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Barely Winging It

Page 17

by Tigertalez

  Bronya jogged behind the quickly moving shifter, and she could hear her parents were close behind. “Yes.”

  “Call the house. Tell them to get Seamus ready.”

  She had the number on speed dial. She recognized Connie’s voice answering. “Hello.”

  “Connie, this is Bronya.” She panted through her speech. “Nix is shot in the chest. We’re on our way back. Have Seamus ready.”

  Bronya only waited long enough to hear an acknowledgement before she hung up. They put Nix in the bed of the truck. Bronya jumped up and continued to put pressure on the wound as the shifter man jumped in the cab. Her father helped her mother up into the back of the truck then climbed up behind her, settling on the other side of Nix and holding onto the sides. She thought it was odd they were out here instead of in the cab of the vehicle, but she wasn’t going to ask about it right now. Right now she needed to keep her mate alive.

  She looked down into his drooping brown eyes. “Stay with me, Nix.”

  The ride was rough as they sped over the overgrown roads. The wind and branches whipped around them. Her father pushed her mother down and shielded her as Bronya hunkered down closer, over her mate. The ride smoothed out once they hit the clearing with the pack house. They slid to a stop, fishtailing slightly, in front of the garage. Seamus was out in front and didn’t wait for the vehicle to come to a stop before jumping in the back with the pack he had and started working on a now unconscious Nix.

  Blood puddles and smudges streaked the bed of the truck as several others helped carry her mate out of the truck and dash him up to the medical wing. Bronya would have followed, but her legs didn’t seem to work at the moment. She was usually so strong and calm, but the thought of losing her mate, even after only really knowing him for three days, zapped the strength from her limbs and threatened her resolve.

  Wow, it’s only been three days? She sat stunned at how much had happened in three days. Attacked day one, plane crash day two, shot day three. Will it always be like this? Seamus wasn’t exaggerating when he said things happen fast in the paranormal world. Her father’s gentle voice, coupled with his hand warming her shoulder, brought her out of her thoughts.

  ““Come on, Bronny, let’s head inside and get you cleaned up. Then we’ll get something hot to drink while we wait for news. After what you’ve just seen and gone through, I know you’re traumatized, but we are here for you.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes, and her nose started to clog with her emotions. She mentally shook herself and gave her father a nod. Inside the house, however, was quieter than she had ever heard it. Not even the twins were running around. She was sure they were in the living room, but they were keeping quiet. Bronya wrapped her fingers around the hot cup of coffee, warming them, but she didn’t drink any.

  Enzo sat down on a nearby seat, and Slate did the same and next to him, dressed only in a pair of sweats, was the elk shifter. He was now clean of blood. Enzo introduced him. “I don’t know if you know, but this is Henry, Katie’s dad.” Turning back to her, he was solemn, and no doubt worried about someone he had known for much longer than she had, but she knew he needed answers. “Can you tell us what happened?” Enzo asked.

  “We had just gotten to the airstrip when Gates shot Nix.” She focused hard on keeping her voice steady and strong.

  Enzo looked over at her parents. “Henry says he shifted in front of you to help Nix. Is that correct?”

  Her mother nodded, but her father said, “Yes. You don’t need to worry about us telling anyone of your secret. We wondered, but didn’t know for sure if you were all shifters. Della and I have known about shifters most of our lives.”

  That caught Bronya’s attention. “You knew about shifters?”

  “Yes. We never told you because we thought it would be unlikely you would ever need to know, and we hadn’t seen any in so long, we didn’t even know where any would be. So it wouldn’t be likely you would ever believe us anyway. It is a special secret, Bronya.”

  “Bronny.” Her mother’s voice was small but in the quiet room, still carried. “Is Nix your destined mate?”

  Slightly stunned with her parents, she was a little slow at processing, but came around quickly enough, eager to tell them things she wanted to share but didn’t believe she would have ever been able to. “Yes. He’s the falcon, Father. He and I sealed our bond just yesterday.”

  Her parents’ faces lit up, but Enzo interrupted them. “How much do you know about shifters?”

  Her father answered. “Della’s best friend was a shifter. She didn’t know about them until she was a teen and her friend shifted to save her life.”

  “I know about mates and the mating bond,” her mother said. “I know about extended life and rapid healing and even about the pack hierarchy, mostly. I don’t know how much there is to know, but I know quite a bit. At least the basics and then some.” Her mother directed her answer mostly towards Bronya.

  Her father continued. “I was distantly related to them. My great-grandfather was a wolf. His mate was human. My line was all human from there. I don’t have enough in me to have any benefits except a slightly raised gut instinct about things. I do have a question, if you don’t mind.”

  “No, go ahead,” Enzo answered.

  “I do not understand, is this a herd? Henry is an elk, but Nix is a falcon. I remember great-grandfather was lenient about humans, but not about other shifters. And I believe he was only lenient about humans because of his mate. It was sort of a touchy subject with him.”

  Enzo looked down at his hands as he leaned down on his elbows. “Many shifters don’t believe in mixing, including with humans.” Enzo leaned up and spoke directly at her father. “They discriminate against many things. Some are starting to come around and change, but we live for so long, change is slow, so many haven’t. There’s a large need out there, so Alphy has opened his doors to all paranormals in need.”

  “Good. The world needs more leaders like that. I don’t stand for intolerance.” Her father chatted for a while with the men while they continued to wait. She vaguely heard some of the work crew, who had been pulled from their duties, reporting they had informed local law enforcement of a fatal animal attack, so the body was taken care of. That was a large weight lifted from her shoulders. The psycho wasn’t out there any longer, stalking her, and no one would be looking for them as suspects. She didn’t feel the least bit sorry for Gates.

  Bronya turned down offers of food around lunch time. She felt sick until Reese arrived.

  “Bronya?” At the sound of her name, her head whipped up. The young teen smiled warmly. “Sea thinks he’ll be all right. I’m sure you want to see him. I’ll take you up there. Sea wants to talk to you some more.”

  Bronya nodded and stood then stopped and looked at her parents. Her mother used a hand to shoo her away. “Go on, Bronny, go be with your mate. We’ll be all right. We can talk more, later.”

  Bronya didn’t hesitate any longer and eagerly followed the young teen to the medical wing. When they arrived, Nix was still out. Seamus was writing something down on a clipboard, and Katie was adjusting the IV. They both glanced up with she arrived, but Katie went back to fussing over the equipment while Seamus strolled over to her.

  “Thank you, Reese. Go get yourself something to eat.”

  “Cool, thanks. Do you want me to get either of you anything?”

  “No, thank you. Katie will be down soon.” The teen didn’t wait any longer and seemed happy to disappear down the stairs. Seamus ushered Bronya closer to her mate. He looked so pale to her. Her heart ached in her chest.

  “I believe he’ll be all right, barring any further complications.”

  “Further? Were there already complications?” Bronya looked at all the tubes and wires webbing from her mate to the machines. IV fluids, blood, and something else dripped down tubing, while another helped him breathe. Monitors displayed his vitals, and she even noticed the catheter filling with bloody urine.

The shot missed his heart and arteries, but he suffered a collapsed lung. Even with shifter healing, he’ll be in here for several days.” Bronya moved closer and tentatively reached down and laid her hand over his as the doctor continued. “He’ll be in a lot of pain when he wakes. I’ve been working on a pain medication for shifters, but I still don’t have adequate facilities so I’m afraid what we have is still insufficient, but it should at least help marginally. All in all, he will be all right. How are you doing?”

  Bronya turned heavy eyes on the doctor. Now that the adrenaline and worry were gone, she felt so very tired. “Tired. I’m just tired.”

  Katie showed up beside her, pulling a chair close. “Here, go ahead and sit down and stay a while.” Bronya took the offered seat. “I’m going to go get something to eat. Seamus will be just in the other room if you need him.”

  The door quietly latched as they closed it behind them. Bronya sat there, with her mate’s hand in hers, listening to the beep-beeps and whoosh of the machines fill the silence. She closed her eyes and began sifting through her thoughts. There was another large load of information and events to assimilate … again. Now was a good time to do that. Not the least was the knowledge her parents already knew about paranormals. That actually eased a huge load off her shoulders.


  Seamus felt fatigue clear to his bones. Even his fangs ached. So much had happened in just a few weeks. After watching Nix the rest of the afternoon, he was grateful when he was given a reprieve for supper. He hadn’t felt hungry for food at lunchtime, opting to privately drink a bag of blood instead, but he spit it out as soon as it hit his mouth. The taste was so repulsive, and just the little bit in his mouth, threatened to turn his stomach inside out. It had been about a week since he’d had blood, and he would need to drink soon or he would get sick, and eventually die. If the mystery girl is my mate, I’ll only be able to drink from her. Perhaps scenting her has started the change in my body to accept only her blood.

  After Nix woke and was settled enough, Seamus finally gave in to his need for food. He would use this time to have a chat with Alphy that he had been meaning to have. If the change has already started, I’ll need to find her sooner, rather than later. I believe I will need help. With the knowledge Nix was now awake and on the mend, and a full meal in Seamus’s belly, he approached the door to Alphy’s room.

  He paused outside their door when he heard the throes of lovemaking commencing. Leaning against the wall, Seamus sighed and decided to wait until they were done. He was going to give Alphy a checkup while he was here, so he might as well do it after possibly reinjuring himself.

  While the rhythmic thumps and thuds, moans and grunts, sounded through the door, Seamus thought about why he wanted to have a private talk with Alphy and how best to word it. Just thinking about it, with the sounds coming from the room, had his dick hardening in his slacks.

  With the shouts of pleasures rising, he drew out of his musing. Reaching down, he thumped his dick a few times to get it to deflate enough not to embarrass himself. After it quieted down, he knocked on the door.

  After a brief rustling of fabric, which he assumed was them covering up, he heard Alphy’s deep voice. “Come in.”

  The room reeked of sex even a human could scent. Seamus kept his face neutral and stood at the end of the bed. “I came to check you over, and there was something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  Alphy gave him a considering look before turning to Gale. “Go get some supper, Honey-bear. Bring me some once the doc is done.”

  “All right.” Turning to Seamus, she gave an impish smirk. “At least you waited until we were done.” He chuckled and watched Gale lean over and give her mate a kiss. Seamus turned around to let Gale dress and turned back around when she passed him. Not waiting for the door to close, Seamus walked around and started looking and poking around the fast healing wound in his alpha’s stomach.

  “There was something you wanted to talk to me about?” Alphy grunted when Seamus pushed on a tender spot.

  “Yes.” Appeased that he was healing well and no further damage was done, Seamus grabbed a chair and sat down next to the bed. “I’m not sure how to start, so please bear with me, no pun intended.”

  Alphy grunted but indicated for him to continue.

  “I’ve been catching whiffs of a smell that has an acute effect on me.”

  “What sort of effect?”

  Seamus paused a brief moment. This was embarrassing. “I get hard and driven to find the source.”

  “Sounds like it might be your beloved. So what’s the problem? Why haven’t you looked for the source?”

  “I only get whiffs of it sporadically. It’s not any of the pack. It’s strongest in the morning, but I can’t even track it to the tree line. It’s spotty. I can’t figure it out. I’m a vampire, not a shifter. I need help finding the scent.”

  Alphy rubbed the neatly trimmed whiskers on his chin as he stared at the wall ahead. “Sounds like we get to put together a posse.”

  Seamus barely contained his urge to roll his eyes, but Alphy saw through his restraint. He grinned. “Don’t like that, huh? You’re right, ‘fox hunt’ is a much better euphemism.”

  This time Seamus couldn’t stop from rolling his eyes, but he joined his friend’s laughter. He was relieved to be getting help.

  “How’s Nix?”

  “He should make a full recovery. Bronya hasn’t left his side, which is a big and positive influence on his healing and pain levels. If he continues to improve at his current rate, I’m convinced he will be flying, or at least stretching his wings, by Friday.”

  “That’s great news. I’ll let the guys know at the ranked meeting in the morning. And I’ll have them keep an eye and nose out for your potential beloved. Stop by tomorrow after the meeting.”

  “I will, and thank you, Alphy.”

  Alphy gave him a thoughtful smile. “I know I had dreams of being an alpha someday, but I couldn’t ever have achieved it without you and the others. We’re a pack now, Sea. A family brought together. We stand beside you and behind you.”

  Seamus cleared his through to dislodge the lump forming there. “That means a lot to me.”

  “I know it does. I remember how difficult things were for you and Ryker with regarding your parents. They’re not bad people, just wrong. I think I have always known what you and Ryker needed. It was always the same thing I needed: a place to belong. A place to be accepted. You can come to me about anything, even if it is just to talk. I really hope this is your beloved you scented. You deserve to be as happy and complete as I now am.”

  Seamus sighed and looked down. “I’m torn about it. Every other part of me wants it to be her, but one part of me feels guilty about it.”

  “You’re worried about Ryker?” Seamus nodded and looked up. “I know I’ve heard how strong connections can be for twins, and I know you two are close. Maybe you should keep him involved with this. Perhaps talk to him and confide in him about this. I’m your alpha, so you can get away with coming to me first, but maybe make sure you show him that you still rely on him. And if the woman you scent is your beloved, you will be stronger. Use that to keep him strong until his mate is found.”

  “You’re right,” Seamus said. “I can still be there for him, better than before, even. And he can still be there for me while I hunt for her. Thank you, Alphy.” Seamus stood. “If you’ll excuse me?”

  Alphy nodded his head, and Seamus hurried out of the room, eager to find his twin and share his news with him. Hopefully it’s my beloved, but if not, I still have Ryker, and a whole pack family.


  Alphy sat up in his bed, propped against his pillows, and surrounded by most of his ranking members. It was their morning meeting, and it felt lacking without Nix. Added to his inner circle were the six unsuspecting pack-members, who were about to get offered the new rank of sentry. That’s going to be fun. I think I’ll save the best for last. Alphy raised his hands, and everyone
quieted. “Good morning, everyone. I’m going to try and keep this relatively short this morning. First, I’m happy to report that Seamus is confident that Nix is going to make a complete recovery. He hopes he’ll be flying by next week. Also, he has caught sporadic whiffs of a scent on the breeze that he can’t identify. It isn’t anyone in the pack, and as I said, it’s sporadic, so keep your eyes open and noses on alert looking for her. Handle this with delicacy as he thinks this woman is possibly his beloved.”

  Everyone gave positive sounds of approval and smiles at the news. “Now for those of you who don’t know, this new member is Neto Locklear. He’s a bison with a story. I didn’t get to hear it yesterday, when I had planned, so we are going to hear it today.” Alphy made a slight gesture to Neto to indicate he wanted him to start.

  Neto briefly looked around then room then back at him before starting. “I’m from a large herd from Wyoming. My father, Hosa Locklear, is the herd’s alpha. Over twenty-five years ago, we had taken in a new member, Guyapi Daily. Guy is the son of American Shifter Councilman Bidziil Daily.

  “I came across some documents that incriminated my father, Guy, and Guy’s father in embezzling, money-laundering as well as drug dealing, and alerted Shifter Councilman Taima Black. He told me because this investigation involved a councilman, it would take time to put a case together properly. Later that same week, I walked in on Guy trying to rape Isa, my sister. I attacked him, inflicting severe injuries that Guy almost didn’t survive, and was permanently disfigured from. Our father didn’t believe our accusations and allowed Guy recompense for the wrongful attack against him. We were to be flogged and permanently scarred, but I had already taken precautions for a hasty escape because of the other matter, so before the sentence was carried out, Isa and I ran. I found out later that my father disavowed us and named Guy his successor.”


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