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Zero to Sixty

Page 41

by Marie Harte

  “Watching it?”

  “As opposed to…?”

  “For all I know, your family gets together to play. And I never played.”

  “Washington is playing Oregon tomorrow. Want to come to my place and hang out? Take in the game on a big-screen TV? It’ll be some casual fun, so you can continue screening me, see if some of my other qualities make your list.” He smiled. “Besides, you know you want to see where I live. Consider it research, checking me out in my natural habitat.”

  “You make it sound like I’m heading into the jungle to study gorillas. Though the comparison seems apt.”

  He chuckled, not at all offended. “Yeah, sometimes my sister calls me a big ape.”

  “Not surprised. And I could have guessed you’d have a big-screen TV. You seem the type.”

  “Not that tough to figure out.” He helped her into her car, then leaned down to confess, “I’m not compensating either, in case you were wondering.”

  “Compensating?” She started her tiny car. He doubted he’d be able to fit his arms in the thing, let alone his whole body.

  “You know. A big-screen TV to make up for my small banana.”

  Her face paled.

  “For the record, I rock a really big hammock.” He winked. “See you tomorrow, three o’clock. I’ll text you directions.” He stood back, once more in control of this fledgling relationship, and watched her try to regain her composure before she drove off.

  Laughing, he texted her directions to his place. Near him, something beeped. He glanced around and saw a pale blue phone on the sidewalk. “Hell.” It must have fallen out of her purse.

  He’d panic if he lost his phone. Despite not liking to talk to people in general, his cell was a necessity. With his family and work associates, people needed to get a hold of him. And Ava was a psychologist. She’d definitely need her phone.

  He scrolled through it with a sigh, adding to his to-do list—Remind Ava to password protect her cell phone. Tech Security 101. Damn. He found her contact information easily, scoring her home address.

  Landon whistled and walked to his car. His night had gotten even better. Now he had an excuse to see the doc at home. With any luck, she’d be wearing a negligee as she got ready for bed.

  “Oo-fucking-rah.” He grinned the whole way there.

  A Sure Thing

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  First in the Rock ’n’ Ink series from author Kasey Lane

  Kevan Landry has one shot to sign the metal band Manix Curse and get her fledging PR firm off the ground. If she doesn’t succeed, she’ll lose more than her company—her brother will be forced out of rehab early.

  Mason Dillon heads the most successful music PR firm in Portland and has been commissioned with signing Manix Curse. But after going head-to-head with Kevan over the band, work is the last thing on his mind.

  Forced on tour with Manix to prove their marketing skills, the pair wages a battle for the band. If they can set aside their differences, they may find together they’re the right mix of sexy savvy to conquer the bedroom and the boardroom.

  “Kasey Lane gives readers a rockin’ romance that sings!”

  —Marie Harte, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author

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