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Love Captures the Heart (Sully Point, Book 3)

Page 2

by Smith, Nicole

  "Cody, right?" He began to smile. "Talk about coincidences. I was just there this past weekend on one of Cody's boats. And today I hired Holly Grainger's personnel agency."

  Rob laughed. "See, you're already involved in the family project."

  "Family project?"

  "Recently, at a family gathering, we were all sitting around talking about what we could do to improve Sully Point. Between us there is quite a bit of money floating around and we'd like to put it to good use. We started discussing how we'd like to create something that would bring visitors into the town, but would also offer a service. With two artists in the family, it's not surprising that the idea of an artist colony came up. The idea would be to provide affordable housing to artists, but we wouldn't skimp on the creative details that would go into each home. All the homes in the project would be stylish, new, different, and fit into a community of high end homes. Then we'd have other luxury homes available for vacation leasing, as well as others that would be sold.

  "The town of Sully Point would benefit by the influx of jobs on the construction side of things first. Then we'd be providing a draw to more tourists once the places were done. And that's when we thought of using an architect like you for the whole project. A name like yours on the project would draw in even more people to the town just to look at what you'd created."

  Jason frowned. "Tell me, did my name come up during your discussion--and was Holly there?"

  Rob looked surprised. "Your name was our first choice. And no, Holly hasn't heard about the project yet. This was between me, Frank Grainger, Sam and Anna, and Cody and Julia. We planned on talking to Holly about it later. Why? Is it important?"

  Jason felt tension leave his body. "No, not really. It's just that she and I are working together now, and if she knew about would have seemed awkward."

  "No problem then, since she doesn't know. Of course, her business, just like her father's and Cody's, would benefit by having more tourism."

  "Her agency would benefit from tourism there? In what way?"

  Rob shook his head. "No, I meant the bakery in Sully Point. She owns it."

  "A bakery?" Jason felt like he was about two steps behind in this conversation. "Why does she own a bakery in Sully Point?"

  "Apparently that's how she started out, baking. I guess she's good at it."

  Jason realized Holly was not the main point of this visit from Rob. "Sorry, didn't mean to sidetrack. I was just surprised. When did you want to build this and how many houses are we talking about?"

  Rob began giving him details. Even as Jason listened and made notes, he wondered why his life seemed to suddenly be pointing him toward Sully Point.

  Chapter 2

  Holly wondered if she was losing her mind. She'd decided to come home to her father's place for the weekend again, and as she drove up she saw a man who looked exactly like Jason Earlington walking up the steps to the front porch. She knew she'd had him on her mind, but this was going too far!

  She parked her car and went in through the back door into the kitchen. She heard voices in the front of the house and walked quickly to them.

  "Welcome to Sully Point," her father, Frank, was saying to the man. She stopped dead and stared at him.

  "Thank you, I--" he stopped talking and stared back at her.

  "What are you doing here?" she said.

  "What are you doing here?" he said.

  Frank looked from one to the other of them and said, "I see you two know each other...?"

  Holly came forward and knew she must look confused. "Yes, we've met on two occasions actually. Mr. Earlington is a client of mine. Can I ask what you are here for?"

  He smiled. "Your family is a client of mine now. I'm assuming Rob hasn't had a chance to tell you about the project?"

  "What project? And no, he called and left me a message this week but I've been swamped."

  Frank stepped in and said, "Come in, come in and let's all sit down and talk about this. Who'd like some lemonade tea?"

  "Sure, Dad, I'd like some," Holly said and led the way for them into the living room. "Mr. Earlington, how about you?"

  "Please, call me Jason, both of you. We're going to be working together and we should be comfortable. I usually just drink water during the day, but lemonade tea sounds interesting."

  Frank smiled at him. "You've never had it? You're in for a treat. I'll be right back."

  Jason and Holly sat down in chairs facing each other. "So..." she said.

  "Yes, I agree it's strange," he said. "You can imagine my surprise when Rob Tremaine showed up in my office the same day I met with you and talking about Sully Point."

  Frank arrived with glasses of tea for everyone and sat down on the couch. He proceeded to explain the project to Holly, who felt like someone should have told her about it sooner. Although, she guessed Rob had tried. That would teach her not to ignore messages from family.

  "Jason is visiting this weekend to get a feel for the town. There are also a few pieces of property for him to look over. You know, Holly, it's perfect you being here."

  "Oh?" She was mulling over how the man across from her could have become more gut-wrenchingly desirable in a week. It didn't seem right.

  "Yes. You could do all of us a big favor and show Jason around town. With tourist season in full swing, everybody is busy with their businesses. You can take him around and show him everything, and introduce him to Sam and Anna, as well as Cody and Julia."

  Jason said, "You don't have to do that, Miss Grainger. I'm sure I can find my way around."

  "First, call me Holly. And second, you'll probably learn more with a guide. It could be fun."

  He nodded, not looking entirely convinced.

  Frank slapped his hands on his thighs. "Good! This works out well. Now where are you staying Jason?"

  "I checked in at the Sully Point Lodge. Is it the only accommodation available?"

  "It's another thing we wanted to add to the project," Frank told him. The Lodge is about the only place and it's not enough during tourist season. We thought if you came up with something unique, it would kill two birds so speak."

  Jason frowned. "Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves."

  "Right, right you are. You're welcome to stay here at the house, Jason, if you'd prefer it to the motel. Plenty of room, even with Holly home for the weekend."

  Holly sent a swift glare at her father, while Jason shook his head. "No, I'll be fine at the Lodge but thank you."

  "Well then, I need to get back to the store. Can't leave Bobby in charge for too long. You two have a good time. Holly, everyone will be coming for dinner tonight to meet with Jason, so be sure to have him back here by six o'clock."

  "Yes, Dad." She tried to motion to him to wait so she could talk to him, but he got out of the house in a flash. Avoiding her most likely.

  There was an awkward silence in the living room as she turned to face Jason. "I have to say that I've never met with a client in the place where I grew up. It feels strange."

  He nodded with a look of relief. "Yes, it does feel a bit odd. You don't have to do this you know."

  "I'd like to help with the project. What I suggest is this--we feel free to talk about anything today. This project, fishing, how your new people are working out..."

  He laughed. "So far, so good. But they only had one working day so it's too soon to tell. I do like them, though, and that's something. You still haven't sent me an assistant, I noticed. Having trouble filling the position?"

  "Frankly, yes. But I think I have a potential match lined up to see me next week."

  "Sounds good." He took a sip of his drink. "This tea is different but tasty."

  She smiled at him. "Aside from the docks, have you ever spent any time in town looking around?"

  "No, I haven't. Always too busy."

  "Let's start with the square then, and go on from there."

  "Lead the way."

  * * * *

  Jason followed her out to her
car and said, "Why don't we take mine? It's a convertible and I'll get more of a feel for things."

  She shrugged. "Sure." They turned to the street where he had parked. "Nice car!"

  He felt a bit of owner's pride about the silver Jaguar XK. "It's a dream to drive."

  "I'll bet."

  They got in and started down the street. Holly explained how the town had made a park in the center of the town square with lots of small business around the sides of the square. As they advanced to Main Street, Holly groaned.

  "I totally forgot this is one of the first big tourist weekends."

  Lots of people were in town with corresponding traffic. He moved the car onto Main Street and saw the park she'd referred to. There were people everywhere, crossing the street in a chaotic manner on foot.

  "We could park the car and walk if you'd like," Holly suggested.

  "Might be a good idea. But I don't see any parking spaces," Jason said.

  "Don't worry. I know there's a spot behind the bakery."

  She directed him to the back of the bakery and he parked the car. "Let's go in the front and surprise the employees. They always get nervous when I show up."

  "That's right, you own this bakery."

  "Yes, it was my first business and is still close to my heart."

  They walked in and Jason was hit by a swirl of incredible smells. "Wow, this place smells fantastic."

  "Come on. Let's see what kinds of goodies we have today."

  Jason watched as she said hello to the girl at the counter and questioned her about the specialties of the day.

  "Oh Jason, you have to try one of these. They're a new item called a Harvest Muffin."

  "I usually don't eat muffins," he said, but took it in his hand as she gave it to him. "Well, I suppose I could taste it."

  He took a bite and looked at her in surprise. "Good!" he mumbled around the muffin. It was filled with walnuts and finely-chopped dried fruits in a cinnamon spice muffin. He swallowed and said, "That is a spectacular muffin. Very moist. There's some flavor in there...I can't quite figure it out."

  She grinned at him. "That would be our secret ingredient."

  "Which would be...?"

  She laughed. "A secret!"

  He continued eating the delicious muffin, surprised at himself for finishing it, while she moved behind the counter and bagged up cookies and rolls.

  "We can take the rolls to Deb's Deli for lunch. She does sandwiches on them. For now, let's leave them in the car."

  "I always forget people eat things like muffins or donuts for breakfast," he said as they walked to the car.

  "What do you usually have for breakfast?"

  "A protein shake."

  "You know, when you said that, you got this frown on your face. Does it taste bad or something?"

  "Horrid actually," he said honestly, and then looked at her and laughed. "I always think it helps keep me healthy but..."

  "Maybe there's more to life than protein shakes."

  "Maybe so."

  "Just so you know, the Harvest Muffin is chock full of things that are good for you."

  "I'll remember that."

  As they walked down the sidewalks of the square, Jason noticed how many people, not tourists but townspeople, knew Holly's name. "Does everyone know you?"

  She laughed. "Yes, I think so. I've lived here all my life, except for some time in the city. It's a small town and everyone knows everyone's business. A high level of gossip goes on here. But there is also the nice feeling of knowing people care about you and think about you. Places like a big city can feel so lonely, I think. It's easy to keep your business private, but much harder to make connections with people. I think that's why we have so many unhappy people there."

  He wondered if she ever got lonely. She seemed so vivacious and outgoing, like she would have a million friends. He thought about his own life. In his scramble to succeed, he hadn't held on to many friends. Actually, now that he thought of it, all the people he knew were business acquaintances. Old friends from college had fallen by the wayside as he focused on work. He supposed losing friends happened when you went after your goals.

  Holly had stopped to talk to a woman Jason recognized, the woman who ran the motel he was staying at.

  "I had no idea you were home, Holly," the woman said.

  "It was a last-minute decision on my part, Maelynne."

  "And your date here is staying at my motel--Mr. Jason Earlington."

  Jason started at the comment and Holly smiled. "Now Maelynne, nobody said we were on a date. Jason is a client of mine from the city. Don't go spreading rumors about this being a date."

  "Well, you look awful pretty not to be on a date," Maelynne said and then walked away.

  "Oh dear. There really is no telling what she's going to report about seeing us."

  Jason frowned. "But you told her I was a client."

  "Ha, that won't stop her. Whatever. I said you were a client because I'm assuming the family won't want it spread around town what you're really doing here."

  "Good idea. Especially since I'm still not convinced I should do the project."

  "You're not?"

  "Ms. Grainger--Holly. I design buildings. Large buildings. This is a small town. I'm not sure just what I can do that would fit in with what's already here."

  "Hmm. If Rob Tremaine thinks you can do it, I wouldn't bet against him. This actually reminds me of a town in Indiana. I was through there on a business trip once, and the architecture in the town was stunning. I asked about it and discovered the founders of the town and some wealthy businesspeople had brought in architects of some renown of their time. They were told they had carte blanche, to go wild and build interesting, different kinds of places. So the town ended up with schools that looked like works of art, and banks and stores that were startling in their design. Eventually, the town developed some tourism just because of the architecture."

  "And you think that's what your family wants?"

  "Not quite. Clearly, the town already exists. Except for the old post office, I'm not sure anyone would go for tearing down what's here to put up something new and different. But what they're talking about--yes, I think it might fit in just fine."

  He looked into her earnest dark brown eyes and felt himself being persuaded--a little bit. He already realized she was a very persuasive woman. She was so damned enticing. Today she was wearing simple white pants and a stretchy pink shirt tucked in at the waist. The woman was perfectly proportioned, he noticed, and even in a basic outfit like this one, was quite sexy. She seemed to exude sensuality.

  She touched his arm and the feel of her hand against his arm sent a jolt of energy through him. He looked at her, startled. She looked surprised too, and moved her hand away.

  "Sorry about that, did I just miss something you said? I sometimes get too caught up in my thoughts when design ideas come to me."

  "I wondered where you were. Let's go see a local artist. She makes jewelry--Lucretia Evans."

  "Lucretia, as in Borgia?"

  "No, that would have been her mother, not meaning to speak ill of the dead--well, okay maybe I am. Anyway, Lucretia is a lovely woman and a talented artist."

  They entered a very narrow shop with a long case of jewelry. Lucretia was sitting on a stool behind the counter. She smiled at them as they approached her. "You have to be the intriguing Mr. Earlington that Maelynne told me about."

  He nodded.

  "And you're out and about with our Holly today. Holly you have to see the latest necklace I designed with you in mind." She reached into the case and pulled out a gold necklace with a pendant of topaz and onyx. The stones were set within an abstract swirl of gold. "This one I just know will look great on you. Don't you think, Mr. Earlington, Holly should only ever wear gold with her hair?"

  Jason looked at Holly. Her large brown eyes gazed back at him thoughtfully. "Absolutely. She should always wear gold." He couldn't decide if her deep brown eyes or her golden blond hair wa
s her best feature.

  Lucretia smiled at him. "With your green eyes I'd make you a tie tack out of jade."

  Holly laughed. "You've got us all figured out haven't you? What's new Lucretia?"

  As the two women chatted, Jason looked at the other pieces in the case. They were equal to what could be found in the city. He was impressed. The small town of Sully Point had a lot to offer. The unique little shops like this one gave it an air of creativity and artisans hard at work.

  He watched Lucretia wrap up the necklace for Holly after running her credit card. Suddenly he asked, "Did you make the pin? Holly wore a pin to my office on her jacket. I noticed how different it was."

  Holly nodded. "Yes, it was one of yours, Lucretia. The one with the citrine stones."

  "I'm glad to hear you're getting good use out of it," the jeweler said with a delighted smile.

  "I always wear your jewelry, more than any other designer."

  They said good bye and left the shop, Holly tucking the package with the necklace into the white leather handbag hanging across her body. "We're very lucky she's stayed in Sully Point instead of going to the city."

  "I wonder," Jason mused. "I need a gift for someone. Maybe while I'm here I can talk to her about making something."

  "We can go back now if you'd like," Holly offered.

  "No, that's okay. I need to think about what kind of piece I want to give her."

  "Ah, a woman friend."

  "Not exactly," he said with a grin. "My grandmother. Even at seventy, she still loves pretty things. She's always had bohemian tastes." He saw Holly's eyebrows had risen in surprise.

  "Well, I'm sure Lucretia will be able to help you out. Let's go get the rolls and head to the deli."

  When they walked into Deb's Deli, a crowd of people called out "Holly!" as she waved to everyone. They gave their order for sandwiches to a woman behind the counter, after which Jason watched as Holly moved from table to table greeting friends. He was again amazed at her ability with people, conversing with ease whether it was to an older fisherman fresh off the boats, a teenager with spiked hair or a young woman with two little kids running around. Holly quickly corralled the children and had them seated at the table eating their lunch. Jason had seen the whole thing and he still couldn't figure out how she'd accomplished that trick.


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