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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

Page 5

by Marianna Forrest

  Sawyer’s eyes lit up, thankful for the distraction, but still wary of the stranger. Owen hung around nearby, occupying himself with the arrangements close to the counter. Sawyer visibly relaxed when he saw Owen and found his voice.

  “Well, yeah, I should have some coming in later today, actually. Would you like to stick around? It shouldn’t be too long.”

  “That would be awesome. By the way, you coming out to dinner with us tonight?” Colton motioned to Owen. “We were gonna pick something up and head to their place.”

  “I don’t know. It sounds fun, but I’ve been swamped with work,” Sawyer sighed. “Valentine’s Day is soon, you know.”

  “You’re all work and no–” Colton started.

  “We’re in the middle of something here, bro." The man glared at Colton.

  Colton’s world froze. It was as if a bolt of lightning struck him. Instant recognition sparked through his body as the familiar gaze focused on him.

  Noah Harper.

  All at once, the memories came flooding back. Noah Harper had been another guy at school, another hot-headed alpha who felt he had to prove himself to everyone around him through force. He had recognized Noah, but the other man didn’t seem to remember him. Maybe it was for the best.

  Noah had never enjoyed his company. Time and time again, they had butted heads, becoming akin to mortal enemies during their high-school careers. He had always felt the other’s eyes on his back in the hallways, like he was painting a target with those dark blue orbs.

  Noah growled. “You don’t work here. Butt out.” His nose twitched, and his eyes narrowed with suspicion.

  “My, how rude,” Owen said, coming up behind Colton and throwing his arm around his shoulders. “I’ll have you know, this here is one of the foremost botany experts in Boston. He’s very respected around these parts!”

  “And who are you, his maid?” Noah snarled and tore his attention from Colton to focus on Owen.

  I owe you one, Owen.

  “I’m Vaughn DeKinderlynn, foremost cocktologist in my field. You’re looking at two of the most respected alphas in Boston, my friend.”

  “I ain’t your friend, friend.” Noah took a step forward.

  The air became stuffy with animosity, causing other people to take notice. They had to wrap this up quickly. Colton didn’t have time to react before the female omega working in the shop placed her hand on the rival alpha’s arm and gripped tightly.

  “Hey, Noah, sweetie, how about we tone things down a bit? It’s getting a bit hard to breathe in here.” She averted her gaze before timidly raising her eyes to look up at the man. Her voice was quiet and soothing. “Vaughn and Richard are good people. Let’s not let tension get the better of us, okay?”

  Colton’s nose twitched. Even though she was claimed, she had a calming effect on the angry alpha. His bitter scent dissipated, and a sigh left his lips.

  “Damn posh bastards. What, you think money can get you everything?" Noah growled as he turned his gaze back to Sawyer.

  Colton stepped forward and created a small barrier with his arm between Sawyer and Noah. “Now, I assure you, there’s no need for that. See, we’re not that different, I’m sure we can get along swimmingly. However, cornering our friend here? That’s something that should be avoided in the future.”

  Colton stood firm as Noah tried to get around him to the counter door.

  “You don’t want to try that, man. Let it go,” Colton said.

  “Sawyer, I won’t take no for an answer. I’ll prove myself to you,” Noah said lowly. “And, you…”

  He glared at Colton. “Stay the hell away from him.”

  Colton simply stared as Noah left the shop. Audible sighs escaped from the remaining customers. Nobody liked being around pissy alphas, especially not in close quarters.

  “Are you okay?” Colton turned to talk to Sawyer.

  “As okay as I can be,” Sawyer said quietly. “Thanks for your help.”

  “Really, you should thank her.” Colton motioned to the female omega standing nearby. “She’s the one who calmed him down after Owen and I riled him up." Colton scratched his head and looked sheepish.

  “I’m used to dealing with him. He’s a big bully, all bark and no bite. Though he did get a bit more ballsy this time. The begonia thing was good thinking,” the woman said and held out her hand. “Sophie Montoya.”

  “Nice to meet you." Colton shook her hand and smiled.

  Owen piped up, “You’re gonna introduce yourself, and you’re not even gonna tell him your middle name? I am absolutely astounded, Sophie.”

  “Do I have to?” she asked. An expectant grin from Owen made her sigh. “My middle name is Indigo.”

  Colton barely held back a snicker. He didn’t want to seem rude, but that was a perfect name.

  “So, tell me, how’s your father?” Owen raised his eyebrow.

  “He’s fine, thank you,” Sophie huffed.

  Colton tried not to smile. “Anything we should prepare for?”

  “Oh, not you too! I thought you were the good guy." Sophie pouted. “Anyway, did you know that guy? Seemed like you did.”

  Shit, there it is. How do I…?

  Colton took a deep breath, and ran a hand through his hair. “Knew him from school. We were kind of… rivals? I never viewed us as such, but…” He furrowed his eyebrows. “I don’t know. I guess some people just aren’t meant to get along.”

  Sophie shrugged. “Guess so. I knew a few people like that when I was in school, too. Lydia was always around to save me, though. She’s scary when she’s mad, but also really sexy, not gonna lie.”

  “Lydia?” Colton asked.

  “Lydia is my wonderful, dashing, superhero mate. We’ve been together for four years." Sophie smiled.

  Owen nodded. “Yeah, Lydia is cool people. I think you two would get along at my expense.”

  Sawyer’s ears perked. “What do you mean, Owen?”

  “Lydia always makes me the butt of her jokes." Owen pouted. “So, I think she and Colton would get along splendidly because he’s so mean to me. Borderline abusive, even.”

  “I sincerely doubt that,” Sawyer mumbled. His cheeks flushed. He shook it off before staring at Owen. “Cocktologist, though? Really?”

  “What? I work with cocktails! Though I didn’t think about the name until after I said it. Just be thankful we all kept a straight face while that asshole was in here.” Owen snickered.

  “He probably thinks you’re a glorified chicken caretaker now, Owen,” Sophie sighed. “Just don’t let Lydia hear you call yourself that. She’d have a field day.”

  “Seriously, though, I can’t believe he’s still giving you problems, Sawyer." Owen crossed his arms.

  Colton reeled. “He’s been bothering you for a long time?”

  Sawyer nodded. “Yeah, a few months now. He hasn’t quite gotten it through his thick skull yet.”

  “Maybe now that he’s seen two alphas in here who are friends with you, he’ll stay away for a while,” Owen mumbled.

  “Preferably forever,” Sawyer sighed. “Anyway, I have to get back to work. Thanks again for all your help.”

  “It was no problem, Sawyer,” Owen said. He lightly bumped Colton, as if telling him to say something.

  “Sawyer, um…” Colton started.

  Sawyer turned around, looking concerned. “Wait, do you actually need begonias? I don’t have any ordered, so it’ll be a few days.”

  “No, I was wondering if you would really like to join us for dinner. Me, Lukas, Owen, and Abi, that is. Well, Abi might not eat Mexican food, but if she does, the more witnesses, the better." Colton held his breath.

  He felt his heart flip when he saw Sawyer slightly smile.

  “It’s tempting, but I have a lot to get done before Valentine’s Day,” he whispered. “Maybe another time?”

  “Yeah, maybe another time.” Colton sighed. He hoped his shoulders weren’t drooping. That would be embarrassing. He felt Owen put a hand on h
is shoulder before he paid for a bouquet.

  “Oh, Lukas will love these,” Sawyer said. “See these? They stand for sanctuary, love, and purity.”

  Colton’s chest ached. He couldn’t help but notice the way Sawyer’s eyes softened as he spruced up the bouquet and talked more about the different meanings hidden within the flowers.

  Owen suddenly appeared beside him and snapped him back to reality.

  “So, what does begonia mean? Is that some code word?”

  Colton led Owen away from the counter, ready to get some fresh air. “It means ‘beware’ or, loosely translated, ‘be wary’ in the old Victorian flower language.”

  The two alphas exited the shop. Colton looked back over his shoulder and felt his chest tighten when he saw Sawyer glancing back.

  He buried his face in his hands, thankful for the cold air outside.

  I’m done for.

  “I’ve made a decision,” Colton whispered as the door shut behind them.

  “You’ll try the escamoles this time?” Owen gave a lopsided grin.

  “Ew, no. No, I’ve decided that after my evaluation, I’m gonna go for it. I need to tell him how I feel.”

  Owen paused before sitting down on a nearby bench and motioning for Colton to sit next to him.

  “Tell me why.” Owen glanced at him sideways, a neutral look on his face. “Tell me. This is an important step for you.”

  Owen’s piercing eyes were something he never thought he’d be the victim of. Colton thought for a moment, then glanced at his brother-in-law.

  “So much happens whenever I’m around him. Where do I even begin?”

  “Like you’re reading a book, just start from the top. Don’t think, just feel,” Owen said, relaxing into the bench.

  Colton leaned back on the bench and took a deep breath before the words came tumbling out all at once.

  “When I’m near him, I feel stronger, I feel like I have a purpose again. My heart races whenever I catch his scent, but, at the same time, I feel at peace. The world seems to move a bit slower when I see him, but I feel like the moment is over too fast when he smiles, when he laughs, or when he looks at me with those soft brown eyes.”

  Colton paused.

  “I want to learn all about him. I want to know what he loves—I want to see every emotion and every face, hear every word and every dream.”

  Colton took a deep breath and puffed out his chest, then turned his confident gaze to Owen. “I want to be the one to protect him. He deserves safety and security. I swear, if he so chooses, I will do everything in my power to give him a happy life.”

  “Careful, your plumage is showing, bro." Owen raised his eyebrow.

  “Don’t you be sassin’ my plumage.”

  Owen laughed. “And there you have it. You’re all grown up! Way to go, man. So, what’s your plan?”

  Colton simply smiled and gazed up at the painted sky and skyscrapers.

  “I’ll make sure he remembers me.”

  Chapter 5

  Sawyer rang the doorbell to Lukas’ home and idly tapped his foot. He was nervous as hell, even though he was in familiar territory.

  A lot of shit happened yesterday. I wish Noah would leave me the hell alone. Luckily, Colton and Owen showed up when they did.

  He sighed. He was tired of jumping at every little noise, and he couldn’t help but hate himself a bit when the door suddenly opened, and he flinched. Lukas greeted him with a smile and quickly pulled him into the house.

  “What’s the hurry?” Sawyer asked.

  “Shh, you’ve gotta see this. Hurry, while she’s still asleep.”

  Sawyer followed Lukas up the stairs into the nursery. It was amazing what a fresh coat of paint and cute pictures had done to brighten up the once drab guest room. Archer, Sienna, and Eliseo had really outdone themselves.

  “Take a look." Lukas motioned to the sturdy crib in the corner. Sawyer spied Mimosa lying protectively next to the crib.

  Sawyer tiptoed over to the crib and gave Mimosa a quick scratch behind the ears. He heard Lukas sneak up behind him.

  Sawyer slapped his hand over his mouth, muffling his snicker, when he saw Miss Mulberry curled up next to Abigail, purring away.

  “A guard dog and guard cat,” Sawyer whispered. “Abi is well-protected. This is so cute. They’re all so cute. Lukas, I’ll take one of each.”

  Lukas pulled him out of the room, leaving the door cracked so Mimosa and Miss Mulberry could leave if they wanted to.

  “I haven’t been able to keep Miss Mulberry out of that crib since we got home, and Mimosa has been glued to that spot ever since she laid eyes on Abi." Lukas chuckled. “Anyway, come on. I have some sandwiches waiting downstairs if you’re hungry.”

  Sawyer paused. “Where’s Owen? It’s only noon.”

  “He had to go to work early. They’re doing a little event with the live band tonight, so it’s just us,” Lukas said. “But that’s okay. We haven’t had much us time in a while.”

  Sawyer settled down at the table as Lukas pulled a covered plate from the fridge and poured some drinks.

  “Let no one say you’re not a gracious host.” Sawyer licked his lips, then took a quick bite of a sandwich. “You spoil me.”

  “Seems like you need a bit of spoiling lately. So, what’s on your mind?” Lukas asked. “I’ve never gotten a message from you that late. What kept you up?”

  Okay, just do it. Just bring it up and get some answers.

  Sawyer exhaled. “Man, this is embarrassing, but I texted you because I have no idea what to do. So many things have been happening, and I just feel lost.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s your brother. I can’t…” Sawyer sighed. “He’s–”

  Lukas cracked his knuckles and interrupted. “Do I have to kick his ass? I’ll do it, you know. I don’t care if he’s an alpha, I will show him the error of his ways if he hurt you.”

  “No! He didn’t do anything to me. Far from it. He’s just–”

  “Loud? Overbearing?” A grin formed on Lukas’ face. “Gassy?”

  Sawyer paused. “Are we talking about the same brother?”

  “Oh, I see. He’s acting like a gentleman around you. Trust me, he could fumigate your entire shop if he didn’t hold back.” Lukas sighed.

  “Lukas, this is serious.”

  “I know, I shared a bathroom with the man for years. I know how serious it is." Lukas grinned.

  “No, I mean…Lukas, I’ve been feeling odd recently. I feel like I’ve come to a fork in the road. My body is just…I feel like I’m fighting something I can’t see, you know?”

  Lukas inhaled sharply, then folded his hands on the table in front of him.

  “The forked path. What do you see at each end?”

  Sawyer averted his gaze and considered.

  “That’s the thing, it’s foggy. One side feels empty, maybe even dangerous. The other side is intriguing. It smells like earth and wildflowers, and it’s warm like a midsummer day. It reminds me of–”


  Sawyer flushed a deep red.

  “So, tell me. Do you lose yourself around him? Get all tongue-tied, all burned up, and put under a spell?”

  “What is he, a wizard?” Sawyer asked.

  Lukas sighed. “Work with me here. Does his scent calm you but stir you up? Do you find your thoughts wandering to him in different situations?”


  “For time’s sake, long story short, you’re in love." Lukas leaned back and nonchalantly grabbed a sandwich from the pile.

  “But you…! You can’t love someone in a few days, right?” Sawyer’s voice cracked. “I mean, you and Owen did, but you’re…”

  The look on Lukas’ face made Sawyer’s voice catch in his throat.

  No way.

  Lukas smiled softly. “Fate is strange. What are the odds, right?”

  No freaking way. This was a joke, right? My nose is just messed up from dealing with the new flowe
rs! Or maybe I’m getting a cold? And it was all the pine trees around that fair! He’s not–

  Sawyer squirmed in his seat. His fingers fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt. There was no way someone as perfect as Colton was his fated.

  “How can you know for sure?”

  “How can you not? Your body hums with new energy, and you fall hard. It can be for their smile, their jokes, or the way they hold you so close.”

  “You’re never gonna let that go, are you?” Sawyer sighed.

  “You know Colton adores you, right?”


  ‘Yeah, ever since you crashed into him, he’s been in a daze. Surely, you’ve noticed?" Lukas took a drink and eyed his friend. “He tries so hard to hide it because he doesn’t want to scare you, but he’s an open book. Always has been.”

  “Oh, so it wasn’t…wasn’t just me,” Sawyer whispered. He felt his heartbeat speed up as he bit his lips.

  “Seriously? You’ve gotta tell him!” Lukas’ eyes filled with excitement.

  Sawyer trembled. “I don’t. I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  Swallowing, Sawyer whispered, “Because I won’t be tied down.”

  Lukas sat still, stunned. “I thought–”

  Sawyer was quick to explain. “I mean, not like that. I want to settle down, but I won’t just…be an omega. That’s all any alpha has ever wanted from me, all my family ever wanted from me. I’m not a damn incubator.”

  “That’s why fate gave you Colton.”

  Lukas leaned forward and balanced his elbows on the table.

  “Don’t you get it? You know Owen, Archer, Andre, Lydia. None of them are slave drivers, and I can guarantee you Colton ain’t that way either. A healthy dose of caution is all well and good, but you can’t live your life being afraid of every single alpha who comes your way. That ain’t fair to them, and it ain’t fair to Colton, especially if he’s not an idiot and has picked up on the same thing you have.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to–" Sawyer’s eyes dropped to the table, and he bit his lip.


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