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Beg for Me

Page 13

by Natalie Anderson

  She felt sick with jealousy. And latent desire. But she wasn’t doing it to herself. She was staying far, far away from him now. She could never compete.

  Suddenly a loud moan was cut off part-way through. The room fell silent.

  Was the clip buffering? Her blood turned to ice.

  Please let the clip be buffering.

  But she peeked through her fingers in time to see a large, male hand lifting away from the mouse.

  Oh dear heaven, Logan was here? She’d been so caught up listening to those women she hadn’t heard him come home. And she hadn’t seen him arrive because she’d plastered her hands to her eyes.

  Min screwed her eyes shut tight again and kept her hands over them.

  He’d caught her watching his sex clip. Could she die please, right now? Because this mortification was too horrible. She burned.

  Hot and cold and miserable she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.

  “Not that entertaining is it?” he said shortly.

  She’d never been so embarrassed in her life. And she certainly couldn’t speak. For once it wasn’t her fear of stuttering holding her back. It was that she didn’t know what to say. Did she begin with an apology? She really owed him an apology.

  “I keep hoping it’ll self-destruct in ten seconds.” He wryly added. “Needless to say, it never does. Now its up there for all eternity.”

  These days it was the woman who got all the ‘good’ press from the sex tape. Catapulting her into celeb-dom. But it had backfired on these two beauties. Because all the talk had been about Logan. And she knew why. He was good-looking. Clearly an amazing lover. And his body? She’d never seen one like it. Not too built—but muscular, lean, strong. And the sheer stamina? The self-control? The co-ordination?

  What with the trust fund and mega bucks added to that, he could have any woman he wanted anytime. And no doubt he did.

  Slowly Min turned on his office chair and faced him. She kept her frozen hands on her frying up cheeks and looked at him.

  Holy crapola. He didn’t look dissimilar from the video now. He must have run home from the waterpolo game because he was in shorts and sneakers—and nothing else. Why the hell was he bare chested?

  And despite the snow and cold outside, sweat cast a sheen over his skin.

  “Oscar worthy orgasms, weren’t they?” he said.

  “You think they were acting?” Min was stunned.

  He laughed but it sounded bitter. “I think a lot of it was for the show.”

  “You staged it?”

  “No,” he growled. “Their reactions. They were just playing up for their own little camera collection.”

  “Are you saying you feel insecure about your p-performance?” she gaped.

  “I know they had a good time.” He angled his head, lancing her with his iced-up gaze. “Did you have a good time watching it?”

  Min opened her mouth and closed it again. She didn’t know how to answer that.

  “Does watching it make you want me?” he asked roughly. “You wouldn’t be the first. I’ve had plenty of offers since that went online.”

  She bet he had. And she couldn’t blame him for challenging her now. Her heart thudded like a machine gun firing.

  “I’m s-s-s-sorry,” she muttered in a low voice.

  His gaze didn’t waver from hers and she couldn’t look away from him.

  Heat washed over her again. Not mortification this time. The thing was she did want him. She was hot and wet. She’d never watched a porn clip in her life until this moment. Real people having real sex. Logan. And even though she’d hated it, she’d wanted it to be her he was touching.

  “So am I,” he said roughly. “I don’t want to be someone’s trophy.”

  His answer surprised her. And forced her into absolute honesty. She closed her eyes. “I thought it would put me off you,” she whispered. “I thought I wouldn’t want you anymore if I watched it.”

  She swallowed. Waiting for his no doubt frigid reply. Hating herself for being such a damn bitch.

  Logan was furious. He’d heard the horribly familiar soundtrack as soon as he’d closed the front door. He’d been hot and wet from running back from Roc’s hotel in the light rain. He’d stripped off his sodden tee and swiftly stepped into the office, ready to roar.

  Only he’d seen her flushed and hiding her face. His anger eased as he took in her embarrassment.

  And now? With what she’d just admitted? The undeniable heat in her eyes?

  All he wanted right now was to see her submit to it—this tension between them. See her cave, see that edge in her eyes soften to sensual gratitude.

  Yeah, he wanted to get his hands on her. Wanted to unravel her hair and wrap it around his wrists and tug so she was close and couldn’t escape. He wanted to drive deep into her over and over until she couldn’t speak, couldn’t see through the passion glazing her eyes, couldn’t remember anything of what she’d seen in the last five minutes. He wanted to kiss her so much her mouth would be left swollen for hours.

  Damn it, he just wanted to fuck her harder than she’d ever been fucked in her life. Make her come and come and come. Scream so hard and so good she’d never, ever forget it.

  Never have better.

  Oh yeah, he was an arrogant bastard.

  “So it didn’t work out that way for you?” Satisfaction poured through his body.

  For this one moment he was glad of the stupid sex clip. The effect it had on Min?

  He dropped to his knees. Her eyes widened, the color in her cheeks deepened. Without another word he put his hands on her knees. He didn’t take his eyes from hers as he pressed his palms firmly on her skin.

  “You w-wouldn’t,” she gasped. Then clamped her mouth shut.

  “One word from you and I won’t.”

  He waited, looking up at her. But she was silent.

  So he spoke again. “Another word from you and I will. All the way.”

  He felt the tremor run through her. But she was still silent.

  His own body burned. “No word at all, and I’ll go only so far.”

  How far?

  He saw the question in her eyes. Damn provocative woman wanted to have her cake and eat it too? Wanted him but didn’t want to admit it? He was so making her beg.


  He barely had to push and her knees parted.


  Pleasure washed over him in such a powerful wave he almost felt dizzy. Her legs weren’t the only things to have parted. Her lips had too. But no sound emerged. No denial. No rejection. But no plea either.

  He saw the pink tip of her tongue quickly slide over her lower lip. Then she closed her mouth again. Her green gaze was glued to his.

  “I’m not going to kiss you,” he said. “I’m going to lick you.” He leaned in closer. “I’m going to suck you off.”

  But not quite how she expected. And he was sure he’d soon be doing everything.

  Her lashes fluttered as her gaze skittered down him. She quivered. That close, huh?

  His skin burned as if she was touching it with her fingertips, or her tongue. But it was only that heated, intense focus.

  It was obvious she liked what she saw.

  His skin tightened as his muscles bunched, energy—need—surged in his veins.

  It had been so long. But he wasn’t racing this. He wasn’t screwing it up. This was still a game. A long, slow, delicious one.

  He grasped the hem of her long black skirt in his fists, bunching the material, slowly pushing it higher, exposing the smooth skin of her beautiful, long shapely legs.

  She wasn’t lily white, not tanned either. She was more a rich creamy color. Want twisted his gut and he had to remember to breathe. He wanted a taste so badly.

  But he wasn’t playing this the way she expected. He wasn’t giving her everything she wanted. Not yet.

  He gathered the skirt into a bunch, pushing it to sit in a swathe at the very top of her thighs. So her legs were bared, par
ted. His cock jerked as he looked at the strip of white material covering her sex.

  Down boy.

  Min gazed at Logan kneeling between her legs. The reality was so much better than the brief fantasy she’d had earlier. On his knees before her? Desire rampaged, sending her scruples to the outer edge of the universe. His fingers skated up the inside of her thighs, swirling up and down in a teasing pattern, inching closer, then back again. All she could think was that she was so freaking glad she was wearing a skirt.

  She’d just have this. Just take this. A quick, quiet come.

  Why shouldn’t she enjoy herself? If she was going to be stuck beside him for the next few days, she might as well get something out of it. And she already knew how good it was going to be. Why not take something for herself, something as simple as pleasure? It wasn’t like she was going to fall in love with him or anything. She might as well maximise the benefits of this mad arrangement. Oh yeah, she could so justify this.

  Who was she kidding, she’d been his the moment she’d seen him standing there in nothing but those long shorts, his hair and skin damp from sweat and rain.

  And now?

  She watched as he leaned closer. She felt the warmth of his breath as he bent, letting his tongue follow the same tantalizing pattern as his fingers.

  Ohhhh... kaaaay.

  She shifted a little in her seat. He reached up and grabbed her hips, pulled her butt to the very edge of the chair. She leaned back and let him. Gripped the armrests for all she was worth.

  Because those tantalizing touches... licks... were working their way higher. She bit her lip as he worked slowly up.

  Yeah. She wanted him there. To strip away that remaining covering and touch her where she was already wet. To suck her like he’d promised. She tensed, anticipating it, on a knife-edge. Desire ratcheted super-quick. Closer, then retreat. Closer again. Another retreat.

  Min circled her hips in impatience. Heard his light chuckle. He’d better not stop—

  At that moment he brushed both thumbs across the front of her panties. A firm swipe right over her core and outwards.

  She jerked in the chair. Delighted but frustrated. She wanted those panties off. She wanted those thumbs rubbing against her skin. Those fingers slipping inside.

  He smiled up at her and she was lost. Those cool-yet-burning ice blue eyes? That fallen angel smile with that cynical twist? What woman could resist? What woman would want to? But she was taking, right? This was within her control.

  As he bent forward and pressed his open mouth to her core, she closed her eyes and arched to meet him.

  Oh sweet mercy.

  She bucked under the heat. Even through the cotton she felt the strength in each lick of his tongue, the tease as his fingers skimmed over her cleft, drawing desire from her. She squirmed, wanting more. So much more.

  His fingers found a rhythm. She rocked, meeting him. Urging him. Her blood ran like quicksilver, burning through her system, carrying desire to every inch. Her skin tingled. She ached for more of the touches. For all of the touches. For him to cover her completely. Naked. Hard. For him to hold her. Take her.

  But she bit back the moan, the plea circling inside her head.

  Suck me, suck me. Fuck me.

  She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t let that out. Couldn’t spoil the moment.

  “You’re hot,” he murmured. “You might be quiet, but you’re hotter than hell.” He nuzzled her again. “And wet.” He groaned. “And you want me.”

  “I w-want an orgasm,” she corrected, finally breaking her silence with a faint whisper.

  “Ah.” He rubbed his thumb harder over her nub. Despite being blinded by her panties, the man knew his way round a woman’s anatomy. “Well, what the lady wants, the lady gets.”

  The lady wanted more. The lady wanted him naked and pumping.

  But she clamped her mouth shut. No sexy pleas from her—the stutter would only worsen the more excited she became.

  That wasn’t happening. She was never having that happen to her again. She bit the inside of her cheek to ensure it.

  A smile twisted his lips. “Minx.” But then he bent to her again.

  She gripped the armrests tightly, trying to release the tension from her body that way. His stubbled jaw rubbed against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs with delicious roughness. Not painfully, but with just enough roughness to make her hyper aware of his masculinity. Of his strength. Her hips bucked uncontrollably, bumping her pelvis against his face. Her butt was clenched so tight her glutes were aching. Orgasm was a lick away. And he knew it.

  “Come then, Ms Jones,” he said.

  He sucked cotton-covered clit into his hot mouth. The wet fabric made the friction slightly harder. So good. So not enough.

  And at the same time he pumped his fingers against the cotton barrier, exactly over her entrance, simulating penetration.

  But there was no damn penetration.

  She couldn’t take it anymore. She needed. Wanted...

  But at that moment, pleasure radiated out in waves, almost a pain, impossible to contain. She jerked. He moved swiftly, clamping his other hand under her butt to hold her up to him. Not letting her pull back—making her take the twin onslaught of his mouth and fingers.

  She twisted up, instinctively drawing her knees in together, only his big body blocked them. She clenched every muscle so, so tight as unbearable pleasure shuddered through her. A torrent of sensation. Again, again, again.

  She gritted her teeth, holding it all in. That sheer bliss.

  But as the ecstasy subsided, an emptiness remained.

  She’d never had such a prolonged orgasm. Never peaked so quickly. And she’d never been left feeling so unsatisfied. She clenched hard on her inner muscles. That vacancy unfulfilled. She’d wanted him inside her—part of him. Fingers, tongue, cock. Any would have done. The orgasm was fantastic, but only an appetizer. She wanted the main course. And dessert.

  Not going to happen.

  Her jaw ached from the intensity with which she’d bitten down to hold back her sounds. Her body chilled.

  He sat back on his heels, giving her the little bit of space she needed to pull her scattered wits together.

  She brushed her skirt down and drew in a deep breath, not daring to look at him. How the hell was she going to handle him now? She couldn’t. Maybe she’d just take a second and pretend it hadn’t happened.

  “What else do we have to d-d-do tonight?” She couldn’t look at him.

  But she heard his little laugh.

  “This is the way you’re going to play it?”

  “What other way is there?” She glanced back and smiled at him sweetly, because that hint of disbelief in his tone had given her a shot of confidence. Vixen confidence. She had taken on temptation and survived. Maybe she could handle him. This way. “I’m satisfied. Isn’t that what you wanted?” She let her glance graze the erection tenting his shorts.

  He didn’t try to hide it. He stood and his hands on his hips only served to accentuate the strained material. He chuckled, a deep sound of masculine appreciation. “I quite like you.”

  “That’s nice,” she answered as blandly as she could, which was slightly problematic given she was still panting. “Given I’m your fiancée I suppose its fortunate.” She drew in another shaky breath. “But I thought you weren’t going to k-k-kiss me until I asked you to.”

  “It wasn’t a kiss on the mouth…” he pointed out. But at her knife-sharp glance he merely shrugged. “Clearly I can’t be trusted.”

  Chills feathered over her heated skin. Good point. A guy like Logan couldn’t be trusted. This was just sex for him, nothing but fun. He definitely was not the kind of guy who could restrain his impulses. Soon enough he’d have an impulse to kiss some other woman. He’d already admitted he’d cheated once. And look at her mother’s ex-husbands. Two of the three had cheated and they were like Logan, wealthy and spoiled and used to having anything and anyone they wanted. Well that was okay.
Because Min wasn’t marrying Logan. There was zip commitment here. And she wasn’t sleeping with him either.

  “What are you thinking?” He remained right beside her, watching her. “You’re very quiet.”

  “Nothing.” She spared him a quick glance.

  His lips tightened. “Not big on expressing your emotions are you?”

  “Not true. You know when I’m angry.” She couldn’t stand being so near him any longer. Pushing her chair out, she stood and walked through to the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

  He followed and poured her a glass of water handing it to her without a word. She unashamedly drank the entire glass in one long swallow.

  “You looked like you needed it,” he said, looking even more pleased.

  He thought he’d won. In truth, he had won. The smug satisfaction annoyed her. But she could play this like the game he thought it was, right?

  So she shrugged, like it had all been nothing. “Look,” she set her glass on the steel counter. “You can make me c-c-come all you want. I don’t mind.” She really didn’t. “But don’t go thinking there’ll be anything else happening. You’re not g-getting inside me.”

  “You don’t mind?” His eyebrows shot to his hairline and he gave a shout of laughter. But he walked forward, so she was stuck between him and the kitchen counter. His arms were a cage. “So you’re willing to let me arouse you? Tease you? Taste you?”

  “Sure.” She swallowed. “But I’m not having sex with you.”

  “Isn’t what we just did a type of sex?” His eyes widened. “Why that boundary?”

  “You have it too easy,” she said, trying to look bored, like she was so not bothered by his bare chest. “We originally agreed on six months celibacy.”

  “Okaaaay.” He sounded amused. “So how do we define celibacy?”

  “No p-penetrative sex.” She blinked up at him. “Don’t you think?”

  “So that’s it? Anything else is ok? Oral sex? What about my tongue, my fingers? Sex toys?”

  She stifled her squirm and made herself swallow to ease the dryness in her mouth and throat that had returned in that flash of heat. Aroused again in a heartbeat. But maybe this was the perfect idea. “No to toys I think.”


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