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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 3

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by Mz. Lady P

  “Hurry up and get your ass out of that bed before Hassan catches you,” Niyah said just above a whisper.

  “Too late, Niyah. Let me holla at you real quick.”

  Hassan looked at me with disgust and I looked down in shame. Marlo was sleeping like a baby. I wanted to reach over and slap fire from his ass. How could he sleep through this shit?

  “Please Hassan! Don’t tell Rah on me.”

  “Aja, get your ass out of that bed and go get my fucking nephew! I love you sis, but you’re dead ass wrong. I never took you for being the ratchet type.”

  Hassan left the room and snatched Niyah with so much force. I could actually hear them arguing and tussling. Hassan had really hurt my feelings. I was far from ratchet. In my heart, I knew that Hassan didn’t mean what he said. He was just mad at me for what I did. In twenty-four hours, my marriage ended, I fucked Marlo and liked it. Fuck my life. I walked out of the house and prayed Hassan didn’t tell Rah on my thot ass.

  Chapter 6- Rahmeek

  For as long as I live, Aja will always be number one in my life. However, I can’t deal with her blatant disrespect for me and herself. I know that I should be the last one to talk about respect. I take ownership of my fuck-ups. Aja doesn’t. Kissing that nigga in front of everyone has me wanting to put a bullet in her head. That nigga knew exactly what he was doing. I saw the smirk on his face as I walked out of the house. I love Niyah with all my heart, but her brother is a dead man if he thinks that he will ever disrespect me again and live to tell about it.

  Despite stepping back from the drug game, I’m still the same nigga that shoots first and ask no questions. I don’t give a fuck what Aja says; she is my wife and will be until the day I die. I know that she is mad at me, but it’s been six months since that Carmen fiasco. How fucking long is she going to walk around mad at me? I miss being at the crib with my wife and kids. I wonder if she is really done. Despite her hesitation to answer my question, Aja’s eyes tell her soul. I know that she still loves me; I just hurt her too much. I really appreciate her taking Brooklyn in. Lord knows I needed the help. The club has been taking up all of my time. We only have one week until the grand opening. Hassan, Markese, and I have invested so much fucking money into this club everything has to be on point. Everything is in place all we have to do is open. We’re about to take the Chicago nightlife by storm.


  It’s my weekend with the kids and Aja should be here any minute. Since we pissed my mother off, she refuses to do our talking for us. I was taking out the garbage when I saw her car pulled up to the front of the house. I watched as she got out wearing some tight ass pants that made my dick get hard instantly. I couldn’t help but look at her ass. Why she got to be so fucking sexy? I thought to myself. Aja is beautiful inside and out. My actions turned her ugly. I slowly walked up to greet her and the kids. As I approached the car, I noticed her trying not to look at me or pay me any attention. My dick was getting harder just looking at her.

  Lil Rah reached his hands up for me to get him out of the car seat.

  “Calm down, Lil Rah. I’ll get you out in a damn minute.” Aja said in frustration as she spoke Brooklyn started to get agitated in her car seat and started to whine and reach for me as well.

  “Y’all can stop all that damn crying. Before we got here, you were cool.” She started to unbuckle the straps on their car seats.

  “Why the fuck are you cursing at them like that?”

  “Shut up talking to me.”

  “You shut the fuck up and stop talking to them like that. I know you’re mad at me, but don’t take it out on my motherfucking kids.”

  I reached inside and grabbed Lil Rah and she grabbed Brooklyn. We both walked to the front door, Aja was behind me. Once we got inside I sat Lil Rah on the couch and turned around to grab Brooklyn. That’s when I noticed Aja had tears falling from my eyes.

  “What the fuck you crying for?” Aja tried to hurry up and run out the door, but I ran after her.

  “Please, Rahmeek, let me go! I have to get out of here.” She was squirming and fighting trying to get away from me.

  “If you’re crying because of me, all I can say is that I’m sorry for everything I’ve put you through.” I’ve seen Aja cry before, but these tears were different. This shit was hurting me because no matter what, this shit is my fault.

  “It’s not fair. This is not supposed to be our life. I can’t believe these kids are living house to fucking house because we can’t get our shit together. What happened to us, Rahmeek? I’m so mad that I’m taking my frustration out on the kids. Look at us; we can’t even be in the same room without arguing or fighting.”

  “Baby, I don’t want to fight anymore. Please stay here and let me make it up to you. I can’t sleep at night because you’re not beside me.” I pulled Aja into my embrace and held on to her tightly.

  “I don’t want to fight either, but I can’t be with you if you’re going to keep cheating on me. That shit is so embarrassing. I’m tired of all this madness going on in my marriage. All I want is to grow old with you and have a prosperous life. I have to know that I’m all you need and want. If I’m not enough for you, let’s sign the papers and be done with this shit.”

  “You’re all I want and need, Aja. Just give me a chance, Ma. I need my family back.” I leaned in and kissed Aja and she grabbed my face and kissed me long and hard.

  “I love you so much, Rah.” Aja said in between kisses.

  “I love you too.”

  “Thank God, ya’ll made up. Give me my grandkids. I’ll take them over to my house with me. Both of you need some alone time with each other.” We both looked up at my mother and laughed.

  The tension between us was still thick after my mother left with the kids. Aja was still sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone. I grabbed a bottle of Remy from the fridge and poured both of us a drink.

  “You want to go out and grab something to eat?” I handed her the drink and sat next to her on the couch.

  “Yeah. I’m down with that. Where are you taking me?”

  “I was thinking we could go to the club and have the chef hook us up some dinner.”

  “The club isn’t open yet. How are you going to do that?”

  “I’m the boss.” I kissed her on the cheek and we headed out of the door.

  I called the chef into the club and told him what I wanted him to make for Aja. In the meantime, I showed her around the club. I could tell she wasn’t feeling the stripper floor, but I tried my best to assure her she had nothing to worry about.

  “I’m so proud of ya’ll. This club is going to be off the chain. I think I need to come and show these niggas my skills on that pole.” Aja did a little twerk as she swung around the pole.

  “Don’t get fucked up.”

  I pulled her close to me and lifted her onto the office in my desk. Our tongues danced and I pulled down her pants. I was glad she didn’t have on any panties underneath. Her neatly shaved pussy looked delicious to me. I had to get a taste of her sweet nectar. I pushed her back on the desk and dived in tongue first. I took my time licking each and every inch of her pussy. I inserted my entire tongue in her pussy and began to make love to her with it.

  Aja came in my mouth. I immediately turned her around and bent her over the desk. I dropped my pants and my boxers and entered her without hesitation. I pounded her pussy with no mercy. I was all up in her guts, damn near touching her soul.

  “Aaaargh!” Damn Rahmeek! I watched as Aja grabbed the sides of the desk.

  “You fucked that nigga, huh?” I pounded in and out of harder and smacked her ass at the same time. I was about to punish her for giving that nigga something that belongs to me.

  “What?” she asked sounding dumbfounded. I knew that she was fully aware of what I had just said.

  “Yeah, I heard you fucked that nigga.” I grabbed her hair and wrapped it around my hands. I wanted her to feel some pain and the pleasure. I brought my face down close to her so t
hat my mouth was close to her ear.

  “Make that your last fucking time. Let me find out y’all on some bullshit. Both of y’all gone feel my heat.”

  I continued to fuck her until I let all my seeds loose inside of her. Once we were finished, we got dressed in silence. I could tell she was scared to look at me.

  “I know you think I’m mad about you fucking dude, but I’m not. I have no right to be. We weren’t together. We’re even. I don’t want to hear anything about him or any other nigga.”

  “I better not find out you fucking no bitches either. I’m whooping her ass and I’m going to shoot the shit out of you. So, don’t fuck with me, Rahmeek.”

  I looked in her eyes and saw how serious she was. Aja had nothing to worry about. I was done fucking other bitches. That shit was nothing but a fucking headache.

  I knew that we were going to be fine. I could trust her. On the other hand, I knew I had to watch that nigga Marlo like a hawk. I had a strong feeling he was going to make me dust off my Desert Eagles.

  Chapter 7- Trish

  Lord knows I love Markese, but I think this nigga builds me up to bring me down. This nigga had me thinking that he had a change of heart about our son’s paternity when all along he had swabbed his mouth. He is so damn smart that he’s dumb. Why would he use our address on the application? He received a letter in the mail informing him that their office had been broken into and his test was one of the files that were stolen, but we have nothing to worry about.

  I should have known better than to believe that he went from being doubtful to a hundred percent sure in a matter of hours. I have been the best wife that I could be to him, but I don’t know how much more I can deal with. It hurts me to my heart to even think he was that doubtful that he would swab our son’s mouth. I don’t give a fuck if Gabriella and Juan do look like him. I bet his ass didn’t swab their mouths and that shit hurts me even more. I love Markese so much. I love that nigga more than I love myself. That’s a problem. I’ve been giving Markese all of me since I was fourteen and right now I’m feeling like love isn’t enough to keep me in this marriage. The lies and deceit are too much for me.

  I just killed a pint of Remy. He better hope I’ve calmed down before he makes it in this house. I made sure to call Aja and Momma Gail and tell them what he did. I made them promise not to say anything. I wanted to curse his ass out first. Since my kidnapping, I have been having nightmares about being raped by that psycho Mont. I’m glad I know his bitch ass is definitely dead this time. Now all I have to do is kill Carmen. I still have a knot in the back of my head from that bitch hitting me with that gun.

  Besides finding out about Markese’s latest act of disloyalty, we have been doing good. My shop is constantly expanding. Markese is opening the club soon. The kids are getting big and are healthy. People on the outside would swear we had the picture perfect life. At times, I believe we do have the picture perfect life, but then he pulls a stunt like this. I’m sick and fucking tired of putting on a show with his lying ass.

  About an hour later, he pulled into the driveway and I couldn’t wait for him to walk in the door.

  “I’m going to ask you this once and one time only. If you lie, I’m knocking the shit out of you.” I said as I got up in his face.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “Did you have a paternity test done on Lil Markese?”

  “Man, hell naw, you tripping, Trish.” I knew his ass was lying so I punched his ass right in the mouth and his shit started to bleed.

  “You lying motherfucker!” I threw the papers at his ass. I watched as he stood there and read them. He was cold busted and he knew it.

  “I’m sorry. I just had to know.”

  “I understand that, Markese, but why would you do it behind my back. That shit was so foul.”

  I walked over to him and mushed his ass upside the head.

  “I know you’re mad, but you better not put your fucking hands on me again.”

  We were in each other’s face staring one another down.

  “Or what? You gon’ beat the shit out me? You might as well get ready because we gon’ rumble in this bitch.”

  “Let me get the fuck out of here.”

  He grabbed his car keys and tried to walk out of the door. I stood in his way and blocked him from leaving.

  “Your ass ain’t going nowhere. I’m not done talking about this shit.”

  “The shit is over and done with. I’m done talking. Now get the fuck out my way.”

  He tried to lift me up and move me. I went crazy and just started swinging on his ass like a mad woman. He slapped me so fucking hard that I flew over the damn couch. He tore the papers up and walked out of the house. I just laid on the floor I didn’t even have it in me to cry anymore. I was officially tired of his ass. I got off of the floor and went upstairs to fix myself up. My face was red and swollen. The kids were with Gail so, I decided to go out to the bar and have a drink. That slap wasn’t about to faze me. All I do is work and sit in this fucking house with these damn kids. I need to go out and kick it and see what’s to this nightlife. The nights of me being home alone and crying myself to sleep are fucking over.


  I decided to go to Lalo’s since it was a bar and grill. I was hungry as hell, plus the margaritas will have a bitch on the moon. Since it was a Saturday night, I knew that it was about to be jumping because they played house music. It’s always packed on the weekends. I ordered the steak taco platter and a strawberry margarita. I made sure to tell the waitress to keep the margaritas coming. Once I ate my food and drunk my first margarita I had to go to the washroom. As I got up from my seat, I bumped into the finest Puerto Rican papi I had ever seen.

  “I’m sorry beautiful.’’

  “It’s cool. It actually was my fault.”

  I couldn’t help, but to take in his features. He had thick black hair that was braided in two braids down his back. His face looked smooth. His lips were so damn pink and juicy. His attire was casual and real classy. He carried himself with so much confidence. I had to hurry up and walk past him. I was tipsy and the way my pussy was feeling right now, he could definitely get it tonight. I proceeded to the bathroom and handled my business. Once I exited, he was standing outside the door.

  “Are you stalking me?”

  “Actually I am. I didn’t get your name and number?”

  “That’s because I wasn’t giving it. As you can see, I’m married.” I lifted my finger up and flashed my rock at his ass.

  “Where’d your nigga get that from, a Cracker Jack box?”

  “You tried it.” I couldn’t believe this nigga was trying to talk about my ring.

  “I’m just fucking with you, Ma. You’re a beautiful black woman and I would love to spend some time with you.” He held my hand the entire time he was talking to me.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t cheat on my husband.”

  “I’m not asking you to cheat on your husband. I’m asking for your name and number. Anything beyond that will be your call.”

  This nigga was talking real slick and I was loving it. His thick Puerto Rican accent was sexy as hell. He stroked the side of my face as he spoke to me.

  “What’s your name beautiful? I’m Yasir.”

  “I’m Trish. Nice to meet you, Yasir.”

  “So, what up with that number?”

  “How about you give me your number and I’ll call you when I get a chance.”

  “Deal but don’t have me waiting long.”

  Yasir took my phone out of my hand and entered his number. I watched him as he walked back to where his friends were. I went back to my table and drank another margarita. I was wasted and it was time for me to head home. Yasir eye balled fucked me all night and if I didn’t leave soon, I was going to be calling that nigga papi by morning.

  Chapter 8-Carmen

  My life has been on a downward spiral since that bitch Trish found out about my kids. Gabriella and Juan were a secret for s
o long. Back then, I wanted her to find out so bad. Now I wish she never found out about us. All I want is my family back.

  Life was so much easier when I had my kids, my father, and Markese. My biggest regret was killing my father. All he ever did was love me and give me the world. In return, I blamed him for my weaknesses I had for a nigga. I wish I could take it all back. When I was lying in that casket, there were two things running through my head. I repented over and over again for my sins. If I made it out alive, I thought about the many ways that I would kill Trish.

  I had my strategy all planned all out. Unfortunately, my mother, Lupe Rodriquez, had other plans. Once she heard of Juan’s death, she put me under surveillance. I never knew that she had her right hand man Chico following me. Thank God he was. As soon as Chico and his men retrieved me from the grave, I was taken to Mexico. It had been years since I had seen my mother. Lupe was all I had left.

  The plane ride was long as hell. I couldn’t wait to make it to my mother’s house. I wanted to hug her and tell her how much I missed her. However, that was not what I would be able do. As I walked through the door of her compound, I looked around at all of the massive structures. The ceilings were high and had a mural of her on the wall. I looked around and noticed armed men everywhere. I stood in the foyer scared to move. Minutes later, Lupe emerged looking like the drug czar she was. She walked right past me and into the sitting room. She sat down and gestured for me to sit next to her. I sat across from her. There was something about her cold stare and her demeanor that frightened me.

  “As I sit here and look at you all I can see is disappointment.” I could barely understand her because of her Spanish accent.

  “Mother, I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about.”

  “You are your father’s child. You’re weak just like him. I can’t believe you let a common thug destroy your life and everything you have worked for.” She stood up from the couch and she poured a shot of tequila.


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