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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

Page 6

by Bianca Sommerland

  “And I’m here for him. I will be… as soon as I figure out how.”

  “Good. Then figure that out. Where is he staying?”

  “With our father.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Okay, that’s gotta end, like, yesterday.”

  “I’m working on it. Jaxon—my son—has his aunt and uncle with him. They won’t let him come home with me until I can prove myself. Since our father brought them up here and is paying for everything, they think he’s fucking awesome. I’m just the guy that knocked-up their sister.”

  “You’re his father. They don’t get to decide that.”

  “They kinda do. They’re the only family he knows.”

  “Yeah, well I think you need to talk to a lawyer. Asher probably knows a good family one.”

  “No.” Ford’s sharp tone startled her. He went quiet, then continued, calm this time. “I don’t want to drag Jaxon through court and all kinds of shit. I’ll visit him, let him get to know me. And in the meantime, do what I can to stabilize the team so I can afford to take care of a kid because I hear they’re expensive.”

  “Sooo expensive. Amia grew out of everything and now won’t wear anything pink. She cries when I try to put anything pink on her! Gives Landon this pitiful look until he pulls out something purple or blue. My kid hates pink! How did that happen?”

  Ford chuckled, sounding more relaxed. “I don’t know, maybe you had the poor thing drowning in it for the first year of her life?”

  “Because it’s the perfect color!”

  “She clearly does not agree.”

  “Clearly.” She smiled, not all that upset that her daughter was developing her own sense of style. The kid loved shopping and got excited about trying on new hats and dresses. Landon and Dean actually enjoyed trips to the mall now. Their precious baby girl made everything seem exciting and new. “Listen, you’ve got a lot to work through, but just think about it. Before long you’ll be filling your son’s life with all the things he’s missed out on. You’ll figure it out, Ford. I have faith in you.”

  Silence. Then a rough inhale. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. From you. Seriously, Silver…it means a lot.”

  “You feel any better?”

  “Yeah. Just gotta figure out what to do with the team so I can give him all that. I…” He paused. “I haven’t told anyone else, but between me and you, our father asked me to delay Keane selling the team. Give him a reason to stick around a little longer.”

  “By any means necessary?”

  “Why do you think he asked me?”

  Silver ground her teeth. “He’s going to want to pull in his own investors, right?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Well fuck that.” She lowered her voice, hearing soft footsteps above. Dean and Landon would be pissed if they heard her getting involved in something like this, but if she told them, they’d want to handle this the ‘right way’.

  Which wouldn’t save the team.

  She was a Delgado. So was Ford. They knew how to get dirty when they had to. How exactly was Ford going to delay Keane? She didn’t want to know. She had to trust him not to go too far.

  And help the only way she knew how. “Let me make some calls. Life in Hollywood was crazy, but I do have some good contacts. No better time to use them, right?”

  “Are we talking insanely rich contacts?”

  “We are. And I won’t ask for details if you don’t.”

  “Probably better that way. Spread out the blame.”

  “If we’re careful, no one ever needs to know. So no blame. Just our team fighting their way to the top, our family name one we can be proud of again, and everything we’ve built still here for a long, long time.”

  A slow exhale, then Ford laughed. “Damn. You get it. I wasn’t sure anyone would. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, go prepare to tell Akira all about your boy, and not like he’s a bad thing you did. She’ll surprise you.” Silver leaned back in the chair, lifting her feet up to the one across from her. “And I still want you guys to come over this weekend. Bring Jaxon. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “I will. Give Amia a kiss for me.”

  After hanging up, Silver pulled up her list of contacts, scrolling through them until she found the name she was looking for. Donnell Priest. A man she hadn’t spoken to in almost four years.

  She wasn’t surprised when the call went straight to voicemail. He was a busy man.

  But she didn’t doubt he’d call her back.

  “You asked me once if I’d ever consider getting back in the business. Well…I have an offer for you. One that will work for us both.”

  Chapter 5

  Ainsley Lalonde held her breath as she stepped off the elevator, sure the doors would open to camera flashes, or at the very least she’d walk right into someone famous. She was working for a professional hockey team. One of the most talked about teams in the league.

  She’d pinched herself twice while gulping down her first cup of coffee and rethinking her outfit choice a dozen times. Slacks and a blouse, or her only tailored suit? The suit still looked good on her, if a little snug around the butt.

  Looking in the mirror had reminded her too much of how badly she’d messed things up at her last job. She wouldn’t have the suit if she hadn’t ended up sleeping with her boss. But one internal promotion from customer service on the first floor, to personal assistant on the twentieth, and her entire life had gone to hell. She’d had to move out of the province just to get a job. A two-thousand-dollar suit in exchange for her reputation.

  Burning the suit would be satisfying. But selling it would help pay the rent. And maybe get her son some of the hockey equipment he’d been begging for. Maybe Sawyer wouldn’t hate her for dragging him away from the only home he’d ever known if she could give him a reason to love it here. At nine years old, hockey was his thing. He’d at least shown some interest in her working for the team, though he couldn’t understand why she hadn’t applied for the same job in Montreal.

  He, thankfully, didn’t know she was too humiliated to even try. That she’d gotten swept up by a rich man who’d promised the world. Who’d made her feel beautiful and special. Who was ‘finalizing his divorce’, but it ‘was taking awhile’. Prenups were a bitch.

  Gordon Argent had given her a raise he swore she’d earned—that at least she believed, she’d worked her ass off—then brought her to the most expensive restaurants. Bought her all kinds of gifts. Sent her flowers with sweet notes. She’d fallen for him fast and hard, trusted him so much she’d agreed to explore the BDSM lifestyle with him.

  A security video of him flogging her on the roof of his penthouse leaked and everything changed. His wife was threatening to take his kids away and use adultery to invalidate the prenup. His business partners questioned his integrity. He lost contracts and the press hounded him every minute of every day.

  She hated him for throwing her under the bus, but she couldn’t really blame Gordon for wanting to save his own skin. Only, was it necessary to portray her as some kind of desperate freak? He’d claimed he’d been weak and she’d tempted him, asking him to play out one of her fantasies. That she had a reputation for kink and he’d given in to her suggestion only that one time…

  They’d been dating for months. In secret. She’d believed him when he’d told her the secrecy was to protect her. In the end, all it had done was make him look like the victim. And her like a homewrecker, because suddenly, his marriage was strong, his wife and children were back home. Her ‘efforts to seduce him for his money’ had failed.

  The viral video was nothing but an inconvenience to him. For her, it meant the only interviews she got were from those curious about the dirty details. She’d been fired so her old boss could save his marriage. No one back home would seriously consider hiring her now.

  But she had gotten the opportunity of a lifetime here. Silver Bower needed a new personal assistant. And the woman hadn’t cared abo
ut Ainsley’s reputation. After talking on the phone just a few times, Silver had decided Ainsley was perfect for the job. Asked how soon she could start, because she needed someone before the season began.

  Today was Ainsley’s first day. And she was determined to make a good impression. Hunky hockey players wouldn’t distract her. Nothing would distract her. She’d learned her lesson.

  Halfway down the hallway, hand fisted around the handle of her purse, she stopped in her tracks as a door swung open. Sidestepping to avoid it, she tripped as the man exiting the office almost walked right into her. His hand settled on her shoulder to steady her. She met his dark brown eyes and her mouth went dry.

  Oh. My. God.

  Quickly pulling his hand away, his lips slanted in an apologetic smile. “Forgive me, I was in a rush and wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  Damn, even his voice was sexy. Like a shot of whiskey, a drizzle of honey, mixed with a deep, earthy rumble. One that would stay with her long after she was far away from him.

  And she should get far far away from him. Only she couldn’t. Unless he didn’t work here? Could she be that lucky?

  Handsome men in expensive suits wrecked both her reasoning and survival skills. That her skin still felt warm under her crisp, dark blue jacket, as though he was still touching her, proved her defenses weren’t at full strength.

  Pull yourself together, Ainsley. He was bad news and she damn well knew it. If only he looked the part. Maybe he had tattoos under that suit?

  Thinking about what he had under his suit was not helping.

  “That’s quite all right.” She planted her most professional smile on her lips, trying to ignore the sleek flow of his dark brown hair, dusted with grey, giving him a distinguished appeal she found hard to resist. “I expect things are hectic around here, preparing for the pre-season. But I’m ready for it.”

  “That’s good to know.” His smile broadened, fine lines forming around his eyes as he stepped aside. “You’re new to the Forum, I believe. Do you need some help finding human resources?”

  He does work here. Lovely.

  She shook her head. “No, thank you. Mrs. Bower asked me to go straight to her office.” She should probably introduce herself. This man looked important. She had to be professional, but polite. She held out her hand. “My name is Ainsley Lalonde. I’m Mrs. Bower’s new PA.”

  “Lorenzo Keane. The owner of the Dartmouth Cobras.” He gave her hand a shake that was perfect in every way. Not long enough for her, but she was being stupid. If she could stick to professional, and not consider how big and firm his hands were, she could focus on how his grip was the ideal balance of strength and mutual respect.

  He didn’t hold on too long. He didn’t hold her hand as though she was delicate. In that brief touch, she felt like an equal.

  Though, she wasn’t. She really wasn’t.

  He owned the damn team.

  This was worse than him being her boss.

  She almost wished she hadn’t given him her name.

  What if he looked her up and reacted the same way absolutely every other potential employer had before Silver? Her throat tightened and she glanced down the hall, needing to get away. Avoid saying or doing anything that might ruin her one opportunity before she’d even clocked her first five minutes on the job.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She tried to sound friendly, and professional, but was pretty sure she came off as too curt because he frowned. She forced a smile. “If you’ll excuse me?”

  “Of course.” He stepped back even further. “Please tell Mrs. Bower the board meeting has been rescheduled for this afternoon. Right after lunch. And I had the prospect she suggested invited to training camp. He should arrive today if she’d like to see if he lives up to the hype.”

  Inclining her head, she took a deep breath. “Of course. And should I…” Silver will tell you what you need to do. Just go! “Never mind. I’m sorry. I’m hoping to make a good impression and I’m not sure I am.”

  He gave her an encouraging smile. “You’re doing fine. And don’t be nervous. If Mrs. Bower chose you, it’s for a reason. She has an eye for talent, so I’ve no doubt you’ll fit right in here.”

  “Thank you, I needed to hear that.” Hopefully he’d remember his own words once he learned more about her. “Have a nice day, Mr. Keane.”

  “You as well, Ms. Lalonde.” Mr. Keane motioned to her as she started walking. Pointed in the opposite direction that she’d been about to go. Then spared her any further embarrassment by simply continuing on his way.

  Smooth, Ainsley. Very smooth.

  A sharp cry interrupted her thoughts and she blinked as a tall blond man backed out of an office, carrying a sobbing toddler, a little girl at his side giving him a sweet, sympathetic look. At his other side was a boy around Sawyer’s age, covering his ears with his hands.

  “I’ll be fine with them, Becky. It’s just ‘til Zach’s sister gets back.”

  “If Silver hears Amia crying, she’ll be upset. Just leave her with me and—”

  “Your pile of paperwork?” The man lifted the toddler, dancing around until she stopped crying and giggled. Once he held her against his chest again, she hiccupped and stuck her thumb in her mouth. “Conditioning doesn’t start for another week. Zach’s got the flu. Hell, everyone’s got the flu. You have to work and I’m bored. After we eat, I’ll bring them to the toy store. I got this.”

  Ainsley smiled, reluctant to move and interrupt the family moment. The woman was watching the man cuddle the toddler, her eyes filled with love. And who could blame her? Now that the baby was settled, he really did look to have the situation under control.

  Isaac had been just as good with Sawyer. They’d shared the joy, and the stress, of parenting equally. But he’d died when he was only twenty-six, taken suddenly by a brain aneurysm before their son’s second birthday. He’d been an amazing father and husband. She’d never wanted to replace him.

  Now she was alone. But she did her best to be all her son could ever need.

  Pushing Keane from her mind became much easier. She continued down the hall, and the woman glanced over at her.

  “Are you Ainsley Lalonde? I was hoping to catch you before you got to Mrs. Bower’s office.” The woman stepped forward at her nod and held out her hand. “My name is Rebecca Pierce and I handle Media and Public Relations. If you’d just give me a moment to see my husband off?”

  “Of course.” Ainsley shook Rebecca’s hand, then turned to the man. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Pierce. You have a beautiful family.”

  The man’s cheeks went red. “Thank you, but I’m Scott. Just…ah…just Scott.”

  Rebecca chuckled. “Zach wouldn’t mind you taking his name as well, but that might get confusing on the ice.”

  “Not really, but it’s a bit more public than I thought you wanted to be.” Scott frowned, taking the diaper bag Rebecca held out to him.

  “True. But I couldn’t help it with how red you just turned. Besides, I helped Silver hire Ms. Lalonde. She’ll fit in well here. And she won’t gossip.”

  Ainsley struggled not to wince. How much did Rebecca know? And why was she calling someone other than ‘Mr. Pierce’ her husband? She cleared her throat. “I definitely won’t speak a word of this to anyone. Would you like me to wait in your office while you say goodbye?”

  “Yes, please. I won’t be long.”

  As she stepped into the office, Rebecca spoke softly to Scott. The two children shouted ‘Yay!’ and then there was running, followed by Scott laughing and calling for them to wait.

  Ainsley looked around the office, which was warm and welcoming, bright with the huge windows behind the modern, white table-style desk, a tall white bookshelf on one side with a shelf entirely devoted to pictures. Most were of the little girl she’d just seen, but a few were of Rebecca with Scott, then Rebecca with another man.

  Then Rebecca with them both and the little girl. A tender family portrait that showed the thre
e adults were very clearly in love.

  Ainsley had heard rumors of poly relationships among the team, but she hadn’t paid much attention to them. The idea of being with more than one person had never appealed to her, but she didn’t judge. Actually, she was impressed that some managed the complexities of it. That they found that kind of love with more than one person.

  After Isaac’s death, she’d never known that kind of connection with anyone. Gordon had come close, she had loved him in a way, but sometimes she wondered if it was simply the result of being alone for so long. Maybe she should stop waiting for Mr. Right. Where would he even find her? She did nothing but work and hang out with her son. Her Minecraft skills were exemplary, but wouldn’t lead to romance.

  She had to get herself out there. Or lower her standards. Probably both.

  No man would ever measure up to Isaac. Some would pretend, but she knew exactly where that led.

  The door clicked and she turned as Rebecca stepped into the office.

  “I’m sorry, today has been a day. Everyone’s getting sick, including Mrs. Bower’s nanny. I wasn’t supposed to come in today, so I had all the little ones when I was called in to put out some fires. I had to bring them with me, and Scott left the gym to come get them.” Rebecca shook her head, looking a little frazzled. “More than you need to know. He will be fine. He’s an amazing father. He’s just never had so many kids to watch over, on his own…” She took a deep breath. “When are you meeting with Mrs. Bower? Would you like some coffee?”

  “No, thank you. I’m meeting with her in about fifteen minutes.” Ainsley grinned as Rebecca headed to the other side of the desk and leaned on it. “Believe me, I know how you feel. Being a mother with a demanding career can be challenging, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Yes! Exactly!” Rebecca lowered to her office chair and took a deep breath. “I wouldn’t normally dump something like this on someone so new, but I tried to get the message to Silver before her meeting, and I don’t think she got it.”

  “All right… Would you like me to bring her a note?”


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