Generation 7

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Generation 7 Page 24

by Ross Richdale

  But I wonder what would have happened if his squadrons of flying females were successful, Toby grunted.

  He played his last card but it wasn't big enough, Andrea replied with a shrug. I only regret the huge loss of life because one man's pride was pricked.

  Dawn broke, cloudy and cool as FanWarrior 2 lifted off the ground and rose higher than Holly, Graham and Bikut had ever been. The area of Vybber was strangely dark, as was the ocean. Both sides appeared to have blackouts in a futile effort to hide themselves.

  We have reached a safe altitude of twenty thousand meters, Zeta announced, and shall be over the drop zone in fifteen minutes.

  Thank you, Holly replied. I would like the bomb zone restricted to the warships programmed into your memory banks.

  All details are on record. Switch to automatic flight and enter the arm code, please.

  It's all so clinical, Holly commented. Like some game but because of us, hundreds of living creatures will die today. She shuddered.

  And possibly millions will be saved, Graham answered.

  As well as two countries, Bikut added.

  Holly nodded, switched in the code and took her hands off the controls. FanWarrior 2 glided through the air to where the land below became ocean. A monitor flashed on and the diagram of the enemy ships showed as black models on a red grid. They looked like toys on a table. Holly glanced outside but could see only clouds and the black ocean. Above were the few stars still bright enough to compete with the rising sun.

  Locked onto target, the computer announced. Vacuum bomb has left the aircraft.

  Holly could see nothing but mentally counted. She reached fifteen before an oval of orange covered the ocean below, there was another delay, a slight bump and the model ships on the graph disappeared. That was it!

  Target destroyed, the detached voice announced.

  Let's go home, Holly whispered. She reached out and grabbed both her friends hand. I only hope the other bomb kills less enemy.

  Well, grunted George to Wunep. They must have some common sense.

  With Snimel, they were observing the first valley from the top point near the elevator. The valley below was deserted. Not one cruck was in the area they'd been warned to evacuate.

  Zero minus five minutes, Snimel cautioned. I think we should head down.

  Right, George replied. He grinned and followed his companions to the elevator and descended to the inner cave where the whole human population had gathered just in case something went wrong.

  Like Holly's experience a few moments earlier, the blast was almost an anticlimax. A slow rumble vibrated though the cave and nervous eyes smiled. Half an hour later every human who was not doing essential work crowded along the edge of The Haven to gaze across at the first valley. But it had gone! The plateau was now twice it's size with a beautiful green side filled with grass, vegetables and crops. The other was still a wall of falling soil, rock and debris swirling and tossing from hundreds of meters up but it was contained and this time nobody was hurt; not even the enemy.

  And look who has arrived, George said in a quiet voice.

  FanWarrior 2 had just landed and their three friends waved. It hardly seemed like a day that altered the history of their planet for generations to come. 17 June 2248, True Time was written in the records as The Day of Destiny. The war wasn't over, enemies would not become friends but the humans on Delpe were to take the first step forward with the future now a little more secure.

  In the city of Lickyk a few hundred kilometers away, citizens gathered along the beaches and gazed out to sea where a wall of water, like an inverse waterfall rose up to the clouds. There was no noise but a wind blew offshore, an unnatural wind as if air was being sucked out to join the water. Police attempted to move the crowd back, as it was feared a tidal wave would pound onto the beach. But nobody shifted! Everyone wanted to watch the action.

  For five minutes the water appeared to rise then, without warning, it dropped in one gargantuan splash. Water on the edges of an invisible barrier splashed skyward again, fell back, the ocean inside the zone boiled and settled. There was a flash of sunshine on a reflected surface and the wind dropped and eerie silence followed. Everything was normal except the flotilla of enemy ships had gone. Not even debris remained.

  I heard the humans dropped the bomb after an agreement signed yesterday, a young male Crucnon said to the female beside him.

  Yes, she replied and turned her gentle green eyes up at him. I also heard we're half human. She shrugged. Next they'll be telling us the war will be over soon and conscription cancelled.

  We can dream, My Love, the young male replied, but I have a feeling the worst is behind us.

  I hope so, she replied and squeezed her hands with his. But come on home. Mama said she'd have breakfast waiting. She gave a tiny giggle, ran up the beach, kicked her shoes off and laughed back at her friend. Come on you slow poke, she laughed.

  Her companion laughed and ran up the beach. She could have reached the road before he caught her but then there would be no fun. Even in a totalitarian regime, summer love had a place.

  Holly stood with hands on her hips and shook her head while Snimel only laughed and wiped a hand across her brow. Whereas, almost every garden had rows of vegetables, Snimel and Wunep had their garden planted in pentagons. One pentagon contained potatoes, tall and green, the next cabbages with heads twice the size of Holly's, carrots next then an area of pumpkin plants that exploded over the tiny path. Right in the center was a pentagon of flowers with rich blooms in red and yellow. Everything was huge and so healthy, only Bikut and Clay's allotment a few meters away could match it. Holly and Jaddig's was growing well but was only half the size of her friend's.

  It's the fertilizer we used. Snimel grinned. An old concoction that I knew the recipe for. Of course, I've had more time to spend on gardening than you.

  And I noticed you pulled the weeds out of Jaddig's and my garden. Thanks for that.

  Well, you're so busy, I thought it was only fair, Snimel laughed, obviously pleased her efforts were recognized. She bit on her lip, glanced at Holly and her face turned serious. Can I ask something? I heard all about your trip you're about to make back to Dememu in Pulgibr and their strange conditions.

  Did you now? Holly replied Is nothing a secret around here?

  I doubt it, Snimel replied. I just want to ask to come. I know Jaddig is your first choice but... her voice trailed off, I just want to do more to help. That's all.

  It could be dangerous, Holly replied.

  So! Snimel replied.

  Okay. I'm sure Jaddig won't mind. You'll need a new dress, though. It's very formal.

  I'd like that, Snimel grinned, and I can look after Jynco.

  Jynco Vockek, the young flying female who had come in with the Blue Watch group had adapted to life with humans well and had been selected at the request of the Pulgibr who had made contact with the humans through a newly installed radio system. The details were brief and blunt and merely stated they requested a visit of six representatives of all species they were at war with, including a fertile female from each culture. A time and landing area had been given and that was it.

  Suzi, in her usual conscientious manner, and researched the cruck customs and had found that dark yellow that represented honey, was a symbol of peace in the cruck culture. Also, fertile females were held in high regard and were often the peace brokers between warring lblon.

  We'll get you a gown tonight, Holly smiled. We leave in Fan Warrior 2 at eleven hundred hours tomorrow.

  Snimel eyes glowed. Thanks Holly, she smiled. I won't let you down.

  Are you sure it's not just because Wunep is going? Holly slipped in and saw the girl flush white, the way Crucnon do.

  Partly, she pouted, but I really want to help, too. Does it make any difference?

  Of course not, Holly laughed. After all, I have Graham.

  You're a pal, Snimel grinned, but who is the sixth person?

  Mom insisted on Comman
der Evans.

  Snimel screwed her nose up. Oh well, he's not bad for an old guy, she replied and laughed again so her eyes twinkled. Actually, I like him. He and your Mom should get hitched. They'd do well as mates.

  Snimel! Holly gasped. She'd never thought of her mother as ever wanting a partner again. My God, you're a scheming young lady

  Well, why not? Snimel retorted. Your mother is still quite young; not like the old geriatrics on the council.

  Careful, Holly warned. I'm a member, you know.

  Yeah but as the young people's rep. you're different.

  Thanks, Holly laughed and gave her friend a tiny hug. I'll take that as a compliment.

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  Chapter Twenty

  The second visit to Dememu was different from the first in that they were expected and no swarms of enemy attacked. Buildings below, shone in the noon sun as the FanWarrior hovered over one of the middle sized lblon and a voice in crude English came over the radio to direct them to a stadium in the north of the hexagon shaped urban area.

  Snimel tugged Wunep's sleeves and pointed down. The stadium, she whispered. It's full!

  Wunep gazed down as the FanWarrior descended into a central grassed area. The stadium was filled with thousands of faces that stared up at them. Every seat was occupied and six squads of troops were assembled on the grassed interior around the landing zone. Everywhere, long yellow and white flags were flying. There'd be thirty thousand crucks there, he whistled. I hope they don't decide to charge.

  What do you think? Holly asked Toby Evans.

  If Suzi's research is correct, those yellow flags show their peaceful intentions, the commander replied.

  Like Graham and Wunep, he was dressed in civilian clothes with a neat suit and yellow tie. Holly, Snimel and a highly nervous Jynco were all dressed in long flowing dark yellow gowns, similar except for different cuts to fit their anatomy. Jynco had her four wings folded and glistening across her back and her tiny fingernails painted a light pink while Holly let her red hair flow free to her shoulders that were tanned and bare. The temperature according to their computer was a sweltering thirty degrees Celsius outside, a stimulating heat for the crucnon but the opposite for the humans, so no other garments were needed.

  The Fan Warrior hovered for a moment before the tail swung around and the craft descended to the ground. There was a faint whir of machinery and a slight bump as the ramp hit the ground.

  Shall we go? the commander smiled.

  It had all been rehearsed. Holly and Jynco stepped outside first, followed by Snimel with Wunep and the two human men at the rear.

  As they stepped into the glaring sunlight onto a yellow carpet that had been rolled to the edge of the ramp, music filled the air and row upon row of soldiers in dark green uniforms and holding fierce looking firearms stood at attention with eyes staring directly ahead. Every soldier though was wearing yellow gloves.

  A command was shouted and, as one, the soldiers moved the weapons across their bodies, bent down and placed them sideways on the ground. Another order was shouted and the solders turned and marched away with their weapons left behind.

  Come on. Snimel whispered. There's a platform ahead.

  As they stepped forward six tiny cruck children stepped forward and gave every visitor a tiny posy of yellow flowers. Snimel realized what was wanted and crouched down so the child, probably no older than six could pin the flowers to her dress. This was repeated with all the visitors.

  Thank you, Snimel said in crucnon as was amazed when the little boy looked into her eyes and spoke also in that language.

  You are welcome, he said in a slightly squeaky voice and she was sure his bony lips twisted into a smile.

  The humans found their youngsters spoke in English and all said exactly the same words.

  When they arrived at the platform, two soldiers guided the visitors behind a long table where an elderly male cruck stood waiting. Holly tried not to react to the creature's ugly appearance as yellow eyes watched every move she made.

  Please be seated Miss Jurjevics, the male said in English. His eyes moved on and he named them all in turn. We are honored to have your presence today.

  Holly smiled and sat on a soft chair, then realized the thousands of onlookers who had also been standing, sat in unison to the ground while music by a string orchestra filled the air.

  I am Elder Tant Volafol, a professor of cultures at our university and because of my knowledge of your languages, have been able asked to represent my government at this meeting. He sat and poured a clear liquid from a flask into seven crystal glasses and invited them all to refresh themselves.

  The liquid was a sweet tasting honey mixture that, Holly was sure, had a high alcohol content so she prudently took the merest sip.

  Elder Volafol took a waxy type document off the table and gazed at the crowds in the stadium around. You may think of us as a ruthless unfeeling species, he said and fixed Holly with an unblinking stare. We are not humans nor the hybrid race of crucnon and our life-styles and values are different.

  And so they should be, Holly replied in a soft voice. Our present generation realizes that and regret the mistakes made by our ancestors in the past.

  Thank you, the professor continued. I predict you are about to become one of your species great leaders, Holly Jurjevics and surmise it was your decision that lead to this meeting today.

  I don't understand, Holly replied.

  I shall explain. In front of you, assembled on the stadium floor is the fifteenth battalion of the fifty-third lblon. That is the lblon you are now in. This battalion was until recently based in what you called the First Valley in New Washington. Beyond them on the stands are the extended families, I guess your words are, of the soldiers who were in that valley.

  I see, Holly said slowly. She glanced sideways to see Graham smile.

  Yes, Holly Jurjevics. Without your brave flight here to warn us, these soldiers would now be dead, killed by that foul weapon your ancestors buried throughout your land. Those thousands of children gathered on the stands would be without parents. He stopped and sipped his drink. Our policy was to cleanse our traditional lands of your kind. To us, your ancestors were aliens who arrived on our planet and attempted to change our species into something to become their slaves, hence the crucnon who are neither crucks nor humans but some freak of nature in between.

  Holly's face clouded and the youngster beside her was on the verge of tears. The professor turned to Jynco and reached across to squeeze her arm.

  Forgive me, child, he said with compassion in his voice. Please listen to an old man.

  He turned back to Holly. But we were wrong. Many generations have gone by and our creatures have remained separated, The crucnon and human became enemy and our leaders thought it was a time to attack your nations. He glanced down. I was one of a few who tried to stop them but the military don't listen to old academics. I personally believe our three species should live in peace.

  So, Holly interrupted. What happens now?

  The professor's eyes lifted. Because of your compassionate warning of the vacuum bomb explosion and the consequent saving of thousands of lives, The Confederation of Pulgibr shall be withdrawing all its troops from the countries of New Washington and Vybber. He sort of winked at Holly. Of course the annihilation of our ally's navy showed the generals the futility of trying to conquer your lands.

  Holly broke into a smile. This news is unexpected and welcome, she replied.

  There can be no formal peace, Elder Tant Volafol cautioned. Our species are a militant race and... he stopped to try to find the correct words. Shall we say don't want to lose face or compromise our pride. Do you understand?

  I think so, Holly responded.

  We shall return to the status quo as it was before the crucnon attacked New Washington. Not peace but an agreement to leave each other alone. He stopped again. When your spaceship returns perhaps you'll be courteous enough not to reinstate the force
field along our mutual border.

  So you know about it? Holly whispered.

  Oh yes, the professor sighed. That was something else that frightened our generals into attacking your country. A preempt attack, I think your ancestors called it. So you see our little meeting here today can be of benefit to everyone on, or soon to arrive on this world.

  We will see that the force fields are not reinstated, Holly replied and glanced at Toby Evans. Won't we Commander?

  I see no problem with that, the commander replied in a very formal voice.

  Good, their host said and stood up. So go in peace, My Friends. He turned and gazed at the young flying female beside Holly then on to Snimel. I must add, I think you young ladies look very beautiful in those yellow gowns of peace. You are a credit to your kind and I apologize for the crude remarks made earlier. In our society the females are the symbols of creativity and peace; the males are providers and warriors.

  Jynco looked up. Thank you, Professor, she said in a strong voice. I was hurt by your comment because I do not regard myself as a freak. I believe every creature on this planet has the right to live here. Our ancestors did some repulsive things but that was not our doing, was it?

  No, Jynco, the elderly cruck replied and his antennae drooped down in affinity. It was not.

  He stepped forward and embraced the youngster before walking along to the same with the five remaining visitors while, at the same time, the stadium broke into applause and a thousand yellow balloons were released into the sky.

  So, perhaps now we may now have peace on our planet, Snimel spoke for the first time.

  That is also my wish, Elder Tant Volafol replied.

  As the FanWarrior rose into the air, Holly looked down at the exotic city with a faraway gaze.

  And your thoughts, My Sweet Graham asked. He tucked his arms around her and peered over her shoulders as the stadium became smaller and smaller before blending in with the other buildings around.

  Holly leaned her head back against his shoulder. Oh, I don't know, she replied. When does a society ever become perfect?

  Never, replied Graham, but neither is it all evil.


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