Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega Page 14

by Marianna Forrest

  “Just like us.”

  Chapter 12

  Sawyer whistled a lively tune to himself as he rearranged the bouquets displayed in the front windows. Business in the shop was slow; the hype from Valentine’s Day and the post-holiday sales was finally dying down now that the end of March was rolling around. He ducked his head to peek outside. Clouds scattered what little sky he could see, and people dashed past the store, food and drink in hand.

  He could hear a quiet conversation behind him at the counter. Sophie’s breathy, eager tone stood out. He grinned. He knew exactly what she was so interested in, or rather, who. Poor Sophie had been stricken with baby fever a while ago, and the customer she was speaking with so intently was heavily pregnant. Sawyer let his eyes drift to the floor for a moment before he turned back to his displays. His thoughts wandered to the events of yesterday morning.

  I wasn’t dreaming. I know what I saw. Now, I just need to find a good time to–

  A flash of movement caught his attention. He looked up and saw a tall, brightly colored creature disappear as quickly as it had appeared. Moments later, he heard a commotion from the breakroom.

  A quick look at Sophie showed she was so engrossed in conversation, she hadn’t heard a thing. Sawyer let out a sigh and motioned for her to keep an eye on the shop while he checked on Eliseo, who had set up his vast array of costumes in the breakroom.

  “What the–?”

  Sawyer opened the door and found quite a sight waiting for him. Archer and Eliseo were rounding the table, with the older man looking terrified, as Colton looked on in amusement. Eliseo gripped a costume he had recently finished and held it out in Archer’s direction.

  “Can I not enjoy my day off in peace?” Archer asked. “I brought lunch for everybody and everything!”

  Eliseo rounded the table again, getting closer to Archer. “Come on, I need to borrow your body!”

  Archer placed his hands on a chair in front of him, ready to pull it out to slow Eliseo’s advance. “Do you realize how awful that sounded? At least buy me dinner, first!” he shrieked.

  A flush of irritation colored Eliseo’s face. “Fine, just strip and let me see how this fits! If I need to make more alterations, I want to know sooner rather than later!”

  “A striptease costs extra.” Archer gripped the chair tighter and waggled his eyebrows.

  “At least you don’t have to buy the mannequins dinner,” Colton pointed out, staring at the mannequin propped up in the corner. “Though, ask yourself, is it worth the creep factor? You know, that cold, dead stare?”

  Colton’s grin faded as Eliseo’s gaze turned on him. “Just so you know, you’re next.”


  “That’s right, you heard me.” Eliseo narrowed his eyes. “I need to get your measurements for your costume, too. You’ll suffer just like Archer.”

  “What if I want to wear this to the ball? What then, Eliseo?” Archer motioned to his Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts.

  Sawyer leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. Get these three in the same room, and this is what happens. His heart jumped when Colton noticed him standing in the doorway, and a glimmer of hope sparkled in the alpha’s eyes. As Eliseo turned his attention back to Archer, Colton held Sawyer’s gaze.

  “Save me,” he mouthed.

  Sawyer nodded and tried to hold back a snicker as he came up with a believable excuse to save his mate.

  “Actually, Colton and I were about to head to the park to start planning the setup.” The excuse tumbled out quickly and caught the attention of everyone in the room.

  Archer’s face fell. “Why do you two hate me so? Don’t leave me here alone with this…this garb goblin!”

  Eliseo huffed, frustrated. “I prefer the term ensemble assembler, thank you. Now, just let me make you beautiful!”

  “I am already beautiful!” Archer flipped his golden locks and crossed his arms.

  “Archer!” Eliseo wailed in irritation. “You’re the one who wanted a custom-made costume. Now stand still or so help me–!”

  “Quick. Let’s get out of here,” Sawyer whispered to Colton.

  The alpha nodded, and they slipped from the room, closing the door slowly and quietly behind them. They were almost to the front door before a voice called out to them.

  “Where do you two think you’re going?” Sophie asked. She had noticed them trying to sneak out, and she raised her eyebrows questioningly. “How soon we forget what happened the last time you two went somewhere alone.”

  “Don’t worry. We’re just going to the park.” The alpha reached behind the counter and grabbed a large bag. He slung it over his shoulder and grunted at the sudden shift in weight.

  “Don’t get into too much trouble.” Sophie hid a smirk behind her magazine and propped her feet on a nearby stool. “And no disappearing for a couple of days again.”

  Sawyer shivered briefly as he stepped from the shop and the cold breeze seeped through his nice dress shirt. He contemplated going back inside for a jacket but decided against it. He couldn’t get in and get out before Eliseo realized they were gone.

  It proved to be the right choice, as the sun quickly warmed him. Or maybe it was Colton and the warmth of his arms as they wrapped around his body. Who knew? Sawyer melded into his alpha’s body and heard him sigh deeply.

  “Those two…” Sawyer let Colton guide him as he closed his eyes and adjusted his shirt collar absentmindedly. “I saw a flash of happy-go-lucky Hawaiian designs, and then suddenly, a messed-up game of ring around the rosy began in our breakroom.”

  “Did you really expect any less with Archer and Eliseo trapped in the same room?” Colton laughed. We were standing with a group of people waiting at a crosswalk.

  “I was thinking when all three of you guys are together, to be honest.”


  “The truth hurts, doesn’t it, cowboy?”

  Colton let a mock pout play on his lips. “If I say yes, do I get a kiss to make it all better?”

  “I can work with that.”

  A coy smile flashed across Sawyer’s lips as he and Colton rounded the path into the nearby park where the festival was going to be held.

  The recent warm spell had stirred up the park’s plants. New buds bloomed on the trees’ spindly branches, and the flowers were flourishing. Countless bursts of color speckled the park. Loud shrieks echoed from a nearby play area that was full of kids enjoying after-school adventures.

  Colton suddenly raised his nose to the sky and stared at the blue expanse for a moment.

  “It’s gonna rain.”

  “What? The weatherman said it’s supposed to be clear all week.”

  “Okay. But really, how often is he right?” Colton mumbled, still staring at the sky. “Besides, you live on a farm long enough, you learn to trust your nose more than any news report.”

  “How can you tell?” Sawyer asked. He was genuinely curious. All he smelled was food from the food trucks and car exhaust. And maybe a slight hint of back-alley dumpster fires.

  “Rain on the wind is special. It’s clean, refreshing, and…” Colton thought for a moment. “Pure.”


  “Simple, unsullied. Just…” He looked at the sky again. “A whisper of new life.”

  He looked a bit dreamy, and he was almost smiling up at the blue sky. Sawyer felt a twinge of adoration in his chest as he saw Colton’s hazy eyes return to the path in front of them and regain their usual sparkle.

  I wonder if he realizes how pretty his eyes are when the sun catches them just right?

  “We’re here. Ready to get started?” Colton set the bag down on a bench and stretched.

  “Absolutely.” Sawyer glanced at the plans for the temporary dance floor that would be set down for the festival and grabbed the small wooden stakes Colton passed to him.

  Sawyer walked slowly, counting each step to measure the distance and marking the corners. As he drove the last stake into the ground, he
double-checked his work with a quick look-see.

  “If I’m reading this right, the dance floor will be here, the booths will line the path here and here…” Sawyer’s voice trailed off. His eyes crossed as he got lost in the crudely drawn setup plan. Eliseo definitely didn’t draw this.

  “So, what is this dance?” Colton asked, startling Sawyer from his plan critique.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Eliseo said there’s a dance that ties this all together, but it isn’t a dance festival in name and theory. How does it all work?”

  “Well, typically, you stand close to your partner and try not to step on each other. I think that’s how it goes, anyway.” Sawyer beamed, enjoying the facepalm he earned.

  Colton groaned between his fingers. “Let me rephrase. What’s the backstory?”

  Sawyer thought for a moment, piecing together the lore. “It is based on an ancient festival of fertility and renewal. Back then, people would sing, dance, frolic, and make merry, celebrating the gods of their time.”

  A wistful smile crossed the omega’s lips. “The dance, itself, was an offering. It showed the big guys upstairs how two people could unite to create something beautiful. Nowadays, though, it’s just a way to get those likes. You know, snap the pictures of the lovely couples, enjoy the sunshine, that sort of thing.”

  Colton seemed pleased with that answer. He went back to his work, his eyes trailing from the papers he held to the park's expanse. Sawyer turned back to his paper, and tried to decipher the drawing again.

  “How does it go?”

  Sawyer hesitated and held the clipboard full of plans close to his chest. How does it go? Ah, hell.

  “I’m not entirely sure. I’ve never participated in the whole dance thing. Or ever, actually, I’ve just watched from afar,” Sawyer said. “It’s a slower dance, though, I know that much.”

  “Kind of like this?”

  Colton stepped forward, slid the clipboard from Sawyer’s arms, and placed it in his bag before closing the distance between them. Colton rested one large hand on Sawyer’s hip. He took Sawyer’s hand in his other, raised it, and kissed it lightly.

  Sawyer instinctively reached out with his free hand and grabbed his alpha’s arm to steady himself as his partner suddenly started moving.

  “Perfect.” Colton purred.

  “You did that on purpose,” Sawyer whispered, a flush of embarrassment on his cheeks.

  “Everybody stumbles now and then.” His alpha smiled softly. “That’s why it’s okay to lean on others for a little support.”

  I remember when I said that to you. It feels like forever ago. Sawyer gripped Colton’s shirt tighter and focused on their feet before finally getting the rhythm.

  They danced to a song only they could hear. Sawyer relaxed his grip, lost in Colton’s movements, his sure steps, and his warm embrace. He didn’t care that they were in the middle of a park in broad daylight. This was their moment—two people enjoying a day under the clear, blue sky.

  Sawyer rested his head on Colton’s shoulder. His scent blocked the smell of the city’s smog for a short time. The shuffles and chatter of nearby people caught his attention. When he raised his head, he realized a few more couples had noticed their display of affection and joined in.

  Colton ran his hand up Sawyer’s back in a soothing massage and paused over his omega mark. I wonder if he can feel how hot it is? Sawyer sighed deeply, enjoying the warmth of Colton’s body.

  It was only when Colton stopped moving for a moment that Sawyer cracked open his eyes and saw the other couples running for the cover of the trees.

  “What’s gotten into them?”

  He felt something cold and wet hit his shoulders and seep into his shirt. He raised his head and looked at the sky. The sun was still shining, but a sudden spring shower had snuck up on them. He heard Colton hum in amusement, and a light-hearted smile crossed his alpha’s lips as raindrops began trickling down his face and jawline.

  “And there it is.”

  Sawyer stared up at the sky, and a flush blossomed across his cheeks.

  “What do those crimson cheeks mean?” Colton swayed slowly with his mate as the rain fell.

  “You said rain is pure, that it brings a whisper of new life.” Sawyer started.


  “It couldn’t be truer for this festival. It was often said the dance was so beautiful, so full of love and emotion, the gods would weep at the sight of the happy couples. Their tears would fall as rain, giving life to the earth and blessing the dancers.” Sawyer’s voice became dreamy as he closed his eyes and felt the heat from his alpha’s body seep through his soaked shirt.

  Sawyer flinched in surprise when he felt his mate’s lips against his. They were still swaying to the tranquil ballad of the coming storm, and he didn’t care one bit about the rainwater soaking into his clothes.

  The world seemed to get a bit quieter as the rain muffled the city around them. It was easy to get lost in his alpha’s embrace, as simple as–

  A flash of light streaked across the sky, and a boom of thunder pulled Sawyer from his small moment of peace. They quickly grabbed their supplies and gave each other a knowing look before taking off down the street.

  Colton gripped Sawyer’s had tightly as they rushed down the sidewalk, past the people sheltering under awnings or in shops. They burst through the door to the flower shop with a loud bang and startled poor Sophie who was sitting at the counter. She rushed over to them and pointed to the growing puddles on the floor.

  “Why are ya’ll like this?” She groaned and shook her head before running to the supply closet to get some gray pads to soak up the puddling water. “I guess this did come out of nowhere.” She looked outside, and the remaining sunshine lit up her face.

  “We’re gonna go dry off.” Sawyer led Colton to the apartment stairs. “Sorry about the mess, Sophie.”

  “Ain’t a problem. Just don’t let Eliseo catch you. He’ll have a fit over your clothes.” Sophie returned to her spot at the counter and motioned toward the breakroom. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep him busy down here.”

  Sawyer nodded as he pulled the door shut behind Colton. The wet fabric sticking to his skin was suddenly icy cold, and he wanted nothing more than a dryer-warmed blanket and a cuddle session with his alpha.

  Loud chirps and a squeal greeted them at the door. A drowsy Bitty-Piggy stumbled up to the pair as if to say ‘you two are home early!’ It took every ounce of strength to keep from scooping up Bitty-Piggy and loving on her.

  “First, dry clothes. Then, you and I have a date with a warm blanket.” Sawyer paused. “Take that as you will.”

  Colton snorted behind him as he made his way down the hallway to the small laundry room. Takahama and Akiko fluttered in right behind him and perched on an empty hanger to oversee their kingdom.

  Sawyer took a deep breath. The comforting smell of clean linen and detergent filled the room. Colton’s newly repaired suit hung nearby, wrapped up in a neat plastic bag to keep it clean. Eliseo did a good job, as usual. His gaze flitted to the baskets of clean clothes that sat to the side. The fabric was still slightly warm from tumbling in the dryer that morning.

  They weren’t clean for long, though. The world seemed to move in slow motion as Bitty-Piggy took an amazing, flying leap and landed in the middle of the basket. The little pig rolled around on Colton’s clean shirt, enjoying the warmth of the soft clothes, and gazed up triumphantly.

  A shuffling noise behind him caught his attention. He couldn’t watching as Colton peeled off his soaking wet t-shirt and draped it over the drying rack. He turned to Sawyer with a warm, fluffy towel.

  “Go ahead, get it over with.” Sawyer sighed as he began unbuttoning his shirt. He pulled it off and tossed it over the drying rack next to Colton’s shirt. “I know you’re thinking it.”

  When Sawyer didn’t get the answer he was expecting, he turned and saw Colton’s mouth agape. Stutters tumbled from his alpha’s lips. Oh, right. I
guess he saw–

  “What’s wrong?” Sawyer asked, feigning innocence.

  “Am I seeing things?” Colton reached out toward Sawyer’s mark, hovering near it, but not touching it. “Your mark…”

  “Don’t worry, you haven’t gone insane yet.” Sawyer smiled and turned around to face his alpha.

  For what felt like an eternity, Colton stood silent, as if he were frozen in time.

  Sawyer could hear the water dripping from their clothes hitting the floor as his alpha stood in silence.

  Are you–? Are you angry? Scared? Anticipation numbed his nerves and dull pricks of dread registered in his mind.

  Say something…Anything!


  All at once, time moved forward as Colton suddenly buried his face in his hands. Sawyer felt his chest tighten when he heard a sniffle slip through Colton’s fingers.

  “Are you crying?” Sawyer rushed over to his alpha and gripped his shoulders. Colton suddenly wrapped him up in a tight hug. A quiet mewl tumbled from Sawyer’s lips as he felt Colton nuzzle the crook of his neck, his lips ghosting over the healing bite mark.

  Shit, now I’m crying.

  “I can’t believe it…” Colton whispered. “How long have you known? Are you feeling okay? Can I…can I see it again?”

  Sawyer swallowed as he turned his back to Colton. His alpha pulled up a nearby chair and sat, as if fearing his legs would give out when Sawyer confirmed what he hoped was real.

  “I found out yesterday morning, while you were still asleep. It felt strange, so I went to check it in the mirror. Checked it two more times later in the day just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”

  Colton leaned forward and rested his head between Sawyer’s shoulder blades. He pressed a light kiss to the omega’s skin. “Does it hurt?” His fingers traced the swollen mark. “It’s so purple…”

  “Nah, it just feels weird, like tight pressure in that one spot. Lukas told me what he felt when he was going through this. He says it gets better around the third month.”


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