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[Anthology] The Paranormal 13- now With a Bonus 14th Novel!

Page 287

by Dima Zales

  "What about hunting?" Tanner asked. "That's pretty exciting."

  "One thing that we have in common is that we don't want to kill people," she said. "So we just feed on them. It's not really a hunt. We just find some poor saps in their sleep, and they wake up with a headache from the blood loss."

  "Do you think that vampires make a habit of blending in with people?" I asked.

  Eric said, "We don't know what typical vampires do. Like we said, we've mostly only run into Vince's runaways. We haven't found any vampire societies."

  "You mean covens," Kayla corrected.

  "You know," I said, "We're also looking for a way to be able to go into the sun. I know how to find someone to do it, but I will have to go alone. If you guys would stay here with Tanner, I would be willing to help you guys out."

  Tanner shot me a look. Are you crazy?

  I'm going to read their minds to make sure they can be trusted before I leave you with them. I wouldn't leave you in danger. You could take them, anyway.

  The three of them looked at one another.

  "You can really help us to go into the sun?" Kayla asked. She looked like I'd just offered her a winning lotto ticket.

  "How?" Brad asked.

  "What's in it for you?" Eric asked.

  "Slow down. Not so many questions. Yes, I can really help to get you guys into the sun safely. I just need some kind of jewelry from you that will have the spell placed on it. What's in it for me is that I don't have to leave him alone so soon after he's been changed. Like I said, I need to go by myself."

  They looked at each other, their thoughts buzzing with excitement. It was difficult to differentiate between the three.

  "We're going to go discuss this in private if you don't mind," Kayla told us.

  "Sounds good," I said, and they got up and went upstairs.

  "What are you doing?" Tanner hissed at me.

  "I'm going to get us out of this nighttime curse. Shhh, I need to listen to their conversation."

  "Can we trust them?" Kayla asked the two guys.

  "That guy is really powerful. They say he just took down four vampires by himself," Eric exclaimed. "He makes me nervous."

  "They seem genuine. I think they're okay," Kayla said.

  "I don't want him turning on us," Eric said.

  "Guys, we would be able to go into the sun. We will be able to walk around with people during the day. We could possibly have a life again. Get jobs and have an actual place to live. Make some friends," Kayla said.

  "What do you think, Brad?" Eric asked. "You're being quiet."

  "I am concerned about his strength, but they do seem like the real deal. I'm not getting any bad vibes from them."

  "It sounds like they're worried about you hurting them," I whispered to Tanner. "They aren't talking at all about harming you."

  "I can hear them too," he said, rolling his eyes.

  "You can?" I asked. "Strange. I thought that common vampires didn't have very many gifts. You can already do almost everything that I can do."

  "Maybe I'm not so common because it was you that turned me."

  "Interesting point," I agreed. "I haven't heard of any royals turning people into vampires. It's possible that a vampire takes on the gifts and talents of the vampire who changes them. I'll have to find out more about that."

  They had stopped talking and were on their way back down the stairs.

  "I can't believe you want to leave me with these vampires that we just met," Tanner hissed at me.

  "You could take them all if you needed to. Not that you'll need to, they're scared of you. Maybe you could teach them a thing or two about fashion."

  He laughed.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Just thinking it's funny coming from you. I remember what you used to dress like."

  I shoved him in the shoulder. "Just because they're vampires doesn't mean that they need to dress like goths."

  They entered the kitchen, and Kayla smirked. "We'd be happy to babysit him for you."

  "Babysit me?" Tanner exclaimed.

  "She's kidding," I said, rolling my eyes and trying to hide a smile. I turned to the other three. "So here's the deal. I'll need some kind of jewelry item for each of you to have it blessed for you. Also, unless your lives are in danger, don't travel too far from here. I'll need to be able to find you when I come back."

  "Okay," Kayla said. "I've got a necklace. Will that work?"

  "That should," I said, and she took it off and gave it to me. Brad and Eric each handed me a ring. I already had Tanner's ring.

  I looked outside. "I probably should get going if I'm going to make it before daylight. Do you guys need anything before I leave?"

  Tanner looked at me like he really didn't want me to leave.

  "How long do you think you'll be gone?" Eric asked.

  "I'm not sure exactly," I said. "I know who can take me to the one who can give us the sun blessings, but I don't know where that person is. It could be a couple of days, or even a week."

  "A week?" Tanner exclaimed.

  "I hope it's not that long, but I am being honest here."

  "Are you sure that I can't go with you?" he asked.

  "I really don't think that's best," I said. "I really do need to do this on my own. I think you understand."

  He nodded. "I know, you're right."

  Kayla stood up. "Hey guys, I think I left something upstairs. Let's go get it."

  "Get it yourself," Eric told her.

  Kayla cleared her throat. "Let's give these two a little space."

  "Oh," Eric said, and stood up.

  "Have a good trip," Brad said, and the three of them disappeared up the stairs.

  I smiled at Tanner. "See? They're good people…vampires. You'll be in good hands while I'm gone."

  "I know," he said. "I just wish that you didn't have to go."

  "The sooner that I can get this taken care of, the sooner that we can get back home to our families and blend in, trying to live our lives as normally as possible. We obviously can't do that if the sun can kill us."

  He smiled. "That would raise a bit of suspicion."

  "I'll be back for you as soon as I can," I promised him.

  We stood up, and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'll miss you every second that you're gone."

  "Me too," I told him, blinking back some tears.

  He gave me a kiss, and I was afraid that I would never leave. I gave him a quick squeeze and disappeared through the wall.

  I looked through the window where he was standing for a moment before I started running. I began to run, with my mind on my goal. I wouldn't allow myself to think about anything else.

  I didn't care about where I ran, because I was going so fast that no human eyes would be able to see me. I ran right past people, down streets, through some crowded areas.

  Finally, I reached my neighborhood. I hid in a dark corner and looked at my house. I couldn't detect any movement, so I ran to the house and went through a wall in the back and went into the laundry room. I tiptoed upstairs to the room that Clara was staying in. It was empty.

  I groaned quietly. Where could she be? I checked in on my parents and sister and gave them all a quick kiss before going to my room to change my clothes. I hid the clothes that I had taken off so that my room would look undisturbed.

  I wanted nothing more than to climb into my bed and pretend that everything was like it used to be. But I knew that nothing would ever go back to the way it had been. I took a deep breath, stood tall, and ran toward my wall, and jumped through it, landing down on the ground below gracefully and quietly.

  I ran toward Brooke's house and was there in just a couple of minutes. Clara's car was there, but I didn't see anyone else's cars except for Cliff's. His car was still in the same spot that it had been since he had disappeared, I noticed with disappointment.

  Since I didn't feel like knocking, I walked to the side of the house and went through a wall. I heard two distinct voices upstairs. I w
alked soundlessly up to Brooke's room, where I saw Clara and Cliff alone.

  I stood in the doorway with my mouth open in complete shock. Cliff was back? What was going on?

  They hadn't even noticed me. Cliff was sitting in a chair, and Clara was sitting on Brooke's bed. Both of them had their backs to me.

  "We don't know anything other than what was in that email that she sent to Brooke," Clara said. "We're pretty sure that it was her that sent it, but we don't really know of course, since it was from a fake email address."

  "I can't believe you all managed to completely lose her," Cliff said angrily and hit the desk. "No trace at all? How could this happen?!"

  "Maybe you shouldn't have taken off for so long, Clifford. What did you think would happen?" Clara demanded.

  "Don't talk to me like that."

  "I'm a royal too, don't forget. Just because my father stepped down doesn't take that away. I will not treat you like a superior. You're what, twenty-something? I'm more than two hundred years older than you."

  "I will be your king," he growled.

  "You'll get my respect then and only then, Cliff. For now the only thing I care about is finding my cousin, who wouldn't even be missing if you had stuck around. Your father told you to stay loyal to Mar…Alexis during this time. What did you do? You took off and left her on her own. For an insane amount of time at that."

  He was silent and then said, "You're right, I shouldn't have taken off for that long. I was furious when I heard what she did. I had waited my whole life for her, never letting even one thought stray from her. I needed to get some space before I did something that I would regret. I was very close to losing it, doing something stupid to lose her forever."

  "That was a lot more than some space you gave her. You didn't even tell your parents where you went. We had no way of contacting when something went wrong."

  "Look, it was nothing compared to the time that I spent waiting for her."

  "You're comparing that to this. Seriously, Cliff? She was taken from you and didn't even know anything about that part of her life. You took off knowing exactly what you were doing. You leaving like that for so long is no less of a betrayal than what she did. Her actions involved another person—that's the only difference."

  "I should have been able to trust you guys to keep her safe while I was gone. You couldn't even do that. You were even living right under the same roof as her, Clara." He punched his fist into his palm.

  Clara glared at him. "She wasn't even at home when she was taken, and you know that. She was in a park with that human. The one who you practically threw into her arms this time around."

  He slammed his fist on the desk, and it went through. He stood up. "I most certainly did not throw him into her arms."

  "You could have fooled me."

  "Did you even try to protect her?"

  "Don't give me that. She got away from her captors. She's smart and powerful enough to do that. Nobody gives her enough credit around here."

  "They shouldn't even have been able to capture her," Cliff yelled. "That shouldn't have even happened in the first place."

  "Look, Cliff. Everything was a disaster when I got here. I've been trying to clean up everyone's messes since I arrived."

  I cleared my throat. "What are you doing back, Cliff?" I asked.

  They both whipped around to look at me. Cliff was suddenly next to me and had me wrapped in his arms. I hugged him back and looked into his eyes. I immediately felt at ease, and my heart started fluttering as I got lost in his eyes. I didn't know how we would ever rule anything if I always felt this way when looking into his eyes.

  "Alexis, I'm so sorry for abandoning you when you needed me," he said with tender eyes.

  "I'm sorry for betraying you," I said. "I'll never forgive myself."

  "Don't say that," he said, brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "This will only serve to make us stronger together."

  I smiled, and he leaned in close and gently placing his lips upon mine. My heart sped up, and my mind raced. I felt like I was floating on a cloud.

  He pulled back and said, "I was going to save our first kiss for our wedding, but you arriving safely after a second kidnapping warrants it." He closed his eyes and gave me one more kiss. After only a moment, he interrupted my bliss. "Now we need to hear every detail about what happened to you and who took you. How did you get back here?"

  "It sure wasn't easy," I said feeling dizzy. "Especially because I had my sun blessing stripped from me. That really complicated things."

  "They took your sun blessing?" Cliff asked, eyes blazing. "I am going to make them pay."

  "They're already dead," I told him. "Adam and his followers are taken care of. What I need right now is a new sun blessing."

  "You killed them?" Clara asked with wide eyes. I had forgotten that she was in the room with us.

  "I didn't kill them all by myself. I had some help."

  "Who helped you?" Cliff asked.

  "Another vampire. It's not important now. I need you guys to take me to someone who can fix this curse."

  "How was the blessing taken from you?" Clara asked. "The way it was taken will affect the way it can be restored."

  I sighed. "A witch set up a circle of candles and removed the blessing that I received at birth."

  "Do you know what kind of witch?" Clara asked.

  "What kind of witch?" I asked. "I didn't know that there were different kinds. Otherwise, I would have stopped everything and asked her."

  She was clearly trying to suppress a smile. "Do you know if she only removed your spell, or if she also gave you a curse too?"

  "I might know…if I spoke the ancient language she was using."

  "She was using an ancient language?" Cliff exclaimed. "We're going to have to find a witch that's at least as powerful as she is to reverse this for us. It won't be as simple as having one of our vampires giving you back your blessing. There's most likely a curse to remove first."

  "We need to take care of this quickly," Clara said. "There isn't a lot of time left before sunrise. If we don't go now, you'll be stuck in here all day."

  "I assume that you know a witch in the area," Cliff told her.

  "Of course," she said. She whipped out her cell phone and started dialing.

  I laughed.

  "What's so funny?" Cliff asked.

  "It just cracks me up that she can just use her cell to call a witch," I told him.

  "How else would she call the witch?"

  I shook my head. "I don't picture witches with cell phones. I see them living in the middle of the woods, brewing things in their cauldrons."

  "I keep forgetting that you were raised with all the human myths," Cliff said, sighing.

  "How could you forget?" I asked him. "Didn't you spend all those years waiting for me to return from the humans?"

  He gave me a look that I couldn't read. "Of course I know that you were raised by humans. I just forget that you don't know all of the truths about the world."

  "I wish I did. It would make a lot of things much easier than figuring all of this out on my own. I'm going downstairs to get some food to eat," I said, and went to the kitchen.

  As I was finishing up some warmed up casserole, they came downstairs.

  "I got a hold of Gessilyn and she's still in the area," Clara told me. "She can meet with us before sunrise and we'll see if we can get this fixed."

  "Is there a doubt?" I asked.

  "Just a small one. Gessilyn is very powerful, but if the witch that did this to you is more powerful than she is, it may be a problem."

  I sighed. "Wonderful."

  "Let's go," Clara said. "We're going to run because it's much faster than taking a car, so you're going to have to follow me closely. I'm not going to slow down."

  "You won't have to wait on me," I said.

  We ran through a part of town that I was unfamiliar with and would have been very scared of without my vampire abilities. We passed through a few other tow
ns and into some woods that I had never seen before either. I was quite surprised when we stopped at an apartment building.

  Clara buzzed apartment 563 and simply said her name, and the gate buzzed, unlocking itself to let us in. As we walked to the elevator and passed a family with a couple of kids, I couldn't help but wonder how many "mythical" creatures lived around us humans that we were completely unaware of.

  When we got off the elevator on level five, we walked down a long hallway and stopped at a very normal looking apartment door. Clara knocked.

  The door opened, and a very cheerful lady with blonde hair and a yoga outfit welcomed us inside. I kept myself from asking if we were making a pit stop first. She gave us all cups of tea and had us sit on a soft leather couch. I wished that Tanner was there to see this because I knew he would find it as humorous as I did. Cliff and Clara acted as if it was the most natural thing on earth.

  The yoga witch leaned back and turned her attention to me. "I'm Gessilyn and you are the long lost princess. Astonishing. I'm so glad that you're alive. That is such good news."

  "Uh…thanks," I said. I wasn't sure how to respond to that, and I was still really taken aback by this witch. I wasn't expecting her to be flying around on a broom with a pointy hat, but I wasn't expecting a perky fitness instructor, either.

  She took a sip of her tea and asked, "Can you tell me in detail everything that you can remember about the witch who removed your blessing and about the ceremony, dear?"

  I told her everything that I could remember, leaving out the part about getting into the circle willingly because they had threatened Tanner's life. Gessilyn nodded every so often and had a very serious look on her face as she listened to me tell the story.

  "I think I know the faction that she comes from. They are a lower class than my group, so I should be able to remove the curse that she placed on you easily. Can you humor me and tell me about the vampires that she was with?"

  I told her about Adam and everything I could think of about the others.

  "Were there any others?" she asked.

  "Oh. I forgot about Samantha. She was there when I was abducted, but I didn't see her again until after I escaped."

  "Samantha?" Clara exclaimed, jumping up and nearly spilling her tea. "Samantha was there?"


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