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Page 17

by Gabrielle Demonico

  As Daniella watched in disbelief, blood and fur scattered in every direction. The motions were so swift and so violent; Daniella had difficulty distinguishing who did what to who. And then, at last, a high-pitched moan filled the night air as Jett dove down and sunk his teeth into Kane’s neck one last time. He shook the clan leader back and forth and as he did, Kane swatted at his assailant’s head.

  Undeterred, Jett’s attack continued until after a final flurry, Kane fell motionless beneath him. A great gasp emerged from the throng on onlookers as Jett collapsed on the ground next to him. He remained there for a moment and then staggered to his feet. He glanced down at Kane’s motionless body and then stood on his hind legs and roared in victory.


  Unable to maintain his shifted form, Kane’s bloodied and beaten body returned to its human shape. Seeing that, Jett reverted as well and staggered over to the location where Kane dropped the handgun he’d used earlier. Drenched in sweat and blood, Jett groaned as he leaned over and picked up the weapon.

  He meandered back to where Kane still lay motionless and kicked him. The clan leader stirred to consciousness and immediately started to cough and spit blood. He glanced up at Jett who wasted no time in putting the pistol to his head. Kane took deep labored breaths, looked up at Jett when a defiant sneer came to his face.

  “Do it…” Kane muttered. “You’ve beaten me. Claim what is yours.”

  Jett, still breathing heavily, scoffed at the old shifter’s bravado.

  “I value all life…” Jett began as he pulled the hammer back on the pistol. “Even one as miserable as yours. You will pay for what you’ve done to this clan and all the people in it. But, it won’t be by my hand. Not on this night.”

  “You fool…” Kane said as he spat blood on the ground. “You had better kill me. If you don’t, I don’t know how but I will get my revenge. I’ll kill you and the pregnant whore of yours…”

  Before he uttered another word, Jett struck him across the forehead with the butt of the revolver. Kane fell back in a heap, unconscious once more. Exhausted and victorious, Jett dropped to his knees and as he did, Daniella leapt to her feet.

  “Tricia, help my mom, please!” She said as she ran towards him.

  “Jett…” she said as she arrived at his side and wiped his bloodied brow. “Oh my God…”

  “I’ll live…” Jett said with a smile as he looked at her. He looked past her towards the gathering of people behind.

  Upon Kane’s defeat, a number of clan members rushed in to help. They untied Marilyn, Millicent, and Tucker. Several more huddled around Owen’s still motionless body.

  “Is he?” Jett gulped as he looked at Owen.

  “I don’t know…” she whispered.

  “Daniella,” Jett coughed as he talked. “You are in incredible danger… the child.”

  Daniella felt tears begin to pool. She nodded as the salty discharge made its way down her cheek and onto his bare chest. “Yes, I know but, I’ll be alright for a while. I’m so sorry, Jett…”

  He groaned as he attempted to prop himself up on one elbow. “Sorry?” He said. “For what?”

  “I don’t know…” she said. “I just am.”

  “Daniella,” he began. “Look at me.”

  She wiped another stray tear from her cheek as she glanced down toward him. A soft smile came to his face as he looked up at her.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about…” he said. “Have hope.”

  Just then, in the distance, Daniella heard the sound of police cars as they approached. Soon thereafter, two helicopters closed in on the location as well. Within minutes, authorities overran the field and surrounded everyone. Daniella helped Jett to his feet and into his clothing as the first of the officers broke through the throng. Sergeant Billy Holder barreled into the proceedings and walked right up to Daniella and Jett.

  “Billy…” Daniella said as she hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re here. How did you…?”

  “Tricia…” he said as she gestured back to where she stood. “When you left Pine Hill, I did my best to talk her out of it. But she told me she was going with you no matter what. I bargained with her that I’d steer clear for twenty-four hours as long as she texted me the location where she parked. When I didn’t hear back, we came running…”

  He paused and looked at the gunshot victims and a still unconscious Kane. At the same time, a handful of officers walked up and stood next to him.

  “Looks like we got here a little late…” Billy said.

  “No,” Jett replied. “Just in time, actually.”

  “Is that him?” Billy nodded as he looked at Kane.

  “Yep.” Jett nodded. “That’s your guy.”

  “Alright,” Billy said as he motioned to the deputies. “Get him up and in cuffs.”


  “This is outrageous!” Tucker yelled as he looked at Jett with rage in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way, Tucker.” Jett replied. “And I’m terribly sorry for the loss of your son… but we all suffered under Kane. My family included.”

  The two men stood outside the Pine Hill hospital the next morning after receiving treatment for their injuries. To the side, Daniella chatted with her mother, Tricia, Millicent and Jett’s parents as patients, doctors and nurses shuffled in and out of the front door. Although it wasn’t the most comfortable place to get some rest, they managed to sneak in a few hours of much needed sleep.

  “That’s all the more reason to bring him back to the clan to face justice!” Tucker demanded. “This is not right, Jett.”

  “Tucker, I know how you feel.” Jett replied. “But I am the rightful leader of this clan now. Kane committed crimes not only against our kind but humans as well.”

  “So this is about your brother?” Tucker asked.

  “No,” Jett replied. “It’s about doing the right thing.”

  “I don’t know what the fuck that is supposed to mean, Jett.”

  “Look, Tucker…” Jett began as he shook his head. “If his crimes were confined to our people, things might be different but he took the life of a human and so he must answer for his crimes in their world. If shifters are to have any hope of ever being accepted by humans, we must learn to coexist with them and part of that means respect for their laws.”

  “But what about our laws?” Tucker asked. “Do they not matter? He should die. Plain and simple.”

  “And if I did kill him?” Jett asked. “How would having him die change any of what has happened?”

  Tucker inhaled and looked skyward but didn’t answer.

  “My own family has suffered as well, Tucker.” Jett began. “My father and brother both dead by his hand. But, do I seek blood for blood? No. We are not a violent people. As our first act of attempting to live in the world around us, let us demonstrate our goodness and decency. We have to do it and we must do it now…”

  Tucker chewed his lower lip in disgust and frustration.

  “There’s nothing I can say is there?” He asked at last.

  “No,” Jett replied. “There isn’t…”

  “Very well,” Tucker said. “I will abide by your decision but I will not do so with any sort of pleasure.”

  “Thank you for that,” Jett said as he placed his hand on Tucker’s shoulder. “As my elder, I rely on you a great deal. And, if we should lose Owen that will be all the more true.”

  Tucker shook his head as the two men walked back to join everyone else.

  “Owen… Unkillable, that one.” Tucker replied. “Unkillable…”

  “I hope you’re right.” Jett replied. “For now, we just have to pray that remains the case.”

  As Jett approached, Daniella walked up and hugged him.

  “Everything okay?” She asked.

  “Yeah,” he began. “It will be. What’s the latest with Owen?”

  She sighed and chewed on her lower lip. “He’s still in surgery.”

  “Okay,” Jett replied. “Look, I
think you need to just go home and get some rest. I’ll stay here with my folks, Millicent and Tucker until he gets out.”

  “No,” Daniella said. “I want to stay.”

  “Daniella, please…” Jett said as he grabbed her by the upper arms. “I need you to do this for me. I’m worried about you and until we have a chance to deal with the child… I just cannot risk having anything happen to you, accidental or otherwise.”

  “Okay,” Daniella replied as she leaned up and kissed him. While she did, Tricia and Marilyn approached.

  “Child?” Daniella’s mother said apparently well within earshot of the conversation. “What?”

  “Mom, please…” Daniella said. “I’ll explain everything to you…”

  “Daniella,” her mother interrupted. “You… are pregnant?”

  Daniella exhaled. “Yes, mom.”


  “So when, exactly were you going to tell me about this, Daniella?” Her mother asked.

  “It’s just really complicated, Mom.”

  “And so, it’s not enough I get kidnapped by these things but now I’m supposed to be happy with the fact that you are having a child with one of them?”

  “Mom, first of all… as I explained to you…” Daniella began with an exasperated tone. “Kane took my identification and sent his men after you. It’s not like I told them where you were. Secondly, Jett is not a thing for God’s sake.”

  As Tricia drove back to Daniella’s apartment mother and daughter fell silent; each stared out their respective windows in frustration with the other.

  “You guys…” Tricia said as she attempted to act as the voice of reason. “Don’t fight.”

  Daniella exhaled and turned towards the back seat where her mom sat and as she did, Marilyn looked at her. Her eyes appeared glassy and on the verge of tears. Daniella reached back and placed her hand on her mother’s knee.

  “Mom,” Daniella began. “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how difficult all of this is for you. Just know I had my reasons for not telling you before but I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Marilyn sniffled a bit and nodded her head.

  “And now…” Marilyn replied.

  “Now, what?” Daniella asked.

  “Daniella,” her mother began as she crossed her arms. “I know when you are lying to me. There’s something you aren’t telling me even now about what’s going on with you. Now, I’ve had more than enough of this and I don’t deserve this kind of treatment. And for that matter, neither does Tricia!”

  Daniella exhaled and leaned back into the car seat. She would have to tell them. There was no way she couldn’t. But how?

  “Ugh,” she groaned as she looked out the passenger’s side window. “It’s times like this I could really use a drink.”

  “Your mom’s right, Daniella…” she said. “Whatever is happening, now isn’t the time to keep it to yourself.”

  “I know,” she muttered as she reached down and caressed her stomach. “I know.”

  A little more than an hour later, Daniella sat on her couch and after an uncomfortable start, she somehow managed to get through all the reasons behind the concern over her pregnancy. Needless to say, neither Marilyn nor Tricia were all that thrilled she’d kept it to herself.

  In fact, they were downright furious with her.

  “So now what, Daniella?” Marilyn asked with disgust in her tone. “We are just supposed to wait around for you to die?”

  “Jesus…” Tricia chimed in. “Why would you keep something like this to yourself especially after the pregnancy test?”

  “Pregnancy test?” Marilyn yelled as she looked at Tricia. “You mean you knew about this?”

  “Yes,” Tricia began. “Well, kind of…”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I knew about the pregnancy…” she continued. “Daniella asked me to keep it secret. Which I did. But, I didn’t know about the rest of it. Really. God damn it, Daniella!”

  “Will you two stop please?” Daniella screamed. “What? Do you think this is easy for me? Or that I’m not scared to death right now?”

  As she finished speaking, she stood up from the couch and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom.

  “Daniella!” Marilyn yelled as she walked away. “Come back here!”

  “No!” She screamed. A split second later, she walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She was so angry; she shook as she slammed the toilet seat down and sat on top of it. For a few moments, she heard her mom and Tricia still talking loudly to each other in the living room. Presumably, there was still a good amount of finger pointing going on. While she sat, she placed her elbows on her knees and cradled her head in her hands.

  “Fuck…” she cursed under her breath. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  Daniella sat in silence for a few more minutes until there was a soft knock at the bathroom door.

  “What?” She groaned.

  “Daniella,” Tricia said. “Open up. Come on…”

  “No,” she replied. “I’m tired of getting yelled at right now, okay?”

  “No one is going to yell at you…” her mother said. “We just want to talk.”

  Daniella raised her head up and looked at the ceiling.

  “Alright, one second…” She replied.

  “Okay,” Marilyn said.

  She stood up and on the way to the door she caught a glance of herself in the mirror. “Oh my God…” she said as stopped and rubbed underneath her eyelids. “I look like total hell.”

  She dragged herself to the door and pulled it open.

  “Oh Daniella, honey…” her mom said as she walked towards her with her arms open. “I’m sorry.”

  As they embraced, Daniella felt as if a great burden lifted from her at last. Bad as the situation was, at least she didn’t have to worry about lying or trying to hide it any longer.

  “I know…” Daniella replied. “I’m sorry too.”

  As they broke free, Daniella hugged Tricia.

  “I’m sorry as well,” Tricia began. “I just wish you would have told us sooner.”

  Daniella nodded but exhaustion kept her from responding.

  “Well…” her mom said. “What do we do now? And the answer better not be ‘I don’t know’…”

  Although tired, Daniella managed a soft smile. “It isn’t,” she began. “I’ll explain everything.”


  Several days later, Daniella, Marilyn, and Tricia all returned to the bear shifter compound outside Fesser’s Grove. They gathered in the Shrine of Dela, the clan’s place of reflection, in preparation for the ritual they hoped would not only spare Daniella’s life, but also herald the arrival of the next bear clan heir.

  With Kane in custody, Jett spent the time since they’d seen each other doing what was required of him as the new clan leader. In addition to the murder of Buck, Kane left an immense legacy of death, destruction, and deceit from his reign of terror. Even though Jett was off to an honorable start, there much to repair and rebuild.

  Adding to the mantle of leadership was the rather difficult issue of a human female giving birth to one of their own. Nowhere in bear clan law was the practice prohibited but it rather, they believed it not possible. Aside from Jett’s mother, who died, there weren’t any recorded instances where humans survived a shifter birth.

  Yet, it turns out that Owen’s memory was accurate. There were rumors that once it did happen but the mother tragically died of a deadly strain of flu a short time afterward. So if the legends were true, it meant that a chance, however small, did exist. Of course, if it didn’t work, the baby would die. There was no doubt about that outcome. Millicent approached Jett and Daniella as they spoke with her mom and Tricia just within the entrance to the shrine.

  “It’s time…” Millicent said.

  Jett and Daniella shook their head in acknowledgment.

  “Well… you ready?” Jett asked.

  Daniella shrugged. “I don’t know if I’ll ever
be ready but I can’t take waiting anymore.”

  “So,” Jett began. “Is that ‘yes’?”

  Daniella nodded and smiled.

  “Okay,” Millicent said as she reached towards Daniella and embraced her. “Come with me.”

  As they began to walk away, Daniella grabbed Jett’s arm.

  “Wait…” she said as glanced back to her mother and Tricia. “Can they come with me?”

  Jett looked at Millicent and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Don’t ask me, Jett.” Millicent began. “You are the clan leader now. It’s up to you.”

  Jett raised his eyebrows in surprise. He looked at Daniella and said, “Guess I’m still not used to that yet.”

  “So,” Daniella began as she echoed Jett’s question moments earlier. “Is that a ‘yes’?”

  “Of course,” Jett replied with a soft smile. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  After a brief walk across the temple, everyone gathered in the prayer antechamber. As they entered, Millicent closed the heavy oak door behind them. At the front of the room stood a large stone altar. Rows of pews filled the remainder of the relatively small space. A mix of burning candles and sun peeking in through long, thin windows along the side of the structure provided ample light in the room.

  “Take a seat in the front.” Millicent said as she looked at Marilyn and Tricia. As they did, they continued towards the altar.

  “Daniella…” Millicent began as she gestured towards the immense stone. “I need you to climb onto the altar.”

  Daniella nodded and started to make her way up.

  “Here, let me help you…” Jett said as he steadied and lifted her.

  After she got on top of it, Millicent said, “I need you to lie back.”

  Daniella reclined on the stone and tried to find a comfortable position. As she did, Jett took her hand in his.

  “Are you alright?” He asked.

  “As alright as I’m going to be…”

  Millicent looked at them, smiled and said, “Okay, then, if you are ready… we can begin.”

  Daniella swallowed hard and nodded while she squeezed Jett’s hand tight.

  Over her right shoulder, Millicent carried a small leather bag. She pulled it around in front of her and reached inside. After a moment, she produced a small vial. Teardrop-shaped, it contained a fine powder. As she opened it, she began to speak…


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