Generation 7

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Generation 7 Page 25

by Ross Richdale

  True, Holly replied and turned to Jynco. I was proud of you down there, she said, really proud.

  Me too, Snimel added and Wunep nodded. I was too scared to say what I thought.

  As far back as I remember, I've been scared, the young flying female replied. As a child I lived in a orphanage and was constantly scared of doing the wrong thing. I was terrified when I received my call up papers and told I was ordered to become a flying female, I was petrified when we were attacked down in the valley. You humans scared me, too, but were so kind to me I now realize I am what I am and have done nobody any harm so why shouldn't I be proud of myself? She bit on her lip and glanced at Holly. Like Jaddig, I have nobody back in Vybber and you have made me feel wanted and even needed. I am so glad I am here right now.

  You are wanted and needed, Jynco, Holly added. I think you proved that today. Our land is going to become a better place because of crucnon like yourself.

  What about Wunep and me? Snimel cut in.

  Yeah, Holly grinned and winked at Wunep's smiling face. I guess you two are okay, too.

  Flights over New Washington and Vybber during the next two weeks showed that the pulgibrian's kept the agreement. Lines of vehicles were seen returning home. Those in New Washington had followed the New Columbia River east as there were now no mountain passes to the north. In Vybber, local troops followed the crucks to reoccupy land vacated by the retreating army but this nation also kept its agreement with the humans. New Washington was not reentered and the human territory stood alone and forlorn.

  DPF patrols left The Haven and fanned out over the countryside to fine it stripped. New Seattle was gone, as was New London on the riverside. There was no pontoon bridge connecting to the Vybber side and every farmhouse or farm building had been burnt down. There were no animals or even fences. Roads and bridges had been destroyed and the network of power lines gone. Between them, the two armies had managed to destroy a century and a half of human occupation in a few months.

  After the council met, a public meeting was held to inform the settlers what to expect if they returned.

  We have made some concessions, Andrea announced to the hushed audience. The efforts of you all to farm The Haven and produce food for us all is appreciated so each allotment will immediately become the property of the family occupying it ... She waited as the main cave erupted into applause. Furthermore, all farms and land in New Washington shall be returned to the original owners. Unfortunately, everything has gone and we cannot afford to rebuild the towns of New Seattle or New London. The council has decided to continue development of Zoflum instead and a new southwestern road will be built down to the river. This will shorten the distance to our border by over a hundred kilometers.

  What about the crucnon refugees living with us, Proctor? a voice called out.

  We need them as much as humans, Andrea replied. Those who have not been allocated a plot of land will be offered some in the new area being brought in. The rest of the new plateau will be divided up into areas slightly smaller than your allocations and reserved for immigrants from either Vybber or Earth.

  A ripple went through the crowd as everyone had heard about the starship returning. Andrea waited until the crowd quieted before continuing. We have decided on two other important items that will affect us all. So we are not overwhelmed when the new immigrants arrive, we need to have our country with a good system of government and justice system in place. We have delayed the starship's arrival until this happens.

  She stopped and waited for the slight murmur throughout the crowd to stop. As well as generation numbers being abandoned, The Council and Inner Council will be disbanded as from November 1, 2248 and elections called for a new House of Representatives consisting of twenty five members and a president. Anybody in our country over the age of eighteen can put themselves forward as a candidate. Anyone nominated can be a candidate for president. She stopped again so the crowd could digest the information. I have allowed my name to go forward in this contest, she added in a modest voice.

  The cave was silent for a moment before it erupted into spontaneous applause, hoots and whistles which grew even louder as Andrea sat down and Holly stood to face the crowd.

  Stand against your Mom! someone shouted out and the clapping erupted again.

  I have one other point, Holly added. The voting is not restricted to humans. We have eighteen Crucnon citizens at the moment and they will be recorded all rights to be nominated to the House of Representatives and also voting rights. She grinned and glanced down at an upturned face in the front row. Except Jynco who will have to wait until her eighteenth birthday to vote, the same as the human population.

  Once again the settlers erupted into applause of approval.

  The polling booths closed at nineteen hundred hours on November 1, 2248 with a ninety two percent turnout of eligible voters. By twenty hundred hours most of the population were gathered to hear the result. Commander Toby Evans stood and faced the crowd of expectant faces while the sixty nine candidates for the House of Representatives and three presidential candidates sat in a cordoned off area along the side of the small stage where Toby stood.

  In the presidential race the results are as follows, he paused and grinned at the crowd. Ronald Cotterell, 227 votes; Malone Davidson, 63 votes, a groan went through the crowd, and Andrea Jurjevics... he paused before he raised his voice, 753 votes.

  The cave erupted in shouts, whistles and cheers. Blue and white balloons, Andrea's campaign colors, flooded onto the air to the floodlit ceiling while Ron stood and walked across to congratulate President Andrea Jurjevics.

  I knew you didn't have to worry, he grinned.

  No, but you were a good opponent, Ron, Andrea replied and grimaced. I didn't want Malone Davidson the pleasure of being the only other candidate.

  Toby Evans tapped his microphone and the cave quieted into a gentle hush. The result of our House of Representatives election in descending order, Ladies and Gentlemen... Once again he paused ... The highest recorded vote was for Andrea Jurjevics with 856 votes but as president, she is automatically withdraws from this contest and is replaced by the twenty sixth highest polling candidate...

  Get on with it! a voice in the crowd shouted.

  In second pace with 827 votes is Holly Jurjevics...

  Oh My God! Holly gasped and tears of joy sprung to her face as Graham seized her in a bear hug placed a sloppy kiss on her lips.

  Her other friends around laughed and slapped her back. You just about beat your Mom, Snimel laughed and Jaddig's smile was right across her face as she waved the blue and white banner just like the ones that filled two thirds of the room.

  The commander's voice droned on. Ron won third highest placing and other successful candidates were named and congratulated. Green balloons of the second most successful group floated up to join the blue and white ones but the red balloons of Malone Davidson's party were conspicuous by her absence. She, though, won a personal seat with 617 votes.

  But listen! Clay interrupted Bikut and his other friends gathered around him.

  In 18th place with 697 votes is Doctor Suzi Yu.

  It was Suzi's turn to be overwhelmed and congratulated by her friends and colleagues around her. Holly and Jaddig hugged their friend and more blue and white balloons were released.

  The state of the parties at this point is Liberal Party, twelve seats; Progressive, four, and the Environment Party, two; but there is more to come.

  Toby, now obviously enjoying himself, reached for the next pile of results. His voice continued until he came to the twenty-second place when he paused and waited. It gives me great pleasure in announcing this result, Ladies and Gentlemen, he stated and waited again for the murmuring to stop. Representing the Liberal Party with 637 votes is Ms. Jaddig Qarte, our very first crucnon representative.

  Jaddig's face turned white as she stared at the Commander. It was only after a great deal of persuasion by Andrea, Holly, and her friends that she had even agreed to pu
t her name forward. She'd only consented when Bikut offered to participate as well.

  You did it! Snimel screamed and leapt into Jaddig's arms. I knew you could.

  Jaddig just stood holding a bunch of flowers thrust into her hand. Her body shook and tears appeared in her eyes as the other crucnon hooted and cheered. Andrea and Holly both appeared and hugged the surprised crucnon woman. Three young clicker males snapped a bottle of foaming champagne and squirted everyone within range.

  But the results were not over.

  With 598 votes and in 23rd place is Sergeant Clay Fennel.

  Oh hell. Clay grinned as Bikut wrapped her arms around him and stared up into his eyes.

  Congratulations, My Dear, she whispered and, not caring who saw, kissed him on the lips.

  Toby Evans smiled at the pair and showed Andrea, who now was beside him on the stage, his list. She broke into a smile but nobody could hear what was said. He read out two more results and waited once more.

  As I said earlier, Ladies and Gentlemen, the twenty-sixth most successful candidate is also elected. Representing the Liberal Party and with 493 votes is Ms. Bikut Kegning, our second crucnon citizen elected.

  Bikut still in Clay's arms gave a tiny shriek and stared dumbfounded around as the focus of attention moved to her. Jaddig was suddenly beside her and a quad of arms encircled each other. They were bustled up onto the stage to tremendous applause as even more blue and white balloons danced skyward to the ceiling. It was a night to remember with the Liberal Party gaining a clear majority and fifteen seats. Malone Davidson's Environment Party came in third with four.

  The celebrations continued until three hundred hours when the tired but happy candidates returned to their homes, some in new apartments or cottages in Zoflum while others to their quarters in the cave.

  Across town just before dawn broke on a new era, President Andrea Jurjevics broke her chastity of more than a decade and a prediction of a young crucnon came true. Commander Toby Evans, her friend for thirty years now became a lover in a tiny room of her newly constructed cottage on the edge of Zoflum, the word that meant hope for the future.

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  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was two hundred hours and snowing in Zoflum when Andrea was awoken by tapping on her bedroom door.

  Mom, Holly whispered. Is didn't answer the telephone. Something important has happened. Could you come to the cave, please.

  Andrea yawned, wiped her eyes and switched the bedside light on. What is it, Sweetheart, she exclaimed with alarm in her voice. Is someone hurt?

  She glanced up and saw Holly was not alone Oh hello, Suzi, she said and her manner relaxed a little. What have you discovered now?

  We're in live contact with Earth, Andrea. The president of United States of America on Earth is on Video Vision and wishes to talk to you right now.

  What! Andrea gasped and flung her blankets aside. But that is impossible.

  I thought so, too, Suzi added. You know we have direct communication through Len at Base Alpha to monitor Inter-galatical Starship 43's computer?

  Yes, but keep talking while I fling something on, She rushed across to her wardrobe and grabbed some clothes.

  Well, I entered all the election results to the earlier program itemizing our new system. Apparently, Len transmitted this information to the Starship. That took a week at post light speed. From there it was transmitted onto Earth. That took another three weeks.

  Here do my zip up, Sweetheart, Andrea wriggled into her long skirt and turned around. So it is now still December. At that speed, no reply would be due back until the end of January next year.

  That's it, Suzi explained. Unknown to me, Len downloaded new lightpulse technology that can sent video and sound signals but not holographs, I'm afraid, at gega-light speed. A signal from Earth takes three seconds.

  Oh My God! Andrea gasped and ran a comb through her air

  Up until now, Earth withheld the technology from us, Holly explained as they crunched through the snow to where Charlie was waiting, It's headlights cutting through the surface fog, motor throbbing and fumes puffing into the sub-zero air.

  So why the change?

  We're a democratically elected government, Mom, and as president you're entitled to belong to Earth's United Nations and also United Extra-terrestrial Settlements, They're human settlements on other planets.

  I'll drive, Suzi said after they all jumped in the warm front seat.

  You mean there are others?

  Three that we know of, Suzi added. She changed gears and switched on the windshield wipers. But they're further from us than Earth itself. I was actually asking Len for info about them when this video flashed through. She glanced at her watch. That was half an hour ago.

  Half an hour, groaned Andrea.

  Don't worry. The Earth president is quite enraptured with our Vice President, Holly grinned. She's talking to him.

  Andrea smiled and was pleased Jaddig had been nominated the Vice President. They took the elevator down to the inner cave and stepped through the deserted main concourse to the communications room.

  Jaddig was sitting at the console gazing at a three-meter high color monitor where a colored but only two dimension picture showed the head and shoulders of a middle aged black gentleman.

  Excuse me, Mr. President, Jaddig spoke to the vision. Mrs. Andrea Jurjevics, President of New Washington has just walked in the room. She turned and smiled at Andrea who noticed her own image on a smaller monitor.

  President Jurjevics, Jaddig smiled at Andrea when she sat next to her. May I introduce the 96th President of The United States of America; Doctor Peter Arbor. She faced the video screen. Mr. President, this is President Andrea Jurjevics.

  There was a very slight delay, three seconds actually, before the man replied. Call me Pete, drawled the man. I must say Madam President, I enjoyed my little chat with your Vice President.

  And I'm Andrea, Holly's mother replied.

  Ah, yes, Andrea, President Washington replied and a smile crinkled across his chubby face. I have had the pleasure of speaking with Jaddig here I apologize for the middle of the night call but we did not know your local time zone. He coughed, This is, unfortunately more than a social call to demonstrate our new technology. Are you in a secure environment?

  I believe so, Andrea grinned. We are only thirteen hundred souls, less a than the population of one of your apartment buildings. The other creatures on this planet have no facilities to intercept this signal, if that is what you mean.

  Inter-galatical Starship 43 is heading for your planet but has not gone into orbit, is that correct? President Arbor asked.

  Yes. We've purposely kept it away until we've settled our affairs.

  A wise choice. I've been informed of your recent war and must congratulate you on how it was solved. This video vision is to stop you being involved in another conflict.

  Andrea frowned but only nodded.

  To put it frankly, Andrea, that starship is not what it seems. Inter-galatical Starship 43 is a hijacked craft manned by a sect convinced humanity is the only form of intelligent life worth preserving in the known worlds.

  Andrea paled and glanced at Jaddig who sat emotionless with Suzi and Holly in the semicircle of seats. How many are there aboard, Sir? she asked.

  Until they moved into post light speed there were twenty three conscious identities. We assume they are the hijackers. Some are known terrorists or anarchists. We infiltrated their organization but were too late to stop them. Pete Arbor frowned. Our agent was assassinated.

  Go on, Frowns creased Andrea's forehead as she stared at the screen.

  The last signal we received is that their intentions were to leave the settlers in suspended animation and arrive as friends then forcibly take your settlement over.

  But why?

  They're wanted people on Earth. They need a base to use to extend their ideology. They know of your ancestors weaponry and would use it without mercy to wip
e out the other creatures on your planet.

  So what do you advise, Mr. President?

  The man gave a twisted smile. We are involved in another skirmish in another star system at the moment and have no vessels available to come to your assistance. However, the possibility of one of our star ships being hijacked or stolen was anticipated in the original design. Doomwatch, a secret computer and communication program is built into all our later starships. It is independent from and unknown by the main inboard computer systems or the crew. By using Doomwatch we have the power to override the main computer system. If it was not for the prisoners aboard we could have destroyed the Starship 43.

  I see, Andrea frowned. But tell me? How do I know this call is genuine? You could be an actor sitting in a spacecraft in orbit around Delpe. With all due respects, we have been out of contact with Earth for two centuries so have no idea on what has happened there.

  A good point, Peter Arbor gave a slight grin. We will send you classified information about the original crew of Starship 7, including personal information about your ancestors that you can check with your historical files. As a sign of our good intentions we are also prepared to download Inter-galatical Starship 43 s Doomwatch access code so you can control it.

  But how do you know we're genuine, Sir? Suzi cut in. Couldn't we be as bad as the criminals you're trying to stop?

  With your delightful Vice President? Pete smiled for a moment before his face turned serious. You have been under surveillance ever since have switched on this new gega-light technology. There is little we don't know about you all.

  How long? Andrea snapped.

  Fourteen months. We were monitoring every move made in your wars and how you used the new technology your ancestors left. He smiled, I must say we are extremely impressed.

  And if you weren't?

  This discussion would not be taking place, right now and we would have attempted to bring Starship 43 back to Earth. You are a long way away, Andrea and there is another problem as well.

  Andrea frowned. And that is?


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