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An Unlikely Duchess

Page 5

by Nadine Millard

  Rebecca bit back a gasp of surprise when the duke moved her behind the plant.

  She was in so much turmoil she did not know if she was coming or going.

  Not only had he presumably caught her speaking to herself. About him, no less. But she’d hit him in the face and then lain across him like a wanton!

  In less than twenty-four hours she had committed the most ridiculous of social faux pas and very nearly ruined herself. With the man who would wed her sister!

  It could not get worse. She risked a glance up at him and noticed his thunderous expression. Oh. Maybe it could.

  “Your grace, I apologise for knocking you over, I truly did not realise my own strength. I–”

  “I beg your pardon, Lady Rebecca. You did not knock me over. I lost my balance.”

  He looked mightily affronted.

  “Well, yes. Because I hit you.”

  He started to make a weird strangled sound and she wondered if he were choking.

  “Are you quite well, your grace?”

  “I assure you, madam, I did not fall because a tiny chit of a woman hit me.”

  For heaven’s sake. This was one of the more humiliating experiences of his life. She barely reached his shoulder, dammit.

  Not only had she knocked him clear over, but he’d actually grabbed her and pulled her over with him. The end result may have been pleasant but still. One does not admit to being knocked over on to one’s – well, it simply wasn’t done.

  He looked down haughtily at her and noticed a fiery glint in her eye. Ah. Apparently he’d awakened her temper.

  “A tiny chit of a woman?” Rebecca glared menacingly at him. He thought she looked like a feisty little kitten. All angry and adorable. Probably best not to mention that though.

  “Yes, well, you are considerably smaller than me. And it is rather preposterous that you think you are the cause of my fall. I am a duke,” he finished, as if that meant he could not possibly be hit by a mere mortal.

  “Since you appear to be confused by what just occurred, I can only conclude that you hit your head during your fall. Perhaps you should go and lie down, your grace. After all, a ducal head must be ever so much more important than the heads of us ordinary people.”

  Her voice positively dripped with venom. My, my. What a little shrew she was.

  “You do have quite the temper, do you not?” he quipped. “What an impact you will make on Society.”

  The sudden change in her face surprised him. She paled at his words and then seemed to physically draw herself inwards, once again looking utterly defeated.

  Hang it all, what had he said? Of course she’d make an impact on Society. There was no one in London who would hold a candle to her beauty, her spirit. She would be the toast of the Season. The belle of every ball. Gentlemen would be lining up to pursue her.

  This last thought gave him a stab of jealousy that he did not care to think too much on at this moment.

  The point was she reacted as though he’d kicked her favourite puppy, when he’d meant to offer her a compliment. Of sorts. He still thought her a hoyden and a shrew. An utter minx who must drive her parents to distraction trying to keep a handle on her. Just an especially beautiful and charming one.

  “I need to get back inside. They will be wondering where I am. Please excuse me.”

  She gave a brief curtsy and almost ran to the door in order to get away from him.

  Why was she standing there arguing with him, unchaperoned?

  He was an arrogant brute! One who would soon be a brother to her. The thought was repellent.

  His comment about her impact on Society had cut her to the quick and she needed to leave lest she burst into tears right in front of him. He wasn’t to know that it was a particularly sore subject at that time, given she’d had the same thing said to her by her very angry sister not thirty minutes prior.

  It had been a dreadfully trying day and now she wanted nothing more than to make her excuses and escape to her room.

  “Wait.” His hand shot out and grasped her upper arm to stop her from leaving.

  Rebecca felt the jolt of awareness that she now associated with even his slightest touch. She had nearly expired on the spot when lying across his body. He’d felt so strong, so muscular and warm. Her throat dried at the mere memory. She could not allow herself to think this way.

  “Your grace?”

  “What did you mean, when you said I was to wed her and take her away? To whom were you referring?” He knew. But he wanted to hear her say it.

  She sighed, resigned and looked up at him, pinning him with her doe eyes.

  “You are well aware your grace.”

  “I am afraid I am completely at a loss as to what you are referring, my lady. Enlighten me, please.”

  Rebecca studied him for so long he feared she’d fallen into some sort of comatose state.

  “You really do not know?” she finally offered.

  He shook his head.

  She muttered under her breath, shaking her head and huffing and puffing a little.

  Finally she looked up again and asked, “Are you aware of the contract that existed between our fathers?”

  His confused look was answer enough.

  “Oh dear,” Rebecca bit her lip worryingly. Deuced lucky lip. “I do not think I am the best person to speak to about this, your grace,” she began.

  “Please,” he interrupted, his curiosity well and truly peaked at the moment, “I am having a rather difficult time getting an answer from my mother as to what is going on here. And I can hardly ask yours.”

  Rebecca studied him intently for a few moments longer then seemed to make a decision.

  “Very well. Forgive me for being so blunt about this but, well, there is no terribly easy way to soften the blow as it were.”

  He wished she’d hurry along. She was too damned distracting and he felt he needed a stiff drink. Or seven.

  “Your grace, our parents made a contract before any of us were born. Before either of them were even married, if my father is to be believed. A marriage contract. The eldest son of the Duke of Hartridge to marry the eldest daughter of the Earl of Ranford.”

  Her announcement was met with a deafening silence. Rebecca gulped as she looked into his face. She thought she’d seen him angry up until now but clearly that had been mere irritation. For the look of fury currently on his face would be enough to send demons scurrying back to hell itself.

  He did not speak for several minutes. Rebecca was just thinking of sneaking away, she doubted he’d notice so locked in his anger he seemed.

  His clipped question halted her plans of escape.

  “You were all aware of this, this contract? You all believe I’ve come here to pay my addresses to your sister? To honour this marriage deal?”

  She wasn’t sure what the right thing to say would be. He seemed frightfully angry but she could not be sure at whom it was directed.

  “Er – yes?” she ventured.

  “I see. So, your sister— she believes we are to be soon engaged?”

  He noticed the flash of pain cross her face and it made his heart stop. Did the idea of his marrying her sister cause her pain?


  “Well, well yes, your grace. That is was everyone believes. You really did not know? About the contract?”

  “No, I most certainly did not.”

  “How strange.”

  Not strange at all. His mother knew him better than anyone. If he’d known about it he’d have taken steps to break it immediately. He would never follow through on such a ludicrous scheme. Never!

  Even if it was the younger sister? Where had this voice suddenly come from? Full of difficult questions.

  He would not be forced into anything. By anyone.

  And he certainly had no interest in Lady Rebecca’s sister. Lady Rebecca however…

  His eyes turned smouldering as they raked her from head to toe.


  Rebecca shive
red, wondering at the sudden change in his mood. In the atmosphere.

  He took a step toward her and her skin prickled in anticipation.

  “I cannot possibly honour this contract, Rebecca.”

  So enraptured by him, she barely noticed his casual use of her name, though she had not given him leave to use it.

  “Why not?” she croaked.

  “For one thing, I have no interest in having a marriage arranged for me.” He stopped mere inches from her. Rebecca inhaled deeply and almost swooned. He smelled delicious, of smoke, of sandalwood, of man.

  “For another, I do not intend to marry at all for quite some time.” His hand reached up and smoothed a stray hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear, lingering there until her breath was coming in short, and sharp gasps.

  “And even if I were to marry soon, my choice certainly could not be your sister.”

  All at once Rebecca looked offended and he could not help the smile that stretched across his mouth.

  “Why ever not?” she demanded.

  “How could I marry her?” he continued and this time his arms reached out and pulled her slowly against his body. And she, like the wanton she obviously was, went willingly with no objection.

  “How could I marry her, when all I can think about is this? And you?”

  And with that his mouth came down to crush hers in a fierce kiss.

  And Rebecca was lost.


  Edward had lost all sense of reasoning by the time his lips met Lady Rebecca’s. In the back of his mind he knew he was courting absolute scandal. He knew he was on the way to ruining the lady. He knew that she was all wrong for him. And he did not give a damn.

  Heat exploded through his veins as he wrapped his arms around her slim frame and crushed her closer, ever closer to his unyielding body.

  Dear God, had ever a more sensual, tempting vixen walked the earth? How could a man be expected to control himself? She was the very embodiment of desire and he could not bring himself to pull away.

  The kiss went on and on. He kissed her like his next breath depended on it.

  The stars could have fallen from the heavens and he would not have stopped.

  He had no idea what was happening to him. The feelings coursing through his body were beyond mere lust. He heard her soft moan and felt her arms cling to his neck and his heart clenched almost painfully in his chest.

  He was afraid that this was more than attraction. He could almost believe that he was developing real feelings for the minx.

  And that thought was like a jug of iced water being poured on his head.

  With a jolt he pulled his lips from hers and set her bodily away from him, holding on to her arms as she staggered slightly.

  Rebecca opened her big, dark eyes and he noticed, somewhat smugly, that they were glazed over. Her lips were bruised and swollen from his attentions and her breathing seemed as rapid as his own.

  They stared at each other in silence, neither one sure what they would or should say.

  There was a sudden noise from behind them, the sound of raucous laughter coming from the drawing room. It seemed to jolt Rebecca into action.

  She lifted a hand to her lips and blinked rapidly.

  “Oh dear,” she sounded so distressed, so horrified that he wanted nothing more than to comfort her. He reached out to do so and she jumped back like a skittish colt.

  “Your grace, I – that is you. Oh, I cannot do this!” And with this last distressed cry she brushed by him and ran right down the darkened balcony, presumably toward the door to another room where she could enter the house undetected.

  Edward did not know how long he stood staring after her. His mind in turmoil, his body screaming for release.

  He heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. He needed to do his social duty then retire to his room to try and figure out what the hell had just happened.


  Rebecca threw up a silent prayer of thanks when she found the door to Father’s study open and slipped inside. The room was in complete darkness but thankfully she knew it like the back of her hand and was able to get to the door without mishap.

  She hadn’t made her excuses so could not just run away, much as she’d like to.

  She could feel panic well up inside her and knew she’d have to get herself under control before entering the drawing room again.

  Oh to have some of Caroline’s stiff upper lip right now.

  As her thoughts turned to her sister, the tears she’d been battling burst forth and she slumped back against the wall and buried her face in her hands.

  Oh, God. What had she done? What had she done?

  She looked around as if an answer to her problem was lurking in the hallway.

  I need to calm down and think this through.

  He had said he had no idea about the contract and, though she only knew him a day, she instinctively knew he was trustworthy. He wasn’t lying. He really had no idea.

  That meant that he hadn’t come here to ask for Caroline’s hand in marriage. The thought gave her more relief than she had a right to feel.

  And what about what he’d said? That he could not stop thinking about her. Not Caroline. Not a perfectly proper, gently bred paragon of femininity but little old her.

  Rebecca could not help a small smile at this. He’d seen her at her worst today— she’d assaulted him, accidentally of course, but still. And he still felt — well, feelings for her.

  Her heart slammed against her chest.

  He’d kissed her.

  Her first kiss. And how glorious it was.

  Rebecca had suspected when he’d stepped toward her that his intentions were to kiss her. She’d been rooted to the spot by excitement, a delicious, almost frightening anticipation. Having never been kissed she had no idea what to expect. She’d read the romance novels that her mother disapproved of so, but she’d also heard enough from the local married women to know that what was written was very different from what actually happened, which sounded rather disappointing to be frank.

  Never had she imagined though that the reality would be so much more than anything she’d ever read. The women who complained were obviously kissing the wrong men.

  As soon as his mouth had touched hers she had lost herself completely. Her heart had exploded and she’d seen actual stars behind her closed lids. Sensations that she’d only ever read about and even then hadn’t fully understood had raced through her body as his lips had met hers.

  She’d found her body reacting quite of its own accord, pressing itself wantonly against his hard, muscular frame, her arms reached up to twine themselves around his neck, clinging to him like a brazen hussy and she hadn’t cared!

  She’d heard the sound of moaning and had been shocked to realise it was her. And still she did not care. And still the kiss went on.

  His tongue had darted out to dance with hers and she’d almost perished on the spot. Only his strong arms wrapped around her had prevented her from swooning to the ground.

  When she’d read of such kisses she’d felt a little ill, not knowing how something so disgusting could bring pleasure to anyone. Oh, how wrong she’d been.

  She could have spent the rest of her life kissing him.

  But when he’d suddenly pulled away and pushed her from his body, the hard reality of the situation slammed into her like a runaway carriage. She could do nought but stare at him while desperately struggling to get her breathing under control.

  She could not speak, could not move, and could not tear her eyes from his. He’d looked as dazed and confused as she felt. What had just happened between them? She was an innocent but was sure that the power of their kiss was rare.

  His silver eyes bored into hers, as if seeing into her very soul. And she was terrified of what he’d see there. Terrified of what she was beginning to feel for him.

  The sound of laughter had splintered the air and Rebecca had felt panic like she’d never known. She could not b
e seen there with him like that. She would be ruined! The scandal, her parents… Caroline!

  Rebecca had tried to say something, anything, to make sense of what had happened. In the end though, she had felt the very last shred of her control slip and knew she would have to leave before the tears came.

  And now, here she was. Hiding in the hallway of her own home and wondering what the blazes she was to do now.


  Edward entered the drawing room as inconspicuously as he could. Which was rather difficult considering the second he walked in three pairs of female eyes honed in on him with disconcerting intensity.

  He was most definitely not in the mood to talk politely with the Carringtons. He was furious with his mother, baffled by the contract his father had supposedly made and driven to distraction by the brown-eyed daughter of the house that seemed to have disappeared.

  “Edward,” Tom’s voice came to the rescue and bowing slightly to the ladies, he made his way toward Tom and Carrington who were taking tea by the large fireplace.

  “Where did you disappear to then?” enquired Tom, a glint in his eye. What the devil was he up to?

  “I was taking some air on the balcony. When I returned to the dining room you had already left so I came here directly. Why? Is anything amiss?”

  “Not at all, Edward,” the earl addressed him now. “Just wondering where all the young people were disappearing to, eh? Say, you did not happen across my daughter did you? It seems Rebecca has disappeared also.”

  Edward kept his polite ducal expression in place and thanked his lucky stars that the earl did not seem to be suspicious of the two disappearances. A quick glance at his cousin’s amused expression however, told him that Tom was decidedly suspicious.

  “Afraid not. Perhaps she retired early—” he began.

  “Ah here she is,” the earl’s voice interrupted him and Edward snapped his eyes toward the door.

  Lady Rebecca had entered quietly and made straight for the ladies, studiously avoiding even glancing in the direction of where he stood.

  He swallowed hard. She looked pale and shaken and, if he was not mistaken, seemed a little red around the eyes. The idea of her crying because of his actions made him feel an utter cad. He knew better than to take advantage of innocents in darkened corners.


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