Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega

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Forget Me Not, My Dear Omega Page 15

by Marianna Forrest

  Sawyer shuddered as he felt Colton’s hands grip his hips.

  “This is real,” he whispered against Sawyer’s skin. “It’s real, and I don’t know how I’m managing to keep it together.”

  Colton’s voice trailed off with a strained laugh, and his arms wrapped around his mate.

  “Yeah…We’re gonna be parents,” Sawyer whispered. He shuddered as the warmth of Colton’s skin left his. “What’s on your mind? I can feel the heat of the questions burning the tip of your tongue.”

  Colton leaned against the washer and crossed his arms. “We need to make a plan. There’s a lot of stuff coming up, and we need a path to follow.”

  Sawyer thought for a moment. “Well, first off, we gotta get all your stuff moved up here. I’m sure you have more than a bag of clothes and our favorite little piggy to your name.”

  “Yeah, I’ll make some calls. I don’t know if the moving company I tried to use before will take another contract with me,” Colton murmured as he slipped on some dry clothes. He scooped Bitty-Piggy from the laundry basket and cradled her against his side.

  Sawyer grabbed Colton’s free hand and grasped it tightly in excitement. “Forget the moving company, we can do it ourselves!”

  The prospect of seeing Colton’s old home and meeting his friends was electrifying. It generated a jolt of energy that sent sparks through his body. What was the place like? Colton and Lukas had both spoken of it so fondly, it had to be charming.

  “Maybe. But we’ll need a bit of help.” Colton furrowed his eyebrows as he slipped back into thought. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he snapped his fingers as an idea came to him. “I got just the guy.”


  “My best friend, Cyrus. He still lives in Atlanta. I’m sure he’ll help with the move. For the right price.”

  “Dare I ask?” Sawyer pulled on some dry clothing before Takahama and Akiko landed on his shoulder.

  “Nothing too bad. Probably fried chicken. If there’s anything I learned growing up with him, it’s that he’ll do some shady things for some beer-battered, buttermilk, fried chicken.”

  Sawyer held his hand to his stomach as a grumble echoed in the small room. “That’s a bit of a mouthful.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s a damn good mouthful, though. We’ll have to get Lukas to make it for us sometime soon. Maybe as a little housewarming gift?” Colton snickered before he pulled Sawyer in for a kiss, trapping Bitty-Piggy between their bodies.

  “Or maybe at the tasting party he invited us to this Wednesday?” Sawyer reminded him between kisses. “And, a little birdie whispered in my ear that you have an adorable little niece that needs some love.”

  “Family, food, and fun. Sounds like my kind of day.” Colton nodded, a soft smile dancing on his lips. “I love you, my little Forget-Me-Not.”

  Chapter 13

  Colton took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh spring air. It was finally Wednesday, his new favorite day of the week. Wednesday was a day off for both him and Sawyer, a welcome release from the hectic days around Valentine’s Day. And, by God, the day had finally come. He was going to be able to sit down and enjoy some quality time with his family and his mate.

  Though, we’ve been getting a lot of quality time together since that fateful trip.

  Colton felt a spark run through his body when he felt Sawyer squeeze his hand. “You have quite the sinful face.”

  “Well, that’s rude. What if my face always looks like this?”

  “They’d have to pry me off you with a crowbar.” Sawyer’s gaze lazily dragged up the length of Colton’s body before lingering on his face. “It’s a good look on you.”

  Shit. I remember when you were so shy. Look at you now.

  “You’re all red.”

  “Can you blame me? Sayin’ all that…” Colton rubbed the back of his neck. “You sure know how to rile a guy up.”

  Sawyer snickered as he burrowed closer to Colton. They were near their destination, a quaint little townhouse in the Back Bay. Colton’s mouth watered as he got a whiff of something he hadn’t smelled in a long time.

  “I’ll be damned. He’s making some of Ma’s famous fried chicken.”

  “Seriously? That beer-battered, buttermilk, fried chicken?” Sawyer’s eyes lit up.

  “Hell yeah. Oh, Cyrus is gonna be jealous when I tell him what we’re having.” Colton smiled, and delight crept into his features. “Still can’t believe we get to taste all these new dishes. Perks of having a brother who’s a good cook, I guess.”

  Sawyer smiled widely as they stepped up to the front door and rang the bell.

  “I got it!” Two voices yelled in unison. “No, come back, Mimosa!”

  The click-clack of nails on the hardwood floor drew Colton’s attention to the window beside the door. From behind the curtain, a nose pushed against the glass before Mimosa’s face appeared under the fabric.

  Colton nudged Sawyer as they heard a clamor inside. “Tell me, what do you see?” He pointed through the window and stepped back so Sawyer could see what was going on.

  “Mimosa beat them here. Look at that perfect pupper.” Sawyer snorted as he listed to the struggle going on in the house. The door suddenly opened.

  “Hey, welcome to the party.”

  Owen stood next to Mimosa with Abigail held tightly in his arms. He stepped back so they could enter.

  “Is that a little bundle of joy I see?” Colton stooped and pulled Sawyer close to him as he doted on his niece.

  “It is, indeed. She just woke up, so she’s a happy, little baby.” Owen bounced Abigail in his arms and motioned toward the living room with his chin. “Don’t be shy. Come on in and get comfy. Food’s almost done.”

  Eliseo’s voice echoed across the living room over the chatter of the TV and was quickly followed by Hazel’s bubbly giggles. Owen passed Abigail to Colton and settled into a free chair.

  “I can’t believe this!”

  “What can’t you believe?” Colton winced as he settled into the couch with his mate and niece. He was sore all over, and he meant all over.

  “Besides the fact that I’m getting my buns handed to me in a game of checkers?”

  “Isn’t that a given?” Sawyer smiled as Miss Mulberry jumped into his lap. “You’re up against a mastermind, after all.”

  “She’s got to have a weakness,” Eliseo grumbled, winking at Owen.

  Hazel shifted her gaze to her opponent. “Hey, Eliseo?”

  “Yeah?” Eliseo narrowed his eyes.


  “Nooo…” Eliseo groaned as she jumped his last pieces.

  Owen stood and clapped. “And that’s a wrap. Take five, everyone.” He stooped down to clean up the board as Hazel bounced over and plopped down next to Colton. Eliseo took a breath and sank into a nearby rocking chair.

  “So, how’s Hazel today? Are we playing hooky?” Colton grinned at the girl.

  Hazel rapidly shook her head. “Nuh-uh! Today was a teacher’s only day at school. Mama dropped me off here since she had to work.”

  “They couldn’t have picked a better day, yeah?” Sawyer motioned to the kitchen.

  “Yeah.” Hazel giggled, then hopped off the couch. She leaned in to whisper, “I’m gonna see if I can sneak a cupcake.” She took off to the kitchen, keeping an eye out for Lukas.

  “Can you believe we get all this delicious food for free?” Eliseo fanned himself. “This is a dinner fit for kings and queens, and we get it for no charge?”

  Lukas’ voice carried from the kitchen, “If it bothers you so much, I can sic the attack cat on you. You know, give you an excuse to leave, and all that. I’m sure she’d love her spot back!”

  “How do you know where I’m sitting?” Eliseo questioned. “Wait, did you hear the squeak?”

  “No, I heard the wall! You weren’t exactly graceful when you leaned back and hit it!” Lukas yelled.

  Eliseo cringed when he saw the faint black mark on the white wall. “Oops.” He cleare
d his throat while he scuffed the mark with his hand. “She wouldn’t do it!” Miss Mulberry purred from her spot in Sawyer’s lap. “See?”

  “If you’re smart, you won’t believe it for a second. Cats are shifty little creatures. She’s playing all of you for fools.” Colton shook a noisy rattle and cooed at his niece, who was lying on his lap. She giggled happily and reached for the toy. “Isn’t that right, Abi? All of them!”

  The baby talk tumbled easily from his lips, much to his surprise. He’d never thought he’d be good with kids, but maybe having an expecting mate changed you. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a dazed look in Sawyer’s eyes, like he was watching something magical. Sawyer curled a hand over his stomach and smiled softly at Colton and the baby.

  Damn, how amazing will he look with a baby in his arms? Our baby?

  “Aw, shut up and hand over that cutie.” Eliseo reached out, tearing him from his thoughts.

  “But she’s my favorite niece–”

  “Dude, come on. I need my fix. Owen hogged her the entire time before you two got here.”

  “I guess I can let her go for a few minutes.” Colton reluctantly passed Abigail to Eliseo. “I expect her back before lunch.”

  A hum of approval buzzed in Eliseo’s throat. “Why don’t you two make one? I hear they’re fun to make.”

  Sawyer squeaked and flushed red which caught Eliseo’s attention. The young man’s eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open.

  “No way.”

  Sawyer looked at Colton and nodded slowly before averting his gaze. “Way.”

  “Are you serious?!” Eliseo hollered. Hazel came running into the living room, followed by Owen. “Oh, man.”

  “Yes, n–nailed it. Moving on!” Sawyer stammered, hiding his face behind a throw pillow.

  Eliseo smirked. “Actually, Colton’s the one who–” Owen threw Eliseo a warning look, and his eyes darted to Hazel. “Right, right…got it, boss. So, how far?”

  Sawyer let the pillow drop a bit. “Two or three weeks,” he whispered.

  “Oh, man. So that bite you were trying to hide in the bar was fresh.” Eliseo bounced Abigail lightly after hearing her fuss a bit. “Sorry, sweetie. I got a bit distracted,” he cooed.

  “It was a nice getaway.” Sawyer scratched his head bashfully. “Despite all that happened, and when it happened, everything turned out perfect.”

  “I’ll say. Mierda, I’ll have to get you to model for me sometime down the line. Pregnant omegas are stunning.” Eliseo sighed dreamily. “Absolutely stunning.”

  “Eliseo?” Hazel asked quietly. “Do you mean Merida?”

  “Do what now?” Eliseo snapped back to reality.

  “You pronounced her name wrong.” Hazel pointed at a nearby doll chair, where her Merida doll was sitting. “It’s Mer-i-da, not Mi-er-da.”

  Owen held back a laugh. He slinked back into the kitchen at Lukas’ call.

  “No, uh, Hazel…” Eliseo stammered. “You shouldn’t say that last word. It’s for adults only.”

  Hazel paused for a moment, biting the inside of her cheek in frustration. “Then why did you say it?” Everyone burst out laughing, causing Hazel to look confused. “What?”

  Eliseo quickly passed Abigail to Colton before he curled in on himself. “Why do you abuse me so, little one?” Eliseo griped. “At least Abigail isn’t laughing–”

  He was cut off by Abigail’s sweet, bubbly giggles.

  “Even the baby is laughing at me. What is this mier–” Eliseo paused, shifting his gaze away from everyone. “What is this crud?” His eyes glazed over. “You know what this means.”

  “What?” Hazel plopped down next to Colton and started playing with Abigail.

  Eliseo beamed. “I’m next! We gotta go three for three!”

  Sawyer ran his hands through Miss Mulberry’s fur. “Well, if a certain someone would talk to our favorite mechanic–”

  “Don’t get me started on that. There’s always so much grease on his clothes.” Eliseo leaned back, crossed his legs, and rocked slowly. “It’s tragic, something straight out of a horror story.”

  Owen’s voice suddenly rumbled from the kitchen doorway and startled everyone. “I know. Doesn’t it just make you wanna, I don’t know…” Owen stepped across the living room and leaned down toward Eliseo. “…rip his clothes off, take his measurements, and fit him with new, custom-made clothing?”

  Eliseo shivered. “Oooooh, stop. You’re giving me goosebumps.”

  “So, when are you gonna do it?” Colton asked.

  “Huh?” Eliseo broke out of his trance.

  “When are you gonna talk to him? Think about it. Maybe ask him to model for you? You know, perfect model, perfect opportunity?”

  “Perfect time to make a fool of myself when I start measuring his thighs…” Eliseo shrugged, then wrapped himself up in a blanket that was draped over the back of his chair.

  Hazel cocked her head. “So, who is he? Why are you so afraid to talk to him? Is he scary or mean? And what do his thighs have to do with anything?”

  Eliseo sighed and hugged his blanket tighter. “Oh, Hazel…He’s adorable. Perfect. Kind of scary, but not mean at all. And his thighs have everything to do with it.”

  Hazel stood and put her hands on her hips, then leaned down to look Eliseo in the eye. “Well, if you like him and his thighs so much, just talk to him.”

  “If only it was that easy,” Eliseo murmured. “Adulthood is weird, Hazel. You’ll understand one day.”

  Lukas entered from the kitchen, holding a small dish. He sighed with delight as he swallowed some of the food. “Oh, man, Eliseo, you have got to try the weenie dish. It will blow your mind.”

  Eliseo sputtered. “Excuse me, what?” A pleasant flush colored his cheeks.

  Lukas froze when he spied the shocked looks on the faces of his guests. “Dear Lord, what were you all talking about out here?”

  Eliseo shrunk in on himself and whispered, “Abraham’s thighs.”

  “Why were you–” Lukas let out a long breath. “Never mind. Come and eat.”

  There was a strange beauty in the world above Boston as evening set in. The streets below were a labyrinth, a hazy tangle of twists and turns, dappled with glaring lights and neon signs. But up here, the buildings were so small, he felt like he could see forever.

  Sawyer leaned forward against the iron railing and let his eyes trail across the darkening city. The sun had almost dipped below the line of buildings across the bay, but, even now, rays of light peeked through and reached the Charles River. Now he knew why Lukas liked this view so much.

  His ears perked up as he heard the front door open below him and Sienna and Hazel’s voices rising from the haze of the streets. They must be heading home. His thoughts were confirmed when he heard Sienna’s old, soccer-mom van rumble off into the distance. Eliseo’s voice soon followed, his laugh echoing through the small neighborhood.

  “And you and Sawyer better be there. I got your costumes ready early and everything! Don’t go thinking you two are getting out of it.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll be there. We know how hard you worked on those.”

  He leaned forward and saw Colton clap his hand on Eliseo’s shoulder with a laugh. His heart warmed as he listened to his mate’s voice. The low timbre buzzed through his body even from this distance. Within a moment, Eliseo’s rinky-dink, old car disappeared into the city, and the front door clicked shut.

  Let’s see…it’s on April 12th. Two weeks and then some… He reviewed his mental calendar and counted up the days until the Rite of Nativity. Seventeen days? Or is it sixte–

  He was startled from his thoughts when the door behind him squeaked open.

  “Hey.” Colton’s voice was low and husky. “You okay?”

  Sawyer hummed. He took a last look over his shoulder at the city before turning to Colton.

  “Yeah. Just…wanted some quiet for a moment. Lukas wouldn’t let me help clean up, so I figured I’d see what he�
��s got going on up here. Look, some of his plants have already started sprouting. I hope they’re not too early with this warm spell.” His body relaxed as Colton stepped up next to him. Sawyer leaned back against the railing, and let out a tired sigh.

  Colton looked at the small garden, and a small smile crossed his features. “I’m happy he did this. I never thought he’d be able to in the city. Even when I was in Georgia, I lived on the outskirts and always had room for a garden.” He turned around, leaned on the railing, and balanced his weight on his elbows. “Did he ever tell you about our old farm?”

  “Yeah. It sounds like an amazing place.”

  “It is. One of the best.”

  And there it was again, that dreamy look that melted Sawyer’s heart every time he saw it. Sawyer let his eyes drift shut as a faint, cool breeze, laced with the scent of tea, washed over them. He turned and rested his back against the iron railing, shuddering as his smoldering omega mark touched the cold metal.

  Sawyer opened his eyes, and his gaze drifted over the small, green stalks popping up in the raised beds before landing on the freshly tilled bed across the roof. Guilt suddenly thrummed in his chest. Lukas had readied it for him, and he had forgotten all about it.

  “I just realized I’m a horrible person.” Sawyer pinched the bridge of his nose and motioned toward the empty, raised bed. “Lukas lets me plant here every year, but it completely slipped my mind this time.”

  “I’m sure he’ll forgive you, given everything that’s happened,” Colton purred.

  Sparks shot through Sawyer’s body as Colton’s low, drawn-out purr ended. Him and his stupid, sexy–

  A groan slipped from his lips, and he shuffled closer to his mate, listening to the steady sound of his alpha’s heartbeat. “Careful, or they’ll have to get that crowbar.”

  “How scandalous. Right here on the roof?” Colton murmured.

  “Why not?” Sawyer retorted softly. “I’m sure stranger things have happened on rooftops.” He squeezed Colton’s hand and led him to the wicker bench Lukas had set up. He paused when he felt Colton tense. “Don’t worry, I just want to sit for a minute. I’m not gonna jump you. Yet.”


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