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Off Limits: MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 6

by Bianca Vix

  She smiles as she picks up on my meaning.

  It’s the perfect day to be here. We’re walking along the grassy path in the fall sunshine. It’s not too hot or too cold. Although you can feel that it’s getting close to the end of the summer. That fall is coming soon.

  I slide my arm around her waist as we walk. I’m paying more attention to her than the lush gardens all around us. I want to get to know her better. We don’t get to talk about much that’s personal when we’re at work. I’m still leery about getting involved with someone who works for me. But I have to try to set my concerns aside. The more I see Sarah, the more time we spend together outside of the clinic, the more I can’t resist her. It’s harder and harder. She’s the woman I want.

  Still, ever since the possibility of getting into something permanent with Sarah came up, I can’t chase away the idea of getting involved with a man. Sexually, of course. Nothing more.

  Nearly all of my college hookups were with other med students. There was one big exception though. A friend of mine that I knew from undergrad. He and I had some fun too. It started out the same way as with the other students. Before everything got too crazy back in the early days. If we ever found ourselves single and willing at the same time, he and I would enjoy each other.

  Everything was so much easier back then. So much more casual and fun. No one I knew was looking for a serious relationship, not back then.

  We’re still friends now, and he’s recently relocated back to the city. Once we got together after he first moved back here, it was as if no time has passed at all.

  Neither one of us has brought up the past, at least not our sexual past. We reminisce about tons of stuff from college, but not that.

  Still. It would be easy enough if he was into it. It’s different now, of course. We’re a long way from college. However. If I bring it up and he doesn’t want to, he’s the type of guy where I don’t think he’d flip out. He’d probably just laugh it off and we’d go on being friends no matter what. At least that’s the kind of guy he used to be. So far it doesn’t seem like anything about him has changed.

  Because I can’t seem to shake the thoughts and memories of having sex with a man. I’ve decided I need to get that out of my system. Then I can get back to moving everything forward with Sarah.

  I want everything to go well with her. I don’t want any doubts in my mind. I have no doubts about her. Just about this thing. And that’s easy enough to get over.

  “What made you decide to become a doctor?” Sarah’s voice breaks into my thoughts.

  “My sister. She’s had chronic lung disease since we were kids. I always felt like it could’ve been managed a lot better than it was. There should’ve been better solutions. She suffered a lot. I got used to taking care of her, for one thing. I’d help out my mother when I was little and then my father later on.”

  I don’t normally tell people about Laila. But somehow Sarah makes me want to open up more than I usually do. “I always wanted to help her. And that’s how I started to learn about how medication can help someone or hurt them. How doctors can help or hinder. There are some bad ones out there. I wanted to fix that by becoming one of the good ones, so I could help others like her. A lot of people expected me to go into pediatrics. I thought about it, but working with kids isn’t my life goal. Ultimately, I want to get into research. Right now I want to work with adults. Because kids grow up to be adults. And chronic illnesses affect a lot of them too.”

  “How’s your sister doing now? Are you two still close?”

  “She’s a lot better than she used to be. She struggles still, but she has a lot of healthy stretches as well. We have stayed close. She doesn’t live here in New York, but we talk a lot. And we both visit each other when we can.”

  “That can’t have been easy growing up. Having a lot of responsibility at such a young age.”

  “Actually, it wasn’t like that. My parents were great. They didn’t shirk their own responsibilities, or dump things on me. Not at all. They never gave me more than I can handle. I wanted to help. And they guided me to do what I could. They couldn’t have been better, even when they were caught up with Laila’s illness. They made it up to me later. I was never pushed to the side. And when she needed their attention, I understood. Most of the time, at least.

  Sarah squeezes my hand. “Seems like they handled the situation really well.”

  “I think the way they got me involved in helping Laila made a huge difference to my entire childhood. Because I understood that they weren’t neglecting me. Just that she needed them more at the time. Helping out brought her and I closer. Plus I felt a lot more useful and they were always proud of me too.”

  “It sounds like you had really great parents.” She sounds wistful.

  “I did. I was really lucky in that sense. What was your childhood like?”

  “I started out with great parents too. I lost them both before I was eighteen.”

  “I’m really sorry to hear that.” The pain comes through clearly in Sarah’s voice. I’m almost sorry I asked. But I want to get to know all about her. The good and the bad.

  “My father got cancer when I was fourteen. He lived for only two years after his diagnosis. When I was seventeen, my mother was diagnosed herself. She had less than a year. She lived to see me graduate from high school and then a month later, she was gone.”

  I’m usually fairly immune to talk of loss and death. It’s an occupational hazard. But this is Sarah. I have to maintain distance with patients because death is no stranger to doctors. Her story gets to me.

  I stop walking and she does the same, turning her head to me quizzically. I pull her to me and envelop her in my arms. I hold her close and she buries her head against my chest.

  We stand like this, with me rubbing her back, until she’s ready to step away. “I try not to get upset by it. But I don’t always manage.”

  We start walking again, her hand in mine. “Makes sense. It wasn’t that long ago, not at all. And I don’t think the hurt from something like that would ever go away. I think it stays with you.”

  “So that’s why I decided to become a nurse. I was already interested in nursing before actually. I always liked science. But with what happened with my parents, it really cemented my career path for me. I want to help other people. And I can be sympathetic when there’s loss too.”

  “That’s the best reason I’ve ever heard for going into nursing. And it comes through in how you treat our patients. Who you are, and this is a part of who you are, makes you an exceptional nurse.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You sound surprised that I think that.”

  “It’s a high compliment coming from you.”

  I laugh. “I don’t know about that. Anyone can see that you stand out. You’re the best nurse I’ve worked with yet in my career.”

  “I’m not actually a nurse yet, you know.’

  “I know. You will be officially, soon enough. But you are one already, where it counts. In your heart.”

  Sarah and I have walked through the entire gardens, and circled back to the entrance. Once we’re settled back in my car, she turns to look at me. “So. What now?”

  “If you’re free still, I have a surprise for you.”

  Her face lights up. “Really? What is it?”

  “I can’t tell you that.” I start the car up and pull out into traffic. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  “I know. But can you give me a clue?”

  “Nope. You’ll see when we get there.”

  She smooths out her hair. “But I want to know if I’m dressed well enough? I wasn’t thinking about going out to eat or anything like that this morning when you suggested coming out to the gardens.”

  “You look great. Just fine for the occasion.”

  “You won’t given me a single clue?”

  I shake my head. “No clue at all. You’ll see.”

  Chapter 11


can’t stop gazing around everywhere. We’re back at Ash’s place. It’s my first time here, and wow. His place is absolutely stunning. I didn’t know apartments like this existed in the city. I mean, I had a vague idea. But to imagine it is one thing. To actually see something like this is something else entirely.

  Everything about this place is amazing. It’s not just an apartment. It’s the penthouse. The view’s incredible.

  But the very best part is what Ash’s set up here. The dining area is beautiful. The table is set up for what looks to be a romantic dinner for two. There are candles and flowers and beautiful dishes, all ready to go. It’s like a picture out of a home design magazine.

  Ash comes up behind me as I’m checking it all out, his arms circling around my waist. “It’s all for you. Do you like it?”

  “Like it? It’s perfect.”

  “I want to cook dinner for you. I’ve prepped some things already but it’ll take a little time. I’ll pour you some wine and you can relax while I’m getting everything going.”

  “That sounds lovely, Ash. Really amazing. But I’d much rather help you out in the kitchen.”

  “Are you sure? My sofa’s pretty comfortable. And I didn’t bring you here to do anything but have a nice time.”

  I shake my head. “I want to cook with you. I like cooking anyway. I don’t get to do it nearly as much as I’d like to. But when I have the chance, I enjoy it a lot.”

  “Okay. It does sound like fun. Let’s go.”

  He takes me to the kitchen. It’s just as striking as the rest of his place. I’ve never been in a kitchen anything like this one before. There’s so much space to work, it’s hard to believe.

  Ash picks up a remote and clicks it into the air. I can’t see a stereo system anywhere, but music starts flowing softly in the background.

  We start cooking together, but it’s really more just doing small things. Ash’s prepped a lot in advance. And it’s really only matter of getting things cooking and combining the ingredients for a salad. Things like that.

  Still, it’s a lot of fun working side by side with Ash. He’s super-relaxed and easygoing here in his own place. Time flies by quickly and before long we’re sitting down to dinner at the exquisite table.

  “Ash, this is so good.” The food is truly as wonderful as the apartment, the table and the man I’m enjoying it with.

  “Thanks to you.”

  I laugh. “I hardly did anything.”

  He tops up our wine. “You made finishing everything off a lot more enjoyable than it would have been.”

  We keep talking easily throughout the entire meal, until I’m completely full.

  Ash grins at me when I set my fork down. “Are you ready for dessert?”

  “There’s dessert too?” We didn’t make dessert, and I didn’t see anything already prepped.

  “There is.”

  But of course there would be. There’s no way Ash would leave out a key part of an excellent dinner.

  “I’m so full, Ash. I wish I could but this meal was so amazing, there’s no way I have room for anything else right now.”

  “Then we can save it for later. For now, we can have some wine in the living room. The sunset’s pretty nice to watch from there. It’s just about time for it.”

  We settle together on the huge sofa and watch as the sky turns brilliant colors before fading into darkness.

  “Did you plan on this?” I tease him. “Did you arrange this sky show just for us?”

  He grins at me. “If only. It just worked out pretty well. The sky isn’t always this clear. Tonight, we’re just lucky.”

  He sets his wine glass down on the table in front of us, taking mine from me to do the same thing. His eyes are dark. He leans in close and our lips meet.

  My heart’s threatening to beat right out of my chest and time goes into free-fall. I have no idea if it’s been one minute or dozens by the time we break apart. My body’s throbbing with need.

  “I haven’t given you the whole tour of my place yet. Would you like to see the bedroom?” Ash breathes the words just before he kisses the sensitive spot right behind my ear.

  I can’t speak.

  I can only nod.

  He stands up and I do too, hoping my shaky legs can keep me upright. But I don’t have to worry about that for very long.

  Ash embraces me, lifting me up. I wrap my legs around him and he carries me off to his bedroom.

  We kiss the whole way there, not stopping until he sets me down gently on the bed and takes a step back. His eyes are on me as he strips down. I want to get rid of my own clothes but I can’t look away from him. His shirt’s open, so sexy as it reveals the strong muscled chest underneath. I could stare at him all day like this but once his hands move to his pants, I’ve got new and exciting things to view.

  His cock is big and hard. He joins me on the bed and I catch a glimpse of his eyes, bright with need and hunger. “You have far too many clothes on.” His words come out in a growl. I’m liking this side of Doctor Ash. It’s one that I’ve never seen before.

  I sit up and he undoes my dress. I arch my back so I can get my bra off, and Ash doesn’t waste a moment in working my panties down my legs. I’ve only just gotten naked when he’s diving between my legs.

  “Ash.” I grab at his hair as his tongue touches me for the first time. “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

  I don’t know why I’m telling him this. Especially right now. It’s like I can’t quite control anything about my body right now, including what I’m saying.

  His eyes meet mine. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing to reply, and I’m so happy about that. He absolutely knows his way around a woman’s body.

  He’s kissing me all over, using his tongue to ease my lips open and lick his way up to my clit. I moan at everything he’s making me feel. He’s tracing all over my folds like he can’t get enough of me.

  I definitely can’t get enough of what he’s doing to me. I pull him close, my fingers tangling in his hair as he works two fingers deep inside of me.

  I suck in my breath. “Don’t. Stop.”

  “Don’t worry.” He’s sliding his fingers in and out at the same time as he’s working his tongue firmly on my clit. It’s too much. I can’t hold back. I cry out as he makes me come hard. Ash keeps doing what he’s doing, keeping me going for a long time.

  God, does he ever know what he’s doing.

  When I can finally try to breathe again, Ash gently eases his fingers out of me. He moves up to lie beside me and kisses my cheek.

  His hard cock is insistent as it rubs against my skin. He climbs onto me, but moves off on the other side. He’s reaching for the side table and getting out a condom. I can’t take my eyes away as he rolls it on. His cock is something else. I can’t wait to feel it inside of me.

  And I don’t have to. The moment he’s ready, Ash’s back on top of me, his warm strength covering me up completely.

  His lips capture mine. I open up for him and he strokes inside of me. We’re still kissing as he pumps into me, starting slowly before he quickly builds up to a fast rhythm. My breast press against his chest and he’s rubbing my nipples with every single move he makes. Sparks shoot all over my body. I don’t want this to end.

  I wrap my legs around him and he thrusts harder. He groans, stroking faster and faster until his orgasm slams into him. I’m right there with him, and it’s like he and I are so connected that nothing can come between us.

  The only sound in the room is of both of us panting, trying to catch our breath. Ash rests on top of me for a moment before he pulls out of me. I feel empty without him and a soft moan of protest escapes me before I can stop it.

  “Sarah. That was so fucking great.”

  It’s still so surreal. Being in bed with Dr. Ash. Having him talk like that to me. It’s hard to believe.

  “So good.” Those words don’t even come close to expressing how I feel, but they’re all I can come up with right now.

fter Ash discards the condom, he wraps himself around me. I snuggle back into him, already drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 12


  “There you go.” The physiotherapist straightens my leg out for the final time. “How does it feel now?”

  “Not bad.” I turn and twist my leg around. Slowly at first, then I extend my range of movement. “Pretty good, actually. You’re the best, John.”

  He winks at me. “You know it. Hey, you want to go get a beer tonight?”

  “I can’t, man. Maybe another time. Thanks for the session. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  John and I hug when I get up, and then I head out.

  It’s not normal to hug the team’s physiotherapist. I know that. But we were behind closed doors. And John and I had a thing a few months ago. Purely sexual. Neither one of us wanted anyone to find out about it. He’s not about to come out as being gay given that his job is with a hockey team. That wouldn’t do him any good at all.

  I’ve got no problem keeping a secret like that for him. I don’t exactly advertise my sex life to my teammates either. The fact that I’m bi is my business and nobody else’s.

  Doesn’t matter anyway. Not now. I’m into Sarah. Really into her. I mean, way more than I expected to be. Not that I didn’t think she was cool, of course. I asked her out after all. But everything from our first date onwards has gone really, really well. I thought we might go out for awhile and have some fun. But I don’t want it to end with her. I could see this thing going on for quite a while.

  At least from my side. Not a lot of women are okay with getting involved with a pro hockey player. It’s a different lifestyle, that’s for sure. Lots of travelling during the season, and the season goes on for a good part of the year. If we make the playoffs, which I know we will, that’s even more time on the road.

  Everyone thinks they can handle it, but I’ve seen way too many couples implode from all the time spent apart. Even when girlfriends come along, it’s not the greatest situation. It can be a real party lifestyle and it’s not really the greatest environment for keeping a committed relationship going.


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