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Valaisha Defenders_An Incredible Fantasy

Page 3

by Lara Rose Lee

  My mother smiled back and did something on the device when on the screen, I saw a man all smiles and holding a toddler.

  I stood up and walked closer, then turned facing my mom. “Daddy?” I asked her and saw her nod. I turned back to the screen and stood there watching my dad as he played with me on his knee.

  “One day my sweet girl, you will rule your own kingdom.” He was saying then he hugged me, “Just not too soon.” Tears began to roll down my cheek slowly. “I love you my little Rayana.” A young woman walked into frame, my mother. Then my father stood and placed his arm around my mother while holding me; my mother leaned towards me kissed my cheek, then looked up lovingly at my father as he bent down and kissed my mom.

  I could see the love flow through them as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Little me kept reaching towards them both, and they both looked back at me and laughed.

  “We were so happy,” I said.

  I felt my mother’s arms wrap around me as she came up. “We were very happy.” Her voice full of emotion.

  “Thank you for this gift mom.” Then I noticed the scene changed and there I was walking and a young boy was there watching my every move. Galen, as a young boy.

  My dad was there watching and smiling at us, and I picked up a toy… the same toy I picked up from the window seat compartment, in the room that day with Galen. Then on the screen, little me see Galen, and I ran towards him, as he reached his young arms out and caught me in his arms and a bright white flash of light shown around us.

  I looked over at my mother, and she nodded at me knowing what I was thinking. The light was around us, and we glowed, it didn’t seem to ease up until we were apart.

  “No wonder you knew who we were,” I whispered.

  “Yes, and we didn’t see any glow or light until we watched this and saw the photos.”

  In the video, I noticed how Galen kept me close and watched me as I did him. The bond was strong even then. In the video, I kept hugging that particular toy as if it was my favorite. Subconsciously when I picked it up that day, it must have been because my subconscious knew it was my favorite.

  “Galen gave you that toy, and you never let it out of your site.” My mom seemed to have read my thoughts. “I am sorry I forgot it when we left. We had to leave in a hurry. Your father made sure we had plenty of Earth money so we wouldn’t have to struggle.”

  “But you owned and worked the diner!” I said, and she turned away from the screen to look at me.

  “That was only for appearance sake. I didn’t have to work. The house was paid for in full, and there was always food to eat. We are royalty; your father took care of us, he loved us deeply.”

  I watched more of the video, and this time it was my father on a great tayren and had me on with him in front. He wasn’t in flight just standing there and smiling as I was acting like I was flying and laughing. My mother was also sitting on a tayren and laughing with me.

  My father then hugged me against him and kissed the top of my head. I looked a year or two older in this video.

  “Not long after this day, was when we had to hide. The threat came a few days after this was taken. This was the last video taken of us.” The video showed my father and mother taking off in flight, and the camera followed them in flight. My father too was an avid flyer. Then the video went dark and just as my mother was about to turn it off my Father looking older, came back on the screen and we froze.

  “This is a message for my darling wife Shannon and my beautiful daughter Rayana. If you are watching this, then I am dead. I want you both to know I have died with you both in my thoughts, prayers and my heart. Shannon, you are the love of my life, and I am a very blessed man to have had you as my beloved wife.

  I am a blessed man for you giving me such a beautiful daughter. And Rayana, my daughter, I wish I had gotten the chance to watch you grow into the beautiful woman I know you are today. I missed so much of your growing up, but I want you to know how very proud I am of you.

  Please never blame your mother for her telling you I was dead years ago. That was all my idea to protect you. I had to do all I could to keep you safe, and we didn’t need you questioning as to my whereabouts. I know my time is short and it is only a matter of time that someone will come and assassinate me, I been receiving death threats against my life. As for now, Galen is here with me as he needed to feel close to you Rayana, this young man loves you, I promise you I will keep him safe. So far no one knows who he is and I am glad for that.

  For you Shannon, my love, I need you to know, move on. I want you to be happy, and I want you to find love again and move on. Only never forget me. I will always love you till my dying breath. I must go now before someone discovers me recording this. Please be happy, both of you and always know I love you forever.” The video ended, and my mother and I turned to each other, hugging and crying on each other’s shoulder.

  It was so emotional for us. It answered many of my questions I never got around to ask.

  “Are you two alright?” We heard a man ask through the doorway. As I blinked to clear the tears from my eyes I heard my mother, “Bryden,” She said with deep emotion in her voice.

  He came in and offered her a hanky from his pocket. “What’s wrong? Why all the tears?” He asked confused.

  “My father had left us a message.” I was the one who answered. “My mother wanted to show me a video of us when I was little, my father recorded a message at the end of it, somehow knowing he was going to die.” My voice was thick with emotion.

  “I am sorry.” He said as he placed his arms around us both to bring us comfort. I slowly pulled away and tried to keep my mother in Bryden’s arms. For me, it was confirmation from my father that these two should be together when he told my mother to move on. I excused myself to go to the bathroom and left them alone for now.

  I looked back from the door and saw Bryden kiss the top of my mother’s head; then I walked out. I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face and worked to compose myself. Once I felt more like myself, I walked back to the theater room, and my mom and Bryden were still there, now sitting down in the front seats and talking. My mom was even dabbing at her eyes, but a little more composed.

  It was a very emotional time for us, that video was such a surprise to us both. I now know my dad truly loved us.

  Back at Kaihu I was still feeling emotional and had to explain to poor Galen as he came in from his duties out and about. I was sitting there in my favorite chair looking dazed in deep emotional thought as he walked in.

  “Rayna, what is wrong,” he said as he rushed over to me and knelt before me.

  I looked over at him trying not to cry. I took a deep breath. “My mother was showing me some videos of us so that I could see my father.” I swallowed and continued,

  “At the end and before she could shut it off, my father had recorded us a private message. He spoke to my mother and told her to move on and not forget him. He told her he wants her to find love again. He also told me how much you love me and how you were there with him at that time. He told me he was proud of me.” My eyes teared up again, and suddenly I was in Galen’s arms.

  We stayed there, and he just let me cry when I was all spent and tired he gently lifted me from the chair and carried me to our room and on our bed. He laid himself down next to me and just held me. “I am sorry I wasn’t there for you.” He said softly. “How is your mother holding up?”

  I sniffled and answered sleepily, “Bryden is there with her. After she and I cried together, he came in. I excused myself as they were talking and left. I teleported and left Selest there.” I wrapped my arms around him. “My mother is a strong woman. I admire her for that.”

  “You don’t give yourself much credit Rayna; you are a strong woman too. I have seen it numerous times.” He squeezed me tighter. “It does not make you a weak person to cry. You have finally gotten to know your father, and now you are beginning to grieve. You have never gone through a grieving period. I kn
ow Love, I was there.”

  I looked at him and knew he was right. “No wonder I love you so. You always say the right words I need to hear.”

  “I love you too.” He said as he kissed me passionately, then went back to holding me tight and caressing my back and kissing my forehead. It was so soothing that I drifted to sleep.

  When I woke, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers next to me with a note. I sat up and picked up the letter and read its words.

  My sleeping beauty. I had one last Royal business I couldn’t get out of. I promise to hurry so I can be home with you as soon as I am able. Don’t ever think it is a weakness to cry for what is lost if anything it makes you stronger. I love you and will be home soon to be back in your arms. These flowers are for you, and I have to say they pale next to your beauty. See you soon,

  Yours forever, Galen

  I picked up the bouquet and smelled the flowers and smiled. They smell wonderful. I got up to find something to put them in and found a lovely pottery vase. I went to the bathroom filled it with water and placed the flowers inside.

  I then set them on my side table near the bed, so I would wake up and see them each morning. I then took my shoes off and laid back down enjoying the view and smell of my flowers. I must have fallen back to sleep because I was awakened gently with feather kisses and it brought a smile to my face.

  “I love you,” he whispered in my ear, and I sighed and turned to look at him. He was laying there gazing at me with such love; it made my heart swell. I reached over and lovingly caressed his face. He grabbed my hand and kissed it then leaned over and kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. I then pressed my body up against him wanting him wholly. His kiss then deepened to a greater passion, and I surrendered that moment to his love.

  I woke the next morning and realized because of how emotional I felt last evening; I had missed dinner. I woke famished now, and thanks to my wonderful husband were feeling better. I stretched and smiled at the remembrance of our sweet night. I sat up just as Galen walked in carrying a tray of food and of course the one drink we brought back from Earth, coffee. I smiled and welcomed him as he set the trey on the bed between us and to share breakfast together. He was the best.

  “You are looking much better this morning.” He said kissing my forehead.

  “Mmm, who wouldn’t after a sweet night,” I said picking up my cup of coffee and looking at him over the brim.

  He smiled a beautiful smile. “I am glad you are feeling better now.”

  “I am. Especially now with breakfast,” I said taking a bite of the breakfast he brought. I am still getting used to the food here and trying to learn what it is and how to pronounce it. All in all, the taste is great. “This is good, thank you, for being so thoughtful.”

  “You had a rough and emotional day yesterday. You deserve it.”

  I lifted the trey and moved it away, so I could lean over to give him a proper morning kiss, for being so kind to me. He took me in his arms laid me down and smiled, “A repeat?” He said as he bent down his lips covering mine.

  I was sitting later in my study talking with my mother. I needed to know she was doing okay since yesterday.

  “I am glad you are doing alright Rayna. Since yesterday I did have a good cry, and today I vowed it would be a new day and new start in my life. I have to stay strong for the people.”

  “Mom someone had told me recently, just because you cry it does not make you a weak person. It will just make you stronger.”

  My mother smiled, “Who told you that?”

  “Galen said it, last night when I cried. I was telling him how I admired you for being so strong and he reminded me how I take after you more then I thought.”

  “Thank you, Hun, for saying that. And Galen is right; you are a strong young woman. It took strength and courage for you to come and rescue me. It took courage and strength for you to face Lucas and defeat him. Do you get it now? You are a strong woman.”

  “You are right, mother, you are right.” I hadn’t thought much about it like that before. I guess I did have more of my mother’s strength than I thought.

  “So, how is the party planning coming?” I asked my mother as the party is to be held on Valaisha.

  She laughed, “Hey, you are not to concern yourself about that. And it is coming along.”

  I smiled at her, “Alright, I trust you all.” I said meaning it.

  “I set up a time for you and me to hold a broadcast to announce the Tayren races. The people will be excited about having the races to look forward to again. It is a great way to bring the three worlds together.”

  “I agree, mom, this is going to be great. So, when do we broadcast?” I asked her with excitement in my voice.

  “Tomorrow morning, can you teleport over close to 10 am?”

  “I will be there with bells on,” I answered smiling.

  4 Birthday

  The next morning, I was dressed and teleported straight to my mother’s study. I knew I was safe to teleport there instead of in front of many people. I then walked out, and to the room, my mother used for her broadcasts and walked in. My mother was there giving instructions to a few people.

  My mother looked up and saw me and smiled waving me on over. I walked over to her and sat where she indicated on a stool. She then sat on the other seat and signaled ready.

  “Queen Shannon of Valaisha and Queen Rayana of Kaihu here to make a special announcement to all three worlds. Since peace has been restored, we the Royals of Valaisha, Kaihu, and Cainya, decided to revive for anyone to participate in the Tayren races. The first of many will be set and ready to go for Queen Rayana’s birthday as the start of her celebration. So, anyone who wants to participate, on the screen will be the site where you can go to fill out the entry form. With that said we will be seeing you at the races.” My mother and I smiled before the camera shut off.

  “Well, how was that?” My mother asked.

  “My birthday is going to be the beginning? Really?” I got up and hugged my mom.

  “That is why I wanted you here for the announcement. I wanted to surprise you.” She said as she hugged me back.

  “Consider me surprised.”

  “The race is going to kick off your birthday celebration. I know you will want to race in it.”

  “I don’t want special treatment. Will I be able to race incognito?” I asked as we walked out of the room.

  “If that is your wish. We can make sure no one knows you are racing.”

  I quickly hugged my mom again. “Thank you.”

  I woke the day of my birthday all excited. Today I will be having my first race and not as me. I stood in front of a mirror with a black shoulder-length wig and darker eye makeup as a disguise. My mother had given me her old racing outfit, and it fit me perfectly. It looked like a long dress open in front with pants underneath with knee-high boots. The clothes here are so different from Earths, I like them, and they make me feel… well like a princess or queen.

  Pretty ironic considering. The race is scheduled to begin in two hours, and the celebration part will have to wait until after I change back to myself. Studying my reflection, I can’t believe that I look so different. I smiled at my reflection and was pleased. Galen was due to teleport himself after he had a few things to do. He will meet me there.

  I grabbed the case with my dress for the celebration and my tiara and thought of Valaisha and was there in the spare room I will be using to change in after the race. I hung my dress up and took out my shoes and tiara and set my case aside.

  I walked out, and right past servants and no one bowed to me. The disguise worked. When I caught up with my mother, she couldn’t believe how different I looked. She was holding something in her hand and gave it to me.

  “Your helmet for the race.” I smiled and took it from her. It was the same color as the riding outfit of red and gold.

  “Thank you, mom,” I said and hugged her.

  “Are you nervous?” She
asked me as we began to walk.

  “A little,” I answered.

  “That’s normal. As long as you remember what I taught you, you will be fine.” I smiled at my mother.

  “Thank you, mom.” I stopped walking and turned towards her. “For everything.”

  I saw my Selest in a matching saddle and reins as my outfit; my mother had done this before I arrived. I patted my beautiful girl, “How you doing sweet girl, you excited?” She nodded her head up and down as if she understood me and I smiled, “Yeah me too.” I put my helmet on and snapped it in place and mounted my tayren.

  At the starting line, there were at least a hundred other racers to race today. A great turn out. There were flying cameras around to follow and record the race. They had bleachers on the ground around the track for people to watch live, along with video screens, and a particular built tower for the Royals to watch the races.

  The tayrens all knew what this was about and were restless to get going. We were all in hover mode waiting for the starting sound. Once it sounded, we were off. It seems no one knew who I was and I was glad. For the race, I was using my mother’s middle name of Marrie. I was flying as my mother instructed holding back and allowing the others to go at full speed to go ahead of me.

  I reached the halfway mark and gave a little more rein to pick up some speed. Another rider came to close and bumped into Selest and nearly knocked me off balance. I almost dropped my reins and recovered in time. “Not yet Selest,” I said as I kept on going. I was finally nearing the marker my mother told me about and finally dropped my reins and leaned right next to her neck and let her go… I could hear the crowd go wild as we all were nearing the finish line. I heard the buzzing sound of the finish and the announcer saying excitedly “And Marrie on Selest won the race! Followed by Heckly on Leenks in second. Close race people what a great beginning for the races!!”


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