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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

Page 11

by Marianna Forrest

  Maybe I should budget for a new delivery van. He gripped the steering wheel tensely and listened to the creaks and pops of the vehicle. Besides the problems with the van, there had been wrecks, tolls, and–

  He watched as the huge truck that had just passed him suddenly cut him off to take an upcoming exit ramp. The brakes squealed as the pedal hit the floorboard, and the van slowed quickly. A low curse escaped Sawyer’s lips when he heard a thump in the rear of the van.

  Idiots! Damn it. I thought I tied those old, wooden crates down well enough. Guess not.

  Mentally screaming at the truck driver, he carefully pulled to the side and stopped on the shoulder. He climbed out of the van, cherishing the feeling of walking after three hours on the road. With a grunt, he heaved open the heavy, back doors of the van.

  “Oh, shi–” Sawyer jumped back. “What the hell?”

  Colton was on his knees, hunched among the flowers. He tenderly rubbed the side of his head and neck.

  “Owww…Son of a–”


  Sawyer was absolutely dumbfounded. How had Colton manage to get in there without his noticing? He took a deep breath and watched the alpha closely before he climbed into the back and put his hand on the back of Colton’s neck. The alpha flinched, as he if were in trouble.

  “What are you doing back here?” Sawyer asked. He carefully examined Colton’s head and neck for injury.

  “Well, um…Surprise?” Colton grinned over his shoulder.

  Sawyer groaned. “Sophie put you up to this, didn’t she?”

  “That hurts, sugar. That’s hurtful.” Colton’s lips turned into a pout. “Can I not stow away on my own?”

  “You should have told me you wanted to come along,” Sawyer said with irritation. He found no injuries, so he slipped from the back of the van and crossed his arms as he watched Colton follow suit.

  “What’s the fun in that?” Colton tightened a strap on a box full of flowers before slamming the doors shut.

  Sawyer sighed and pulled Colton toward the passenger side of the van. It creaked as he leaned his weight against it. He focused on the scattered woods across from him as the alpha stood next to him.

  “Did anyone think to ask what I wanted? I don’t like people monitoring and following me. You do realize this, yes? I’m not incapable of doing my job.” Sawyer bit the inside of his cheek in frustration.

  “That’s not why I came along, and you know it.” Colton stood firm. “Hear me when I say I won’t apologize for worrying about you and wanting to keep you safe.”

  Sawyer froze and guiltily averted his gaze.

  “I know because I know you. You’re selfless to a fault, always worrying about other people before yourself.” He motioned for Colton to get in the van. “But what would you have done if I had gotten in a bad wreck? Like, even worse than what just happened? You could have gotten seriously hurt!”

  Sawyer slammed his door and gripped the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white. “You worry too much about others and not enough about yourself.”

  “I’m not going to apologize for that, either.” Colton buckled his seatbelt and smiled before locking his hands behind his head.

  Sawyer started the van and pulled back out onto the road. “You’re impossible, you know? Why do I put up with you?”

  “Let’s face it. You just want me around because of Bitty-Piggy.” Colton’s light-hearted laugh echoed in the small van.

  Sawyer’s harsh gaze melted. Colton’s laugh was a refreshing drink of water on a hot day. It never failed to make him smile. Okay, yeah. Maybe I would have missed him today. I just hope…

  Damn, there was something he hadn’t thought about. How would he introduce Colton to–

  “So, we should be almost there, right? I think I counted three hours back there.” Colton grimaced. “My ass went numb around hour two, just in case you were wondering.”

  “Sorry, I would have put some pillows and snacks back there if I had known I’d have a stowaway riding with me,” Sawyer mumbled. “But yeah, we’re almost there. Just be on your best behavior when we get there, okay?”

  “Don’t have to worry about me, I am a perfect angel.”

  Sawyer squirmed in his seat and bit his lip.

  I won’t apologize for worrying about you.

  Darkness was approaching as they reached the city of Portland. Colton’s soft snores from the passenger seat brought a smile to Sawyer’s face. It hadn’t been long ago that he realized what he felt for the alpha, while listening to those sleepy rumbles. He focused on the road again before he started shaking Colton’s leg.

  “Hey, wake up. Check it out.” Sawyer squeezed Colton’s leg, rousing him from his nap.

  “Wha–?” Colton snorted.

  Sawyer pointed to the coast. A small lighthouse rested on the cliffside, with the last bit of sunshine sparkling on the ocean behind it.

  Sawyer’s eyes darted to the small clock on the dashboard of the van. “It’s a little past four. It’s too late to stop and wander, but I thought you might like seeing it. This was always one of my favorite places when I lived here.”

  “You lived here?”

  “Yeah. After I left Japan, I came here and–” Sawyer gazed at the lighthouse for a passing second. “Never mind, it will make sense soon. We’re almost there.”

  Colton nodded. The alpha knew better than to push the question. Sawyer felt an excited flutter in his belly as the lighthouse faded behind them, and familiar, quaint houses lined the edges of the streets.

  The rows of dwellings melted away as they neared an open street, with houses on one side and large buildings on the other. Medical centers, a post office, libraries, and churches were all situated there. As they neared the end of the road, Sawyer’s eyes lit up.

  “And here we are. Welcome to the Deleon Bureau of Horticultural Research, Colton.”

  “Wait. Seriously?” Colton stared in awe at the building at the end of the street. “Henry Deleon is your client?”

  “Is that a problem?” Sawyer asked.

  “No, this is amazing!”

  Sawyer sighed in relief. “Good. I was worried I’d have to tie you up and hide you in the back of the van while we were here.”

  “God, no. Don’t put me back there again. I’ll be good, I promise.”

  A gate to the side opened as they approached. Sawyer pulled around to a loading dock at the back of the building and carefully backed into a spot as a member of security came up to the driver’s window.

  “Name and registration, please.” The security officer stared into the window with a blank look on his face.

  “Hey, Conrad.” Sawyer smiled and unbuckled his seatbelt. “Long time, no see.”

  “Sawyer? Is it really you? It’s been too long.” Conrad grinned from ear-to-ear and stepped back as Sawyer opened the door. “I heard whispers that you were coming, but I had to see it with my own eyes.”

  “Does he know we’re here?” Sawyer asked as he looked up at the top floors of the building.

  “Yeah, Jimmy radioed it in when he saw your van pull up. Who’s your friend? This the guy?” Conrad looked over Sawyer’s shoulder to the passenger seat where Colton still sat.

  Sawyer paused. “What?”

  “Don’t try to hide it, Sawyer. If I can figure it out, you know he can. In fact, he already has. You know how clever he is.” Conrad pointed to the top floor of the building. “He figured it out in about point-three seconds.”

  Sawyer sighed and crossed his arms. “This is Colton. Don’t mind him, I think he’s still in shock.”

  Colton suddenly snapped out of his trance. “‘This the guy?’ Did you just sell me, Sawyer? Am I doomed to spend the rest of my days as a test subject? I hope I sprout tentacles this time.”

  Sawyer jolted. “This time? What have you already sprouted?”

  His question was met with waggling eyebrows, which drew a bellowing laugh from Conrad. “He’s gonna like this guy. They have the same sense of

  “God help us all, right?” Sawyer motioned to Colton. “You can come out now. He may look mean, but Conrad is a good guy. Especially if you feed him.”

  Colton dug around in the glove compartment and pulled out a half-eaten bag of jerky. “I have some beef jerky.” He shook the bag slightly. “Sorry, I got hungry on the way and had to eat part of your offering, but if it pleases you, grant me passage.”

  "Granted." Conrad shook Colton's hand as he came around the van's side and stood next to Sawyer. "Now, let's get this all unloaded. He's excited to see you again."

  Sawyer nodded and opened the back door of the van. “Tell him we’ll be right up.”

  “No need, boy.” A gruff voice echoed in the darkness behind them as Conrad picked up his radio.

  “Hey, Boss.” Conrad clipped his radio back on his belt.

  The outline of a huge man was visible in the darkness of the loading dock. Colton tensed. He didn’t need his sense of smell to know this man was an alpha. His presence was nerve wracking. Sawyer, on the other hand, looked as relaxed as could be.

  Colton paused. Who is this?

  “You’re late,” the man said.

  Sawyer smiled and casually stepped up to the giant. “Sorry, Gramps. It was an eventful trip.”

  “Wha–?” Colton froze, eyes widening. “This is–?”

  “Gramps, meet Colton. Colton, Gramps.” Sawyer gestured between the two alphas, and Conrad snickered.

  Time stood still, then Colton suddenly realized he was standing around, staring like an idiot.

  “Okay. Okay, hold up. Um…” Colton stepped forward and held out his hand toward the man. “First, it’s nice to meet you, sir.”

  Colton took a deep breath. “Second, you’re–”

  “Henry Deleon.” The giant grasped Colton’s hand and shook it with gusto.

  “Wow, I–” Colton turned to Sawyer. “Your grandpa is Henry Deleon? Is this real? Am I dreaming?”

  “If I’m appearing in your dreams, I can recommend a good psychologist for ya, boy!” Henry laughed, wheezing.

  Colton’s starstruck voice caught in his throat as he watched Henry. Sawyer leaned close to him.

  “My grandpa on my Nomo’s side. Sorry, he’s a bit theatrical around newcomers. Once everything settles, I’ll explain everything, I promise.”

  “I’ll just–” Colton dragged his hand down his face. “Fanboy in silence for a bit.”

  Sawyer let out a deep breath as he pulled the door shut behind him. To his relief, Colton had finally found his voice and was engrossed in conversation with Henry. Turned out Henry Deleon was a huge hero to Colton. Who would have thought the old man was the whole reason Colton started studying biology?

  A shudder ran through Sawyer as he headed down the familiar hallways. He had to get out of the room for a minute, so he made up an excuse to wander. His grandpa always kept his office uncomfortably warm, almost to the point of suffocation. It didn’t help that–

  A groan escaped his lips as heat crept up his spine. He leaned against the wall to support himself when he briefly staggered. Thankfully, the hallways around him were dim and quiet, as most of the employees had gone home for the evening. There was nobody around to witness his descent into madness.

  His gaze drifted to the large windows lining the walls that looked over the city, sparkling beneath them, for miles. If he focused, he could hear the bellows of the ships near the coast. Sawyer knelt on a bench beneath the windows and resting his elbows on the plastered windowsills. The chill that seeped through the glass curled around him, comforting him.

  Just a moment here, and then–

  Shivers ran down his spine, obliterating the pleasant heat that had once blossomed.

  Damn, it’s getting close…I need to–

  His thoughts became clouded.

  I need him.

  Sawyer pulled himself together long enough to drag himself to his feet. The office was nearby; he just had to relax. He’s nearby. Just a bit of a walk and then…

  Heat pooled in his abdomen. Then what? I pull him to the van and ask him to…? Or jump him in the office? Yeah, great plan.

  His hand rested against the wall outside the suffocating office. He took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob before he heard a muffled voice from inside.

  “Tell me. My boy seems happier recently. Even on the phone, I could tell. Are you the reason?”

  “His happiness ain’t something I can take credit for. In Boston, he’s built an amazing life, chock-full of some of the kindest people I’ve ever met. I’m lucky to be part of it.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, Colton. You may think yourself a wallflower, but to Sawyer? It’s clear as day you’re the centerpiece, the focus, the one that stands out and brings the whole arrangement together.”

  Sawyer heard his grandpa rise from the old, squeaky chair in the corner. “Clear as day, I say. Just like…” He paused. “Just like my Josie and her Sumida.”

  Sawyer felt his entire body stiffen as he heard those words.

  “I’ve seen this happen before. The way you two look at each other. They were the same.”

  Colton’s low voice broke the silence. “Sawyer told me a bit about what happened to them. I’m sorry for your loss.”

  “Don’t be. Josie isn’t suffering anymore, and Sumida…she’s not being hounded by her parents any longer. That curse has fallen to Sawyer.”

  Henry sighed deeply. “That’s why I need you to do something for me.”

  “Anything, sir.”

  “Protect him. He deserves peace and happiness. You know Sumida’s side of the family won’t approve, but–”

  “Pardon my French, but to Hell with ‘em. He ain’t a puppet to be controlled.” Colton paused. “With your blessing, Mr. Deleon, and with his, I’ll stay with him. I’ll protect him from whatever comes our way.”

  “Thank you, Colton.”

  Henry sighed again. “It’s getting late. Do you two have a place to stay for the night? I’m worried about him. His condition is getting worse by the minute, and he should’ve been back by now.”

  Sawyer cringed. That’s my cue.

  He pushed open the door slowly, refusing to look either alpha in the eye. “Sorry I’m late, I got lost in the memories. The city has grown quite a bit since I was last here.”

  “Don’t worry, Sawyer. Colton and I had quite a riveting discussion while you were out. But what’s this tone of voice I hear? Why’re you so sad? Thinkin’ about leaving?”

  Sawyer nodded and bit his lip. “Yeah, I think it’s about time we head out. I wish we could stay longer, Gramps, but–”

  “Don’t worry about a thing. There will be plenty of opportunities to visit in the future.” Henry nodded to Colton and put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “You’ll both understand in due time. I’ll call you later.”

  Henry wrapped his arms around Sawyer and ruffled his hair. “Now, you two get on home. You’ve got a bit of a drive. Call me when you get there.”

  “Will do, Gramps. Thanks for having us tonight.”

  Colton wrapped his arm around Sawyer’s waist and opened the door for him. “Yes, sir. Thank you. For everything.”

  Sawyer shuddered. Colton’s arm was like a flaming rope around his body, and he felt himself losing every ounce of fight in him. It was leaking out like–

  He forced his eyes closed. Don’t. Wrong choice of words.

  Closing his eyes was a mistake. Now, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t open them. It was so warm. Colton’s scent was all around him. He was safe for now.

  “Everything is okay,” said a low voice in his ear. “Rest.”

  And just like that, slumber engulfed, unwilling to let him go.

  Chapter 10

  Sawyer jolted awake when he heard Colton curse. Pale rays from the streetlights flashed through the van’s windows, revealing Colton’s strained face. He furrowed his eyebrows as he kept his eyes glued to the road.

ry, these drivers are about to make me lose my damn mind. Freakin’ turtle-racers.” Colton sighed roughly and gripped the steering wheel harder.

  Sawyer squirmed as he tried to move his arms. He was way too hot. A light blanket had been tossed over him, and his arms were wound up in, under, and around his seatbelt.

  “Where…?” Sawyer asked. His voice was hoarse, and he was very thirsty.

  “We’re about an hour outside of Boston. We had to dodge a couple of wrecks, but…”

  Colton’s voice gradually faded until it was too quiet to hear anymore. Sawyer realized the alpha was still talking, but he could only focus on the movement of his rough lips and sharp teeth. Shit. This isn’t good.

  It was like his body wasn’t his own anymore. Sawyer freed his arms from the seatbelt and threw off the blanket. His body ached more with each passing moment. His gaze darted to the alpha, who had stopped talking and was instead trying to control his breathing.

  Fuck, his scent was probably going haywire in such a confined space. He felt Colton’s hand grip his thigh and squeeze lightly. That one bit of contact was enough to send sparks through his body.

  “…won’t make it,” Sawyer whispered. “It hurts…”

  “Shit, alright. Let’s see…” Colton glanced at the directional road signs before easing toward an off-ramp. “Don’t worry. There are a couple places nearby.”

  Sawyer groaned and curled up in his seat. “I’m sorry. I thought I could make it.”

  “It’s okay; you’re alright. Stay focused; we’ll get you through this.”

  After a few minutes, Colton swung the van into a parking lot and eased into a free spot. Sawyer could see they were very close to the shore. The salty ocean air had given the cabins that were scattered around a weathered, cozy look. Sawyer heard Colton let out a breath as he pushed open his door and came around to the passenger side.

  “Alright, let’s get you settled. You ready?” Colton hoisted Sawyer from his seat. “Just relax against me. There you go.”

  Sawyer knew Colton’s reassuring words and light touches were meant to relax him, but that soft tone and those rough hands were doing anything but. Each drawn-out word was like a rolling storm, every innocent touch, a flood of heat.


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