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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

Page 13

by Marianna Forrest

“Well, when you put it like that, how about a little something for your savior?” Sawyer purred as he ran one hand down Colton’s chest. With his other hand, he reached behind Colton’s body and gripped his cock, stroking it lightly and smiling as it grew hard at his touch. “Hmm… did I say a little something? Silly me.”

  Colton groaned and bucked. “What happened to being sore?”

  “You said all that sweet stuff…how can I not do this?” Sawyer’s voice was low and a small pout formed on his lips. “We have time, right?”

  Sawyer rolled his hips and whimpered as Colton’s cock stood hard and erect against his ass.

  “We can make time,” Colton purred.

  “Now, I’m really sore,” Sawyer groaned as he exited the van and slammed the door. The sound echoed in the small area behind the shop where they had parked.

  “Want me to carry you?”

  “Are you kidding? Sophie would throw a fit!”

  Colton grinned. If Sawyer was worried about Sophie losing it if he was carried in, she’d definitely have something to say about that bite mark on his neck. The one that wasn’t very well hidden.

  “I hope she’s okay. I didn’t think to let her know what was going on. I had…other things on my mind,” Sawyer murmured.

  “I’m sure she’s fine. The shop is still standing, isn’t it?” Colton eyed the bite mark on Sawyer’s neck as he pulled open the door for the omega and ushered him inside.

  The quiet of the breakroom was a welcome respite from the constant noise of the streets and back alley. Colton eased himself into the closest seat and let his head fall back against the chair. His eyes slipped closed. Sawyer had been on him hard after they woke up, and the fatigue finally hit him when they returned to familiar territory. God, I’m getting old.

  “What was Eliseo doing here?” Sawyer mumbled. Colton raised his head and saw Sawyer sifting through the papers that were scattered across the breakroom table. “Making a mess of the place, that’s what.”

  Sawyer pulled a chair away from the table, sat down, and picked up a paper and glanced at it.

  “Oh, damn it, I completely forgot about this.”

  “What?” Colton stood. He placed a hand on the table and leaned over Sawyer to look at the paper.

  “This event, this Rite of Nativity, is something Eliseo and I work on every year. He does the costumes and jewelry, and I help decorate. He does great work, I mean, look at all these sketches. I don’t know why he left all this here. He usually keeps track of his papers like they’re his babies.”

  Colton took a few of the papers from the table. Sketches of costumes and accessories from different eras filled every inch of the papers. “Oh, wow! This is all his work? Seriously?”

  “Yeah, like I said, he’s pretty talented. I know he’s been wanting to open his own shop for a while, but, as we all know, life has a way of spontaneously changing.”

  “Damn, I can’t even thread a needle.” Colton straightened the papers in his hand and put them back on the table. “Fat fingers.”

  “Not fat. Firm. Solid. Nothing wrong with that,” Sawyer mumbled and slightly parted his lips. Colton couldn’t help noticing the crimson curling around Sawyer’s ears. “Anyway, I don’t know why he left these here. I’ll have to return them. In the meantime, we really should go check on Sophie.”

  Sawyer quickly rose from the table, holding the neatly stacked papers. He pushed open the door to the shop just as Colton heard Sophie’s loud voice echo through the building.

  “I thought I heard you two back there!”

  Colton walked up behind Sawyer, who was standing rigidly in the doorway. Customers were staring at them—the mystery pair who had snuck in from the breakroom. A loud squeal echoed across the shop, and Bitty-Piggy trotted over to them and looked up expectantly.

  “Umm–” Sawyer started.

  “Don’t you ‘umm’ me, I was worried sick! You didn’t text, you didn’t call. I thought you had been kidnapped!” Sophie’s face was turning red with frustration. Lydia stood next to her, frozen, as she watched her mate spiral into a tizzy.

  “Sorry, we got a bit held up.” Colton scratched the back of his head sheepishly. He reached down and scooped up Bitty-Piggy. “We’re here now.”

  Sophie opened her mouth to say more, but she clammed up when she saw Sawyer’s neck. “Oh, my God!”

  Sawyer jumped and almost dropped the papers in his hands.

  “I can’t– You finally–!” Sophie stuttered as Sawyer stood in shock, waiting to hear what she had to say. “Are you serious?”

  “I…I guess?” Sawyer squeaked. “Delivery took a bit longer than expected. Quality assurance, and all that. Flowers are very serious business, after all.” He took a step back and ran into Colton.

  “No, that–”

  Lydia stepped close to Sophie and gently cupped her hand over her mouth. “Indi, not here,” she whispered, her eyes motioning to the nearby customers. “Give them a bit of breathing room. They had a long, eventful trip.”

  Sophie nodded, and Lydia slowly removed her hand with a quiet apology and a kiss to her cheek before returning to her supplies. Colton’s breath hitched as Sawyer quickly brushed past him and headed for the door to the apartment.

  “We’ll be back down soon,” Colton hurriedly told the women before he followed Sawyer, taking the steps in twos.

  The apartment was no worse for wear. In fact, it was probably cleaner than it had been when they left. They really owed Sophie a treat for this. Chirps and twitters of excitement echoed through the living room as Takahama and Akiko heard company.

  Sawyer flopped on to the couch and smiled softly as the two birds landed on his shoulder. Colton lowered himself next to his mate and groaned. The couch's soft cushions were like a small paradise, a blissful, downy base for his aching body. Bitty-Piggy snuggled up on his lap as he threw his arm around Sawyer.

  “Sorry,” Sawyer whispered. “Suddenly felt a bit overwhelmed. Didn’t mean to run off like–”

  Both men jumped as Sawyer’s phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out with an apologetic look and gazed at the text.

  “Sophie says she expects details later?” Sawyer squinted at his phone and reread the text. “Wait, she didn’t…?”

  “Yeah, she saw.” Colton raised his free hand and brushed the sensitive bite wound on Sawyer’s neck.

  Sawyer’s hand shot up and covered Colton’s fingers. Heat curled around his ears as Colton leaned forward and kissed his forehead.

  Another buzz from Sawyer’s phone tore a sigh from the omega. “And just like that, I am popular. Half of Boston probably knows by now.” He pulled up the text. “This one’s from Eliseo. ‘Hope you two are finally home. Meet me at the Shattered Gate bar tonight if you can. My treat.’”

  “I can let him down easy if you want me to,” Colton offered. “It’s been a rough couple of days.”

  “Nah. I haven’t seen Eliseo in a while. Besides, I feel like we’re entitled to a good meal.” Sawyer typed out a reply and slid his phone back into his pocket.

  “So, you feelin’ cheeseburgers?” Colton asked.

  “Of course. Is that a trick question?”

  Colton took a deep breath as he and Sawyer entered the bar. Delicious scents wafted through the cozy building, and the cheery voices and laughter of the patrons added to the warm atmosphere. Sports played on the TV above the bar, and a live band played in the corner.

  Mr. Yorke manned the bar, chatting with everyone who was waiting for drinks. The rest of the staff hustled to serve the patrons, creating a constant blur of trays and noise as they moved between the crowded tables.

  “There he is.”

  Sawyer pointed to a booth in the far corner. Eliseo sat there, scribbling in his sketchbook, totally unaware they had arrived.

  Colton led them from the doorway to the booth. More people trickled in behind them, the slight scent of cigarette smoke following them. Sawyer ducked his head slightly at the smell and tried to bury his nose in the l
arge turtleneck sweater hiding the raw marks on his neck.

  “If you ever take up smoking, I’m trading you in for a different model,” Sawyer muttered. His eyes began to water as he reached Eliseo’s booth.

  “I would never. I quite enjoy breathing, thank you.” Colton wrinkled his nose as he slid into the booth after Sawyer. “Howdy ho, Eliseo.”

  Eliseo jumped and almost launched out of his seat. He held his hand over his heart, looking shocked. “Callin’ me a ho— What’s gotten into you?” A sly smile played on his lips. “Anyway, I’m glad you two are here! My buddies, my friends, my dear compadres–”—

  “What’s happened now?” Sawyer interrupted.

  “Why does there always have to be something wrong? Can’t we just enjoy a meal together?” Eliseo pouted. “For your information, I missed you guys.”

  Sawyer arched an eyebrow. “Do you normally trash other peoples’ homes when you miss them? You never leave your work scattered around like this.” He handed over the papers which were carefully held in a binder.

  “I was worried. I was sure you had forgotten about the event! I hadn’t heard from you. Then, wouldn’t you know it, the day I stop by to check on you, you two are gone. Off on a little trip for two to Maine, from what I heard.” Eliseo arched an eyebrow. “Anyway, I wanted to recruit you for–”

  “If it involves a ton of bees and a VIP pass to Razzle-Dazzle Dayz, sign me up.” Sawyer suddenly seemed more awake, and he leaned forward with a look of determination on his face.

  “What? No! Why would I ask you to launch an attack on fashion? That’s one of the largest, most prestigious shows of the year!” Eliseo’s mouth gaped. “No, I need you to–”

  “Do you want bees? I have bees somewhere.”

  “Somewhere?” Colton squeaked. “Shouldn’t you know where your bees are? Surely there’s some way to keep track of a whole swarm.”

  Eliseo suddenly went quiet and buried his face in his hands. “You mean a G-BEE-S?”

  Sawyer groaned as he folded his arms on the table and laid his head down. He heard Colton take a breath to speak and quickly jolted up, swiftly turning to look his alpha in the eyes.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “I’m sorry. I have to. This is my calling.” Colton took a deep breath. “You have a-hived.”

  “Oh, my God, think of the children. The bees don’t deserve this.” Sawyer muttered.

  “Why are you so set on these bees? But no, I don’t want–” Eliseo paused and slowly smiled. “Wait. Dare you to unleash them in Archer’s truck.”

  “Done.” The two omegas shook hands before settling back down. “Now, back to business.”

  Just then, a spunky waiter arrived at the table. His gaze lingered on Eliseo as he took their orders. The two exchanged flirtatious banter, and Colton felt Sawyer grab his hand under the table and squeeze gently. The waiter finally tore himself away, and Eliseo’s eyes darted between the pair.

  “Well, now we have free appetizers. You’re welcome.” Eliseo grinned.

  “My life is now complete,” Sawyer said, sarcasm dripping in his voice. “So, what’s going on?”

  Eliseo took a deep breath and let anticipation linger in the air. “Right, so this event, for those who don’t know…” He nodded to Colton. “…this Rite of Nativity, is a festival celebrating new life. There’s the usual shenanigans, games, and kissing booths chock-full of cuties, but that last part needn't concern you two.”

  “What do you mean?” Colton asked.

  Eliseo leaned back in his seat and folded his arms behind his head as he stared at the pair across the booth. “Using my brilliant detective skills, I have deduced there is some tomfoolery going on here.”

  Sawyer shrank back, and his fingers trailed up to the bunch of fabric around his neck. The waiter returned to drop off their drinks and appetizers. He handed a folded napkin to Eliseo and threw a playful grin at the omega before sauntering off to another table.

  “Well, now I have something planned for Friday night,” Eliseo said. He pinned the napkin down with his silverware. “But the interrogation must go on. What, did you think I would forget about it?”

  Eliseo pointed an accusing finger at Sawyer’s sweater. “You hate that sweater, but here you are, wearing it in the middle of a warm spell and fondling it like it’s the last safe thing between you and the eyes of others. Though, I guess, in a way, it is.”

  “How could you possibly remember this sweater?” Sawyer asked. “It’s been seven years.”

  “Same reason you remember how long it’s been. I remember because I got it for you as a joke all those years ago. You saw it in the shop, and you absolutely hated it. So, of course, being the good friend I am, I got it for you and gave it to you as a joke on your birthday. Last time I saw it, it was hanging in the guestroom closet.”

  Eliseo curled his fingers under his chin, deep in thought.

  “So, hiding a fresh claiming bite, are we?”

  Colton felt Sawyer tense at his side, and the omega’s fingers dug into his arm.

  “Yep, that flush tells me all I need to know” Eliseo smiled softly, and his eyes drifted into a dream-like haze. He didn’t notice when the waiter returned with their food.

  Sawyer sighed. “I don’t want people staring.”

  “Oh, come on. I could practically feel you two making doe eyes at each other all evening.” Eliseo laughed. “You two get close to each other, and the world shifts. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Colton wrapped his arm around Sawyer and felt pride well up in his chest as Sawyer pulled down the fabric to show Eliseo the bite.

  “Damn,” Eliseo mumbled. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

  Sawyer bit his lip. “Kinda, but I don’t mind. It reminds me this really happened.”

  A purr slipped from Colton’s lips at those words.

  Eliseo chuckled. “Careful, don’t stoke his pride too much, Sawyer. Anyway,” Eliseo lifted his soda cup. “here’s to the happy couple, and to new beginnings.”

  Colton and Sawyer raised their cups and clinked them together with Eliseo’s. “To new beginnings.”

  Eliseo took a long swig of his soda and licked his lips. His eyes dropped to the table, as if he were suddenly lost in thought.

  “I hope I find my fated soon. I’m tired of being…left behind.” He played with the corner of the napkin, tearing the edge with each movement.

  “Starts with an ‘A’, Eliseo.” Sawyer took advantage of his Eliseo’s momentary shock and reached over and stole a fry from his friend’s basket.

  “You’re right, though,” Eliseo said quietly.

  “Excuse me?” Sawyer stared in shock for a moment.

  “Alpha does begin with ‘A’. Fated for us are always alphas. Right? I mean, fated pairs are kinda rare, and they’ve never been anything other than an alpha and an omega. Right?”

  Sawyer groaned and shook his head. “Maybe because people are too afraid to challenge that notion. Abraham–”

  “Is a beta,” Eliseo whispered. He masked his pain with a quick smile when the waiter returned to the table with the check and trailed his fingers against Eliseo’s hand for a brief moment.


  Eliseo pursed his lips. “So that means he can’t be my fated, right? I want to find whoever that is.” His gaze dropped to the torn napkin. “I’m not after another…fling. He’s adorable, but he deserves better than a one-and-done.”

  The bell at the door chimed, and Eliseo raised his head. The color quickly drained from his face before patches of crimson rose to his cheeks.

  Colton looked over his shoulder to see what Eliseo was freaking out about. A young man stood at the bar, most likely ordering takeout. He had dark skin, a warm laugh, and a calming air about him. He wore mechanics’ coveralls, and his hands and clothes were stained with years of work and experience.

  “I’m guessing that’s Abraham?” Colton asked.

  Sawyer nodded. “Yeah, that’s the guy Eliseo has been pining
over for a year. Maybe two.”

  “I have not. I’ve just been…appreciating him from a distance,” Eliseo mumbled, sinking further into his seat.

  “Appreciate him from a shorter distance.” Sawyer smirked and his eyes motioned toward the bar. Abraham was engaged in a lively conversation with Mr. Yorke.

  “I can see his lovely backside perfectly fine from back here, thank you.” Eliseo squirmed.

  Sawyer realized he wasn’t getting anywhere with Eliseo. He sighed and threw up his hands in defeat. “Well, it seems our business is done. Plans have been discussed and cheeseburgers have been consumed, so we’ll head on out and leave you to your appreciation.”

  “Oh, like hell, you’re leaving me here alone.” Eliseo’s voice was panicked. “Every guy needs his support crew, and mine is disappearing faster than…” He struggled to find the words.

  “Iced tea in July?” Colton suggested.

  “Well, I was gonna say a toupee on a windy day, but I like that, too.” Eliseo grinned as he quickly packed up his sketches and shoved them in his bag before carefully placing cash under the empty fry basket. “Thanks for coming, by the way. We should do this again soon. Preferably with less of you guys threatening to leave me here by myself.”

  “Not entirely by yourself,” Colton pointed out.

  Eliseo stuck out his tongue and bolted for the front. He threw one last look at Abraham before he was out the door.

  Colton couldn’t help noticing the look in Abraham’s eyes when he saw Eliseo leaving. He felt a twinge of pain in his chest at seeing the sudden gloom marring Abraham’s face.

  “You looked like that when I ran off.” Sawyer’s voice was quiet. “According to the others, anyway.”


  “Yeah. Defeated, frozen in place, just… broken. But what does that tell you?”

  “He feels something, too.”

  Sawyer nodded. “Exactly.”

  Colton waved at Mr. Yorke and pulled the door open for Sawyer. “It’ll all work out. They just need a little push.”

  “Just like us?” Sawyer sidled up to Colton as they walked. Colton noticed that Sawyer was putting more weight on him; the fatigue in his muscles was obvious. He pulled his mate closer, and a smile played on his lips.


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