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Generation 7

Page 5

by Ross Richdale

  Oh Hell! muttered the passenger as she bounced up and banged her head on the window.

  There's a safety strap to click on, Jaddig advised. She didn't look at Holly, but concentrated on the small rise in front while her hands and feet worked in unison. It was as if she had become part of this ferocious monster. Somewhere in front, the motor roared like a furnace and everything shook.

  But the young female clicker was in control. Wheels gripped the gravel beneath the layer of snow; the vehicle jerked up the last remaining part of the bank at such a steep angle Holly could only see the mountaintops and the sky. Higher and higher the combo went, the motor howled and tires swished water and stones against the metal under their feet. Just when the terrified woman was about to scream, the combo leveled and crashed down on its front wheels. They gripped, fought the sludge and pulled the gigantic machine forward.

  Jaddig stopped the heavy vehicle a few meters up the road and let the motor drop to a deep rumble and ignored the dirty brown fumes that belched into the air from the exhaust pipe. Who wants a ride back? she shouted out the window. There's a lever at the back. Pile in.

  George ran his hand over gray stubble and studied the combo idling quietly beside him. How does she do it? he muttered up at a relieved Holly grinning down from the cab.

  Beats me, she answered. Reckons it's dead easy, though.

  Yea, if you have four hands, sniffed the sergeant.

  He walked around the back but someone had already opened the door and personnel were climbing in the strange craft. Twelve warriors fitted in with ease and stared apprehensively at each other as Jaddig told everyone to hold on and, after a few shudders as the tires slipped on the slush, they moved forward at a speed totally unknown to the humans.

  My God! screamed Holly as the combo rumbled ahead. The view out the side windows was a blur of whiteness and slush that splashed up beside them. Suddenly there was a bend in the road and was a bank immediately in front. Jaddig. Watch out!

  But Jaddig knew what to do. A foot moved across a pedal, brakes were applied, a hand clutch was depressed and lower gear selected. Levers were expertly moved ever so slightly and the four steering wheels turned the combo around the ninety-degree corner with meters to spare. Behind Holly and the driver, passengers clung on and didn't know whether to scream in fright or congratulate the driver. Most did neither but just stared straight ahead and pretended they weren't scared out of their senses.

  Ten minutes later the young Crucnon drove through an opened doorway in a cliff, slowed to a crawl and drove down a steep zigzag track into the bowls of the earth. At the bottom they were met by forty or fifty DPF warriors and bowmen armed to the teeth and ready to fight the hated enemy.

  Commander Evans, somewhat sheepishly ordered arms to be lowered when he saw Holly waving at him from the cab and recognized Jaddig in the driver's seat.

  Even Andrea appeared white faced but gave a tiny smile when she saw Holly behind the windshield of the gigantic vehicle that stopped with a hiss beside her. Jaddig turned the motor off and the belching fumes from the exhaust dissipated.

  Like our new acquisition, Mom? Holly called down. Jaddig said she's gonna teach me to drive.

  Don't do this to me! her mother snapped back in the silence that followed. We were certain we were under attack. You're lucky the bowmen didn't shoot first and ask questions afterwards.

  Oh Mom, They're too disciplined for that.

  We spend an hour trying to figure out how to work this contraption, Sergeant George Bereano muttered from behind the proctor, and young Jaddig here jumps in and tears over the snow faster than a young filly can gallop. I was shit scared, I admit. He grinned up at Jaddig. You have my respect Young Lady, he continued. I think this is a valuable bit of equipment we've managed to capture.

  We'll probably need fuel if we want to use it, Jaddig replied in a monotone but her yellow eyes smiled in appreciation at the compliment. The fuel gauge is hovering on empty.

  Holly had no idea what her friend was talking about and it was the commander who nodded. I'll get a patrol back up there, he acknowledged. There must be a storage depot somewhere. The enemy has retreated but there's equipment everywhere. They're coming back. That's a certainty.

  Andrea sat at her makeshift desk, wiped her weary eyes and glanced at the watch that showed almost twenty five hundred hours, midnight. She was exhausted but still wanted to read through the latest reports from the surface. She sipped the last dregs of the hot spice drink they called coffifake and sighed.

  Can I have a chat? interrupted a soft voice.

  Oh, hello Toby. You're still up, I see. I thought everyone except the guards would be asleep.

  The commander smiled. I'm like you, I guess, Andrea. I relish this quiet time in the middle of the night and do much of my work after everyone else is asleep.

  The coffifake is still hot if you'd like a mug. the proctor replied. She smiled. I could do with a bit of company at the moment. She glanced at the documents in her hand. From your report it seems we have a little more time.

  Could be, the commander replied, but I wouldn't depend on it. My contacts inform me the enemy will be back before spring. We need to be out of here within a week.

  So soon. Andrea replied. But how can we? There are too many elderly people and children, not to mention the wounded warriors from the last battle.

  We carry them on stretchers, the commander replied. I'll get it organized. He stopped, poured his drink and fixed his eyes on Andrea.

  We need to be careful, he continued. I believe an Inner Circle Councilor is our spy.

  But who? Andrea gasped. Malone Davidson?

  No, sighed the commander. She's just ignorant. Our spy is too clever to be openly hostile. I have three suspects but no proof any way. The only way to stop information getting out at the moment is to lay a false trail for the enemy.


  You know the tunnels lead into the caves that go kilometers back under the mountains. I don't think they've ever been completely explored. Our original intention was to take the high entrance out to the mountain pass and travel up to our food storage at Base Four.

  Go on, Andrea whispered.

  The clickers are waiting there for us, the commander said, However, I want to tell the Inner Council That's where we're going. However, instead we'll head south and out a new entrance into a parallel mountain pass. Base 7 Food Base has been set up there. It is in the next valley and, I believe unknown to the enemy.

  And from there!

  The travel east through the second valley between the mountains. It's quite a trek but ends up in a different country, He grimaced. It's called The Confederation of Pulgibr.


  Yes, but they speak a different language and are know enemies of the Vybber clickers.

  So! They're still insect creatures and there is no reason they'll be any friendlier towards us than the locals. They could even be worse.

  I know, That's why we should seriously think of the alternative and try to find that shuttle craft. It is really our only hope.

  But we talked about it at the Inner Council. If our spy is the slightest bit efficient, the clickers will have the site surrounded and be waiting there, too.

  All they'll find is a homing signal. The actual ship is a hundred kilometers in the other direction.

  You are devious, Toby, Andrea smiled.

  Unfortunately, it's still in the deep in Vybber territory and four hundred kilometers away. Now with that combo we captured, the journey there could take days instead of weeks.

  Andrea rubbed her chin. And who goes? The Special Security Force?

  No. I want your daughter and the Jaddig to go.

  What! I won't allow it, snapped the woman.

  Think of it Andrea. Holly is as capable as any Generation 7 we have, male or female. We can pitch a story that she is part of an advance group heading to Base 4. We need Jaddig to drive the combo and the two trust each other.

  But can Jaddig be trusted
? She is still a clicker, you know.

  It's a risk but a minute one. She is one dead clicker if she ever appears back at her home, I know that and her despair at the deaths of her family was genuine.

  Okay, I'm inclined to believe that but we can't send just two of them off.

  We won't. I'd say more should go but too many will be a hindrance. I believe we should ask Holly who she wants to accompany them.

  Andrea frowned. You've already mentioned this to her, haven't you Commander?

  It was her suggestion, the man replied, and I took some convincing before I agreed on one condition.

  And that was?

  You approved, Proctor. You have the power of veto. If you say no, Holly doesn't go.

  Thanks, Andrea's voice turned hard. If I agreed, what would her chances be, Toby?

  About the same as the rest of us, I'd say. Perhaps even higher. Six or so people are easier to feed and move compared with over a thousand.

  If she goes I want to as well, Andrea snapped.

  No, Commander Evans replied. You're needed to lead our people here, Andrea. If you disappeared, the community would break up; of that, I am certain. He sipped the last of his coffifake and reached over to squeeze her hand. These are grave times, Proctor, but your daughter and that young Crucnon girl have a better chance than anyone of finding that craft of our ancestors.

  But she is all I have, Andrea whispered.

  I know, the man replied with sympathy in his voice. That is why if you say no, I shall abide by your wishes. He stood up. Good night, Andrea. Try to have a good night's sleep.

  The proctor nodded but did not reply.

  Jaddig is prepared to make the journey, Holly told her mother the next lunchtime, and even though she hasn't said anything, I think she would be highly nervous if I wasn't with her.

  Andrea sighed. It is your decision, Sweetheart and I shall not influence you.

  Then I'll go, Mom, the younger woman replied. I've had discussions with Toby about who should accompany us and we both agreed on the following people. What do you think? She handed her mother a sheet of paper.

  The list included George Bereano, Clay Farrell and a Graham Whitmore, all respected DPF members probably selected by the commander. Also on the list was a Doctor Suzi Yu, the surname was familiar to the proctor but she could not recall the woman.

  Yes you do, Mom, Holly replied. That dark woman in the Research Laboratory. She's about the youngest of your generation but is only a few years older that me.

  Of course, Andrea replied. If I can remember she is very introverted. She frowned. Why did you pick her, Sweetheart?

  She's our top scientist and has studied all the old records on electronics and such like. It would be useless finding the shuttlecraft and not being able to operate it. Graham is pretty well up in that field too. They should make a good pair.

  After telling the community their group was an advanced expedition heading out to check the mountain pass snow conditions, Holly and her companions slipped back through a service tunnel and up to the surface where the renovated combo stood waiting.

  The DPF, under Jaddig's guidance, had painted out the recognition marks on the vehicle and substituted others. Crucnon writing on the roof and sides now said Security Command Unit, the feared military police of the Vybber Empire. The interior of Charlie , as they had decided to call their combo, had been stripped of unwanted gear and fitted out with survival equipment and food. Four, hundred liter drums filled with evil smelling fuel called diesel had been stolen from an enemy base so, in George's estimate, they had enough to reach the secret landing site but not to return again.

  Finally, Graham Whitmore had manufactured clamps for the back steering wheels to lock them so humans could drive, using two steering levers instead of four. Trials had been held with Holly and Graham becoming reasonably good at driving Charlie, if it was necessary.

  Dawn broke over the bleak countryside of melting snow as Jaddig drove Charlie down the valley. Their journey had begun.

  Nervous? Holly asked Jaddig and hour later as they crawled up a steep windy road towards the summit of the last range in human territory.

  Jaddig glanced sideways at her front seat passenger and nodded. Very! She replied in a hushed voice, but I feel we can do it, Holly.

  She changed gears and swung Charlie around a tight bend. They had reached the top with the road now following the ridge for several kilometers before descending the other side. Below, in the hazy distance far below, the New Columbia River flowed like a wriggling line of silver from horizon to horizon across the mighty plains.

  This expanse of water had to be crossed and the only place was a pontoon bridge the clickers had built when they first invaded New Washington. If the crossing was successful, they would turn east, try to avoid the populated cities and travel through the high country before descending to the valley where the shuttlecraft was hidden.

  Bloody good driving, Jaddig George called from behind the driver's seat and handed her a mug of steaming coffifake. I added honey to keep the adrenaline supplied.

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  Chapter Five

  Among other items, when the Survival of Humanity Protocol became law on January one in the year 2166, all reference to nationalities, ethnic groups, creeds, and Earth languages except English were banned. The Crucnon language used in Vybber replaced Russian and Japanese in the schools and a woman's surname was used for her siblings. A small breakaway group who wanted to cling to the old ways left, as was their right and were never heard of again.

  Over the years a few items such as the use of ceremonial flags crept back. Overall, though, the protocol was a success and the small group of aliens stopped being Americans, Russians, Britons or Japanese but instead though of themselves as humans. It did not matter where their ancestors came from or if their skin pigment was black, brown, white or yellow. Genders were equal and all military and civil rankings were based on ability, not hereditary. Once again, though, some families tended to be the leaders, the scientists or military experts.

  And so it was with Suzi Yu. She was a slight person who barely reached Holly's shoulders in height, had short dark hair, tiny breasts and the features of her Asian ancestors. She also spoke accentless Vybber language; something Holly and the others had failed to manage, and, even better, was the only human on that expedition who could fit into a clicker survival suit. Her tiny pinch of a nose was also closer to Jaddig's in shape than any of the others.

  You look great, Suzi, Jaddig chuckled as she helped the scientist into the suit. With the bottom arms padded out and a pair of dark snow glasses over your eyes, I'll make you an honorary Crucnon. You'll need gloves to hide your five fingers, though.

  It was noon and, after crossing the mountain pass through snow covered countryside; Charlie was driven down to a fertile valley north of the New Columbia River and parked in a deserted barn behind one of the human ranches. The property, like two others they had visited, had been stripped of everything. Human animals, dairy cows, cattle, sheep and hogs along with chickens were highly prized by the clickers and had been transported back to Vybber to stock farms. Like the Crucnon, the planet's original farm creatures were also six legged and cold blooded such as the aphrin, a green creature farmed and milked for it's honey type liquid that was the stable died of the clickers. Likewise, the hideous but docile three-meter krinton was farmed for its meat that the humans found tasted like rich beef. Since there was no native equivalent to sheep, over the years the clickers had bred thousands of them from the first few stolen from New Washington.

  The rear of Charlie had been fitted out with a fake pile of lumber, all glued together to fit the interior of the back door. This lumber, though, was only twenty centimeters long and hid the passengers behind. A similar wall at the front hinged down behind the driving compartment. Small circular windows along the side provided light and the ventilation system was excellent. If they were stopped for inspection, they had wooden panels to cover th
e windows, and hopefully, would escape discovery.

  You'll have to drive if we come to any of my kind, Jaddig informed Suzi. A winged female would not be driving a Security Command Unit vehicle but could easily be travelling in one. She tapped her four golden hexagonal emblems across her chest. That's why I promoted myself to Marshal Jaddig Qarte. Hopefully, any military police will be too nervous of my rank to make a thorough inspection of Charlie.

  Well, we're prepared, George grumbled. If we want to be at the river and cross in the dark hours we'd better get moving.

  Holly grinned. Even though she was the official leader she didn't mind the old sergeant's abruptness to keep them all on their toes.

  Their thoroughness paid off only minutes later. Jaddig was still at the wheel and had slowed Charlie to a crawl around a tight bend when a gigantic sign appeared on a cliff face where it could not be missed.

  The clicker girl paled.

  What does it say? Holly asked.

  You are leaving the restricted zone and entering the New Territories of Vybber. Vehicles are subject to inspection. All unauthorized or stolen equipment must be surrendered. she read.

  New Territories? Holly frowned.

  Jaddig turned and stared at her friend. The annexed territory is larger than I anticipated. It means they're moving our people into your lands instead of moving the animals and stolen things out. There are going to be my people everywhere.

  She pulled to the side of the road and turned her eyes to Suzi. Are you ready? she asked.

  So soon, Suzi whispered and glanced at the five other people. I know I've driven Charlie on a straight road but these tight bends....

  You'll be fine, encouraged Holly. Just go slowly.

  Okay, Suzi replied. She hitched her two fake arms into a folded position, fixed on the helmet and dark glasses and stared at the group. How do I look?

  The fake antennae wouldn't pass close inspection, George muttered, but everything else is fine. Remember you're the chauffeur for a very important Security Marshal. Act arrogant if you're asked anything. Snap a reply and don't look nervous.


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