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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

Page 11

by Bianca Sommerland

  Oriana would be torn if her men decided to remain. She could find a job with another team, considering her experience, but that would still mean her leaving Dartmouth.

  What would Ford do? Akira had just begun the process of setting up her figure skating school, she couldn’t just walk away. Cort had his shop, which was doing better than he’d ever imagined. He loved the life they’d built here. To him, it had never been about the team.

  But to Ford, the team was family. Was the first thing he’d ever had that wasn’t ruled by his father.

  Either Kingsley or Delgado.

  “Do you think Silver and Ford will accept the inevitable?”

  Oriana snickered. “Not a chance. We both know they’ll try something. The question is what?”

  He nodded slowly. “I was hoping you’d have an idea of how to save the team before we had to stop them from trying in their own…unique ways.”

  The edge of her lip quirked. “I’m flattered, but honestly, I’ve got nothing. And I can’t even warn you of possible disasters, because the way those two think is beyond me. They’ve both got kids now, so hopefully that means there are some limits?”

  He arched a brow. “If they think whatever they do will make things better for those kids? Think about it. Amia will either have to move to wherever her father is playing, or not see him for weeks at a time. And Ford needs to prove he can provide for his son. He can’t do that if he loses his job.”

  She let out a heavy sigh. “True. Which means the gloves are off. Maybe we should be warning Keane.”

  “Fuck him. None of this would be happening if he wasn’t ready to fold on the fucking team.”

  “I’m sure he has his reasons.”

  “Yeah. Money.” Cort ground his teeth. A few years ago he might have cornered Keane in his fancy office to suggest he reconsider. Likely on Kingsley’s orders.

  He wasn’t that man anymore. A shame, because that would be damn easier than trying to figure out what Ford was up to. Cort had always kept things simple. Fear was a useful tool in the lifestyle they’d led. And he’d been good at using it when necessary.

  Ford’s methods were more cheat to win. Which could mean anything.

  “I wish I knew what to tell you, Cort. You know my brother better than I do. If he didn’t have you, I’d be more worried.” She squeezed his arm as they got off the elevator. “Between you and Akira, he’s in a good place. Just…talk to him about our father. With how things were with Kingsley, I’m not sure how he’ll take having Dad in his life. Or if it’s even the best thing for him.”

  “Agreed.” Cort glanced over at her, not liking how casually she was calling the man ‘Dad’ again. “Though I’m not sure Anthony is good for any of you.”

  Oriana let out a soft laugh. “You’re not the only one who feels that way. But don’t worry about me. I don’t play the games he does, so he won’t try using me.”

  “But he might use Ford.”

  Lowering her gaze, Oriana sighed. “I don’t know. I hope he wouldn’t, but the timing of him introducing Ford to his son makes me wonder. Ford needs to get his son out of there as soon as possible. I’m not sure how you and Akira feel about having a child living with you, but it’s obvious Ford wants to be a father. The sooner he can take on the role fully—without Dad’s influence—the better.”

  “I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to Akira, but I don’t see her feeling any different than I do. Ford’s son is family. He’s a part of Ford. He belongs with us.” This conversation hadn’t solved the original problem, but maybe Oriana could still help him. “There’s no way I’m calling Asher, but having a lawyer to discuss what Ford’s rights are would be helpful. I know you had an awesome one when you finalized your adoption. Would you mind giving me her number?”

  “Not at all. Let me get you her card.” Oriana quickened her pace, stepping into her office and quickly pulling the card out of a folder on the edge of her desk. “I called her the other day. She was able to get both Max and Sloan listed on West’s amended birth certificate, along with mine, as the parents.”

  “That’s awesome. I’m so fucking happy for you.” He smiled as she handed him the card. “I notice you’ve been calling him West instead of James.”

  She grinned. “You can blame Luke. As soon as he started calling him Westy, it stuck. Sloan wasn’t thrilled, but he agrees West fits. But I reserve the right to use his full name when our little boy gets himself in trouble.”

  “As it should be.” Cort tucked the card into his jacket pocket. “Thank you. And hey, if you learn anything, give me a shout.”

  “I will. And the same goes for you.”

  “You’ve got it, sis.”

  Oriana smiled at that, reaching out to give Cort a quick hug. “I’m so happy he has you. Rough edges and all. I wasn’t sure he and Akira would ever get past all their issues, but you brought them together. You got them through the worst already, Cort. This is nothing.”

  “I hope you’re right.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, then shifted away awkwardly. Being part of a family like this was still weird sometimes, but he fucking loved it. He considered both Oriana and Silver his sisters, even though he wasn’t married to their brother. Ford would marry Akira once the two finally figured out that eloping in Vegas would suit them both and avoid the insanity of the wedding Silver had. He’d still be part of it. Paperwork or not, they both belonged to him. Which made their family his as well.

  And God help anyone who messed with those he considered his.

  “I hope so too. Having this conversation with you is much easier than having it with my own men.” She sighed again, leaning her hip against her desk. “Losing the team isn’t going over well with them. I may give you a call and have you come knock some sense into them one day.”

  “Just say the word.” Not that she had to. If Max and Sloan were stressing her out, he’d pull them aside for a little chat.

  She frowned at him, shaking her finger at him as though he was a naughty child. “No, Cort. Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”

  “Uh huh.” He gave her a slanted smile. “I’m gonna swing by this weekend to see my nephew. Give him a kiss for me.”


  “I really need to get back to work. Take care, sis.”

  Oriana let out an exasperated laugh. “You too, big brother. And keep Ford out of trouble.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  He made his way to the garage, feeling a little better about the situation, even though nothing had really been solved. Ford had a lot of people looking out for him. He might need a reminder, but Cort had no problem giving him one. He’d been waiting to take Ford and Akira’s lead for when they’d start a family, but now that having a kid was a done deal, he was more than ready.

  Which was probably exactly what Ford needed to hear. He wouldn’t be fighting for his son alone.

  He’d be fighting for their boy. With Cort at his side, where he’d always been.

  Chapter 10

  The place was about to close. Ford rolled the ball up the ramp, playing the game for what seemed like the millionth time to get the last hundred tickets they needed to get his son the drone. He finally got the ball in the hole for the high score.

  Jaxon let out an excited ‘YES!’ and bounced in place as Ford pressed the button to print the tickets.

  They exchanged the massive pile that took all three of them to carry and Jaxon claimed his prize, eyes glowing with pride. “This is the coolest thing ever!”

  As soon as they were in the car, pulling out of the parking lot, Jaxon fell asleep, clutching the big box to his chest.

  Kyle drove Ford home, speaking quietly. “I was afraid he wouldn’t warm up to you, but today was good for him. He got to see you’re willing to do anything for him and he needed that.”

  “I won’t always be able to play hooky from work, but this was so worth it.” Ford glanced back at his son. The kid was tough, but he’d let down his guard a bit today. Gotten a
chance to relax. He seemed to need it. “It’ll take a while to make up for the time we missed, but this was a good start.”

  “It really was.” Kyle went quiet. “So when did you figure out you’re gay?”

  Ford blinked. “I’m not.”

  “You mentioned a boyfriend.”

  Ford’s neck heated. He wasn’t used to calling Cort that, but it had come out automatically when Jaxon asked him about his life. He’d told his son about his house, about Cort and Akira. About how excited he was for Jaxon to meet them. He wasn’t trying to keep Cort a secret, but the way their relationship had evolved was none of Kyle’s business.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m bisexual. I guess I’d never met anyone who made me consider I wasn’t straight before.”

  “You said the guy was Cort. Didn’t you know him back when you were with my sister?”

  “Yeah, but…I was a kid. Cort didn’t look at me that way and things were…they were different.”

  “He’s the same age Trista would be now, isn’t he?”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “Not sure what the difference is. You were a horny teen. I would have fucked you myself if you hadn’t been determined to prove you were into girls. Now you’re all confused?”

  “Confused?” Ford frowned as Kyle pulled up in front of his house. “How am I confused?”

  “I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Kyle laughed, getting out of the car. He stepped in front of Ford. “Things could be easier, you know. Your father is trying to limit your time with your son to what suits him, but I could change that.”

  Ford’s jaw hardened. He moved to step around Kyle, hissing through his teeth when Kyle grabbed his arm and pinned him against the side of the car. “Let me go, Kyle.”

  “Make me. And see how easy it will be to get a day with your son next time.” Kyle pressed against him, his erection rubbing Ford’s hip. “I’ve seen the way you look at me. You never showed interest when you were younger, but your father would have killed you. He’s gone and your new one doesn’t give a fuck, so long as you’re useful.”

  Throat tightening at the mention of Kingsley, Ford turned his head as Kyle’s lips brushed along his throat. “I’m with someone, Kyle. Back off.”

  “No. I want you to consider what I can give you. What you had today.” Kyle chuckled as Ford went still. “I was so jealous of my sister. You were fucking hot and wild and she got to play with you. But you were just doing what boys were supposed to. Fucking the hot chick. Proving to your father you were a ‘real’ man. We’re both free of that shit now. Think about it.” He rubbed his hand over Ford’s dick. When Ford grabbed Kyle’s wrist, the man laughed. “You sure you want to do that?”

  “My son is in the car. Your nephew. Don’t do this, Kyle.” His stomach turned as Kyle gave him an amused smile. “Don’t.”

  “He’s sleeping. And I need to know I’m not wasting my time.” Kyle stared at him, his gaze hardening until Ford released his wrist. “Better. I don’t expect anything now, Ford. But I need to know you’ll consider what I could give you.”

  “Which is what?” Ford choked out the words as Kyle touched him again. The bastard had trapped him and he fucking knew it. Without a lawyer, he’d never see his son unless Kyle allowed it. Anthony had made sure of that.

  Kyle slid his hand around to Ford’s ass and squeezed. “We’ll talk more tomorrow. I think you get an idea of how things will be. Your father is working on getting Jaxon in school. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could bring him on his first day? I can make that happen.”

  “Let. Me. Go.”

  “All right.” Kyle stepped back. “Just think about it. You’re nervous and I get it. Whoever you’re with isn’t giving you what you need. But I will. And I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Kyle returned to the driver’s side, climbed in, and drove off.

  Ford stood there, staring after the car long after it was out of sight. He swallowed hard when he looked back at the house, seeing Cort’s bike in the driveway. If Cort had seen anything, he’d have come out and snapped Kyle’s neck, no questions asked. There was no way he’d have missed that Ford hadn’t wanted the fucker to touch him.

  Cort hadn’t seen. And he couldn’t save Ford. Not this time.

  Skin crawling, Ford tried to figure out how he could keep Kyle happy without giving him what he wanted. The same way he’d given his father just enough to satisfy him without going too far. What he’d done already was pretty damn low, but they still had power over his son. And would until he took it away. He could get a lawyer involved, but he didn’t much like those bastards. What if they made things harder for Jaxon? The kid had already been through enough.

  He stepped into the house, pressing the door shut behind him. He wanted to take a shower. Wash the feel of Kyle touching him away and forget it had ever happened. Kyle hadn’t done much, but it still felt so fucking wrong. And not because he was a man.

  Other men had touched him in the past. While Cort watched. Pisch had taken a firm grip on his neck, showing him how to suck Cort’s dick, then his and Pearce’s. He’d been so fucking turned on his brain hadn’t registered what was happening until Pisch touched his ass.

  Then he’d gotten nervous and tried to force himself to let it happen. Pisch had been able to tell, somehow, and him and Cort had talked about some guys just not being into…that.

  Which had led to the last month being no more than him and Cort kissing a bit. Jerking each other off. Him sucking Cort’s dick a few times. Nothing more because him freaking out that one time meant he couldn’t go there.

  He didn’t know how to explain that one time had been different because his brain had been getting in his way. All he’d been taught about what was right and wrong had tripped him up. Now Cort was afraid to hurt him and wouldn’t push. But Ford wanted him to push. Wanted him to take everything.

  Only, he didn’t know how to say it then.

  But he did now. Kyle implying his man couldn’t give him what he needed had him wanting to prove the bastard wrong. To replace the hands he hadn’t wanted touching him with the ones he did. A shower wouldn’t be enough. Not unless it was hot enough to burn away the feeling of Kyle. Or the knowledge that Ford’d do whatever the man wanted because Jaxon was the only one who mattered and he would do anything for his son.

  Even let Kyle use him.

  No. There has to be another way. Tell Cort. He’s gotten you through worse.

  Cort would kill Kyle. Then he’d go to jail and Ford would lose him. Again.

  Ford would figure this out. On his own. Without putting Cort back in the cell he’d been in too long for protecting him.

  Stepping into the living room, Ford set his eyes on Cort. Crossed the room in three long strides, climbing onto the sofa and straddling Cort’s lap before Cort could sit up.

  Covering Cort’s lips with his, he pressed his eyes shut as Cort’s took a firm hold on his hips. Dug his fingers into Ford’s flesh, groaning into his mouth. A big hand slid up to the back of Ford’s neck as Cort took control of the kiss. He slipped the fingers of his other hand into the waist of Ford’s jeans, stroking the base of his spine even as he eased Ford back and met his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” Cort’s eyes narrowed when Ford shook his head. “Don’t give me that. You smell like…like some cheap cologne. What did you do?”

  “I wouldn’t… Cort, I wouldn’t fucking cheat on you.”

  “I didn’t think you would. We’ve discussed our limits.”

  “Unless… Nevermind.”

  “Oh hell no. What the fuck does that mean, Ford?” Cort took a firm hold on the back of Ford’s neck. “Talk to me.”

  “I can’t. Cort… I don’t care what Pisch said. He doesn’t know me. You do.” Ford pressed his forehead against Cort’s shoulder as Cort rubbed his back. “Don’t let me think. Don’t wait. I need…I need you.”

  “Jesus, you’re freaking me out, kid. What happened?” Cort gave him
a hard shake. “Ford. I will make you talk.”

  “Don’t. Cort, just…” Ford groaned and pressed harder against Cort. “Just do it.”

  “No.” Cort stood, lifting Ford and setting him on his feet. “Kneel. Now.”

  Ford dropped to his knees, a switch flipping in his brain. That tone was good. Cort would take the control he’d lost. His whole body shook as Cort stepped around him, brushing a hand over his hair and letting out a heavy sigh.

  “I love you, but I can’t do this alone. I’d have Akira help, but she’s with Jami. I won’t make her choose between you.”

  “She shouldn’t have to. I’m fine.” I’m not. I’m really not. Stop talking and do what you do to make the world disappear.

  “She would if I asked, but I don’t think that would help. Not now.” Cort stroked his hair again. “I want you to stay here, just like this. Don’t move.”

  “I won’t.” Ford closed his eyes as Cort shifted away from him. His man went to the kitchen and spoke quietly to someone. Then he returned, sitting on the sofa and pulling Ford between his thighs.

  He bent down, resting his forehead on Ford’s hair. “I mean it, Ford. I will make you tell me everything.”

  Ford blinked fast, his lashes wet. “You’ll try. That’s okay.”

  Whatever Cort did, Ford had a feeling it wouldn’t be fun. But he didn’t fucking care. He needed someone else to take charge.

  And there was only one person who could.

  He only hoped Cort wouldn’t hate him if he got the truth he was pushing for.

  The truth Ford should be able to give him.

  But he couldn’t, because no matter how he looked at it, he could’ve stopped it. He could have said no. But he hadn’t.

  And he might not next time.

  He wasn’t sure how much time passed as Cort sat there, lightly stroking his hair and speaking softly. A knock at the door and Ford stiffened, staring at Cort, wondering who he’d been waiting for.

  Cort moved away from him, answering the door before returning with Shawn Pischlar, who was carrying his toy bag and observing Ford with detached interest.


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