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Generation 7

Page 18

by Ross Richdale

  The clickers are charging, Deanne reported.

  The two massed armies became one as the opposing forces moved together. Smoke bellowed into the crisp air across the whole ridge and the pounding rumble of a hundred cannon and smaller sized weapons shattered the quiet morning. For twenty minutes the two humans stared fascinated as little could be fathomed from the movement of creatures below. But there was something happening!

  The pulgibrian motor vehicles began firing. Blazing orange flames shot from raised cannons followed by explosions amongst the clicker troops. Black smoke poured into the air as the vehicles rumbled down into the first valley followed by a sea of foot soldiers. They sliced right through the opposing clickers who could be seen breaking rank and retreating. However, line after line of Vybber clickers faltered and fell, forlorn and still on the snow covered slope.

  This wasn't a battle; it was annihilation.

  Perhaps they'll kill off all the clickers and leave us in peace, Bowman Deanne Hilton tried to make light of the battle below.

  No, the corporal replied. I have a strange feeling the clickers we know are saints compare with that other lot. She reached for her backpack. Come on, Deanne. We found out what we were sent here for. We are under orders to be back to the inner tunnels by seven hundred hours. We only have a few moments. Let's go.

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  Chapter Fifteen

  Deep underground, two bowmen crawled through one of many artificial ventilation tunnels that crisscrossed the catacombs. Ian Stainer, the younger of the two men, muttered an oath when he banged his head on the curved rock ceiling above him.

  How's the wire holding out, John? he panted as the handkerchief he had dabbed on his head came away covered in blood.

  A couple of hundred meters left, Ian, the sixty-year-old at the rear muttered. We should be above the outer cave now. I'll try a peep hole.

  He extracted a thin knife from his belt, switched their only flashlight off so they were plunged into darkness and methodically dug into the left-hand wall. The soft substance crumbled and John felt dust falling on his arm as he turned the blade deeper. Almost through.

  There was a slight scrape and a ray of dusty light shone in a diagonal across the tunnel. As well, noise and fumes filtered through. Sounds crowded in there, John muttered and lay on the tunnel floor to squint at the scene below. Have a look, Son, he continued.

  Ian crawled forward and fixed one eye on the opening. Oh Hell! he gulped.

  Huge floodlights lighted the outer cave, twice as many as the humans had demolished before their retreat, and thousands of creatures packed the cavity. Three vehicles were using steel blades to scrape soil and limestone from the blown passageways to the inner caves. Other creatures used shovels and wheelbarrows to shift piles of rubble. By the progress made, it appeared that the excavation had been going on for most of the six hours since human engineers had blown the cave.

  They'll be through by mid-morning, Ian whispered.

  Yeah, the older man replied. It's damn lucky we came to check. Have you the explosive ready?

  Ian slid back from the ray of light and wriggled out of a khaki backpack. He switched the flashlight on and lifted out a fist full of cardboard cylinders already taped together and fused. Insulation was stripped off the end pieces before the bowman used a small pair of pliers to join similar colored wires together. His expert eyes examined the tunnel before he decided a small crack in the ceiling was the best place to leave the explosive.

  Right, he whispered with his wide eyes on the other bowman. We'll set two more on the way back.

  John nodded, placed a piece of rubble into the hole he had created and slid back on the seat of his trousers; there wasn't enough room to turn around. Five minutes later they were back in a subterranean control center known only to the Inner Council and a selected few DPF personnel.

  Our sounding equipment was correct, Sir, John reported to Commander Evans. The outer cave is packed with those creatures. There are machines digging the rubble away. I'd say they'll be through in a couple of hours.

  Right! Evans retorted. If our ancestors are the engineers we believe they are, your explosives won't be needed but we'll time them to go together. Thank you. You both did well.

  We need to stop the bastards, Sir, John grimaced. I doubt if our efforts will more than delay them.

  Stay with us, if you wish, Andrea Jurjevics remarked. Our ancestors said the inner caves and this chamber are safe.

  Thank you, Ma'am, John replied and grinned at Ian. Their job was over. It was up to the leaders now.

  Andrea read the sign carved onto the metal console for the third time, especially the last section that read, This vacuum bomb has the explosive power to annihilate every living creature in the outer cave and valley outside and a hundred meters altitude. The components have been set to collapse the cave and valley walls. Be warned! Do not ignite, if friendly personnel are within the danger areas. The area will be free to reenter two hours after the discharge but we advise fifty hours before personnel reenter the destruction zone unless they are wearing protective clothing. Signed; Commander Gerald Kronan, Proctor Stephen Van Schaik and Doctor Malvern Hutchkinson in the year 2125 (Earth Time).

  The signatures scrawled below were undecipherable.

  Andrea nodded at Toby and stood in front of a gray metal console while the commander did the same. The two cabinets were built so it would be impossible for one person to arm the bomb. The instructions were explicit. If the controls were not operated simultaneously, a time lock cut in and froze everything for twenty-five hours.

  She took an ancient key from her zipped pocket and inserted it in the keyhole. On the count of three she said and saw Tory nod. One, two, three...

  Both keys turned and a screen lit up. Stage one activated. Commander, please enter your code.

  A grim Toby Evans punched in a seven-digit code but even this experienced leader found his fingers shook slightly.

  A bank of seven red lights flashed on and one turned yellow.

  Proctor. Please enter your code.

  After Andrea had done so another light turned yellow. Cryptic instructions followed that would only be known by leaders with access to ancient records. Slowly all the red lights turned to yellow and began to flash. Vacuum Bomb is armed. If either party presses the abort button all controls will be from frozen for twenty-five hours. Set timing.

  A digital clock flashed on both consoles with the time and date. Andrea and Toby both entered a time fifteen minutes ahead and, after another count down pressed their own black buttons. A siren sounded and a voice filled the room. Zero minus fifteen minutes, fifty nine seconds... fifty eight...

  Andrea turned to John, Set your charges for twenty minutes, Bowman, she said. If our ancestor's bomb doesn't work at least ours should give us some time.

  Yes, Proctor, the elderly man replied and joined the last wire to an old alarm clock.

  On board the FanWarrior, Holly had just completed a set of instructions to Plato and the computer was searching for a suitable landing zone with access to the inner caves where instruments had confirmed the humans were hiding. Adjacent to the Generation 7 Leader, Jaddig stared, white, numbed and close to tears at the monitor views of her country's army being slaughtered by the invaders. Even in the few moments, Plato had focused on the scene below, hundreds, if not thousands, of crucnon soldiers had been shot, blown up or crushed under the wheels of Pulgibrian vehicles. Even wounded survivors were shown being slashed down by enemy officers carrying silver machetes.

  Can't we do something? she asked.

  I'm sorry, Lass... George replied and was about to continue speaking when the valley below turned white... What the hell! he gasped as they were gripped by an unknown force and sent skyward at a speed so great, the passengers were forced back into their seats by the acceleration.

  The monitors went dead and three different sirens sounded. Holly held on. The FanWarrior shuddered so violently she bit her tongue and the
salty taste of blood filled her mouth. Flesh on her cheeks was forced back and her eyes stung. She couldn't breathe and excruciating pain filled her lungs bloated with unwanted air. She tied to move but her body was held by centrifugal forces that were now squashing her very bones. Her ears blocked out screams around her until she managed to swallow and pop them but by now her throat was so tight no air could enter her body.

  Five seconds later, the aircraft stopped and dropped!

  If anything, the sensation now was worse. Holly forced her bloodshot eyes open and found her face slapped against the windshield. Air was howling through her ears and she could see outside. Two monstrous peaks were heading straight for them, sirens still screamed and lights flashed but her companion's screams had halted. Two seconds later the vertical drop became horizontal flight and a safety harness was all that stopped Holly being flung into the ceiling.

  The FanWarrior is under control; altitude one thousand meters, Plato's voice filled the cockpit. Am initiating a damage check.

  Look outside! screamed Jaddig.

  The white fog they remembered just before they were hit by the energy wave had turned to a swirling mass of brown clouds that were spinning in spirals like horizontal tornadoes. From a center, not far from where the fighting had taken place, this spiral looked like a gigantic snail's shell with each section a tornado of its own; dozens of them.

  There was no noise and the air outside the Fan Warrior was calm, the sun shone overhead and outside this circle of devastation, the world was normal with forests, snow and everything else untouched.

  Maintain height and fly in circles, if it is safe to do so, Scientist Suzi Yu directed from the rear seat.

  Holly found a handkerchief to hold onto her bloody nose as she gazed at her friends. They all looked blue faced but, like herself, only appeared to be superficially wounded.

  What was it? Graham gasped.

  The whole mountain range is riddled with explosives set by our ancestors, Suzi explained. This is more information suppressed by the Survival of Humanity Protocol.

  So we set it off, gasped Holly. But why would the settlers blow themselves up?

  I don't believe they have, Suzi reassured. These explosions are highly directional and accurate. Everything outside the designated area is unaffected.

  But we were! snorted George. Explain that, Suzi.

  We were forced up by air being blown out of the bombed area, the scientist continued. It was like opening a bottle of soda pop after you've shaken it up.

  The smoke is clearing! Jaddig interrupted. Can we get a closer view?

  Is that a command? Plato's monotonous voice sounded completely inappropriate in the circumstances.

  It is, snapped Jaddig.

  The main monitors switched to portray the twirling tornadoes close up but they showed little. It was as if a billion tons of finely ground sand was twisting around.

  I shall artificially enhance the background, Plato reported and the brown swirling sand faded to become transparent. The valley up to the summit where the two armies fought was bare, complete and utterly! There was no army, no road, snow or even forest. Instead was a red surface of liquid rock, oozing and rolling like volcanic lava into the gorge beneath. But once again it was contained by a force field. At one end the lava flow stopped backed up and solidified. As the seconds rolled by, more molten rock hit the invisible edge, slopped up into the air and retreated back onto itself.

  The other valley! Holly screamed.

  The first valley, filled with crucnon soldiers and the front of the invading pulgibrian army was untouched. One could draw a line between the natural green covered valley and the scorched devastation in the second valley. At the other end, the devastation stopped half way up to the border and the rear of the enemy army was unaffected.

  Will our people have survived? George asked Suzi.

  If they were in the lower caves and I believe they are, Suzi asked and directed the computer to search for human life.

  One thousand, two hundred and twenty one warm blooded and three cold blooded bipeds are alive beneath the surface, Plato reported. Three others are on the surface at grid reference twenty six point three by thirteen point zero five. Do you wish the FanWarrior to descend and land in close proximity of that reference point?

  Check for enemy soldiers and, if it is safe, do so, Suzi directed. She grinned at Jaddig. You mustn't be the only crucnon to have made friends with us humans, she said.

  More likely there are spies in the caves, the sergeant muttered.

  Shut up, George, Graham snapped. Stop being such a pain in the butt. If Jaddig came to help us, why couldn't others of her kind?

  She's different, George retorted.

  No I'm not, Jaddig replied. There are thousands like me. Perhaps after this we can prove it.

  The programmed destination is clear of enemy, the computer replied. This aircraft can land on a plateau above the forest line within walking distance of the humans and three Crucnon.

  What! snapped Jaddig.

  Three crucnon and five humans are proceeding to the surface, Plato added.

  Jaddig looked at the others with tears in her yellow eyes. We aren't all savages, she whispered and looked directly at the old sergeant. I hope I can prove it to you, George.

  Aye, Lassie. I'm sure you can, he replied, reached out, clasped the crucnon in his arms and plunked a kiss on her cheek. I'm sorry for being a miserable old man.

  Jaddig flushed white but squeezed her arms around George's chest and gazed across into his eyes. For a grouchy old human, you aren't too bad, Sergeant, she whispered and broke into a smile.

  Snimel, Wunep and Bikut had been in elevators before but the humans were quite nervous. Andrea, Clay, Commander Evans and two DPF officers were pale as the strange metal room shot them upwards in the center of the mountain. This was another top-secret legacy left by their ancestors and was entered from the control room from where the vacuum bomb had been detonated.

  The explosion had gone off exactly on schedule but all they had was a violent twenty-second jolt, objects had crashed to the floor and several people fell over. But that was it! There was no noise or aftershock. The monitor flashed, Weapon detonated. Please remain out of contaminated area for fifty hours. Unstable landforms may remain dangerous to walk on after that period of time. Proceed with caution.

  The elevator stopped and the door slid open to reveal a far mountain covered in snow. Freezing air rushed in and Bikut was glad she had her body suit on.

  Well, let's go, Commander Evans grunted. You can see the damaged area on the other side of that rocky outcrop. This was his second trip up as he had refused to allow the proctor to use the strange lifting device until his engineers had checked it out.

  They had moved only three steps when the Commander stopped and held his arms out. Get back! he hissed.

  They all, though, saw the silver flying object hovering only meters above the plateau. Everyone crouched behind a patch of tussock but their eyes were riveted to the alien craft. Evans snapped orders and two armed officers slid off, one in each direction.

  We have nothing like that, Snimel whispered to the proctor. It must be Pulgibrian.

  Or perhaps more machinery of our ancestors, Andrea replied. Wouldn't an enemy craft be shooting? I'm sure they know we're here.

  Don't you move, Proctor, Commander Evens replied. I'm responsible for your safety and should never have allowed your crucnon friends and yourself up here.

  You didn't Commander, Andrea replied. I pulled rank on you, remember?

  Okay, snorted the commander, but stay down.

  The incoming craft was making a swishing noise and the tussock immediately below shook in the downdraft; metal bits under it opened and three sets of round, black wheels lowered. The craft stopped ten meters up and Clay could see people in the front window, tiny white faces. He was sure he saw a hand wave or was it two hands, two crucnon hands or perhaps pulgibrian.

  My God! Was it the enemy? He reached a
cross and grabbed Bikut in his arms. She glanced at his worried expression and smiled. I'm sure it is okay, she whispered. Somehow she felt proud that Clay wanted to protect her.

  A meter away Wunep was holding Snimel so tightly she could barely breathe while even Toby Evans had a protecting arm around the proctor's shoulders.

  The wheels touched ground bounced slightly, dust swirled and the faint hum of engines cut off. The craft was more like a circular building than a flying machine. Little round windows along the side showed yellow interior lights and, at the rear flat section lowered to the ground. It hit with a thud and the plateau became silent.

  Five beings walked out and stood gazing around. One red headed young woman turned and peered towards them.

  Holly, shouted Andrea and stood up. My God. It is you? She stepped forward but the faltering steps turned into a run as she rushed towards he daughter.

  Mom! Holly screamed when she saw the woman rushing towards her.

  The humans were all grabbing and hugging then Jaddig spied a shy young flying female standing with two other crucnon back at the edge of the humans

  I know you! she gasped and rushed forward to sweep the girl in your arms. You're Bikut who warned us about the police. How did you get here!

  Suzi also spied someone well known. Clay, she grinned. So you made it back!

  But only because of my friends, he laughed. This is Wunep and Snimel. They rescued me after I blew the bridge and insisted on driving me home.

  And this strange flying craft? Andrea gasped.

  It's an aircraft, Mom, Holly explained. Come inside and look. I'll introduce you to Plato. She suddenly shivered. God, it's cold out here.

  Plato? Andrea queried.

  Just a box of talking wires, Proctor, George grinned. He turned to Clay and slapped him on the back. Glad you made it, Lad, he grunted and winked at the crucnon standing behind him. I must say I like your friends, too. I reckon I just lost a bet with Jaddig here.

  Jaddig just nodded, walked over and hugged each of her kind in turn. You don't know how pleased I am to meet you, she said to Snimel and Wunep, and to know you're safe, Bikut. Without warning the Crucnon woman burst into tears, as emotions could be contained no longer.


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