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Viking's Desire: Sexy-Romance Novel: A Viking Love Story

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by Sharp, Catherine

  She decided she would be better off doing as he said. She tip toed to his make-shift bed and lay down as far away from him as she could get.

  “Will you be sleeping in your traveling clothes?” he muttered.

  “Yes indeed.”

  “You will wish tomorrow that you had not. None of my business.”

  He put his hands over his eyes again as if he were going to sleep.

  Lillian, with all her might, still could not stop herself from staring when she thought he was asleep.

  Eriik had never been more wide awake and very aware of her perusal of him, and it took every ounce of control he possessed to keep from becoming very thick and very hard. He knew he could not continue to do that for very much longer, so he turned away from her and let his imagination run amok. At every turn, when he thought of her creamy breasts, shapely waist and derriere, he grew heavy and hard. He was in abject misery. Why did he not take her? That’s what she was expecting after all. That was not his way, he wanted her eager, wet and willing, moaning and calling his name when he spilled his seed inside her. Yes, that’s what would make his release worthwhile. He could have any woman he wanted just to ram himself into. He didn’t understand exactly why he wanted this woman to be different, but he did, and at that moment he decided he would set out to win her into his robes willingly. After quite awhile his cock settled down and so did he. Sleep was filled with emerald eyes and burnished silk. When he awoke, remembering the wonderful dreams of her, he wondered if he would ever be able to keep his mind on something else? By Thor that was a good question.

  Chapter 9

  Camp broke early and the small boats were loaded and re-loaded time and again to get all the men and treasure back to the longships. The prostitutes were left behind in spite of a few of their pleadings to come along. Lillian was hoping that perhaps she too would be left behind, but that was not to be. She was astonished to feel the huge vessel take so easily to the sea as the huge oars sliced through the water and the men taxed their muscles. She couldn’t believe how easily they managed the heavy oars in the water. She gasped as the icy sea water came arcing through the air and hit her like a slap in the face when the oars dipped into the water and then rose high into the sky. She was fascinated, but quite aware that this would probably be a very uncomfortable voyage. She couldn’t believe that with every stroke of the oars she was moving farther and farther away from her home and her family. Tears sprang to her eyes, but with strength and purpose, she stopped them immediately. Without realizing it, she sat a little straighter and appeared a little more resolved. Every time she thought she would surely break down, the thought of the repugnant Lord Montfort made her feel just the slightest bit better.

  The days were infinite, dreary, and wet. It was hard for Lillian to imagine ever being warm and dry again. At night she would join Eriik in his robes and every night, true to his word, he left her alone, turned over and went to sleep, leaving her in peace. What was to become of her though? She couldn’t figure out what her place was in the scheme of things, his demanding her to accompany him. Why? Some things are better left to God, she guessed. She certainly hoped God was close at hand and had not abandoned her.

  One night, she woke up to find Eriik facing her back with his broad arm thrown carelessly across her waist. She turned gently over to face him and couldn’t help but notice how immensely masculine he was. He was sleeping so peacefully, she didn’t have the heart to wake him. What in the world was wrong with her? He had seized her home, ransacked it and kidnapped her. Why was she having gentle feelings for him? It infuriated her. Was she mad at him or herself? Oh! She turned over violently, shaking Eriik awake harshly.

  He had been having a sensual dream about making love to Lillian on a beautiful grassy mountain. She was wet and open for him to slip inside and he took her uninhibited and brought her to the peak of ecstasy. His cock was full and demanding and she took every inch of him and cried out for more, then…nothing. He was jarred awake none too gently.

  The men were astir. She asked Eriik what was going on and he said they had sent out the ravens and they had not returned, which meant they should be expecting land soon. This news brought two emotions within Lillian, fear and pleasure. She couldn’t be happier to get off this damn boat, but the thought of being in a foreign land where no one except Eriik even spoke her language. Oh wait, Eriik had told her there were some English priests there, one of which lived in his household. That was something, after all. Would the townspeople be hostile? Again, what was to be would be. She silently prayed for help and strength to persevere. It was the next day when the men started shouting about seagulls and according to Eriik, that meant they were very close. They should be landing sometime tomorrow. Thank the Lord, this would be the last night on this god forsaken ship. But then…

  Chapter 10

  They could hear the horns informing everyone in the village they had been spotted. It looked to Lillian as if everybody had shown up on the dock to welcome their men back home, some of which were not returning to their loved ones alive. Her hands were shaking and she could not stop them to save her life. Unexpectedly, Eriik grabbed one of Lillian’s hands and gave it a squeeze. This little gesture from Eriik meant the world to Lillian even if she wouldn’t admit it, even to herself. Eriik helped Lillian off the boat and showed her a place to sit while the unloading and the greeting of kinsmen took place. After awhile she was very glad she had a place to sit because this arrival and unloading was taking an eternity. She leaned back against a rock and became quite pensive, reflecting about all that had happened to her in a mere week. She noticed Eriik walking toward her and again found herself thinking how he was so tall and muscularly built and how absolutely male he was. She couldn’t help the chills that went racing down her spine but chastised herself for feeling that way about her abductor. He reached her and stated firmly, “Time to go home.”

  “Home? My home is in England!”

  “Not anymore sweet.”

  “Don’t you dare call me that.”

  “I’ll call you what I like.”

  With that, he grabbed her hand and they started off, pulling a cart behind. One of his kinsmen had provided it for Eriik so he could take all his plunder home. Anger could hardly describe what Lillian was feeling. He called her Father’s pet name and now was pulling all her family’s treasure behind him. Oh!

  By the time they finally arrived at his home, she was too tired to feel much of anything, even anger. She would try to fire herself up again later. His dwelling was quite large, considering she was expecting a grass hut with livestock grazing inside. It was cut literally out of the side of a mountain. The work was quite skillful. There were magical looking signs and ornamentation sculpted on much of the front of the abode. It was very beautiful. At least it would have been had she been in any other mood. Even so, she couldn’t help but notice the expert craftsmanship.

  He opened the door for her and as she entered, she actually felt quite cozy and deemed herself a traitor not only to her family, but to England as a whole for such feelings. Would she never be able to feel like herself again? She seemed to always be fighting within and it was wearing her out. The beautiful wall hangings from the ceilings were magnificent. The great room had a table that looked as if it could seat a hundred guests for dinner. The staircase was carved with more foreign but beautiful symbols. She didn’t know if they meant something or if they were just for appearances.

  Eriik showed her to a bedchamber and it was exquisite with two huge windows from ceiling to floor with window hangings even more ornate than in the great room. It even held a tub. Oh, good lord, how long had it been since she had the luxury of a real bath? She was overwhelmed. She was chastising herself for being so impressed, but couldn’t help herself from looking forward to staying in such a stunning suite.

  Eriik said, “Do you think you could be comfortable here?”

  “Oh my, yes, well, uh, it’s not home, but…”

  He started to smile but c
aught himself before she saw it.

  “I know, but we can’t change that now can we?”

  “At any rate, welcome to my chamber.”

  She whirled around so fast she became dizzy, “Oh no, if you think I am going to be your mistress, you are sadly mistaken!”

  “Lillian, you have shared my bed now for days and I’ve kept my word.”

  “Yes but that was in horrible conditions, not in a nice, soft bed in a lovely room.”

  “Well, how about if you stay here just long enough for a nice, hot bath?”

  To her utter amazement he started a fire, then ordered several servants to bring hot water for her bath. Heaven on earth, a hot bath after that hell of a voyage. She couldn’t help but smile at him and at that moment, upon seeing her smile, it took all that was in him not to rush over, take her in his arms and ravish her with his mouth and his body.

  Instead, he said, “Well, I’ll leave you to it, then.”

  Haltingly, she replied, “Thank you, Eriik, uh Lord Thorennson.”

  “Please, Eriik.”

  He had to leave in a hurry before he changed his mind and kissed her with the lust that was rampaging through him. He was a strong man and he could control every aspect of his body, but at this moment his flesh was getting the best of him and he could not control his damnable cock. It was hard, uncomfortable, and throbbing with pain. He wanted to slide into her until he couldn’t push any further. What was wrong with him? He couldn’t ever remember wanting a woman this much. It made him weak and he could not tolerate being weak. He had to have her, and when he wanted something, by Thor, he got it!

  He stomped down the stairs and out of the house, straight to the tavern to join his men and kinsmen for a drink, or many drinks, and some well-earned celebration.

  When he arrived at the tavern, the revelry was well on its way. Everyone was having a good time and as he entered, the entire tavern jumped up, got him a drink and toasted their success, attributing most of it to him.

  “Ah no my friends, thanks to us all and to the gods!”

  The party was amusing and he was glad he came, when he felt a soft touch on the back of his neck, caressing him. He knew before he turned around who he would find. One of the tavern wenches, Jorunn was behind him with a very saucy look on her face. She was tall and blonde with her long hair pulled together in one long braid falling down the center of her back. Eriik knew how she felt about him and was certain of her intentions. He would usually be more than happy to oblige, but for some reason, she didn’t seem quite as alluring as she always had before. His body however was traitorous. He could feel the heavy, full feeling flowing through his groin again. She saw it too and was rather pleased with herself. She sat on his lap and discreetly rubbed his crotch, chafing herself against the hardness that was straining for release. They laughed and drank and after a few pints, Jorunn said seductively, “Let’s go upstairs handsome.”

  “I’m right behind you.”

  No one even noticed them as they climbed the stairs to a small bed chamber. Jorunn closed the door and pulled her outer clothing over her head. She had nothing on underneath. Her breasts were naked for Eriik’s hungry gaze, but he stood motionless. She teased him by touching her own breasts and then pushed his shirt aside to caress his chest. She was getting the desired affect but he was still making no move to touch her. She was taken aback because normally, he took her immediately and their lovemaking was wild. He’s probably tired after his long trip. She lay on the bed and spread her legs so he could see for himself what treasure was within. Her fair curls were wet with anticipation and she rubbed herself and licked her lips in an erotic dance of allure.

  Eriik was so hard he was miserable. What was he waiting for? He couldn’t figure it out and either could she, but he seemed stuck to the floor.

  Jorunn was getting frustrated as she stalked Eriik like a cat playing with its prey.

  “Darling, I can see you are hard and ready for me, what are you waiting for? Perhaps you would like me to help you out of those breeches?”

  She pulled his shirt off his back and stroked his impressive chest, while grasping his swollen cock through his trousers. She chafed her breasts across his chest causing her nipples to harden with desire. As she continued to tease him, she loosened his pants, and as he sprang forth, Eriik couldn’t help but sigh with relief. Before she could bend down to put her berry stained lips on him, he suddenly pulled back, fastened his pants, grabbed his shirt, and backed out the door. Jorunn couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. Perhaps Eriik caught a sickness from the foreign land.

  Without a word to anyone, Eriik struck out for home. All he wanted to do was see Lillian. Well, that’s not all he wanted to do.

  Chapter 11

  As he reached his land, he slowed his stride and thought about what he needed to do. This was an impossible situation. He had a woman that he wanted to take but couldn’t and all the women he could have, but didn’t want. A never ending ridiculous circle.

  As he entered his bedchamber, Lillian was in her bedclothes lying in bed with her back to the door. She seemed to be asleep. He came in, stripped down, and climbed into bed. As Lillian felt his body beside her, it was as if he were the devil himself; she flew out of bed and shuddered. Noticing his nakedness, she turned and cried, “My lord, I believe I made myself perfectly clear. If you wish to sleep in your chamber, please have the servants make up another for me.”

  He was drunk, frustrated, and generally disagreeable, “I’ll do no such thing. Get your ass in this bed on your own or I’ll hog tie you.”

  “Excuse my indelicate language, sir, but like hell you will.”

  Eriik leaped across the bed in one motion, grabbed Lillian’s hands and brought her flying into his arms, sitting her down upon his naked lap. She started to struggle, but soon realized it was futile and besides it was causing quite a difference in Eriik’s particular body part that she had been focusing on of late.

  “Now, would you like to sleep or be tied?”

  She turned her nose up and said nothing.

  “I’m going to ask you one more time and believe me Lillian when I tell you, one more time!”

  She spit in his face. She was furious!

  He was more than enraged!

  He threw her over his shoulder, her fighting him every step of the way, to no avail, as he pulled the cord from the window hangings. He tied one end of the cord around her waist and attached the other end to his wrist.

  “You had your choice, lady,” he hissed. “Sleep well.”


  Each night was like the last. He would arrive at his bedchamber, he would ask her the same question and Lillian would turn up her nose and shake her head. He would tie her to him and she would go to sleep, or try to. Eriik also had a difficult time sleeping as he lay with his back to her, seething. He was vehement that she would lie with him on her own accord or she would be tethered to him every damn night.

  However, night after night he would hear her weeping softly and felt like such a bastard, but the thought of her sleeping anywhere but beside him was unthinkable.

  Lillian now was not only a prisoner by day, confined to his bedchamber but truly a prisoner by night as well, in his bed. Wasn’t that what she had been afraid of, being a prisoner? But was he really the one imprisoning her, or was she doing this to herself out of sheer stubbornness? Either way, this was a mockery. She could not go on much longer. Perhaps she should just open the window and throw herself to her death. Taking one’s own life was an unforgiveable sin and even if she had the courage in this life, she certainly didn’t have the courage to spend eternity in hell. Although right now she felt like she was already there.

  Alright, she said to herself sensibly, what must I do? I cannot endure this situation any longer.

  She had the entire day to ponder this very important question, and so she did. Besides Eriik, she was completely alone and increasingly finding it unpleasant. The days were infinitely long, as she languishe
d away in his bedchamber, with nothing to do but nap and longingly look out the window. She wasn’t sure what to do about it, after all, no one but Eriik could speak to her even if she were allowed out of the room. She had no one to talk to and nothing to do and even if she did, she would have been too embarrassed. Thinking of Eriik, she couldn’t help but picture his magnificent body, the fine muscles, and dammit, that strange feeling in her stomach started again with a weird quivering feeling. She needed to calm down a bit. She got up to snoop around his bed chamber and found a cabinet full of liquor. She had never been allowed to drink before except wine at dinner. She felt absolutely decadent. Everything was in beautiful decanters, so she didn’t really know what she was picking, but she chose the one that smelled the best. There were two goblets by the decanters. For some reason, those two goblets pricked her. She imagined he had company in this room all the time. He had taken his clothes off in front of her with no modesty at all, not that he had any reason to be modest. But still, she was sure he had taken his clothes off plenty of times with many women. There goes that prickly feeling again. Completely ridiculous! She drank the dark, warm liquid and it burned going down, but it felt good. She thought and drank, and thought and drank until the quivering stopped and there was a nice warmth flowing through her body. She felt good. Her head was spinning a bit, but it was fun. She laughed to herself and tried to walk to the bed but fell, giggling. She heard him come through the gate screaming about something and gulped the remainder of the drink down, fast.

  Chapter 12

  He had had a particularly long, hot, frustrating day of swordplay with Bjorn, but couldn’t sweat his randyness away. He had gone longer without a woman than ever before, and why? What the hell was he doing anyway. Bjorn was right. He had lost his mind.


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