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Omega Virus (Book 1): Surviving the Horror

Page 13

by Mendonca, D. Manuel

  Chapter 14

  September 23rd, 2037

  I don’t know what time it is when I wake up, with no clocks or windows in my room and my watch smashed during the last Zombie attack. But I don’t really care, it just felt good to take a nice hot shower and pass out on a real bed. I get to my feet and stretch, my body feels more relaxed then it has in months. I get myself dressed and walk out of the bedroom. I look up and down the corridors looking for any sign of Mason or Doctor Fairfield. I don’t see anything that strikes me as odd so I work my way through the labyrinth of hallways until I find my way back to the El Camino and the examination room. I reach my hand out for the doorknob only to have the door open before I could reach it. I am greeted by Doctor Fairfield who pushes me backward lightly before closing the door behind him.

  “Ah Damian, good morning,” Doctor Fairfield says with a wide grin, “I trust you slept well?”

  I nod, “Yes, best sleep I’ve had in months, thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me, what good is this multibillion dollar government facility if I can’t help out some survivors?” He asks with a soft chuckle.

  “Yes, right,” I say clearing my throat, “Doctor Fairfield…”

  “Please, call me Jeremy,” he says interrupting me.

  “Right, Jeremy,” I say uneasily, “I was hoping I could see my friends now.”

  He looks at me, his eyes trying to study me. He is silent for a moment before nodding his head. “Right this way,” he says as the doors to the examination room reopen. “You can see them, but I’ll ask that you keep your visit short. They still need time to rest and heal.”

  “Understood,” I say.

  Lights power on as we walk into the examination room. The room is sterile white, a stainless steel table in the middle of the floor with various tools surrounding it. To the left of the table there are swinging double doors that lead out into a long hallway. Jeremy holds one of the doors open for me, his free hand gesturing me to follow. The hallway is just as white and sterile and white as everything else in this bunker is.

  “This is Kennedy’s room,” he says stopping beside a door on the left side of the hallway, “I’ll wait out here for you. Just remember she is still asleep so don’t expect much interaction from her.”

  I nod before cautiously walking into Kennedy’s room, not sure what to expect. The room is small, just a little bigger than the bed where Kennedy is laying and the monitor showing her vitals. A soft light comes, not enough to bother her while she sleeps but enough for me to see my way through the room. I walk up to the left side of her bed and kneel down beside her. I place my hand over hers, taking care not to damage the I.V. that is slowly keeping her hydrated.

  “I’m so sorry,” I start, “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I don’t just mean the van flipping over, I mean everything. I never meant to hurt you. I’m sorry.”

  I go to remove my hand from hers but I can feel resistance as her thumb squeezes down on my hand. My eyes dart from her hand to her face hoping to see her awake, only to find her still asleep. I take my hand back from her, disappointed and stroke her hair back softly for a few moments before walking out of the room.

  “Was it what you expected?” Jeremy asks.

  “For the most part,” I answer, “whose next?”

  “Penelope. She’s right next door,” Jeremy says solemnly, “I wanted to keep them close, just in case.”

  “Just in case of what?” I ask, my heart beat slowing as I think of the worse scenario.

  “Just in case they start to code,” he admits. He stops me as we make it to Penelope’s room, “I wasn’t going to say anything, we aren’t sure what to expect at this point.”

  “Its fine,” I say turning my head away from him, hiding the fallen tears, “I understand.”

  I push the door open and walking into the small room. It is identical to Kennedy’s. The soft glow of the ceiling light guides me to Penelope’s bed. Before kneeling down beside her, I press my lips against her forehead. The monitor beeps faster for a moment grabbing my attention.

  “Penelope?” I ask hoping that it wasn’t a mistake, “Penelope can you hear me?” I ask again, my hand now firmly wrapped around hers. “Come on, you need to wake up. I need you by my side.” I plead. “I need you with me.” I sob.

  The monitor beeps again, I can feel her hand twitching slightly. She starts to gasp for air, her body convulsing with each breathe.

  “JEREMY! Doctor Fairfield!” I cry out never letting go of her hand.

  Doctor Fairfield rushes through the door pulling me away from Penelope, my hand trying to hold on to her.

  “What’s happening to her?” I ask.

  “She’s seizing,” he replies pulling a syringe out of his pocket. He screws it into the port attached to the I.V. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave so I can take care of this,” he orders.

  Reluctantly I leave the room. I press my back against the wall outside of the room, I slide down until I am firmly on the ground. Both my hands are planted on my head as I start to rock back and forth. Time seems to be everlasting as I wait for Jeremy to come back out of the room. His hair is disheveled and he has a drained look.

  “How is she doc?” I ask breathing heavily.

  “She’s fine. I managed to stop the seizing for now,” He says before kneeling down in front of me, “I just want you to be prepared for the worst. You know she might never wake from this.”

  “She will,” I say through the tears, “they both will. Why? Because my team doesn’t give up,” I wipe the tears away, “who can I see next?”

  “Are you sure you want to continue?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I say getting back onto my feet.

  “Alright. Next is Matthew,” Jeremy says, “He was up at last check.”

  He points me to door next to Penelope’s. I slowly open the door, the light is already on and Matthew is sitting up in his bed muttering.

  “Why are you punishing me God? Why? What did I do that was so wrong?” I can hear him ask I get closer to his side.

  “Matthew?” I call out to him getting his attention. He looks at me with a wild look in his eyes, “Matthew, it’s me Damian, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m doing as well as could be expected. Except God has forsaken me, turned a blind eye to me for no reason what so ever,” he says angrily.

  “It wasn’t God that turned his back on you,” I say, a harsh tone in my voice, “it was you who turned your back on him.”

  “Don’t try to lecture me in things you could never understand,” Matthew spat.

  “LISTEN,” I shout back at him, “I may not understand God, or how you could so idiotically follow some false idol. But I do know one thing, if there is a God he already saved you. First he gave you the bunker, than he saved you again, even when he allowed so many others to suffer and die. Then once again you take it upon yourself to gather up the others and flee our safe house, getting everyone but yourself killed. So again I repeat, God hasn’t abandoned you. Instead he’s kept you with me. Yes you got it, he’s punishing you. Deal with it.” I turn my back on Matthew and walk away, my hands trembling in rage. “Who’s next?” I ask when I meet up with Jeremy out in the halls.

  “It looks like Connor is the next one on the list,” he says, his eyes focused on his notebook. His eyes peer up over the notebook back at my trembling hands, “are you ok? You’re shaking.”

  “Yeah I’m fine. Matthew just manages to get under my skin sometimes,” I admit, my hands rubbing my face.

  “Oh my goodness,” Jeremy cries out, grabbing my arm, “You’re injured.” He rubs his fingers up my arm softly removing part of the sleeve that was covering the bite marks. My arm looks pale with the exception of the red irritation around the small oval marking. “You didn’t mention you were hurt in the accident.”

  “Because I wasn’t,” I say pulling my arm away and rolling my sleeve back down, “I got this from a Zombie after the accident, but before Sargent Steroids sh
owed up.”

  “It’s Lieutenant Steroids,” Mason says coming up from behind me.

  “We need to get that looked at and cleaned up,” Jeremy says reaching for my arm again.

  “Its fine,” I say pulling it away again.

  “You don’t know that, for all you know it could be infected,” Jeremy says.

  “I’ve dealt with bites, and worse before,” I say.

  “Have they been treated properly in the past?” he questions.

  I think about it for a moment. Kennedy always took care of our wounds, big or small. But I trusted her with my life, I don’t trust him yet. But I really don’t have the luxury of waiting around to find out if he is trustworthy, “Yes. Kennedy has some medical training, she used to take care of all our medical needs.”

  “Then she would agree with me that this needs to be taking care of, right?” he debates.

  “I suppose she would,” I admit, “but we really weren’t on speaking terms when we got into the accident.”

  “Well then,” he says taking a back, “do it to spite her. Show her your will to live!” there is much emphasis in his voice.

  Reluctantly I agree to join him. He walks me back down the hallway, Mason close behind. He takes me back the main area that we first entered. He pats the table wanting me to climb up and take a seat before turning and digging through a drawer behind the table.

  “I’ll stand if that’s ok,” I say defensively.

  “Alright, if you insist,” Jeremy says a tray full of tools in his hands. My eyes focus on the needles.

  “Thank you,” I gulp.

  “The first thing I’m going to do is take some blood. You’ve been away from proper medical care long enough, let’s see how well your body really is holding up,” he says rolling my sleeve up, checking for a viable vein. He finds one and sticks the needle deep into my skin causing me to flinch. I’ve always hated needles, now I hate them now more than ever. He takes two full vials and hands them to Mason. “Please bring those to my lab. Keep them close to the others.” Mason nods and leaves with the vials.

  “Wait, others? Are you telling me you took everyone else’s blood as well?” I ask concerned.

  “Yes,” he answers honestly, “It’s strictly routine I promise.”

  I allow him to continue even as feelings of distrust build in my mind. He gives me a shot of antibiotics and cleans the teeth marks thoroughly with rubbing alcohol. Lastly he bandages my arm in gauze.

  “We should check that again later,” he starts, “need to keep that wound clean.”

  “Yeah, sure,” I rub my arm. It actually feels pretty good even though I hate to admit it, “Now can I see the others?”

  “I suppose. But only because you were a good little patient,” Doctor Fairfield jokes.

  I chuckle at his poor attempt for a joke. Anything that would make him think I still trust him. He brings me back down the corridor, past Kennedy and Penelope’s quiet rooms. I can hear Matthew still sobbing in his. Connor is asleep in his bed, his monitors look normal, at least nothing sounds bad. He looks peaceful and I don’t want to disturb him, I give him a smile before giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder before turning to leave.

  “This is why I should stick to driving,” Connor says weakly.

  I look at him amazed, I can feel my eyes starting to tear as I speak, “I’m so glad you’re ok.”

  “It’s going to take more than a collision to get rid of me,” He chuckles before breaking into a coughing fit.

  “Just relax,” I say, “want me to get the doctor?”

  “You mean Kennedy? Does she qualify as a doctor now?” he smiles.

  My face loses all expression as I battle with myself. Should I tell him the truth or should I lie to him?

  “Kennedy is still unconscious, Penelope too,” I reply, “but we were found by a real doctor.”

  Connor turns his head away from me. I can tell he is absorbing the new information I just told to him.

  “Are they going to be ok?” he finally asks.

  “He’s not sure yet,” I answer, biting my lower lip as the words slide out.

  “Ok then,” he says his voice lacking any emotion, “do you think they’ll be fine?”

  “I’ve seen them both, and honestly? I just don’t know,” I sigh, “but you know them as well as I do, they are survivors.”

  “What about the others?” he asks ignoring part of my statement.

  “Matthew is awake and still coming to terms with being out of the bunker. I haven’t seen Natalie or Fanny yet,” I reply.

  “Then don’t let me keep you,” he says closing his eyes and sighing.

  “Connor I’m sorry, I really am,” I plead with him.

  “You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I just need some rest,” Connor replies never opening his eyes.

  I slink away, feeling defeated as I leave Connor’s room. Jeremy looks at me and shows me to the next room. I walk in expecting to see Fanny there alone in the bed, but there is Natalie sitting at the foot of her bed, the two girls chatting. Natalie turns her head quickly, hearing my footsteps as I walk closer to them. Natalie is wearing a lone blue robe, her pale legs noticeable below the knees where the robe ends.

  “Hey, look what we have here,” Natalie says getting to her feet, “aren’t you looking snazzy.”

  “They gave me new clothes,” I reply.

  “They?” Natalie asks, “You mean that psycho wasn’t working alone?”

  “I see you remember Mason,” I laugh, “but no he wasn’t the only person here, there was also a doctor, a Jeremy Fairfield. He’s the one who took care of us all.”

  “So everyone else is Ok?” Fanny asks.

  “Matthew is slightly crazier, Connor is resting,” I pause.

  “What about Kennedy and Penelope?” Fanny wonders.

  “They are both still unconscious,” I reply.

  “Eh, they’ll snap out of it soon,” she says punching my sore arm, “they are both tough broads.”

  I can’t help but laugh, “Yeah I think so too.”

  “What about us? Are we free to leave?” Fanny asks.

  “I don’t know about you kid, but there ain’t no doctor that can keep me against my will,” Natalie says with a wink at Fanny.

  “As long as you’re feeling well, I see no reason why Jeremy would keep you,” I say.

  I gather Jeremy from the hallway. He looks surprised to see Natalie out of her bed but he doesn’t say anything.

  “Look doc, basically I’m feeling fine and I’m not going to be kept in some bed,” Natalie says blatantly.

  “How are you feeling?” Jeremy asks.

  “Look I feel fine,” Natalie says jumping up in the air.

  “I feel good too,” Fanny says, “but I’d rather not jump if that’s ok.”

  “That’s fine,” Jeremy says with a smile. He feels Natalie’s stomach really quick before checking Fanny. Fanny winces as he presses lightly on her chest. He gets back up and stands behind me, “I don’t think either one of them should leave here. They both need to be watched and still need medical treatment.”

  “You can’t keep me here,” Natalie’s voice starts to rise. I get between her and Jeremy.

  “It might be smarter at this point to let her out,” I say calmly.

  “But she needs medical treatment,” Jeremy insists.

  “I don’t think this is an argument you are going to win,” I dispute.

  “Fine, against medical advice I will release Natalie. But I strongly believe Fanny should remain here,” Jeremy says finally.

  “But I feel fine,” Fanny whines.

  “No,” I say, “Just stay here one more day, let Doctor Fairfield make sure you are healthy.”

  Fanny crosses her arms and sits back with a huff.

  “Thank you,” Jeremy says, “would you like me to have Mason show her to a room?”

  “Is she going to have a room near me?” I ask.

  “Of course,” he answers.
r />   “Then I can show her,” I reply.

  “Alright,” he says with a half-smile, “It will be the room across from yours. I’ll have Mason come by later and show her the supply closet.”

  I thank him again and we say good-bye to Fanny as I usher Natalie out of the medical area. She follows me along the corridors, keeping up with me as I rush toward the rooms. I show Natalie to her room and close the door behind us.

  “What’s wrong? You seem nervous,” Natalie asks.

  “Did you think it was weird how he wanted to keep you longer?” I ask.

  “Maybe? I mean it seemed like he was just trying to take care of us,” Natalie answers, “Why? Do you think we shouldn’t trust him?”

  “I’m not sure,” I say softly, “just keep your eyes open.”

  Chapter 15

  September 30rd, 2037

  It has been a week since I last wrote in my journal, I just don’t feel safe keeping a daily record with Jeremy around. Kennedy awoke from her sleep a few days ago. She still doesn’t want to have anything to do with me. Penelope woke up yesterday but still felt groggy. Connor, Matthew, and Fanny have all recovered, at least as far as what Jeremy says is recovered. They have all gotten rooms near me, and Kennedy gets hers later today. I’ve basically kept to myself. Connor still blames me for injuring everyone, even if he won’t admit it and Matthew is still claiming that I am the Devil. Natalie comes by every once in a while to check up on me and we compare notes. She says she hasn’t seen anything too strange, except that Jeremy spends most of his time in the medical wing of the bay, or in his lab. Although come to think of it, I’ve spent most of this last week exploring this whole bunker and I’ve never come across his lab. Mason has been having fun with Connor, spending a lot of their time trading war stories or checking out the weapons in the armory. Fanny has been having the hardest time finding something to keep her occupied. She has stopped by to see me a couple of times, never staying long. I suspect that Connor or Matthew have told her to caution going near me. I don’t know anymore.

  I close my journal, the thought of being even more alone then usual just doesn’t sit too well. I walk down the corridor outside my room and follow it back to where Penelope is being observed. Jeremy is in her room when I walk in, his back is turned to me but I can see him writing down her vitals. Penelope smiles when she notices me. She still looks pale, a small purple bruise above her left eye is the only bit of color on her face.


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