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Slave Dance

Page 18

by Samantha Cayto

  “Did you hurt yourself?” Master moved his hand to lightly clasp Jase’s cock. The damn thing proved to be insatiable now that it had been reborn. It hardened in an instant. Master chuckled. “I guess not. Let me see if I can help you get back to sleep.”

  He started pumping Jase’s cock with slow, sure strokes. Jase moaned and bucked into the hold. He placed his hand over Master’s thick wrist then felt a steel rod brush against his thigh. No, that was Master’s cock. He couldn’t resist reaching for it. Given their size difference, he only managed to touch the tip, and it was as big as he’d imagined. Slickness covered it already, testament to how much Master wanted him. Jase tried to wrap his fingers around the shaft but couldn’t quite get to it. He groaned in frustration.

  “Here now,” Master said. “If you’re determined to touch me, let me make this easier for both of us.”

  The large man somehow contorted his body to align their two dicks. Slinging his leg over Jase’s hip, he brought them closer together, too. Then he maneuvered Jase’s hand so that he could hold the root of Master’s cock. Or at least he tried to. It was so big around, Jase’s fingertip couldn’t meet his thumb.

  “You’re huge,” he whispered.

  The shaft in his grip jumped at the observation. “It makes me crazy hearing you say that.” Master’s breath ruffled Jase’s hair. He still smelled like he’d been baking all night. It was delicious. Master bucked his hips and, using the heel pressed against Jase’s ass, made him do the same. With his hand wrapped around both shafts, the guy jerked them together. The silky skin of alien cock was no different than a human’s. But it was cooler and it moved inside, as if it were a living thing in and of itself.

  Jase allowed Master to lead the way, naturally. He wasn’t passive, however. He had a handful of flesh to play with. He experimented with pumping and squeezing. His efforts were rewarded with low moans and a snapping of Master’s hips that sent them both careening over the edge in too short a time. Once he felt his orgasm overtake him, Jase dropped his hand to clutch at Master’s balls.

  Master groaned. “Yes, more.”

  Jase obliged and forced his eyes open so he could watch the effect he was having. Master’s chin jutted, straining the cords in his neck. A gleam of fangs showed past his lips, and Jase wanted to offer him a vein. He didn’t know how to go about doing it without interrupting Master’s current pleasure, so he didn’t try. He decided to ask Mackie and Quinn the proper etiquette or strategy for achieving it next time.

  Please, God, let there be a next time.

  When their orgasms faded, Master released their dicks and casually wiped his hand on the covers. Jase felt dumb, worrying about his own mess in the face of the man’s indifference to sleeping in cum-filled bedding. It didn’t disgust Jase, either, which was another first. He’d hated sleeping in his master’s spending before.

  Although his passion was satisfied for the moment, Master didn’t let him go and roll away. On the contrary, he hugged Jase closer. Knowing he should go to sleep and let Master do the same, he couldn’t let go of a nagging concern.



  “Is everything going to be okay? I mean…with the bomber and stuff.”

  Master tucked Jase’s head under his chin. “Don’t you worry about that. It’s something my family and I have to deal with, and we will. In a couple of days, it will be all over, then you and I can sit down and make a plan about what you’re going to do with your life. I’ll help you in any way you want.”

  Jase didn’t care about that. His life was fine the way it was, thank you very much. He found the courage to press the issue. “But are you going to be safe?”

  “Certainly I am. I’m not doing anything dangerous. I promise. Now go back to sleep.”

  “Yes, Master.” Jase shut his mouth because in his heart he was still an obedient slave. But he had the horrible feeling that, for the first time, Master had lied to him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emil set his mouth in a grim line before saying, “I don’t like this plan.”

  “Your objections have been duly noted, my friend.” Alex had on his I-am-the-captain expression, and was using his authoritative tone. He didn’t typically pull rank, but Emil’s objections had obviously gotten to him. “Jase will be safe. Do you believe I would send Quinn into danger? Would Val do so with Mackie or Harry with Demi?”

  “No, of course not, sir.”

  Val clapped him on the back. “We understand how you feel. We’re all on edge. We don’t want our loved ones out where Marius might stumble upon them, but we need them to distract the feds. Plus, there will be four fewer people for Lucien and Kitty to keep track of when the shit hits the fan here.”

  “Duncan has assured us that only four undercover cops in two cars are currently assigned to keeping track of us. They may be highly suspicious of our involvement, but they have too many leads to chase. They don’t have a sufficient amount of personnel to devote many resources to what may be a dead-end. That works in our favor. The boys taking off for any early morning trip will suck half of them away. Although,” Alex added, “I can’t imagine why they think those young humans could be of any threat when there’s the rest of us to worry about.”

  Emil wanted to argue, yet that would be irrational of him. He’d hated the plan from the beginning and had voiced his concerns a couple of times now. Alex was getting sick of explaining it to him, and Emil didn’t blame the man. There was still a deep-seated fear inside him that it was a mistake to let the boys out on their own.

  Jase didn’t think so, of course. He strolled into the garage, chatting with the boys. He seemed happy and relaxed—excited even, at the prospect of their boys’ trip up the coast. He’d had so little in his life that even this minor event pleased him. That reaction alone made Emil conflicted about his feelings. Of course, Jase didn’t understand that the jaunt was a diversion. He didn’t need to know.

  The boy smiled at him and came to give him a quick hug. “Are you sure this is all right, Master? I could help in the kitchen, what with Damien sick and all.”

  “I’m sure. Damien is fine and Kitty can help out. You go and enjoy yourself. Keep an eye on the others. They get into trouble easily,” he whispered into his ear.

  Jase’s eyes widened at hearing those words, then he grinned. “Oh, Master, be serious.”

  “I am.” He kissed him, hard then went back for seconds, taking his time, until a loud throat-clearing forced him to let go.

  Alex jerked his head toward Mackie’s Jeep, where he, Quinn and Demi had already seated themselves. Emil nodded. If the others could let their boys go, so could he. He straightened Jase’s jacket to make sure it covered him well, then sent him on his way with a playful swat on his cute rump that made the boy laugh—a beautiful sound that he hoped to hear again soon.

  He stood with the others, waving the boys away and forcing himself to focus on his own task at hand. Packs of jars filled with extra-special baking soda stood propped against the wall. He hoped he’d made enough to do the trick, whatever the trick turned out to be. Although he wanted to be the one to deal with Marius, he understood that of all of them, he was best suited to neutralize a bomb, if it came to that.

  Harry entered a few seconds after the boys took off. “Lucien is all set. I don’t like his involvement, but I trust Kitty to keep him from harm.”

  Emil felt vindicated by the older man voicing his concern. But he also knew that Alex and Val were right. They needed a clear shot at going after Marius. It would have been nice not to have to worry about the cops at all. Marius was to blame for that, and his very thought had always been that casting suspicion on them would hamper their efforts to stop him.

  “You’re right. She will. I’m sorry I’ve been fussing about all of this. Let’s do it.” He picked up the backpacks stuffed with his and Harry’s baking soda mixture, hoping like hell he wouldn’t have to use it. And, if he did, he hoped it would work. They were going on supposition at thi
s point. Marius could have been employing something completely different. They’d know soon.

  The screech of the fire alarm blasted suddenly. Emil took a moment to fret over his beloved kitchen. Kitty and Lucien would take care of the club members and go-go boys, but the grease fire they’d deliberately set would destroy the space he’d lovingly created. It was the best plan possible under the circumstance, and he couldn’t second-guess it, either. Emil had already done the unforgiveable and spiked Damien’s food in order to send him home early with a stomach ache. None of the other staff was on duty. There’s was nothing for him to do about anything happening above anyway. Kitchens could be repaired. Humans, not so much.

  They gave it five minutes before piling into the oversized SUV and taking off. Val was at the wheel and he navigated them out of the underground area and through the alley. A brief look confirmed that guys were milling about the front of the building with a couple of fire engines and an ambulance blocking the street. If the surveillance team rushed in to help, they were not going to be able to chase after them.

  With the muted colors of a winter dawn breaking as their backdrop, Emil and the others arrived at a shabby residential neighborhood. They parked the SUV on a side street and walked the rest of the way to the dilapidated house that matched the address on the order form. It appeared to be deserted, but they knew better than to be fooled by that. Crouching in the waning darkness, they peered through the rotting fence around the back to confirm that the shipping container was there. It took up almost the entire overgrown, weedy yard. It looked like a storage area, except that an HVAC system was attached to its side. A thick cord connected the compressor to the house, running through a basement window.

  With the confirmation that they had the right place, they split into two groups, as previously agreed. Emil scurried with Harry along the fence to find a place to break it open without making too much noise that would carry to the house. Alex, Val and Logan went in search of a way to get into the house itself in the hopes of finding Marius. Emil didn’t give that part of the mission any thought, however, sure that his friends and family knew their job. He needed to concentrate on his own.

  Getting inside the yard was easy. Marius obviously hadn’t worried about that. The container was slightly harder. The lock was sturdy. Emil would have wished for Logan and her skills, except Harry had plenty of his own. He carefully, yet quickly, poured acid onto the metal and yanked it open when it was sufficiently weakened. Emil stepped inside first, watchful of traps. But Marius’ hubris and contempt for humans had made him almost careless. There was nothing there to see other than a whole bunch of what they’d come for.

  Emil exhaled noisily as he surveyed the rows of plants. “We were right, thank fuck.”

  “Yes, most fortunate,” Harry agreed.

  That was all the talking they needed to do. Each of them put down the backpacks and duffel bags they’d carried with them and got to work destroying Marius’ killing fields.

  A noise at the door had Emil whirling with a nine millimeter raised in his hand. Although he hated weapons of any kind, he knew how to use them. He’d almost forgotten he’d strapped the thing to an ankle holster back at the club. Alex stuck his head in and cocked his eyebrow at him.

  “I see that you both guessed right. Unfortunately, Marius is nowhere to be found. Val and Logan are already dealing with what’s in the house, but we have to assume he’s left to plant more explosives. In fact, we found a map of the various locations he intends to hit.”

  Harry frowned. “Careless of him.”

  “No,” Emil said with a shake of his head. “Hubris. Marius has always thought himself smarter than anyone else, even Dracul. He didn’t think we’d find him.”

  “Or if he did,” Alex continued, “he wants us to chase him down and watch him slaughter humans.”

  “Can I see the map?” Emil asked, uncertain of why he thought he could fathom the killer’s intent. But of all of them, he was the one who’d known Marius the best because they’d been in the same department on the ship.”

  He followed Alex into the basement of the house and studied what Marius had laid out on a large and worn oak table that had probably come with the property. His gaze landed on one spot in particular almost immediately.

  He pointed it out. “There. That’s where he’s gone.”

  Alex peered down. “Why do you think that?”

  Emil turned his troubled eyes on his captain. “Children. He’s only targeted space where adults hang out, or in the case of Faneuil Hall, it was chance that it was only adults. But this”—he emphasized with a jab of his finger—“is where you’ll find lots of kids on a Saturday morning. He’s going to hit Frog Pond. I’m sure of it.”

  Alex swore and called out to Val and Logan. They came racing down the stairs and a new plan was formed. Within minutes, Emil was back in the SUV with Alex and Val. Harry and Logan had been left behind to neutralize that which Marius had amassed for his murderous schemes. They’d make sure that nothing remained that would give the human authorities any notion of an alien presence.

  * * * *

  Jase laughed. “Come on, you guys. Stop fooling around.”

  “We’re not, dude,” Mackie insisted, glancing at him through the rearview mirror of his sporty red Jeep. “Honestly.”

  Jase looked to Demi, sitting next to him in the back seat. “He’s messing with me. I know he is. There is no way your human father gave birth to you.”

  Demi shrugged. “What can I say, dude? It’s true.” Looking like a slightly miniature version of the aliens with a bit of Asian features thrown in, the boy certainly made his claim seem possible.

  Jase shook his head. “No, I’m not buying it.”

  Quinn turned to look at him from over his shoulder and said, “Stick around for a while and you may see Mackie pregnant.”

  This story they’d been telling him on the way back from their jaunt to Rockport boggled his mind. The idea that drinking Emil’s blood could turn Jase into a breeding male both fascinated and repelled him. Yet, with all that he’d seen and all that he knew so far, it wasn’t that much of a stretch. He’d have to ask Master. Other than the persistent worry that Master had lied about his being in danger, Jase trusted him to be honest.

  The early morning journey up the coast with the three other boys had surprised him. He could tell, too, that Master wasn’t happy about it. Still, he’d asked—not told—Jase to do it, and Jase would do anything for Master. It had been bitingly cold, yet gorgeous and fun, skipping around the large boulders on the coast while the sun rose. Mackie, acting the wheel man, had taken a leisurely way there, but was taking the faster highway back. He was obviously enjoying using his wedding present from his husband to its best advantage.

  He’d also kept staring in the side mirror, as if worried about something behind them. When Jase had asked what was going on, the others had done some kind of silent assessment about what they should tell him. In the end, all Quinn said was that they were making it easier for their men to do what they had to do. Then they’d started distracting him with this tale about being turned into breeding males. Even if they were telling the truth, they needn’t have bothered. It was a sufficient reason for Jase that his master didn’t want him to know what was happening. He wasn’t going to probe further, if only because he didn’t want to get them in trouble. He hoped Master would explain things to him eventually. As long as the man remained safe, however, he would count himself lucky, regardless.

  A phone rang. Quinn pulled his out and answered it. “Alex, is everything okay?” Jase and the others went completely silent while Quinn listened and nodded. “Sure, I understand. We’re heading back to the club now. We’re fine. It was fun.

  “A fire? Is everybody okay? Yes, we’ll be careful, I promise. We’ll park on the street and find Lucien and Kitty. Don’t worry about us. I love you. Be careful.”

  “Well?” Mackie demanded before Quinn said a word.

  “Alex said they’re good
on their end and that we should go straight to the club, although there was a grease fire in the kitchen.”

  “The kitchen?” Jase sat forward. “I should have stayed behind.”

  “No!” All three boys shouted him down in unison. He got the sneaking suspicion that the fire wasn’t that big a surprise to them.

  “You wouldn’t have been able to stop it,” Quinn said. “It was just one of those things. Anyway, Alex said to go straight back. No detours and absolutely no going anywhere near the Common.”

  “Why’s that?” Demi asked, the very thing Jase wanted to know. Although hearing that Master was safe so far eased his mind somewhat, the fire was a disturbing wrinkle. There was much more going on here than he’d imagined.

  “Alex didn’t say.”

  Mackie groaned. “And you didn’t ask him.”

  “You know I don’t question Alex the way you do Val,” Quinn huffed.

  “Because you don’t like getting your ass beat, whereas everyone knows I can take my licks.”

  Quinn threw up his arms. “Don’t get all I’m-a-submissive on me, sweetie. I know how to trust my man and get what I want without baiting him first.”

  “Making him crazy is half the fun,” Mackie countered.

  “And twice the work.” Quinn folded his arms.

  Jase was getting agitated with worry. “Wait. I don’t understand.”

  Demi patted him on the arm. “It’s okay. Quinn and Mackie have different styles. They still end up in the same place.”

  “Which is where?”

  “Going to exactly the place Alex said we shouldn’t, naturally.” The kid didn’t say ‘stupid’ but it was implied in his expression. “The Common wasn’t part of the plan.”

  Jase threw up his hands in frustration. “What was the plan? What is going on here?”

  Mackie shook his head. “We don’t know, exactly, sweetie. The men don’t confide everything to us.”

  “They are trying to protect us,” Quinn practically sneered.


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