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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

Page 9

by Marianna Forrest

  Colton felt Sawyer tighten his grip.

  “I thought, ‘If that happens, I’ll be myself again, I’ll stop being this mess I’ve become.’ But you know what happened?”

  Colton pulled Sawyer up and wrapped his arms around the small body in front of him. He felt Sawyer breathe deeply, and his fluffy hair tickled Colton’s throat.

  “Tell me,” he heard himself say in a husky voice he didn’t recognize. He felt a small nuzzle at his throat. He pulled back and saw Sawyer’s eyes glistening with tears.

  “I went and fell for you, anyway.”

  Colton purred and felt heat rise on his neck. He leaned forward and closed the gap between their bodies and found Sawyer’s lips with his. He felt Sawyer flinch in surprise before he melted into the kiss.

  It was just as Owen had described—an explosion, more heated and deadly than a supernova. Christ, he could get used to this.

  He felt the stares of passersby, some of whom whistled in approval. Let ‘em stare. He wouldn’t have traded this moment for anything. He felt proud and happy, and he was bursting with joy as if Sawyer’s lips gave him energy.

  He heard a quiet whimper escape Sawyer’s lips as they parted. Sawyer buried his face in Colton’s chest, breathing raggedly.

  “Wow." He clutched Colton’s shirt loosely.

  “Yeah, wow." Colton smiled and draped his arms around Sawyer’s waist, feeling the warmth radiating from his body.

  “I guess this means…” Sawyer flushed.

  “Think I have a shot at being your boyfriend?” Colton asked. He gazed down at Sawyer with dreamy eyes.

  “I think I can work with you on that,” Sawyer teased. A slow smile formed on his lips.

  “Thank you, Sawyer." Colton’s grin turned into a beaming smile. He rested his chin on top of Sawyer’s head and rubbed small paths on the omega’s back with his hands.

  “What, no cute pet name for me? It can be anything." Sawyer paused. “Wait, no. Anything but snookums.”

  Colton laughed. “I think I can come up with something…”

  He leaned back on the grass and pulled Sawyer down with him. He pulled the omega closer and sighed. “…my little Forget-Me-Not.”

  Chapter 8

  Hell. This is what Hell is like, he was sure of it. Colton struggled to keep up with the never-ending flow of last-minute customers who were pulling him this way and that. Sawyer, on the other hand, was multitasking with ease. How was that even possible?

  Colton felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around, ready to assist, and came face-to-face with Lydia. She pointed out the item Colton had been struggling to find and earned many thanks from the customer who rushed up to the counter.

  Colton cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks. If it had been a snake, it would’ve bitten me.”

  “Don’t worry about it, man. So, you got any plans tonight, big guy?” Lydia smirked and raised her eyebrow. “Other than snake scuffling?”

  “Well, I–”

  “Hey, Begonia, can you bring up another batch of ribbon and bouquet wire, please? It’s an emergency!” Sophie shouted across the shop before turning to help another customer.

  “Sure thing!” Colton replied and looked back at Lydia. “Stick with me, we’ll kill two birds with one stone.”

  The storeroom was small and packed full of different items. Colton crouched and sifted through the pile in the crafting corner, looking for the elusive ribbon and wire. It was amazing how much stuff Sawyer could fit in this modest room. He found what he needed and groaned as his achy legs forced his body upright.

  “I’m gonna propose to Sophie tonight." Lydia’s quiet voice startled him. He had forgotten she was there; she was always so reserved. “I finally saved up enough for the ring she’s been looking at.” She pulled a small box from her pocket and opened it, revealing a beautiful ring.

  “Peach sapphire on rose gold. Peaches for my peach.” Lydia smiled softly at the ring, not trying to hide the happiness in her gaze. “Took forever because, you know, college, but I finally got it.”

  “Seriously? Congratulations!” Colton beamed and stood to meet her eyes. “So, how you gonna do it? Fancy restaurant? In the park under the stars? Homemade dinner?”

  “Cat Café." Lydia looked delighted. “She’s always wanted to go there, and they’re hosting a special event tonight. All the cats are gonna be dressed up like little Cupids, can you believe that? Not to mention all the great food and drinks.”

  Colton hoisted a box full of supplies and threw a crooked smile at his fellow alpha.

  “Just, you know, don’t say anything. Right now, she has no idea, but she’s crafty. She can figure out anything if she gets a few hints,” Lydia whispered as she opened the door for Colton.

  “Who can?” Sophie’s voice was suddenly next to Colton’s ear. He gripped the box tightly.

  “The Queen of England, dear,” Lydia deadpanned and crossed her arms. “Now, come on. Colton was about to tell me what he’s doing for Sawyer tonight.”

  “Ohhh, Begonia. You better take our boy somewhere nice. He deserves it." Sophie rushed back up to the counter and planted herself next to Sawyer. “Hurry, while it’s a bit quiet in here.”

  Colton weaved through the scattered customers and set the box down on the edge of the counter. He stretched his arms high above his head with a groan before sitting on a stool across from Sophie.

  “So? Is it a fancy place? Homemade, even? Bonus points for an alpha who can cook." Sophie smiled sweetly and grasped Lydia’s hand.

  “Well, I wouldn’t call it fancy, but he was dead-set on going." Colton winked at Sawyer, who chuckled lightly.

  “Oh? Where did you decide on? Petey’s Steakhouse? Lacien de Cuisine? Karalynn’s Diner, maybe?” Lydia asked.

  Both men looked sheepish and glanced at each other with smiles.

  “Oh, for the love of God, don’t say Waffle House or so help me–” Lydia threatened.

  “McDonald’s,” Sawyer said nonchalantly.

  Sawyer began working on another arrangement, fluffing and tucking here and there, as Lydia and Sophie looked on. “I need to run up to the apartment for something. I’ll be back in a few. Watch the counter for me, Sophie?”

  “Sure thing, Boss,” Sophie quietly replied, never taking her eyes off Colton.

  As soon as Sawyer headed up the stairs to the apartment, the peaceful lull was broken, as Lydia exploded into fervent whispers and hushed shrieks.

  “McDonald’s? Colton, what the hell?” Lydia rubbed her forehead and furrowed her eyebrows. “That’s almost as bad as Waffle House!”

  “You know him. His little heart is set on that burger.” Colton stood and shoved his hands in his pockets. “He’s as stubborn as an ox when it comes to food.”

  Sophie froze and looked at Lydia. She carefully took Lydia’s hand and squeezed it gently. “Baby, I’ll explain later, but please, lay off Colton.”

  Lydia immediately calmed down and placed her hand on top of Sophie’s.

  “I’m sorry, I–” Lydia sighed. “I shouldn’t have criticized. That was rude of me.”

  “Yeah, let that boy tear into some burgers. He could use a bit of meat on his bones. We need a chubby Sawyer in our lives." Sophie smiled.

  The door from the stairway to the apartment squeaked open and Sawyer entered, carrying another box of vases. Colton raised his gaze to meet Sawyer’s, who greeted him with a warm smile.

  “He’s adorable either way.”

  “Ya’ll are so cute." Sophie slumped a little bit and pouted as Sawyer returned to the counter. “I wish closing time was already here so we could all go on our dates.”

  “Not much longer, Sophie." Sawyer placed the box on the staging table. “Though, I’m ready to go, too.”

  “What, are you excited, Sawyer? Ready to go out with your hot date?” Sophie giggled.

  Colton froze as Sawyer lowered his head. The light caught the flush on the back of his neck and ears.

  “Yeah. I’m
really excited to enjoy a night with,” Sawyer cast a furtive glance at Colton. “my hot date.”

  This must be what Cupid’s arrow straight to the heart felt like. Colton willed the fire in his heart to calm as the last customers made their purchases.

  Sawyer pulled his scarf tighter as he and Colton stepped from the shop and locked it behind them. Wind whipped down the streets, whistling around the corners of the old buildings and rustling the colorful awnings across the storefronts.

  “Won’t you get cold in just your suit?” Sawyer asked. He motioned to the scores of people strolling down the sidewalks. Each one was warmly dressed to brave the frigid winds.

  “You’d be surprised how warm this suit is. I know it’s old and tattered, but it is well tailored." Colton grinned.

  Sawyer carefully grabbed Colton’s arm and pulled him close. “Then you won’t mind if I use you as a windshield?”

  “Not at all.”

  Sawyer thought back to the night Colton arrived in Boston and remembered how he looked down from his apartment at these same friends, families, and lovers in the streets. He leaned against Colton’s arm as they walked, and his gaze flitted to the restaurants filled to the brim with couples. He hugged Colton’s arm tighter and relished the alpha's warmth before they finally made it to the nearby McDonald’s.

  One order and a bunch of judgmental looks later, they found a booth in the corner of the restaurant. They were eager to chow down.

  “So, promise you won’t change your mind and kill me for this later?” Colton grinned, then took a bite of his burger.

  “Yeah, I promise.” Sawyer laughed and reached across the table to steal some fries from the alpha. “This is way better than any packed restaurant.”

  Colton grinned and watched Sawyer’s every move. Sawyer swallowed and took a moment to return the gaze. His face probably looked quite sinful, but he couldn’t help it. Fast food was a big weakness of his.

  “I heard Lydia gave you a hard time about this whole fast-food thing." Sawyer popped another fry in his mouth, then licked the salt from his lips.

  Colton chewed his food slowly while he tried to figure out what to say without getting Lydia and Sophie in trouble.

  “It’s okay. Sophie knows why I chose McDonald’s, but Lydia doesn’t. There are a lot of things I need to explain to you, I suppose.” Sawyer sighed. He looked a bit sad. “Can we walk? Otherwise, I might order more food.”

  A few moments later, they were out in the cold wind once more. Snow was in the forecast for the night, but that wouldn’t stop them. Others who seemed to share the same mindset were dashing up and down the sidewalks. Sawyer huddled against Colton’s side and relaxed when he felt Colton’s arm curl around him.

  “Have you ever had someone in your life that was just…utterly and totally controlling?” Sawyer began.

  Colton pursed his lips. “I’ve known some people, but I never stuck around them for long.”

  “A wise decision. It wasn’t always like that for me. In the beginning, my parents were kind, happy, and free. They lived the way they wanted to and they encouraged me to do the same.”

  Colton pressed himself close to the omega, as he guided them between the crowds meandering on the sidewalks. “Something happened to them.”

  “Yeah, Josie, my omega mother, got pretty sick one summer, and Sumida, my alpha mother, sort of…lost herself. I don’t know how else to describe it.”

  Sawyer looked around. They had arrived at a park. People were scattered about the grassy areas near the streets, enjoying the music and lights from the surrounding buildings.

  “Let’s find a spot to sit,” Sawyer whispered as he pulled Colton to a large cluster of maple trees.

  The lights of the city painted a nearby pond with color that splashed across their faces as the couple lowered themselves to the grass. Sawyer heard Colton take a deep breath, as he leaned back against a tree trunk. He smiled and held out his arms, inviting Sawyer to sit with him. Sawyer swallowed the lump in his throat and conceded. He sighed as warm arms wrapped around him from behind.

  “Where was I?" Sawyer squirmed a bit, getting used to the feeling of a hard body behind him.

  “After your parents…?” Colton started.

  “Oh, yeah. It wasn’t long before my grandparents got custody of me and forced me back to Japan. It was hard leaving Boston behind. I had spent the first ten years of my life here. My grandparents were strict, always watching what I said, what I did,” Sawyer motioned toward the nearby restaurants. “what I ate. Perfect mind, perfect body. In short, they were training me to be the perfect omega,” he said in disgust.

  It’s the reason–” Sawyer sighed, frustrated at the memories. “It’s the reason why I fought against my feelings, why I do what I do now, and why I have such a fondness for unhealthy foods. I didn’t want to be an omega. I wanted my own life.”

  Colton was quiet for a time. A thoughtful look crossed his face. Sawyer felt the alpha’s heart thumping against his back, and the arms around his chest tightened slightly.

  “All this time, I thought I scared you. I spent months wondering if I had lost any chance I may have had with you. You ran off so quickly after we first met.”

  “I was surrounded by alpha. My instincts were screaming at me and cold chills froze my skin, but, at the same time, a stifling heat stirred inside me. So, yeah, I’m not ashamed to admit I got scared. It was the first time something like that happened to me." Sawyer sighed and leaned back against Colton’s chest. “When you left, I thought you were gone, that you would build your life without me.”

  “But I didn’t.”

  “But you didn’t. And then you appeared again, as proud as ever. I tried to stay away from you because I didn’t want to risk anything that big, but–”

  Sawyer pulled his scarf up to cover his cheeks.

  “But I took a chance, and I’m glad.”

  A peaceful lull filled the park as a chilly breeze flitted through the trees, almost obscuring the noise of the nearby streets. Colton looked up and smiled as snow started falling. The delicate crystals glittered in the park's lights.

  “Well, there’s our snow,” Colton whispered. “Haven’t seen it snow so much since I was a kid.”

  “You used to live in North Carolina, right?” Sawyer snuggled closer to the alpha. He felt Colton press his lips to his hair before the alpha inhaled deeply.

  “Yeah, a little town called Bellcrest. Beautiful area, full of wonderful people. There’s no such thing as a stranger there. Everybody was a neighbor, a friend.”

  “You ever think of going back? I mean, I know you liked Atlanta, and now you’re here, which tells me you can thrive anywhere if you put your mind to it.”

  Colton swallowed, leaned forward, and huddled around Sawyer more. “Haven’t been back since…”

  Sawyer felt a low rumble against his back as Colton squeezed him tighter.

  “Did Lukas tell you what happened?”

  “Yeah, when he first moved up here. He was a mess, you know? Needed someone to talk to.”

  Colton slumped against Sawyer. He was quiet for what seemed like forever. The omega wriggled out of his grasp and turned so his side was against Colton’s chest. Sawyer tucked his head under the alpha’s chin so he could more easily take in his scent.

  “Seems like you need someone to talk to, too,” Sawyer whispered. He rubbed his nose against the alpha’s throat. “Talk to me, alpha.”

  The tension seemed to leave Colton’s muscles, and a low purr slipped from his lips.

  “It was so sudden. They were coming to pick me up after football practice. I heard it, you know? The accident was close to the school. Some driver, high, or drunk, or whatever, ran a red light, and–” Colton pursed his lips.

  “You always think you have more time together. Just a little bit longer, you know? And then there’s nothing. Nothing but an empty spot where they always sat and the memories they left behind.”

  “I’m so sorry." Hearing the sorrow
in the alpha’s voice was hard. Sawyer felt the lump in his throat getting bigger. He couldn’t cry in front of Colton, not when the alpha needed him.

  “After they died, I focused on taking care of Lukas, but after he moved here, I was totally unsure about what to do with myself. I threw myself into my work, but it was a double-edged sword. I love my job, and I was content to study and discover more, but…” Colton continued.

  “Then you fell into my life,” Colton whispered so only Sawyer could hear. “I had you in my arms, and I was immediately enamored. Completely spellbound. Still am.”

  Sawyer tensed. He was swept away as he felt Colton’s gaze on him. He looked into those deep, earthy eyes, and he felt the heat of anticipation building in his stomach. Colton leaned forward, slowly getting closer, and Sawyer felt the world around them fade. It was just he and Colton, tangled up beneath a red maple tree as the snow fell around them.

  “Everything about you.” Colton whispered. “Every new thing I learn, every face I see, I treasure. Every single thing.”

  Sawyer’s eyes slowly shut as he felt Colton’s rough lips graze his. They were strong, yet tender. The alpha’s scent was everywhere, surrounding him, protecting him from the cold, cruel world, if only for a moment.

  He caught himself wishing this moment would never end, even as Colton pulled back and wrapped his arms tighter around Sawyer’s body. Sawyer, try as he might, couldn’t say anything. He leaned against Colton’s body, his eyes half-lidded. He suddenly felt weak, dependent on the feeling of the alpha’s hard body against his. It was like an addiction.

  Colton suddenly tensed. Sawyer forced himself to raise his head and look up as the alpha tore his gaze from him.

  “What’s wrong?” Sawyer asked, his voice strained.

  All at once, Sawyer felt a wave of nausea settle in his stomach. Someone was nearby, and they hadn’t come in peace. Anger. Fury. Hatred. The scent of rage was overwhelming and forcibly dragged Sawyer back into the intense, treacherous, real world.

  Sawyer gasped as he was suddenly pulled to his feet and held against Colton’s strong body.


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