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Barely Winging It

Page 6

by Tigertalez

  Nix dropped his mouth open in shock. His stomach slightly turned in concern for his friends. Enzo looked up at him, “Alphy and several others are working together to help them. I don’t think there is anyone that isn’t willing to help. Stelios and Bogdan included.”

  Bronya’s melodious voice interrupted. “Uh, guys, I really hate to intrude, but if you don’t object, can I dig in to this amazing smelling food? I haven’t eaten since I had a breakfast bar at breakfast.”

  Looking back at her, Nix was horrified that she had gone so long without food. Enzo answered, “Oh! Yeah, Connie prepared that for us. The first bag is lasagna and fresh made garlic bread, and the second bag has a salad and a little something for dessert. There’s another bag with plates and silverware.”

  “How about you two go wash up and I’ll set the table.” Bronya opened one bag and started emptying it out and setting the small table the room offered.

  A little while later, as they were eating, Enzo started to question her. “So what can you tell me about this idiot who is putting your life in danger?”

  Nix interrupted, “Didn’t you get Ryker to look into him?”

  “Yeah, I got some papers he had printed up, but I haven’t read over them yet. Still would be good to get her side of things.” Enzo placed a fork full of lasagna in his mouth and looked expectantly back at Bronya.

  Nix understood and agreed with Enzo, really he did, but he was constantly fighting the need to grind his teeth, and the guy’s bones, whenever he heard about the guy who wanted his mate.

  “There really isn’t much to tell. We were set up on a blind date by a co-worker of his who had recently used our services. It was apparent right away that he and I weren’t compatible. My parents always get gut feelings about things, but this time even I felt something was off, so I told him up front I didn’t believe we were compatible. He got upset that I didn’t give us a real try, and he has been unrelenting since. He’s calls me at home and has dropped by without invitation on several occasions. Each time I would tell him to stop calling and coming around. Then it escalated to him calling me at my work and stopping by there. Poor Zeke has been bearing the brunt of Gates’s aggression when he was refused to be let in to see me. Just before the fire, we started getting neighbors claiming they saw someone in the shadows outside the apartments.”

  “How often did you sleep at your parents’ house?” Enzo asked right before he put a large forkful of cheesy food in his mouth.

  Bronya shrugged as she chewed the bite she took. After she swallowed, she answered, “Actually that was the first night in a long while. Like I said, my parents get gut instincts about something or other, and they are usually right. They are pretty superstitious. After receiving another call, and when he heard about an incident I just had on a job, Dad insisted I stay over.”

  “What was the incident?” Enzo took a swallow of his drink.

  Her lips pulled up into a smile, and Nix felt warmth flow through his chest as he saw a wistful look play across her face. He was sure she was remembering him in his falcon form. He was guessing that was the sign she was talking about that her dad had read. He was used to hearing about superstitions about his animal. “I saw a falcon land on my plane when I had to do an emergency landing. He just sat there watching me the whole time I was trying to fix the problem. He was the most beautiful falcon I have ever seen, and the largest.” Shaking her head a little, her eyes refocused, and she took another bite of her food.

  Nix took a bite as well and looked over at Enzo. Enzo raised a brow and smirked. Yup, Enzo knows who it was, too. Shifters in their animal forms were always larger than normal.

  Enzo narrowed his eyes just a little at Nix. Fuck, what’s he up to?

  “Was this up near here, in Bancroft?” Enzo asked curiously.

  Fuck, Enzo, what are you doing? Nix tried giving him a subtle look of warning. Enzo is up to something, and his somethings are always trouble.

  “Actually, Yes, just a little northeast of here, why?”

  Enzo gave him another grin. “’Cause we see him all the time. His territory is on our land. You’re right. He is a pretty little thing.”

  Nearly choking on his food, Nix grabbed the cup of juice he had in front of him and tried wetting his irritated throat while his falcon mentally clicked his beak at their beta for calling him little. Damn Enzo! Only Enzo wasn’t done. “In fact, the cute little fella just found a mate to woo. It’s interesting to watch.”

  Bronya perked up. “Oh, are you a bird watcher like me?”

  “W-well … maybe not quite like you.”

  Nix froze and held his breath, as he watched Enzo color just a bit.

  Bronya smirked at Enzo. “Your mind just dumped itself into the urban term, did it?”

  “Well, my mind did go there, yes,” he sheepishly admitted. “You know about that?”

  Nix quietly observed his mate. He grew up around Enzo, so he knew the term referred to men who try to view other men’s dicks in public restrooms. Since he had several friends who were gay, he really wanted to know what she thought of gays. Although, her knowing about the term, and catching Enzo in it was priceless. Trying to keep from laughing was a bitch right now.

  “You did remember seeing Zeke, right? Flamboyant out and proud. He taught me the term one time when I mentioned my love for bird-watching. He stated he did, too, so I asked him about certain birds and, well,” Bronya was clearly holding her own laugh back, “he told me.”

  At that point, Nix couldn’t stop his laughing fit any longer. Enzo and Bronya joined in, and they finished their dinner with lighthearted conversations.

  After cleaning up, she made herself comfortable on her bed, leaning back against the headboard. Enzo did the same on the other bed, so Nix took a seat in a chair. “Seriously though, did you two actually see the falcon? You two come across like you have, but what I don’t get is the underlying secret you have about him. The look you two gave each other was … hinky.”

  Nix decided to answer that before Enzo could make a mess of it. “Yes. Enzo is just teasing about his size.”

  Enzo couldn’t seem to stop poking the bear, so to speak. “You seem to keep calling the falcon a ‘him’. How did you know it wasn’t a she?”

  “Bird watching is my hobby. We share the same love for flight. The color and the pattern of the chest and throat are the best indicators. But if you know about the falcon, then why did you ask?”

  Enzo shrugged. “Just checking to see if you really knew.”

  The sound of a “Hail to the Chief” sounded in the room and grabbed their attention. Nix knew it was Enzo’s ringtone for Alphy. Enzo reached in his pocket and drew out the melodious device. Swiping his thumb along the screen, he put it to his ear. “Yeah.”

  With his enhanced hearing, Nix could make out both sides of the conversation. “Enzo, Ryker just got a ping on that missing beta, and the pride alpha. The beta, Damon, is in town. He used a card to fill up at a gas station about two miles from your position a few hours ago.”

  “Fuck, man, his timing sucks shit.” Enzo rubbed his eyes. Nix stood up and walked to the window, pulling the curtain ever so slightly aside looking out into the thickly darkened and wet night.

  “Yeah, well, the pride alpha, Tony Smith, was just spotted in Toronto. Our toothy friends are keeping an eye on him down there, so your biggest concern right now is the beta.”

  “Any idea if he’s alone?”

  “Ryker can’t pull up surveillance, so we can’t tell for sure, but he’s not someone fearless enough to do anything without help so don’t expect him to be acting alone. I’ve sent Slate and Matteo into town to investigate. They may or may not stop by.”

  “What of Gates? Any news on his whereabouts?”

  “He’s still AWOL. Ryker is still trying to bring up some other information I have requested on a few other matters that I feel take precedence, so he hasn’t gotten around to studying his background and finances yet. He printed some stuff up for you, so I tak
e it you either haven’t read them yet or you didn’t find anything relevant.”

  “Didn’t want to spoil my appetite before having some of Connie’s cooking. We were just finishing up when you called. We’ll be cautious who we open the door to. Thanks, Alphy.” Shutting off the phone, Enzo went around the room shutting off the lights then stopped next to Nix. “Nothing?” he asked too low for Bronya to hear.

  Nix shook his head, knowing Enzo would be able to still see him in the unlit room.

  “Uh, guys, wanna tell me what’s going on?” Both men turned to look at Bronya, who was sitting on the edge of the bed leaning forward on both her hands. “I may have agreed to come with you guys, but I’m not a shrinking violet. I can handle it, whatever it is.”

  Nix felt a mix of both pride and doubt. There was no way, no matter what she claimed, that he would believe she would take the paranormal part of the news so well, but he was proud she was so strong. He could scent that she wasn’t afraid. He looked to his beta for help how to answer her.

  Enzo acknowledged him and answered her. “We have made some enemies recently.” He paused as if he was struggling on what else to say, but Bronya took on a look that said she understood.

  “So now what?” she asked.

  “Well, let’s talk safety and exit strategies, and we have papers on Gates we can go over after that.”

  Chapter Eight

  First hours of Saturday morning

  In spite of his thick skin, Dultyn could feel the cold rain splatter against his flesh and stream across it. That was, now that he had some time to calm down. The rivers of droplets washed over his agonized form. Flying through the clouds was dangerous, but of course, so was being outside at all in his form. He was still confused and needed a place to clear his head. When he’d initially walked in on Alphy, he heard Enzo mention where they were staying with Nix’s mate, so after he flew around a bit, releasing excess energy, he carefully flew to the small hotel that was mentioned. He knew about the place. It was mentioned several times in the stories about when Alphy met his mate.

  Heavy water droplets exploded around him as he flapped his wings to land on the roof of the building. Making sure to take a position that, however unlikely, if anyone looked up, would ensure he would be mistaken as a statue … he hoped. He surveyed the area and took note which room was theirs, then settled himself, mulling over his situation with his mate.

  If she would have talked to him, he would have worked things out. What Alphy had said to him last night, after she’d stormed off, made complete sense as well as what she had said, or yelled really, before she stormed off. If she would have talked to him, he would have worked things out, but she didn’t return before he roosted. On the other hand, he hadn’t given her any reason to believe he was willing to talk about it. They hadn’t talked at all since he arrived, and he had shut her down, quite publicly. At her birthday celebration of all places. He groaned as he realized just how much he had hurt her. It had hurt him deeply what she thought of him. A failure.

  Alphy’s words wouldn’t leave his head as he mentally pictured his mate. He really did more harm to her under the illusion he was trying to protect her, than he would if he had just opened up to her. But after decades of being the strong one, it wasn’t so easy to let anyone in.

  Only she isn’t just anyone. She is my destined. Fate didn’t bring them together later in their lives. She’d brought them together now, and fate’s timing was always right. She was very immature about things, as proven by her actions to his own wrongdoing, but maybe that was what made them perfect. She needed his serious side to temper her, and he needed her passion for life to help revitalize his. But with her believing he was a failure, should he let her go? No. It was unreasonable to think, as there was no way he could ever let her go. That only left one other option: claim her.

  I won’t fail her. I’ll fight for her. His resolve set in, and he abruptly felt a tickle of excitement zing through his chest, replacing the grief that was killing them both. And admitting that, caused him to realize just how wrong he had been. He would feel regrets later for the harm he caused her, but first, he was going to head back to the house and claim his mate. Yes, his thoughts played in his mind. I will have her forgive me by causing her to screech my name in undisputed jubilation. Smirking to himself as he played out his detailed plan what he would do to her, he was about to take off to carry out his task of ecstasy and claiming, but movement caught his attention.

  Dultyn squinted his eyes to see through the soupy weather. Gargoyle night vision was better than even most shifters’ so, in spite of the night’s increasing rain, he easily made out four men slowly making their way in the direction of the hotel room his packmates were staying in. The men looked around as if making sure there were no witnesses. Holding in his growl, Dultyn tightened his clawed feet and hands on the roof that he perched. Once they were under the eave, he moved closer, careful not to slide on the slick roofing. The sound of a door crashing open caused a jolt of surprise to punch through him.

  Rain poured hard and heavy, drowning out the sounds of the skirmish within. Just before he was about to swing down, he looked around to make sure the coast was clear. Another man shot around the building heading towards the back. Dultyn leaped up and glided to the back of the building, in time to see the man running into the woods, chasing a dark skinned woman he guessed was the woman his packmates were protecting. Jumping into the air, he spread his wings and gave a heavy beat, speeding him towards them. The woman was pretty fast. She raced across the road and into the tree line on the other side, but the shifter following her easily caught up, hanging back only enough to let her reach the privacy of the trees before catching up with her.

  Dultyn landed with his weight thundering through the ground at his impact. He flung his arm out and around, and the water coating his arm splattered into the shifter as Dultyn backhanded him. Before the shifter could finish sliding across the muddy ground, Dultyn was standing over him. Pulling his fist back, he let it fly forward and pummeled the downed shifter into unconsciousness.

  Whipping around, he quickly spotted the woman sitting on the ground. Water soaked into her ebony curls and ran down past her widened eyes, into and around her opened mouth. She was leaning back against her hands and her knees were bent, ready to crab walk backwards away from him. He had to hand it to her. She wasn’t running away screaming in panic. That was a common reaction.

  “I am Dultyn. I am friends with Nix and Enzo. I will not hurt you.”

  The shocked human slowly nodded, then placed herself in a slightly more comfortable position. He could scent she was exceptionally leery of him, but not quite afraid, like she didn’t know what to make of him.

  The rain started to let up just a little bit, and he soon heard a falcon screeching through the air and paws beating the earth drawing near. Enzo’s wolf came into view and slowed down. His wet and muddy paws splashed against the soggy earth while he trotted towards Dultyn. His fur was smeared with blood. It ran off his coat and dripped onto the ground.

  Dultyn motioned to the shifter. “This is Enzo. He won’t hurt you. Nix is here, too.” He looked up, and the woman followed his eyes to a falcon landing on a low branch.

  He heard her draw in her breath. “The falcon I saw.”

  Nix spread his wings and glided to the ground. Enzo trotted over and sniffed the unconscious attacker and stood guard over him. Nix shifted in front of the woman. Once he was fully formed, kneeling on the soggy ground, he held his hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you. I am so terribly sorry you had to find out about us like this. I wanted to wait for a better time when I felt you would be more ready for me to show you.” Nix inched forward, but Dultyn could see her eyes roam Nix’s naked flesh and after viewing what was in between his legs, her brows drew up. He couldn’t help chuckle. Just about all shifters were bigger … everywhere.

  Her eyes darted to him, then Enzo’s wolf, then back to Nix, who stopped advancing after he was right in front of he
r with his hands held out to her. “Let me hold you, please. I promise we aren’t going to hurt you, especially me. You are very special to me.”

  “You were the one in the field that day?” Her voice was tentative.

  “Yes. I’ll explain everything to you, but right now I would really appreciate it if you would let me hold you. I promise not to do anything else. I just need to hold you to assure myself and my falcon that you are all right.”

  After a moment of thought, she nodded. Nix’s relief was noticeable. Dultyn saw his chest heave in a relieved sigh, and his shoulders relaxed. The woman placed her hands in Nix’s, and he drew her to him. Both on their knees, he held her securely. Dultyn could see Nix’s eyes were closed as he slightly relaxed, and a fully relieved look passed over his features. Dultyn’s heart ached. He wanted that with his mate. They’d both made mistakes, but he wasn’t going to focus on who did what. He was determined just to fix them. It was well past midnight though, and with this new mess, he wasn’t sure if he could fix his mistake tonight, but if not, he vowed he would tomorrow. Even if he had to fly through hell and face the beast, he would.

  A growl drew everyone’s attention to Enzo. The unconscious attacker was coming to. When the offender opened his eyes, Enzo placed a heavy paw on his chest and continued to growl in the man’s face. The man tilted his head and bared his neck in submission to the more dominant shifter.

  Nix stood up, taking his mate with him, and led her to stand by Dultyn. “Bronya, this is Dultyn. Dultyn, this is my mate, Bronya. Would you watch her while I back up Enzo?”

  Dultyn nodded. He watched Nix place a slight kiss on the woman’s cheek then turned to help the beta. Rain spattered off his naked shoulders creating cords of water that streamed down his body, pulling stray droplets down with them as they connected.

  Dultyn spread out a wing and held it over the woman, hoping to keep her sheltered and slightly warmer.


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