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Generation 7

Page 16

by Ross Richdale

See you in a couple of hours, her muffled voice said, eyes met Clay again and with a blur of flapping wings, she was gone.

  Within seconds, her dragonfly silhouette could be seen against the white snow far below before she disappeared above the dark green forest.

  Cup of Coffifake, anyone? the lieutenant asked.

  Thank you, Commander Evans replied. He turned to his companions. She will be fine. I have never met such a resourceful young woman.

  Thank you, Sir, Clay replied but his eyes were haunted as he gazed down at the forest where Bikut had flown out of sight.

  Once she was on her way, Bikut found her nerves calmed and she began to enjoy the exhilaration of flight. The new suit made her remote from the freezing air temperature with even her wings kept warm and comfortable. Below, the pass filled with blue, green pine forests topped by a layers of snow gave the delusion of serenity, as did the fluffy white peaks on either side of the pass.

  She navigated automatically with an inborn confidence and veered left behind the last mountain on human soil the first change was noticed. The white pass below had a wide brown line dissecting it that seemed, by the absence of snow, either a well-traveled road or one artificially cleared of snow.

  Bikut frowned and made a backwards loop, another automatic movement of flying females when they wished to make a quick observation of the scene above, below and behind. The sky was empty. She contemplated flying down to the road but decided it could be done on the return journey, if necessary. Instead she increased height in a defensive move. Most flying females stayed below a hundred meters altitude to maintain warmth and breathable air but, with her suit, she was not hindered by this restriction. Also, if any enemy were flying around it was better to be above them.

  Fog enveloped her for a few moments before she came out above the cloud layer into a world of mountain peaks and fluffy clouds. The sun seemed larger up here somehow and the deep blue sky darker, too. It was beautiful and had the advantage that she would be unseen from the ground. Of course, she also had her own vision restricted. Bikut glanced at her watch. Twenty-five minutes had already slipped by and another ten minutes above the clouds should be sufficient time for the pass to open into a valley or plateau.

  Ten minutes later, with all senses on high alert, she glided down through the cloudbank into the enemy country below into clear skies above a wide plateau. But it wasn't the natural surroundings that made her gasp in consternation it was the activity.

  Crucnon, thousands of them were assembled in lines, a hundred wide, stretched back as far as she could see. All were dressed in brown battle fatigues and carried weapons similar to those used in the Vybber army.

  Through the center of the assembled troops two lines of motorized vehicles, once again similar to Vybber combos but with ominous barrels poking out the front, stood waiting bumper to bumper. Bikut's heart pounded but she knew this was her one chance to find more about this assembled army. She continued on until she was above a tent city erected behind the army. Hundreds of brown tents were placed in squares with lanes between them. Smaller vehicles, not unlike Wunep's car, darted back and forth and pedestrians ambled around in almost complete contrast to the assembled battalions nearby.

  Something caught Bikut's eyes. A flash of orange erupted below. Someone was firing a weapon at her. It was time to leave! She thrust down with her four wings and propelled her self upwards towards the cloud layer but, just before they surrounded her in their protective haze she noticed a line of black shapes immediately below. Flying females, at least a dozen of them, and they were circling up towards her!

  Bikut came out above the clouds at a speed she would not be able to maintain and sighted the peak that lead home. However, the flying females that appeared out of the clouds had already halved the distance between them. Bikut gasped! There was no way she could reach safety before they overtook her.

  If in danger, go high, she remembered Commander Evans’ instructions. Your suit is far superior to your old one, you have heat for three hours and oxygen for six. If you are attacked don't try to fight back but use your emergency pack. Bikut concentrated and tried to remember the instructions Face the sky, make sure you are clear of obstacles and pull the lever, the commander had continued. It is our latest invention, a sky rocket adapted to take your weight.

  She stared around and cried out in alarm. Three flying females were coming straight for her from above and out of the sun. This was in addition to the ones below. How long they had been there, she had no idea but they were closing fast.

  Her hand reached to a small pack attached to her chest and fingers found an oval latch, which a finger could fit through.

  I hope your rocket works, Commander, Bikut said in a controlled voice and pulled. There was a faint hiss and all hell broke loose! A sheet of flame roared across her legs from below her wings and she found herself propelled upwards at a phenomenal speed. Her hearing antennae ringed at the screaming howl and the world below just dropped away. In seconds she was above the mountains, the clouds, everything. In fact the horizon was curved, not level, the sky a deep purple and stars could be seen yet the sun was still there blazing away above her.

  Seconds later the screaming roar stopped, there was a slight shudder and she felt something fall from her body. One of the backpacks she wore detached itself and fell to Earth. Then she realized she had reached the apex of her flight and was also heading earthward and the mountain peaks far below were now racing towards her.

  She flapped her wings but they felt heavy and unresponsive. What could be wrong? One quick sideways glance showed that the outer surface of her wings was coated in a layer of white ice. It was below freezing at this height. Bikut almost lost her composure and a state of panic threatened to take control. Her body began a slow tumble and began dropping vertically and the peaks below zoomed closer by the microsecond.

  She blinked, clamped her teeth together and forced her thoughts to review the situation. The flying females were gone, left hundreds of meters below her, she could breathe and her warmed body sent heated blood through to her wings. They were heavy but not impossible to operate. Furthermore, the two peaks below were ones on the border. Her friends were close and almost directly below her. She had vital news that had to be brought back. Commander Evans, the Proctor and her friends were relying on her.

  She grimaced when her wing muscles protested at her attempts to move them. Agonizing cramp shot through her body but she did not hesitate any longer. She ignored the pain, flapped her silver wings again and again with ever increasing speed. A scrapping noise reached her hearing antennae and her whole body flipped sideways. A slither of ice like a pane of glass had fallen off her left wings. The sun must have melted the skin's surface. She gave her offside wings a violent shake and smiled as another pane of ice slid off and floated down from her body. Her wings were back to normal. She had control!

  Snimel gripped Wunep's hands and stared in horror as a line of orange flame shot through the sky beyond the southernmost peak. Two seconds later a clap of thunder rumbled through the air like a banshee from hell while a white arc curved up beyond the cloud layer.

  What's wrong! she gasped.

  Commander Evans cast a grim face over his petite companions. Bikut has fired the rocket, he explained. There must be something out there she is escaping from.

  Will she be hurt? Snimel trembled.

  I doubt it, the officer replied, but we'll get prepared. He turned to the DPF squad who waited with dour expressions as they watched the thin white cloud trail above the mountain began to expand and flatten out. I want every crossbow ready, Lieutenant, he snapped. All the positions are to be manned so Bikut Kegning has protection if she is pursued on her way back. Also keep the pass covered with your field glasses. She may be wounded and crash on the other side of the border.

  All the bowmen are in place and the mortar gun is ready to fire, Sir, Lieutenant Pope replied. If it works as well as that rocket did we should have no problems with any flying enemy, he

  Don't depend on it, Lieutenant, Evans snapped. A well placed crossbow arrow could be all we need.

  They waited!

  Wunep tried to console Snimel but was so nervous the reverse was really the case while Commander Evans stood sweeping the sky above the southern peak his own field glasses. Lieutenant Pope walked up to a high outcrop of frock above the hut, muttered some orders to the three bowmen in position there and returned to the others.

  Suddenly a blue diamond shaped flag flew from the opposite side of the valley. A sighting, Sir, the lieutenant said and Evans trained his field glasses on his men and read the hand signals to the others.

  Eight flying objects coming in, he muttered. One is flying well above the others but the main force is keeping pace directly below. Bikut must be the higher one.

  He barked an order and reached for his crossbow.

  Bikut knew she was above the pass, a kilometer out from the border and still at a height where she was safe ... for the moment. However, to get back to the human outpost she had to descend through a line of enemy flying females who were pacing her a hundred meters below. Two had attempted to reach her on several occasions but failed and indescribable words in a foreign language, hash and angry filtered through the cold air.

  Far below was a tiny brown cube topped in white placed on a snow-covered rock, the DPF hut. Well, My friends, here I come, the young flying female cried out loud.

  She put a hand on the controls around her waist, folded her wings and dropped like a stone to reach terminal velocity, some thing like four hundred kilometers an hour, within seconds. One unfortunate creature was directly beneath when Bikut plundered into her. For several seconds their bodies and limbs were entangled before being flung apart. Bikut stretched her wings to slow her fall while shivers of doubt swept through her mind. But there was not the time for felling sorry for oneself; action was necessary.

  Her outstretched wings caught the air so she slowed and twisted into a glide with her slender body now horizontal. Her wings beat the air in a blur, once again pain from the effort obliterated other thoughts from her mind but she kept pumping her wings. She had to keep them moving so she wouldn't stall and plummet to the debts below. The pinnacle of rock loomed up in front of her to become the focus or her attention but the small shed flashed by. She was too far out and had to fly back up to reach safety.

  A scream, so close she jerked in fright, sounded behind her and something sharp like a knife tore across her back. It wasn't one knife, though. It was three! Three claw-like objects scratched across her back before Bikut twisted and slashed out with her tiny fists. There was a curse in that foreign language and the attacker was knocked aside.

  Bikut blinked away tears of agony and realized the hut was directly in front and the view made her confident. Two clickers and a tall muscular human were standing in front of the hut waving her in. She could see their faces of concern and hear shouts; friendly encouraging sounds penetrate the air.

  But the enemy did not withdraw. She was attacked again but this time the approach was different. Two of the enemy grabbed her arms in a grip so tight she cried out in agony. There was no strength left to fight them off.

  You're coming with us, crucnon, a voice hissed in the Vybber language. Your earth-bound friends can't help you.

  But they did!

  When the enemy female who had confronted her turned away to speak with her cohorts there was a whiz. A crossbow arrow quivered in the creature's throat, she gurgled, caught Bikut's eyes in an expression of sheer loathing and dropped. The second Pulgibr holding Bikut also shrieked in anguish as an arrow pierced her wing. Her hold relaxed and Bikut fought the creature with her fists. Another arrow hit the creature in the chest. It howled and released Bikut's arms.

  A third enemy swooped towards Bikut with a scream of aggression. However, this turned to despair as not one, but three arrows punctured the black body suit.

  A voice reached Bikut's exhausted mind. You can make it, My Beauty. A few meters and I'll have you. She looked out and saw Clay on the rock. His hands were stretched out over a void. Behind Snimel and Wunep were holding him so he would not fall. Further behind were four grim faced humans, all firing crossbows. Their eyes were not on her but concentrated on the enemy around.

  Four arrows fired while in the same instant there was a roar of thunder and the area above the hut erupted in a cloud of smoke; a rocket like the one she'd used earlier in her flight roared out and exploded at close range a sheet of orange explosive. The concussion buffeted Bikut but she felt a strong hand grab her, two hands. Warm hands! She was in Clay's arms. He had her. She was safe!

  More arrows filled the air as the last enemy female gave a defiant scream of frustration and flashed over their heads. Of the attacking force, four had crashed into the valley below but one lay in a crumpled heap beside the car.

  You're safe, Bikut, Clay's voice, pitched with emotion, filled the air.

  She stared up into his wide eyes of compassion and burst into long heart rendering sobs.

  Moments latter, Clay reluctantly let his bleeding distraught friend go into the care of a medic. She was covered in blood from deep wounds down her back and her scarred wing had the wound reopened and clear blood was oozing out.

  I'll look after her, Clay, the young woman squeezed Clay's arm. The wounds look bad but are superficial.

  The sergeant nodded and stared up at Commander Evens. She goes on no more flights, Sir. I don't care if the proctor or you order it. She has suffered enough!

  I agree, Toby Evans replied in a soft voice. Our young friend has done her duty for both humans and crucnon, I believe.

  Clay frowned. The crucnon's, Sir? Surely they are...

  Come with me, Clay, the commander said and led Clay over to the car where the dead female lay face down in the snow.

  Turn it over, Bowman, the commander ordered the woman standing by the corpse.

  The young woman's face was white but she nodded and reached out.

  Clay gasped. The creature had four arms, four wings the same as the clickers they knew but there were no hands, no gentle face, and no soft skin. Instead the limbs were joined to clasping claws like an eagle's with five-centimeter long claws; the mouth had no lips but pinched mandibles. There was no skin but layers of bony brown scales. Long jointed antennae thirty centimeters in length and two centimeters thick at the base replaced the tiny hearing antennae of the clickers. The slumped body had an abdomen three ties the size of the tiny bump on the clicker's posterior.

  The pulgibr are indeed different than the crucnon, the commander observed in a hushed voice. I'd say they are a completely different species, as different from the clickers as the clickers are from humans.

  Another voice spoke and Bikut looked up from where she had also been examining the body. We were told they were different but I never realized how much, she whispered and turned to face Toby Evans. There are tens of thousands of them assembled in the valley below, Commander, she explained. There is an army all set to invade us and I believe they'll be coming soon ... possibly even today!

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  Chapter Fourteen

  When Proctor Andrea Jurjevics heard the car brake in a slush of mud she went straight to the vehicle and assisted Bikut out. Thank you, Bikut, she began, My signals officer read the flags and your brave actions are appreciated by us all. We'll get you to the infirmary to have your wounds seen to.

  But what will you do, Proctor? Bikut gasped. Her torn body suit and patched wounds as well as a wide bandage across her torn wings only partly showed the Crucnon's stress and exhaustion. Black rings bagged under hollow eyes and there was a yellow hue around her tiny mouth. There are thousands of them. I saw dozens of motorized vehicles armed with cannons, Proctor. Your arrows or even explosives will be useless against them.

  Andrea smiled and placed an arm around the clickers slumped shoulders. Your warning has given us time, Bikut; valuable time that will be used by my peoples.
We shall retreat to the catacombs.

  The young clicker girl frowned. The catacombs? she queried. I do not understand that English word.

  Our human ancestors planned these bases with great forethought, Bikut, Andrea smiled in a whimsical manner. Beneath our feet is a massive cave system that has still never been completely explored. It is believed that your ancestors artificially created many sections thousands of years ago. Apparently they lead all the way back to the ones we used under New Seattle and even beyond the New Columbia. We have only explored and used the eastern end. There are underground streams, room for us all to fit, and supplies for many weeks. She frowned, but not, of course, for ever.

  Bikut nodded and waited for her friends to climb out of the car. Clay fell in beside her and glanced at Andrea. Unless I'm needed for other duties, Proctor, I'd like permission to stay with Bikut, Snimel and Wunep. He coughed and looked embarrassed. After that episode with those youths they may still need my protection.

  I was about to suggest it, Sergeant, Andrea replied, but all of you need to have a meal and change into dry clothes. She placed a hand on Clay's shoulder. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror, Clay?

  The young man glanced down at his soaked muddy clothes and grinned. I can't say I have, Proctor, he replied. There were more important things on my mind.

  Everything throughout the camp appeared to be in chaos but, in reality, there was an urgent but well planned evacuation. The tents had almost all disappeared and wagons, each hitched to a huge placid draught-horse, were being loaded with supplies and lead off through the forest in a westerly direction. Meanwhile two platoons of troops headed up the valley with more horses loaded with long sacks.

  Explosives, one bowman explained to the three clickers when he saw their inquiring looks. The news of Bikut's discovery of an unknown enemy had enhanced the crucnon's standing with the humans and her walk through the camp brought forth smiles and kind words from all directions. We're going to blow the pass up at the border. A few thousand tons of rock may hinder that invasion force a little.


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