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Slave Dance

Page 21

by Samantha Cayto

  Master squeezed his fingers before letting go. “That’s an excellent idea. Are you ready for the second course?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Arugula salad with goat cheese, candied pecans, beets and raspberry vinaigrette came next. Everything was perfectly balanced and seasoned. Jase savored each bite and tried to unravel its mysteries. Even if he never became a professional chef, he still wanted to be able to cook well for himself—and for his man. He asked Master questions about it, and he answered them all with patience and obvious delight.

  Petit filet with hollandaise sauce, escalloped potatoes and roasted asparagus came after that. As small as the portions were, Jase didn’t dare finish his plate, given how his stomach was already starting to feel full. He wanted to have room for dessert.

  He relaxed sufficiently to ask a few questions of his own. “So, did you always want to become a botanist?”

  “Yes, I like plants, and fortunately, the hive needed someone new with that skill.”

  Jase frowned. “What if it hadn’t?”

  “Then I would have been assigned something it did need.”

  “That doesn’t sound fair.” Jase paused, worried his criticism of Master’s culture wouldn’t sit well with him.

  But naturally Master took it in stride, like he did everything. “It’s not, by modern human standards. But, within my people’s system, we have hives within hives that have to fit perfectly. Everyone works to the greater good in order to allow the Great Queen and her lesser queens to reproduce without worry. Even though almost all females can birth at least one offspring, the queens are the most fecund.”

  “How many babies does a queen have?”

  “Hundreds.” Master gave the answer as if it were no big deal.

  “Hundreds?” Jase thought of bees, then mammals, and couldn’t imagine how that was possible.

  Master grinned around his mouthful of food. “Remember. We live a lot longer than humans and we gestate differently, as well. Plus, there are far more males than females. That’s why we evolved so that a male could change into female when our population was under stress.”

  That reminded Jase of where Demi had come from and how Mackie’s body was changing in order to someday accommodate a growing fetus. The boys had insisted when they helped him dress that although they had been trying to distract him, the information was nevertheless true. He fiddled with his fork as he considered it. “Are… Are you going to want me to do that for you, Master?” He honestly didn’t know how he felt about it.

  Once again, Master took his hand. “I can’t say I’m all that thrilled about the boys explaining that part to you at this stage. I certainly don’t want you thinking it’s a condition of your being with me. All I ask—all I hope for—is what you are willing to give me now. Whenever that ‘now’ may be. Tonight, it’s a date. Dinner and companionship. It’s more than I ever thought I’d find on this planet.

  “I can’t believe that an exquisite boy like you would agree to spend time with me, and I still worry you do it out of misplaced duty.”

  “No!” Jase rose and went to Master’s side. He wrapped his free hand around the back of his neck. “I’m here because I love you.”

  The shocked look on Master’s face would have been comical if the stakes hadn’t been so high. “You don’t have to say that.”

  Irritation rose in Jase, and for the first time in years, he felt capable of expressing it freely. “Yes, I do. I mean it and don’t tell me I don’t know my own mind. I’m not broken, remember?”

  Master let out a deep breath. “No, you’re not. You’re right, as well, that I have to trust you when you express your feelings. Your love is a gift I prize above all others.”

  He took Jase’s lips in a soft kiss before placing his palm on Jase’s stomach. “Any room in there for dessert?”

  “I’m kind of full. Can we take a break?”

  “Sure. Would you like to watch a movie?”

  Jase looked away. “That’s fine, if you want.”

  Master placed the tip of his forefinger under Jase’s chin and slowly turned his head back. “What do you want?”

  “Um…” He was embarrassed and a little afraid to ask. Not because he thought Master would refuse, but because he wasn’t sure how well he’d handle doing something freely that had been forced upon him.


  “Can we fuck?”

  Master’s eyebrows shot up, and for a few tense seconds, he said nothing. Then, “No.”

  Jase’s heart sank.

  “We will, however, make love, if that is what you truly want.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Don’t screw this up.

  Emil gave himself the stern warning before scooping an astonished Jase into his arms and carrying him to the bed. He laid him down in the middle with utmost care and took the boy’s shoes and socks off to ensure he was more comfortable.

  Jase blinked at him with wide eyes. “I don’t understand.”

  “It’s simple,” Emil replied, toeing off his own shoes and lying on his side facing Jase. “I’m not going to fuck you. That’s something that can be done quickly and impersonally if that’s what people want. Humans often do, and that’s fine with me, because my people also often act that way. I’ve done it myself, actually. You, on the other hand, deserve more than that tonight because you’re a virgin. Your first time should be special.”

  Jase barked out a laugh. “Master, I assure you I’m not a virgin.”

  The casual way Jase accepted his abuse pained Emil right down to his marrow. “Of course you are, baby. You’ve never known sex. Rape doesn’t count. Tonight is the first time for you, and I’d be honored if you’ll give me that privilege.” The tears forming in the boy’s eyes nearly undid him. “Please, don’t cry,” he begged, using his thumb to wipe a drop away.

  “It’s from happiness, Master. I swear.”

  Leaning down, Emil placed a chaste kiss on the boy’s lips and lingered there. “Do you think you could please call me Emil?” he asked in a whisper.

  “Yes. Anything for you. Emil.”

  “Oh. I love hearing you say it. I love you, Jase.” The confession was hard to get out, yet impossible to keep in anymore. He felt guilty wanting someone so young. After years of contempt over other men’s lusting for younger men, he understood how easy it was to fall for someone with such beautiful innocence. He couldn’t imagine his life with this boy no longer in it.

  He instantly regretted his impulsive honesty. “I shouldn’t have said that. I don’t want to pressure you.”

  “Oh, Emil”—Jase rolled into him and wrapped his body around his. “I want you to love me. And I want you to believe me when I say that no matter how my life changes from now on, loving you never will.”

  Emil hugged him back and peppered the parts of Jase’s head and face that he could reach with kisses. “I hope that’s so, but you have to promise me that if it does, you will tell me. Nothing would hurt me more than keeping you at my side when you’d rather be somewhere else.”

  “I promise.” There was steeliness in the vow.

  Emil had no choice other than to accept Jase at his word. If the boy’s recovery was going to mean anything, he had to be believed when he voiced his opinion.

  “Can we fuck now?”

  Hearing a teasing tone, Emil chuckled. “Yes, we can begin to make love.”

  His experience with a human was rusty and always before, it had been fucking and nothing more. He was working in the dark to a large degree, so he went with instinct and started with the obvious. Rolling Jase onto his back, Emil dipped to capture the boy’s mouth. He pressed firmly at first to give evidence to his passion before lightening the touch to feathery kisses. He cupped and sucked bits of Jase’s plump, pink lips with his own, tugging and nibbling.

  When Jase opened his mouth and shyly licked him with the tip of his tongue, Emil refused to take the hint. Instead, he moved on to the boy’s jaw, then throat. He placed wet kisses up to the
earlobe, sucked on it a bit, before continuing down the tight column. He swirled his tongue at the V of the collarbone. The pulse of Jase’s jugular called to him. He gave it a brief moment of attention, striping it with a lick before returning to Jase’s mouth. He reminded himself that tonight was about Jase’s pleasure, not his own. Drinking the boy’s blood would be going too far, asking too much.

  Now, he was ready to take a taste of Jase’s mouth. The boy opened for him instantly and gave him a merry chase. Emil cupped the base of his head to leverage him closer and control the speed of their kissing. A breathy sigh and moan told him he was doing something right. Jase’s reaction encouraged him to increase the pressure, give vent to his own needs. Jase’s mouth was tastier than anything Emil had ever baked. Drinking him in was better than the finest wines on Earth.

  And yeah, he was getting goopy in his thoughts, but so what? In some ways, this was his first time, as well. He’d never savored another like this before, not even the queen herself, who had been the experienced one, in any event. It was heady stuff. His cock was unusually quiescent, hard and needy as always, yet not urging him to a fast completion. Jase, in comparison, seemed more anxious to move on. He moved his legs in restless fashion and gripped Emil’s arms almost painfully.

  Emil decided to slow things down again. He pulled away from Jase’s mouth, tugging a bit of lip at the end. He unbuttoned the boy’s shirt down to his waist and slid a hand under it to cup a pec. “Do you like nipple play?” The huskiness of his voice surprised him.

  Jase moaned and tossed his head. “I don’t know.”

  Emil rubbed the pad of his thumb across one nub before lightly pinching it.

  Jase’s eyes flew open and he gasped. “I guess I do,” he said breathlessly.

  “Good. Let’s see how much.”

  Emil was enjoying this exploration. He replaced his fingers with his tongue, flicking at the hardened nipple. He was rewarded with more moans and restlessness by Jase. Then he wrapped his lips around the nub and sucked. Jase arched into him with a cry.

  Oh yes, this is great fun.

  Encouraged and aroused beyond reason now, Emil shifted to straddle his lover. He tore open the rest of the shirt to gain access to Jase’s torso. All that creamy, soft skin, no longer marred by anything except the faintest of bruises, was laid open for his pleasure. He ignored the bit of discoloration. That would fade soon, and Emil promised himself that nothing would mark the boy ever again.

  He placed more open-mouthed kisses all the way down to the waistband of Jase’s slacks. He unfastened them with a force that rent the cloth. It didn’t matter. He could afford to buy Jase as many pretty pants as he could ever want. The boy wore no underwear, which both disturbed and thrilled him. Part of Jase’s new life lessons was going to be that he didn’t need to be naked and accessible anymore—at least not unless he wanted to be.

  The boy’s lovely cock was hard and waiting for him. Emil stared at it with unbridled greed for a few seconds before licking it from root to tip. Jase bucked his hips and groaned out encouragement. Not wanting things to progress too fast, Emil held Jase’s pelvis down while he lavished the dick with his attention. This tiny bit of mastery was okay because it would amp Jase’s pleasure.

  So sweet. From the freshly washed shaft to the glistening head, it was all delicious. Emil briefly considered how he had whipped cream chilling nearby that would make the perfect topping to Jase’s cock. But that would mean letting go of the boy and he didn’t think he could manage that, even for a few seconds.

  Besides, it would be overkill. He sucked the cock into his mouth and worked it all the way down his throat. With his lips pressed against Jase’s pubic bone, he rolled his eyes to watch the boy as he brought him to his first climax of the evening. Jase didn’t disappoint. With Emil’s throat muscles milking the shaft, Jase shot off in seconds. He screamed and flailed his arms. He twisted in Emil’s embrace and bucked. There was nowhere for him to go, however. Emil kept him anchored to the bed as he made him come.

  “Oh my God! Stop!”

  Emil released the boy immediately, alarm shooting through him. The dick flopped out of his mouth, not entirely soft, yet shining from his spit. Jase continued to twitch.

  “Are you all right?” Emil looked down at him anxiously. Had he pushed too far?

  Jase’s movements were involuntary at the moment. He was devastated, wrecked, but he knew Master Emil needed reassurance. He forced his eyelids open a crack. “That was intense.” He managed a smile. “Best orgasm ever.”

  Emil’s face split into a wide grin. “Yeah? There’s more where that came from.”

  Jase shook his head. “No, not yet. I need a break, and I want more to eat.”

  “Oh. I have chocolate mousse waiting.”

  “Hmm, yum. Later, though, please. I had something else in mind.”

  For once, Jase didn’t overthink what he wanted to do or ponder how much his life had changed in such a short time. It was a minor miracle, one that had been wrought by an otherworldly creature. So, maybe that wasn’t surprising. The changes within him weren’t bound by Earthly laws.

  Calling up the reserves of energy he’d developed over the years, he sat up and tackled Emil. Momentum and surprise were on his side. The big man toppled onto his back and sprawled with his head lying by the end of the bed. Jase went straight for the man’s belt. He had it undone and his pants open in record speed. He was quite pleased with himself when Emil’s huge dick sprang out.

  “Jase, you don’t have—” The man’s words died the moment Jase covered his cockhead with his lips. “Oh, fuck.”

  Jase grinned around the bulbous, satiny flesh that spread his mouth open as wide as it could go. There was no way to deep-throat this monster dick, but he would do his best to take what he could. Already pre-cum dribbled out. It tasted not quite human, yet he found he still liked it. His previous experience hadn’t been a trick of his mind to cope with his situation. He would gladly give Emil blow jobs for the rest of his life and swallow every drop of his cum with a smile.

  It took nearly both sets of fingers to grasp the cock. Taking it inside his ass would be hard. He was determined to do so, regardless. Emil might see him as a virgin, and Jase understood that he sort of was. Still, his ass had been forced open hundreds of times. He knew he could do no less for Emil. Jase was sure the alien cock would fit into his pliable body. He’d make it.

  He took the shaft down as far as he could, getting it nice and wet and making Emil as wild and ready as possible. The man quivered nicely under his touch and uttered breathless grunts. His big hands clenched at the bedding, further testament that Jase was bringing him to the edge. As he readied the dick, he wiggled out of his pants. His own cock had gotten hard again, a thing that delighted him. His sexuality hadn’t been taken from him. He could feel pleasure and he was ready for another round of it once he’d taken care of Emil. He had no doubt he would get it, too.

  With Emil’s cock as wet as he could make it, Jase pulled off it with a long, slow suction until it popped out of his mouth completely. He knee-walked to position his ass above it. Before he could sit on the dick, though, Emil grabbed him and deftly reversed their positions.

  Jase gasped and glared at him. “Why did you do that?”

  Emil frowned. “You were going to take my dick up your ass. That’s why.”

  Disappointment crashed over him. “Don’t you want to fuck—? Penetrate me?”

  A fierce look stole over the man’s face. “Sure I do. More than anything. But not like that. Haven’t you noticed how big I am? You need some prep and we’re going to take this slowly.”

  “Oh.” Emil was looking out for him, taking care, as always. That was because he was Master, and in the privacy of his own thoughts, he could think of him that way.

  Master Emil tore off his clothing, heedless of the damage he did to what had to be multi-thousand dollars’ worth of designer goods. His urgency was ego-boosting, and the man could probably afford whatever he wan
ted. He favored Canali, Jase had noticed, not that he would ever be able to buy something so expensive for the man. Still, it was the little things that mattered in a relationship. And, he realized with a joyful jolt, that’s what this was now.

  Master pulled lube out of his nightstand drawer and something else familiar to Jase—a butt plug. His heart sank before he realized that it made perfect sense to open him with the toy before he attempted to take Master’s dick. It again showed caretaking, not dominance.

  “Are you okay with this?” Master asked, holding the thing up. “I figured we’d get around to this at some point. Or, at least, I hoped we would,” he added with a quick grin. “I wanted to be prepared and Val suggested this would be a good way to prep you for taking me inside. He’s the Dom and has been playing with human boys for years, so he should know.”

  “Yes, please, it’s fine with me, and thank you. Val was right. It will help open me.”

  “That’s the idea.” He didn’t slick it and shove it inside Jase right away, however.

  Instead, Master gently tugged Jase’s legs apart before kneeling between them. He cupped Jase’s ass to push his hips forward, then did the most extraordinary thing. He pressed his mouth to Jase’s hole.

  “Oh,” Jase gasped at the delightful sensation of wet lips and tongue licking and swirling against the puckered ring. He was no stranger to rim jobs, except he’d always been the one forced to give them. And, little wonder. It was amazing. His hole unfurled with ease at the soft probing. Soon, Master’s tongue fucked him with soft, shallow thrusts.

  Jase sighed and relaxed. His cock lay heavy on his thigh, while his balls curled close to his body. He could come from this alone. Master’s fingers grasping his dick and tugging ensured that he did. The climax caught him by surprise, making him sit halfway up with the intensity of it. He flopped back down immediately, gasping for breath, his head swirling.


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