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Bridge of Hope

Page 28

by Lisa J. Hobman

  I finished at five minutes to midnight and announced the time over the PA system, and the excitement in the place ramped up another notch. I had to get to Mallory. It was like swimming upstream against the tide, trying to get through the horde of people telling me what a great night it’d been. But I was on a mission. I wanted to kiss Mallory as the New Year came in.

  Eventually I reached her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her toward the door. Stella announced four minutes to New Year, and with a grin fixed on my face, I tugged my beautiful girl behind me as I forged ahead and pulled her out the door.

  She teetered along on her silver heels and giggled uncontrollably. “Greg! Where are we going? We’re going to miss the countdown.”

  I didn’t answer until we reached the midpoint of the bridge and then I stopped, a little out of breath. “I think we should celebrate here, Mallory,” I told her before taking her face in my hands and kissing her deeply. She melted into me and I could have kissed her there until sunrise, but there were things I wanted to say. I pulled away and gazed into her eyes as an announcement that it was two minutes to midnight could be heard from inside.

  Taking a deep breath, I began to speak. “Mallory… I love you more than anything in this world, do you know that?” She smiled and stroked my cheek. “I love your laugh, I love your body, and I love how you make me feel. I want to feel that way for the rest of my life.” I knew I was rambling but I had to get the words out. Her smile faded and her expression became serious.

  “One minute to midnight!” came the announcement in the background.

  My chest began to heave as the enormity of what I was about to do sank in, but I had never wanted anything or anyone more. “Please, would you make me the happiest man alive? Mallory”—I struggled for the words and finally posed the most important question of my life in Gaelic—“am pos thu mi?”

  Mallory frowned and my heart began to try and makes its escape through my dress shirt. I pulled the little velvet box out of my jacket pocket and held it out.

  She just stared.

  “Ten, nine, eight, seven,” they chanted from the pub.

  Dropping to one knee before her, I held the box aloft and gazed up at her widened eyes which were now glassy with tears. I fought my own emotions, but several tears escaped anyway as I peered up at her. “Mallory, will you marry me?”

  “Four, three, two…”

  Her mouth fell open and she touched her fingertips to her lips. “Oh, Greg. Yes!”

  “Happy New Year!” Loud cheers and whoops came from the pub as people began to spill outside to celebrate.

  Relief and happiness sprinted throughout my body, and when I stood again I felt ten feet tall. I pulled her into my arms and we kissed as people began singing “Auld Lang Syne”.


  Once everyone realised what I’d just done, the joyous crowd made its way over to us and we were engulfed in hugs and congratulations. But the whole time we kept our eyes fixed on each other. The happiness I saw in her made me feel complete. We belonged to each other and now we were going to make it official.

  Stella announced that she had champagne back in the pub, and so eventually everyone wandered back inside.

  Mallory turned to follow them, but I held her back and took her into my arms once again. “I hope you didn’t mind me proposing here on the bridge,” I told her as I tucked a strand of her chocolate-brown hair behind her ear. I kissed her tenderly and stroked her cheek. “I want this to be our place too.”

  A tear escaped her eye but I caught it with my thumb. She smiled up at me. “It is our place. I have more memories of you and me here now. This is our bridge over the Atlantic. It’s our bridge of hope.”

  Wrapping her in my arms once again, I began to lead her back to the pub. “Come on, you’re freezing and I’ve an icy breeze blowing around places I would rather I didn’t have it blowing. Let’s go have champagne before it’s all gone.”

  She smiled. “Champagne… who would have thought it? Didn’t realise Stella stocked it.”

  I cringed as the truth was about to come out. “Erm, she doesn’t usually. I went out with Brad and bought a boot load just in case you said yes. Stella knew all along.”

  “Oh yeah? What if I’d said no?” She dug me in the ribs playfully with her elbow.

  “Don’t joke. I’ve been terrified and wondering if they did sale or return.”


  Josie and Brad decided to stay in the pub that night so that Mallory and I could have the house to ourselves to celebrate our engagement. When we arrived at home I lit the log burner and Mallory let the dogs out before putting them to bed. I grabbed the bottle of champers that I’d hidden by the back door and opened it.

  Handing a glass to my gorgeous girl, I held my glass aloft. “A toast… to my beautiful fiancée, you have made me happy beyond words. I will love you forever.” We clinked our glasses and kissed.

  “May I make a toast too?” I nodded. “To my wonderful husband to be. We’ve had some pretty steep ups and downs, but at least that proves we can handle anything. I hope I can continue to make you as happy as you make me. I love you, Greg.”

  I took her glass and placed it beside mine on the hearth. I wanted to be closer to her. Pulling her into my lap, I reached up and slipped my hand into her hair as I took her mouth with my own in a sensual, luscious kiss. She gazed down at me as I slipped my hand around her back and pulled down the zipper of her silver dress. Once her lace-covered breasts were freed, she pulled me into the soft mounds and I inhaled her scent as her warmth radiated into me. Leaning back, I began to unbutton my shirt under her watchful eyes.

  With a smile I told her, “I have a surprise for you.”

  “Really? Another one? What is it?” she asked with excitement in her eyes.

  “You know how I disappeared with Brad earlier today?”

  She nodded. “To buy the champagne?”

  “No, I already had that. No, I went with Brad into Oban. And I had a little ink done, especially for you.”

  Once my shirt was completely removed, I pulled off the white dressing that was covering my new tattoo.

  When she saw what I’d had done, she gasped and covered her mouth as tears once again welled in her eyes. I’d had an exact copy of her tattoo, but mine was on my chest above the Gaelic script there.

  No words were spoken; her eyes told me everything I needed to know. She loved what I’d had done and so did I. Once all of our clothes were relinquished, we lay back on the rug.

  I needed to be inside her and she grasped at me too. Neither of us could get close enough. We made love quickly and urgently and found our release together. It was magical.

  Sheer bliss.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Seeing as I was desperate to marry Mallory, the wheels were set in motion right away. Alice made yet another last-ditch attempt to “win me back” when she found out about my impending nuptials, but like I told her, giving her a second chance had been stupid, a third would have been plain crazy.

  Mallory was sitting beside me when Alice made her last phone call to me. There were no secrets between us anymore. Only honesty. When I ended the call, I glanced over and she was eyeing me with concern.

  “Was she okay?”

  She had no reason to be concerned about that nasty piece of work, but that’s just Mallory. All bloody heart. “Oh, yeah, she was fine. Faked a few sobs, but she’ll get over it. She has no choice. I am utterly yours, gorgeous.”

  Lowering her eyes she fiddled with the hem of her top. “And are you okay about it all?”

  “Me? Of course I am.” I kissed her in between each word I uttered. “I have never… ever… been… happier… than… I am… now that… I’m… with you.”

  Laying her back on the couch, I tugged her top from her body, delighted to find her braless and she gazed up at me with longing. “I can’t wait to marry you,” I told her as I removed her yoga pants and panties. “And I can’t wait for you to have my name.” Shrugging o
ff my own clothing as quickly as I could, I settled myself between her silky thighs. “You are going to make the most stunning bride a man has ever seen… and you’ll be all mine.”

  She didn’t speak. She just pulled me down on top of her and kissed me deeply. I smoothed my hands up over the inward curves of her waist and further on until I caressed her breasts as she gripped my shoulders. Seeing her lost in pleasure was one of my favourite sights; better than any erotic painting or photograph I’d ever laid eyes on. The way her eyes closed and her back arched made me desperate to take her and so I did. As our bodies connected, a low groan left my chest and a hint of a smile appeared on her lips.

  “I love hearing you like that,” she gasped. “I love that I make you feel good.” Good? Fuck, was that an understatement. “In fact, I just love you. All of you.” Her breathing accelerated and I could feel the pulse in her neck throbbing when I leaned more fully into her. Nothing compared to the feeling of being immersed in her; body and soul. Sex with her was transcendent. It went way beyond any experience I’d ever had, and I loved her so much, I just couldn’t get enough.

  Pulling back, I watched our bodies where we were connected so intimately. I couldn’t believe that it was possible to fall deeper for her each time we made love, but seeing her there beneath me, giving herself to me and holding nothing back, I fell further and further. The way she fit me so perfectly and the way her soft curves moulded against me had me on the verge of tears over and over again. Tingles of sheer pleasure began where we were joined and radiated like a starburst throughout my body. Bending forward once again, I took one tightened nipple into my mouth and sucked it deep. Her cries of ecstasy were my undoing and we both ascended into outer space.


  March 2012

  The divorce between Alice and me was finalised in February and that meant all systems were go. Mallory visited Leeds to go wedding dress shopping with a rather overexcited Josie in tow, and I booked Kilbrandon Church for our service. Everyone who meant anything was invited. Mallory’s adopted family from Canada said they wouldn’t miss it, and Colin from the shop offered to give the bride away.

  The night before the wedding I gave the girls their space and I stayed at the pub. Stella made my favourite meal, her steak pie, and once I’d eaten we sat chatting together.

  She cocked her head to one side and eyed me with a smile. “You know, I think it’s testament to this place that you two got together.”

  “How do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, if you think about it, if she and Sam had looked elsewhere, you may never have met. This is the place you gravitated to after you and your wife split too. I think there may have been a little divine intervention. Don’t you?”

  I smiled but didn’t reply and she took away the dishes. I retired up to my room with Rhiannon to put the finishing touches to the song I’d been writing for Mallory. We were writing our own vows; and of course I wasn’t known for using my own words, but this time it was important that I did.

  Working ’til the early hours, I finally finished the song and lay awake replaying the last year and memories of Mallory over in my mind. The first time I saw her walk into the pub. That same day when she arrived looking like a member of a KISS tribute band. Finding her distraught on the beach. Kissing her for the first time even though it was wrong to do it. Waking up beside her that first time before everything fell apart so spectacularly. Her curves, her smile, her radiance. Every little thing about her that I adored. She was so kind, beautiful, warm, loving. And above all else she got me. She understood what I’d been through.

  We connected.


  I had made sure to think of everything to make this day as special as it could be, from the red carpet leading up to the church entrance to the white roses—for my very own Yorkshire rose—inside the church, filling the space with their sweet scent. The music was ready, the congregation was ready. I was more than ready.

  Brad stood beside me as my best man and nudged me as the doors opened. “She’s here, mate. It’s time to rock ’n’ roll, bud.”

  “The Reason” by Hoobastank resonated out throughout the church, and I slowly raised my eyes to meet hers. I think I stopped breathing for a while when I saw her. She looked more beautiful than ever standing there in that ivory dress, and that was saying something. My heart lurched into action and my lip began to tremble. She’d arrived. She hadn’t got cold feet and run away.

  This was it.

  Brad thrust a clean hanky into my hand and I dabbed at my eyes. As she made her way slowly down the aisle toward me, the fitted bodice of her dress sparkled in the sunlight coming in through the stained glass windows. I shook my head, not quite ready to believe it. But she smiled and my heart melted. I loved her more than anything and it was clear from the tears glistening in her eyes that she felt the same. Her satiny chocolate-brown hair was pinned up but loose tendrils fell about her shoulders, just touching her skin.

  Wow. Just beautiful.

  When she arrived before me, I took a deep breath to calm my raging emotions and leaned in to her and whispered, “Thank you for marrying me. I know this must be a hard day for you. But I’ve never loved or admired you more than I do right now.” I took her hand in mine and the kind-faced vicar began…

  Eventually it was time for us to say the words we’d prepared. My heart pounded at my ribs as I turned to face Mallory and listen to her.

  “Greg, since the moment I met you I’ve been on a roller coaster ride. We’ve supported each other through grief and our own individual issues, and it’s been difficult at times. But I cannot imagine my life without you in it. And I don’t want to. Whatever life throws at us, we’ll get through it. We’ve proved that we can… I think my guardian angel was watching over me when he brought me to you.”

  I knew the guardian angel she was referring to and I swallowed hard. Her voice had cracked and I was teetering on the edge of a breakdown.

  She smiled once again and gazed lovingly into my eyes. “There’s a saying that someone close to me says… ‘Love Conquers All’, and I never believed that to be true until I met you, but now I believe it irrevocably. I love you with all my heart.”

  Her choice of words had me thinking my own guardian angel had been at work when inspiring me to write Mallory’s song. With shaking hands I took the guitar from Brad and began to play. The song I had written was called “Love Conquers All” and it told her exactly how she made me feel and what she meant to me.

  I want to hold you forever

  And that’s what I’ll do

  Whatever life throws our way

  It’ll be me and you

  And we’ll both stand tall

  Because love conquers all

  Yeah we’ll both stand tall

  Because love conquers all

  I fought my way through the words, and at the end there was barely a dry eye in the place, including my own.

  I handed my guitar back to Brad, and Mallory flung her arms around me, whispering into my ear, “Greg, I love you so much, thank you for such a beautiful gift.”

  Feeling her pressed against me and seeing the adoration in her eyes made my heart thump and my stomach flip for joy. The woman in my arms was everything to me. Everything and more. “There was no other way for me to tell you how I feel. I can’t be without you ever again, Mallory. This is it. This is forever.”

  “Well, I’m going nowhere unless you come too.”

  The vicar announced us as husband and wife, and the place erupted in applause as I took her into my arms and kissed her once more.

  My wife.

  My love.

  My Mallory.


  December 2012

  So, here I sit in hospital beside my gorgeous sleeping wife, holding my infant daughter in my arms. We had quite an exhausting time bringing her into the world, I can tell you. Mairi Samantha. So very beautiful. I keep having to pinch myself to believe that this is all real. The last couple of year
s have been a whirlwind to say the least. And as I gaze down at the precious little bundle as she sleeps in her daddy’s embrace, I have to blink the tears away. I can’t move as I don’t want to disturb her. I just want to gaze down at the best thing I’ve ever made and keep focusing on how bloomin’ lucky I am.

  Hey, notice the lack of swears? Are you proud of me?

  She was named after the two people that inadvertently brought me and her mummy together. Little did they know back then that they would play a part in the creation of the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on—aside from her mother, that is. The wee bairn has a mop of wayward dark hair that sticks out at all angles, and when I look at her cute little face I see a combination of myself and Mallory, which makes my chest ache with so much love I think I might just burst. When her eyes were open earlier I couldn’t believe how blue they were. Now I know they say that all babies have blue eyes and that eventually they may change colour, but I don’t think Mairi Samantha’s will. I think she’ll have her mother’s eyes. Crystal clear, azure blue and full of emotion. And I will do all I can to ensure that the only emotion she ever feels is happiness.

  As I stroke her tiny soft cheek with my finger, I know in my heart that I would do anything for her. Slay dragons, fight the monsters under the bed, walk over burning coals… you name it. I’ll protect her until my dying day. No matter how old she is. She’ll always be my little girl.

  Mallory looks so peaceful with a serene smile on her lips, and I have never been more proud of another human being. Ever. What she endured to bring our daughter into the world… wow… I will never be able to repay her for that.

  The words to “I’m Yours” by The Script roll around my head, and I make a mental note to learn it and play it for her when we take our daughter home. Because although I tell her I love her every day, she still loves it when I play my guitar for her. The way she looks at me… I feel I could do anything. And those lyrics just express my feelings so perfectly.


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