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Love Captures the Heart (Sully Point, Book 3)

Page 4

by Smith, Nicole

  "I know. Just try and accept that I'm happy where I am in my life."

  "I hear you," Anna said. "But Dad...he kept eyeing you two at dinner. I think I saw the matchmaking fever strike."

  Holly groaned.

  Chapter 3

  The following day, Jason was taken around to the other properties by Sam and Cody in Sam's SUV. The area of land was large enough for what they envisioned, Jason decided. He enjoyed the morning with the two men who were easygoing and yet also determined to make the project work.

  Holly had said good-bye to him early in the morning. She'd decided to drive back to the city right after breakfast, and had come to the motel just as the sun was rising. She'd been businesslike and still friendly, setting a tone that was easy to match. Jason had almost reached to kiss her, the pull to her was still so strong. But he knew it would only complicate things. He was grateful she was as dedicated to her business as he was, so there would be nothing messy.

  The final meeting involved Sam and Anna, Cody and Julia, Frank and surprisingly, Mrs. Gilchrest the bank president. When he looked at her quizzically after the introductions, she smiled and said, "I'm also on the Town Council."

  Jason said, "I should have realized you'd have the backing of the town in order to proceed."

  "Plus, one of the pieces of land is currently owned by the bank."

  Sam said, "Although that will be changing just as soon as we can finalize the paperwork."

  "So what do you think Jason? Can you do it?" Frank asked.

  "Certainly I can do it. The main problem is my schedule. How quickly did you expect to start building?"

  "We're flexible," Sam said. "Although we'd like to start as soon as possible obviously. We also see this being done in stages. But the overarching vision is something you'd probably need to have in place before we start."

  "Yes, I agree," Jason said. "We do have a window of opportunity. I have a month-long gap in my schedule starting in a week. If I devote all my energies to this project during that time, it might be enough to start work on stage one."

  Everyone looked excited at the prospect. "What do you need from us?" Frank asked.

  "Everything you've got on the land parcels. I'll send you a list from my office with all the details. Who is handling the financing?"

  "Rob Tremaine, Julia's father. Send him anything financial related to the project," Sam said. "He wanted to be here this weekend but had plans he couldn't change."

  "We're hoping my father will be the first to buy one of the houses you design," Julia said. "He needs a place to get away from the city and relax."

  "Yes, Rob is a bit of a workaholic," Cody said.

  Jason thought having a house in Sully Point might be nice but it probably wasn't enough of a draw to pull a true workaholic away from the job. But he only smiled and nodded to Julia.

  "Holly will be available in the city in case you need her for information about Sully Point," Frank said. "Feel free to call her any time."

  Jason wondered if that offer would still be made if they knew how much he wanted to call her. But not for information. "All right. I think we're all set then. I'd better head back to the city."

  As they all told him good-bye, he thought he'd never met such a friendly group, especially all in one family. They seemed...happy, that was it. Contented people, something he wasn't used to being around.

  On the drive back, he spent some time thinking of Holly and all the reasons he shouldn't call her. After that, he spent time thinking of how much he still wanted her. It seemed to him that as long as they kept it light and non-committal, and knew from the outset that they didn't want a relationship, it might work. Like friends with benefits.

  For now though, it was back to the city and back to work, to make time for doing this Sully Point project.

  * * * *

  Holly woke Monday morning early, after a dream about having sex with Jason. She shook her head at herself. He kept intruding into her thoughts yesterday, and now today as well. Getting out of bed and heading to the shower, she made a firm promise to herself to stop thinking of Jason Earlington...and his great body with muscles you wouldn't expect, and those startling green eyes. Right. Getting him out of her thoughts should be no problem at all.

  After her shower she tossed a K-cup into her Keurig coffee brewer, which she truly believed was one of the great inventions of the century. Sipping bold, hot coffee a couple of minutes later, she decided to focus on the assistant she was determined to find for Jason. Spending time with him over the weekend led her to believe she needed to modify her recommendation. He didn't need some perky young thing--that would only irritate him. And what she had been looking for, a man of similar age to Jason was not the answer either. No, what he needed was a highly competent woman, similar to her Lana. A woman of a certain age, who had not just work, but life experience, and who knew the value of efficiency. The loss of his mother played her decision.

  Not that he needed someone to mother him. But there was a comfort she had found in working with Lana. Someone who was near the same age as her mother would be now, if she hadn't died. It was strange how they'd both lost a mother. And for him a father as well. Devastating. It did something to who you became. Holly knew she wasn't the person she would have been if she hadn't lost her mother. She had been the oldest child, at age fourteen when her mother died.

  And on some level I do recognize how my sleeping around and not wanting a relationship is all about fear. Fear of losing someone. Someone she loved. Yes, the loss of her mother had changed her. She wondered if losing his parents motivated Jason into such a work-oriented lifestyle.

  Holly made her way down the hall to the bedroom next to hers. Her apartment had three bedrooms. One, a master suite, was hers, one was a guest bedroom and the other was a closet. She knew she probably didn't need all the clothes in her wardrobe, but she did love to shop. And if you were going to interact with the movers and shakers in the city, wearing last season's fashions simply wasn't done.

  She chose a cream silk suit with a georgette blouse in rose. Her cream high heels and rose gold jewelry, courtesy of Lucretia's shop, finished her look. The suit had a feminine cut, with the jacket taken in slightly at the waist to show off her curves. Curves that Jason had certainly seemed to appreciate, the way his hands had caressed her body when--Stop!

  It was a shame, though, that the time in the Jaguar was the end of it. They were so well-matched sexually, it was uncanny. She was looking for the leather handbag that went with the outfit when it hit her. Why did it have to end? Nothing said they couldn't get together for some recreational sex every now and then. It didn't have to mean they were 'involved' or in some kind of romance, did it? Of course not. A clean, uncomplicated simple sexual liaison, happening periodically.

  The question was--how to bring it up to him?

  * * * *

  Jason called Holly's number at her personnel agency. A woman on the other end told him she was tied up but could call him back shortly. While he waited, he paced up and down the length of his large office. It was a long room that he'd designed specifically for pacing. He realized that he couldn't propose his idea over the phone, but instead planned to ask her to meet for lunch. But where? This was one conversation he didn't want to risk being overheard. Finally it dawned on him to just have the lunch here at his office. You're slipping if it took that long to think of using the office, he thought, feeling aggravated. If they could come up with an agreement or something, he could stop being distracted by thoughts of her.

  His phone rang and Holly said, "I have good news for you."

  Startled, he said, "Oh? What is it?"

  "I think I've found you an assistant. I'd like for you to meet her today if possible."

  "Uh...sure. I could see her." He flipped through his tablet computer, to find his schedule for the current day. "Yes, I have a free hour at eleven."

  "I'm sure she can be there then. I'll call you back only if there's a problem with the time. Her name is Mrs. Mar
la Stone."

  "That sounds good. Don't hang up yet though, remember, I called you initially?"

  She laughed. "That's right. So what can I do for you?"

  "Would you have lunch with me today? There's something I need to discuss with you."

  "Lunch? If we can push it to one p.m. I can meet with you. Where?"

  "How about my office? I'll have something sent in. I need privacy to talk to you about this."

  "Hmm. Now I'm intrigued. Okay, I'll see you at one."

  "See you then."

  He called a nearby restaurant and ordered salads with grilled chicken to be delivered for his meeting with Holly. There, he thought. Now I can get some work done.

  The rest of the morning passed quickly, until the receptionist called to say his eleven o'clock was here. He stood up as Mrs. Stone entered the office. She was an attractive woman in her late forties or early fifties, with sleek gray hair cut in such a way that it fell naturally around her face, coming to her jawline. She was dressed in the standard black business suit, but wore a surprisingly vibrant red blouse. That red said something, he thought.

  He motioned her to a chair and then sat across from her. "Holly recommends you highly, Mrs. Stone."

  She smiled. "I do like her. She's a very perceptive young woman."

  Jason liked the sound of Mrs. Stone's voice. It had a rich tone, well-modulated. "Yes, that she is. So tell me about yourself."

  Mrs. Stone proceeded to give an impressive work history. She'd been an executive secretary to several names that he knew as big in business. He had a few concerns. "Here's the thing--you have been involved in big business and some of your skills would naturally work here as well as any of those places. But there are other things, such as an awareness of the design process that would be helpful."

  "Then you're in luck. I think Holly chose me because when I was younger I went to an art school and studied a variety of disciplines. It turned out I wasn't quite good enough to make a living at it, but my interests are still there. I'd love to be working with someone who used a creative process like you must in your design of such innovative buildings."

  Jason sat back and smiled at her. "Now it begins to make sense to me--her choice." They continued to discuss what he foresaw the job entailing, while she offered up ways she thought her skills would mesh with the job.

  "What about your personal life? I'm a bit of a workaholic. I can't promise that the hours would be strictly nine to five."

  She shook her head and he liked the neat way her hair fell immediately back into place.

  "My husband, Hugh, died suddenly from a heart attack a couple of years ago. It was quite awful, and I took off for almost a year before returning to work. My children are grown and live across country. I don't see them very often. In other words, Mr. Earlington, my time is my own. I enjoy working and have no problem with long hours."

  "Perfect. Did Holly discuss compensation with you?"

  "Yes, she did and it's a generous amount."

  "In that case, I'd like for you to work as my assistant, Mrs. Stone. As soon as you can start."

  She gave him a smile and said, "I'd be happy to take the job. I can start tomorrow."

  "This is great. Okay, I'll have the parking garage ready to expect you then--"

  "Excuse me, but I won't be driving so there's no need. I'll be walking since I don't live all that far from here."

  She mentioned the street and his eyebrows rose. "You must have a nice rent-controlled apartment in that neighborhood."

  "Yes I do. We were lucky to get it when we did and I've never moved. It's a great pre-war place."

  "Excellent. I'm usually here by eight, after hitting the gym. I'll see you then."

  They shook hands and she left. Jason felt like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Finally, he'd have someone mature and skilled to help him out. He would owe Holly for this one.

  * * * *

  Holly felt curious about the upcoming meeting with Jason. Especially since she'd planned to ask for a meeting with him to propose her idea. She supposed she could bring it up now. She walked into his offices and the receptionist told her to go on back. She found him setting out silverware and containers of food on a square wooden dining table.

  "Holly, come in. Have a seat. Is bottled water okay with you for lunch or do you want coffee?"

  "Water is fine, thanks." She took off her jacket and laid it on the leather couch that stretched along one wall. As she turned around to walk to the table, she saw Jason staring at her.

  "You really are beautiful," he said quietly. His green eyes seemed to have darkened with lust.

  "Okay now, don't look at me that way. We aren't having sex in your office."

  "No, but I think we should have it somewhere."

  "Funny, I had an idea about that."

  "So did I."

  "You did?"

  "Yes. I think we should see each other for sex. But not--"

  "For a relationship. Exactly. That was my thinking this morning."

  He smiled at her. It was an absolutely devastating smile that made her blush. She sat down at the table and he joined her. "I hope the salad is all right with you."

  "Yes, fine," she said, not caring in the least about the salad.

  "The thing is, we have this--"

  "Chemistry. Yeah. It's intense."

  "And my thinking is that we're both too busy to be dating, and having to deal with people wanting more from us than we have to give at this point in our lives. We're adults, we're mature, we know what we want, why not help each other out?"

  She laughed. "Help each other out? That's a different kind of euphemism for it."

  "You know what I mean. By the way, and speaking of you knowing what I mean, I hired Mrs. Stone. You were absolutely right about her. She's perfect."

  "I'm so glad. I just knew you two would fit."

  They both ate some salad.

  "So how would it work?" she asked. "We'd just arrange times when we are both free? Or call each other when we're in the mood?"

  "I'm not sure...I hadn't gotten quite that far in my thinking."

  "Well, speaking simply on the basis of good health, I think once a week might be good."

  "Only once a week?"

  They both laughed at his plaintive tone. "Okay, how's this," she said. "We have a standing 'date' on a night we choose. Then if either one of us wants to, we can call."

  "That sounds good. And at any time we can talk about changing things or ending our arrangement," Jason said.


  They reached across the table and shook hands.

  "Tonight then?" she asked, feeling excited.

  "Oh yeah," he said in a very definite voice.

  They finished the meal in silence.

  Suddenly Holly said, "We forgot something."


  "Where? Whose place do we go to?"

  "We could trade off I suppose."

  "Yes, that would work. Do you want to come to my place tonight?" It's good the maid comes today, she thought.

  "All right. You said you're in the Helix?"

  "Yes, apartment 3205."

  "That's a nice view."

  "What time? I mean, do we do dinner? Or will it be later?"

  "I think it may vary depending on how the day has gone. Let's play that by ear. Tonight I'll come over around eight-thirty, and I will have eaten so you don't have to feed me."

  "And if something comes up, just call and let me know."

  "Yes, I will. But nothing is going to keep me from your place tonight," he said with a grin.

  She stood up and walked over to put on her jacket. Before she could, he took it from her hands and helped her into it, one hand lingering on her shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  "Tonight then," he said in a low voice.

  "Yes, tonight." She left his office feeling a quivering inside that had everything to do with anticipation.

  * * * *

  The rest of
Jason's day dragged by. Every time he glanced at his watch he checked to see if it had stopped working.

  He couldn't stop thinking about what was to come. By the time five-thirty rolled around he couldn't stay another minute in his office. He was out the door and on his way home at the earliest time of the whole year. Reaching his apartment he realized there was nothing keeping him from calling her to change the time.

  His phone rang. He recognized Holly's number on the screen and smiled. He answered the phone saying, "How about now?"

  "Yes," was all she said. They both hung up.

  As he raced to the elevator he reminded himself that this feeling of need was not a sign of any involvement. How could it be after they'd made such a practical agreement?

  Halfway to the Helix he remembered that there was a Chinese restaurant around the corner from the entrance. He'd been there many times during work on that building. Scrolling through his phone he found the number and called in an order. By the time the cab had made it through traffic, he knew it would be ready.

  He paid his fare and darted from the cab to the restaurant, then headed to the front doors. The doorman recognized him and gave him a salute. While he rode the elevator to the thirty-second floor he noticed just how heavy the bag of Chinese food was and realized he might have ordered half the menu. He shrugged.

  When Holly opened the door to her apartment, Jason felt time stop. All the rushing and urgency ended as he saw her smile. "I brought food."

  "It smells divine."

  He walked in and set it on the kitchen counter. Turning to her, he said, "I don't want food. I want you. Now."

  She moved closer and molded her body against his. "Then take me."

  His lips met hers and as he wrapped his arms around her, he had a moment only to think, 'Home' before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom where all thought vanished.

  * * * *

  Holly sat at her dining room table and gazed across a sea of take-out boxes to Jason. "Who were you planning on feeding, an army?"

  He laughed, relaxed and easy with her. They were both wearing heavy silk robes. Hers was in a gold that matched her hair, while his was black. She'd tossed him the robe when they got out of bed to eat. She'd kept it in her closet for anyone staying over.


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