking with a different dude every other week just to keep my pockets fat and my attire accurate. I didn’t fuck for shoes or no damn Rainbow outfits. If I was fucking, a nigga he was lacing me with nothing but the best. I have to admit Hassan introduced me to the lavish lifestyle.

  My mother gave up on me and Marlo a long time ago. She was a devout Christian woman and she didn’t condone the way we were living our lives. She put us out of her house and moved to Meridian, Mississippi. We talk on a regular and she sends the kids clothes. I would love for my mother to come to my house for a visit, but she refuses to step a foot inside of my door due to Hassan’s lifestyle. That’s fine with me. she can stay her self-righteous ass in the damn country. I don’t need her judgmental ass disrespecting my husband. It’s because of him that I’m happy and
living well. No one will look down on him or belittle him for his line of work, not even the person who birthed me.


  As I pulled up to the Greyhound bus terminal, I noticed Marlo. He was dressed in jailbird attire, white t-shirt, and gray jogging pants. I’m glad he was rocking the white Air Forces I sent him last month. He was cocky as hell and had gotten a little taller. His once short hair was now in long braids. We had to get that shit cut immediately. Don’t nobody wear braids anymore.

  “What’s up, lil sis? Damn I missed you,” Marlo said as he pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly.

  “I missed you too, Lo. Let’s go home so you can take that shit off. I have you a whole new wardrobe at the house.”

  “Thanks again for letting me stay at your spot until I get on my feet. I plan on doing that ASAP.”

  “I hope you’re not thinking about getting back out here in these streets. A lot of shit has changed out here since you’ve been gone. Niggas getting murked every day.” A feeling of dread came over me because I knew how he got down in the streets.

  “I’m good, sis. I got some shit lined up. It’s legit so don’t worry.”

  How the fuck could he tell me not to worry? I know his ass is up to no good. He hasn’t been out of jail twenty-four hours and he’s on bullshit. He better hope I don’t find out. The last thing I need is drama where I lay my head. Pulling up to the house, I could tell that Marlo was in awe of it. His eyes were as big as saucers as we made our way up the winding driveway.

  “Damn! Your ass living like the rich and famous. Dude got long money if y’all living like this.”

  I watched Marlo as the wheels in his head started to turn. He always loved materialistic shit and never cared how he got it. All I could do was hope and pray that he stayed on the straight and narrow.


  The BBQ was in full swing and everyone had arrived except for Aja. It was good to see the crew back together after all of the bullshit that transpired. I was even more surprised to see Boogie in attendance. He hasn’t been kicking it at all. It was good to see him and Rahmeek talking. At one point, I thought they were going to have a gunfight.

  The spades table and the dominoes table were going on. I hate when these niggas play shit like this because all they do is argue.

  “Domino, motherfucker!” Rahmeek yelled to Markese as he downed a shot of Remy. I noticed he had been knocking shots back but that ain’t none of my business.

  Finally, my brother came outside and joined us. He was rocking a white and gold Hudson shirt with white shorts to match along with a fresh pair of high top Air Force Ones.

  “Damn! You clean up real nice,” I said as I hugged him.

  I went around the tables and introduced him to the people who were there that he didn’t know. I could tell that seeing Markese for the first time had him a little on edge, but he remained cordial. Finally, Aja arrived. I was so happy to see her. It’s been a minute since she has been around.

  “It’s about time! I missed you so much.” I hugged her tightly. We walked over to the bar, grabbed a drink and joined Stacy, Trish, and Nisa by the pool. I watched as Rahmeek and Marlo watched her like a hawk. She looked past Rahmeek as if he wasn’t there.

  “I know that ain’t my baby, Aja.”

  Marlo picked her up and kissed her on the mouth. The look on everyone’s face said it’s about to be some shit and I prayed I wouldn’t be in the middle of it.

  Chapter 5- Aja

  I have had a lot of time on my hands to think about my marriage. I really don’t know if I still want to be married. I love Rahmeek with all of my heart, but how much can my heart take? Love is not supposed to hurt and I am really hurt behind Rahmeek’s betrayal. My heart is too broken to be repaired right now. Ever since I left him, I have had peace of mind and there is nothing like that. Don’t get me wrong, I miss his touch, kiss, and that dick is what I miss the most. I just can’t deal with the fact that he sold his himself. He said fuck love and greed took over. We all know where being greedy got his stupid ass.

  A week after I left my home, I suffered a miscarriage. I was so hurt behind his actions that I cried all day every day. the fetus couldn’t take the stress. I wasn’t really ready for a baby anyway. As far as our relationship goes, we really don’t have a personal one. Our conversations are strictly about Lil Rah and Brooklyn. Since Karima is still in jail and Rahmeek is busy trying to open up his club, I decided to let Brooklyn stay with me during the week and Rah on the weekends. Since the shooting, Ammenah has moved into our house to help out with the kids. She has been a really big help to us. At first Rahmeek tried his best to get me to come back to him , but I wasn’t trying to hear all that sweet talking shit. After while, he just gave up. Now he is in his fucking feelings. We don’t talk or see each other. Our interactions are strictly through Ammenah and I don’t give a fuck. He has a lot of nerve walking around with his ass on his shoulders. He’s the reason why all this shit is going on anyway. Lord knows I love my husband, but I’m not for any of his bullshit these days.

  I wasn’t really feeling coming to the BBQ. I wasn’t ready to face my husband or my first love. I knew it would be awkward. As soon as I walked into the backyard, I locked eyes with my husband. I hurried up and turned my head. He is just too fucking fine. No matter what the occasion is, Rah stays on point. His dreads are always freshly twisted and his attire is always very accurate. I stared at him longer than I should have because he was trying his best not to look at me, but I know he peeped my sexy ass. It’s been years since I laid eyes on Marlo. Jail had done that niggas body good. I watched as he walked towards me like he owned the world. He still had the cutest light-skinned baby face that I fell in love with. I was caught off guard when Marlo kissed me. I forgot Rahmeek was even there. His lips were soft as hell. I kissed him back and the shit felt good. For a moment, I was lost in his kiss and flashbacks of the way we used to be flashed in my mind. I was immediately jolted back into reality when I felt myself get yanked by the back of my neck and pushed into the house.

  “Bitch, I know you have lost your mind kissing on another nigga in my face.” Rahmeek had pushed me up against the sink with his hands around my throat.

  “He kissed me, Rah. It’s not my fault!”

  “Fuck outta here. You kissed that nigga back. We all saw your trifling ass!” I managed to pry his hands from around my neck.

  “Nigga, you have a lot of nerve! Not too long ago, you stepped out on your marriage. That’s why we’re separated now with your dick selling ass.”

  I never saw the smack coming and neither did he because I slapped his ass right back and we started rumbling all over that kitchen. I was throwing glasses and anything else I could find. He kept smacking and choking me, but I wasn’t giving up without a fight. I was making sure I left some war wounds on his ass. I punched his ass in his eye. I prayed that I blacked his shit. Not long after, everyone came in and tried to break us apart. Finally, they were able to separate us and the looks in their faces was nothing, but disappointment in both of us. I couldn’t believe what we had become. I was so embarrassed.

  “Rahmeek and Aja, this shit is unacceptable. I can’t believe y’all disrespecting Niyah and Hassan like this. I have watched your behavior these last couple of months and it is sickening. Don’t y’all know them babies are hurting because they are stuck in the middle of this chaos?” Ameenah stood in the middle of the kitchen with her hands on her hips. “Marriage is not easy. That’s why it takes two to make it work, but from the looks of it, you hate each other. Either ya’ll going to be together or you’re not. If you’re not, then sign the papers and be done with the shit. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are tired of this drama. No matter what is going on, we have to have an episode of the Rahmeek and Aja show. My blood pressure is through the fucking roof!”

  “I’m sorry Ma. I-.”

  “Shut up, Rahmeek! I can’t believe you put your hands on her like that.” Ammenah pushed her way past everyon
e and went back outside.

  “So, what’s it going to be, Aja? You walked out on me. I’ve been trying to fix it, but obviously, you’re showing me that you’re done. If it’s over, keep it one hundred and I will leave you alone.”

  Rahmeek stood there with pleading eyes, but he spoke the words in a harsh tone. I thought long and hard. I guess I took too long to answer his question.

  “You know what, your silence speaks volumes. I get the picture. Don’t worry Aja, I’m going to make sure my son is straight.”

  Rahmeek jerked away from Hassan and Markese. I observed Marlo standing in the doorway with a smirk on his face.

  “That hoe is all yours,” Rahmeek said to Marlo as he walked out of the door. He cranked up his motorcycle and drove off.

  “I’m sorry ya’ll, but the BBQ is over. Marlo, bring your ass in here right now!” Niyah said pissed off.

  I looked at my brother’s face and I knew he was mad at me. Everyone was mad at me. Tears welled up in my eyes and I ran to the bathroom and cried like a baby. I love Rahmeek; I really do. It’s not fair that he gets to cheat on me and life is supposed to go back to normal. I stayed in that bathroom for an hour. Once I gathered myself, I walked out in the backyard and everyone was gone. I was getting ready to leave, but Marlo stopped me before I could leave.

  “I’m sorry about that. It’s just that I haven’t seen you in so long. It reminded me of how in love we were.”

  “It’s cool, Lo. I’m glad you’re here, but I really needed to get home and pick up my son.” I tried to walk past him but he grabbed me. He pecked me on the cheek.

  “Stop crying. You know I hate it when you cry. Please don’t leave. Finish celebrating with me. Everyone else is gone.”

  I should have left because, two blunts and a fifth of Remy later, Marlo had me spread-eagled, fucking the shit out of me. He took all his frustration out on my pussy. That shit felt good. It had been six months since I had some dick and I was sexually frustrated. The next morning I woke up to a banging headache and Niyah standing over us.


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