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Awakening: A Christian Romance Novel

Page 14

by JoAnn Durgin

  Time to sidestep that question. “Have you known Sam long?”

  Rebekah laughed and shot her a knowing grin. “About five years. We met at a Christian camp outside Houston. My youth group was one of several from Louisiana, and Sam was one of the leaders. He told everyone about this wonderful summer program he worked with called TeamWork. I was too young for one of the summer missions since you have to be at least eighteen. Still, I remembered what Sam said about the work being done through TeamWork, and knew I wanted to be a part of it. So, as soon as I graduated from high school, I came on my first summer work team.”

  “Have you worked with TeamWork every summer? With Sam?”

  “Every summer but one.” A cloud passed over Rebekah’s face. “He wasn’t leading the group two summers ago. We were in Costa Rica that year.”

  “Why wasn’t Sam there?” The look on the other girl’s face started her heart beating fast. Rebekah looked away for a quick moment, and lowered her head. Maybe her innocent question wasn’t quite so simple, after all. Although she didn’t know why, Lexa suspected the answer might just change her life.


  Rebekah stared at the ground for a few seconds before lifting her head and meeting Lexa’s eyes. “Maybe Sam should answer that question for you.”

  Lexa sighed in exasperation. “Why? Is it some big secret or something?”

  “No.” Rebekah shook her head and twirled long strands of hair around one finger. “It’s not a secret, but it’s just . . . well, it’s just something I think he should tell you, that’s all.” That said, Rebekah turned to leave the dorm.

  “Hold up a minute!” Lexa hurried over to the door. Putting one hand on Rebekah’s arm, she turned her around. “Please tell me, Rebekah.” Sensing hesitancy, Lexa tried again. “I’m not asking for selfish reasons. I’m asking because I care about Sam, in answer to your question. You’re scaring me. I have the feeling that something happened. Am I right?”

  Clearing her throat, Rebekah nodded. “Yes. My first TeamWork mission was here in San Antonio three years ago, in this very camp, rebuilding homes just like we are now. I brought along one of my best friends from church, Shelby Hanson. She was five years older than me, and she set her sights on Sam. He didn’t pay much attention to her at first, thinking she was much too young, a little girl with a crush. But, by the end of the summer, he’d fallen for her, too. It wasn’t hard. She was gorgeous and sweet as anything. Near the end of the camp, Sam asked Shelby to marry him.” A look of great sadness crossed Rebekah’s face.

  Feeling her chest tighten, Lexa swallowed hard, wanting to know but also not wanting to know. “Why do I have the feeling that something terrible happened . . . to Shelby?” Her voice dropped to barely more than a whisper. Rebekah turned away, but Lexa could see tears drop onto her cheeks. She let them fall without bothering to wipe them away.

  “I’m so sorry I upset you, Rebekah.” Running over to Sheila’s bed, Lexa retrieved a few tissues and thrust them into her hand. Helping Rebekah over to her own bed, Lexa sat the shaken girl down and sat beside her, putting a comforting arm around her shoulders. “You don’t have to tell me. It’s obviously too painful for you, and I’m really sorry I pushed.”

  “No, it’s okay,” Rebekah protested. “I just,” she said between sniffles, “I just haven’t thought about it for a while, and it all came rushing back, you know?” She looked over at Lexa with a feeble smile. She blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes.

  “It was late one August night, about a week before the TeamWork project was over, and Shelby was invited to go for a ride with one of the other guys who happened to have a car for the summer. They were picking up supplies for Sam in town. The rest of us were sitting around the bonfire, like usual. And then . . . then,” she continued, sobbing and taking a deep breath, “there was this horrible crash.”

  Another cry escaped and Rebekah covered her mouth, fighting for control. “We could hear it from the camp because it was so quiet outside. The crash was so unearthly, so loud. After that, there was this deathly silence.” Rebekah’s eyes were far away as she recalled that terrible, fateful night that changed the lives of the TeamWork volunteers.

  “What happened?” Lexa sat stunned, dazed. She’d come upon the scene of an accident once in her life. She knew how it felt to dare to look, but not want to see the reality. But she didn’t know the victims, and couldn’t imagine the horror if she had. Lexa’s hold on Rebekah tightened.

  “There was a group of local teenagers. They’d been in town drinking. They were barreling down one of the dirt roads outside the camp, and didn’t see Jake’s little silver sports car until it was too late. Broad-sided them. It was heartbreaking.”

  Rebekah sniffled. “It was like Sam knew as soon as we heard the sounds of the crash. And then quiet. Nothing. It was as if Sam knew in his heart that Shelby was gone. We all did. Jake survived, but Shelby was killed instantly.” She dabbed at her eyes with the tissue and sobbed a little, leaning against her. Lexa murmured soothing words and smoothed Rebekah’s hair away from her face. Her eyes were red-rimmed and full of emotion, and her lower lip trembled.

  “Sam took the next year off from TeamWork and buried himself in his work in Houston. Then the Lord got hold of him again, and he was back in place with TeamWork. That’s another reason why Sam made the rule that he was the only one driving to and from town when we’re here in this particular camp. I know to someone new, it might seem a little dictatorial, but he doesn’t want to take a chance on anything happening to anyone else ever again.” Rebekah darted a glance at Lexa. “Especially someone he cares for very much.”

  “Oh, Rebekah,” Lexa moaned. “I’m so sorry.” She shook her head. Her heart ached, especially for Sam and Rebekah. “You’d never know it to look at Sam today that he’s been through so much.” She understood about the car, and maybe it gave him a small measure of comfort. A TeamWork volunteer—one to whom he’d been engaged—had been killed on his watch, even if it was under circumstances beyond his control. What a horrible thing for Sam to have endured. For all of them.

  “When you’ve been with Sam in the car, I’m sure you’ve noticed how he always makes sure you fasten your seat belt before he starts driving.”

  Lexa nodded and looked over at Rebekah. “Yes. I’ve always admired how safety-conscious he is. It’s a good trait, especially in a leader.”

  Rebekah lowered her head and wiped away another tear. “Shelby wasn’t wearing her seat belt that night and was thrown out of the car. She probably would have survived otherwise. At least Jake had his on. But,” she said with a shuddering sigh, “don’t let Sam fool you.” She gestured for Lexa to hand her another tissue. “The man’s pretty serious. His humor is one way he manages to keep going.”

  She attempted a feeble smile. “Sam likes you, Lexa. I know he does. I can see it in the way he looks at you, the way he talks about you. He always looks around for you when you’re not there, and then acts all nonchalant about it.” Rebekah smiled and dabbed again at her still-watery eyes. “I didn’t think I’d see that look in his eyes again for a long time, to tell you the truth. But it’s there now. It’s different from the way he looked at Shelby, too. He lights up all over and his voice goes all soft. You bring out the best in him. And,” she continued, releasing a shuddering sigh, “in your own way—even unconsciously—you’re helping Sam to heal.”

  “He talks about me? I mean,” Lexa stammered, not wishing to sound like a high school girl with a crush. Inside, her heart was soaring. She had no reason to celebrate. Still, if it was true that she was helping Sam heal from the aftermath of losing Shelby, it could be a positive thing.

  “Well, of course he does, silly. He has to talk with someone, doesn’t he? Shelby was one of my best friends, and since Sam met her because of me, we bonded, especially after she died. It’s not anything romantic between us, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s more of a mental connection or whatever. We shared something no one should ever have to share. We�
��re both stronger because we survived it together. In many ways, Sam is like an older brother to me and Josh.” Rebekah sighed. “I’m sure you’ve noticed how he’s a mentor, and friend, to all the TeamWork crew. Until he has kids of his own, I guess we’re all kind of like Sam’s kids.”

  Lexa nodded. “I can tell Sam pours his heart and soul into TeamWork. It’s more than just a job to him.”

  Wiping her eyes, Rebekah took a deep breath. “Right. It’s a ministry he’s absorbed into his soul. But,” she added, giving Lexa a rather coy smile, “I think part of the healing process is that Sam’s finally starting to realize he wants to share his life with someone.”

  “I’m sure Sam’s had more than his share of girlfriends.” Maybe she was fishing, but as much as anyone, Rebekah might have the answer.

  “No, not really.” That was surprising. “I mean, sure he’s dated. Look at the man.” She laughed a little, wiping her pink nose. “He’s probably left a trail of broken hearts around Texas. But, as far as I know, no one caught him, so to speak, before Shelby.”

  Lexa couldn’t resist. “What do you think it was about Shelby that caught Sam’s attention, besides the fact that she was sweet . . . and gorgeous?” That was hard to say. Was she actually jealous of someone no longer among the living? Surely not . . . that would be positively morbid. Poor Shelby.

  Rebekah thought about the question. “It could be that he hadn’t slowed down enough. Maybe he hadn’t taken the time to really get to know a woman. He was concentrated on getting his undergraduate degree, making a success of his financial planning business, and working with TeamWork.” She looked at Lexa again. “Before and after Shelby, Sam simply hasn’t taken the time to devote to a relationship.”

  Lexa nodded. That explanation made sense from what she knew of Sam Lewis.

  A tiny grin surfaced as Rebekah elbowed Lexa. “Maybe it’s something about this particular camp. I think there might be romance in the air or something.” She nudged her arm. “Maybe it just took the right woman. In God’s perfect timing.”

  Lexa ignored her last comment. She couldn’t think that way. “I’m glad you and Sam could comfort one another, Rebekah, and again, I’m so sorry about Shelby. Thanks for telling me about her. I know how hard it was for you.” Pulling the younger girl into her arms, Lexa enfolded her in a long hug of comfort and friendship.

  “I’m glad you’re here, Lexa. You’re good for us, all of us,” Rebekah murmured.

  The words warmed Lexa’s heart. With her arms wrapped around Rebekah, she wondered if it would hurt Sam if she asked about Shelby. Then again, she had no reason. It wasn’t jealousy she felt, really. It was more a pervasive sadness that he’d suffered and lost someone he dearly loved.

  Jumbled thoughts crowded Lexa’s mind as she showered, allowing the hot, steamy water to soothe and comfort her. Sam had been engaged. Lexa couldn’t help wondering what Shelby Hanson looked like. She must have been the kind of strong Christian woman Sam wanted. She must have been special to attract the attention of a man like Sam.

  Lexa didn’t stop to think what that said about her, too.


  Sam rinsed his shaver under the warm water and laid it on the side of the sink. He eyed the aftershave. Grabbing it before he changed his mind, he sprinkled out a little and pressed it against his cheeks. Headed into the bedroom, he grabbed a white polo and his one good pair of jeans from the closet.

  As he continued getting dressed, pulling on the jeans and tucking in his shirt, his thoughts strayed to Lexa. Images of her invaded his mind at any given moment throughout the day.

  He hoped she understood a few things. Like he’d told her at the worksite, he didn’t want to date for the sake of companionship. Casual dating had no place in his life. After searching his heart, he knew Rebekah was right. It was time to move past Shelby and get on with the business of living, learning, loving. With Lexa in the TeamWork camp, he’d started to believe a lifetime love might be possible. In some ways, it was as frightening as it was exhilarating.

  Lexa hadn’t set out to snare him on purpose, with any kind of intent to hook him. Others had tried, but he’d ignored them. Lexa managed to do it all on her own, by virtue of a sweet, innocent sassiness that reached out to his heart unlike any other woman. They were barely into the work camp. It was amazing, really.

  As Sam finished dressing, he went back to the closet and pulled out the navy blue sportcoat, the nicest piece of clothing he’d brought to the camp. Lexa might like to see him in it. He wanted her to see him dressed up a bit. Not that it was a date. But, somehow it sure felt like one. He needed to make up for the Riverwalk disaster. Hopefully tonight he could get a few minutes alone with her.

  Glancing in the mirror, he smiled. “Lexa Clarke, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Tossing his keys in the air before pocketing them, Sam smiled. He headed out of the office in the direction of the station wagon, full of high hopes.


  “You loo–loo–look re–re–real–really pr–pretty tonight, L–L–Lexa.”

  Lexa turned around with a grateful smile, fixing one of her earrings. “Thanks, Sheila.” It was a nice compliment.

  “I–I h–ho–hope y–you ha–have a g–goo–good ti–ti–time.”

  “I hope so, too.” Earlier in the week, Lexa invited her to join their group going into town to Maxie’s, a popular coffee house in downtown San Antonio. It didn’t surprise her when Sheila declined in favor of staying at the camp. Rebekah also opted not to come. Guilt tugged at Lexa. Rebekah might be too exhausted after telling her about Shelby. She tried to get her to change her mind, but couldn’t.

  An hour later, Lexa sat squished with four others in the backseat of the Volvo as the car bumped along the dirt road. She was already overheated, but it was good to get out of the camp and have free time in town. For the most part, Lexa listened to the lively, laugh-filled banter.

  Glancing up to the front a couple of times, Lexa saw Sam watching her in the rearview mirror. When he winked, she almost winked back—then chickened out and felt the telltale warmth in her cheeks. She had the feeling Sam did it to get that very reaction. Turning her head, not bothering to hide her grin, Lexa looked out the window. Daring to look back a couple of minutes later, she saw Sam raise a brow and give her a wide grin. She laughed under her breath. Others around her engaged in lively conversations while Sam talked in low tones with the guy in the passenger seat.

  Dropping the group off on a side street, Sam asked them to meet him in the same location four hours later. Most of the guys took off as a group, and Lexa watched as Sam departed with a wave, headed back to the camp to pick up the second group of volunteers. She wondered if tonight Sam might regret making the rule stipulating he was the only driver in and out of the camp. She reminded herself that tonight wasn’t a date. All the sparks flying around between them in the car might indicate otherwise.

  It was fun to poke in and out of the tourist shops and open air markets with Amy and Winnie. Fanning themselves with cheap paper fans, they tried their best to keep cool as they walked. They gloried in and lingered longer in the air-conditioned shops. Lexa wished again for rain, especially if it would help cool the temperatures even just a little.

  “Look at this turquoise necklace, Lexa,” Amy called from the other side of one of the shops. “Isn’t it pretty? I think my younger sister might like it for her birthday.” She held it up. “It’s a little more than I want to spend, but Celeste loves jewelry. What do you think?”

  Lexa nodded, although she’d never been fond of turquoise except as a color. “If it comes from you, Amy, then I’m sure your sister will love it.”

  Amy gave her a bright smile. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  Waiting while Amy purchased the necklace, Lexa wandered outside. She found it intriguing that a girl with the trust fund was so cost-conscious. It was a good trait and would serve her well. Hearing a woman’s loud voice, she turned her head. Her eyes widened as she realized the woman w
as berating a child. And it wasn’t just any child.


  Starting in their direction, something held Lexa back. She stopped and stared, taking in the unsettling scene unfolding in the marketplace. A man was shouting at the woman and she, in turn, was yelling at the little girl. Lexa could only assume the woman was Margarita’s mother. The child’s eyes spilled over with tears and she shook her head, her hair flying wildly. But she didn’t say a word.

  The two adults spoke Spanish so fast, Lexa couldn’t keep up. How could they even understand each other? They screamed in anger, trying to be the loudest and most belligerent. Yanking something from Margarita’s hands, the man thrust it in the woman’s face. It was some kind of painted pottery, a small jar perhaps.

  Amy came to stand beside Lexa. “Isn’t that your Margarita?”

  Lexa nodded without speaking.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure, but I don’t like it.” Lexa stepped forward.

  “Wait a minute. Maybe we shouldn’t interfere.” Amy put a hesitant hand on her arm.

  Lexa stopped, not daring to blink. By now, a small crowd gathered to watch. It didn’t bother the man or woman as they continued their shouting match, leaving the scared little girl cowering between the two.

  Margarita spied Lexa and ran in her direction, her arms opened wide. It was a second or two before the adults saw her and then they, too, were right behind the girl, unwittingly catapulting Lexa in the middle of their quarrel. Margarita clung to Lexa’s bare legs, hanging on for dear life, burying her head against her stomach. Lexa stroked Margarita’s hair in the gesture familiar and comforting to the frightened child.

  Lexa looked up with eyes blazing. She had no intention of joining in their screaming match, but Margarita must be defended. Maybe she was God’s messenger this time, like Sam had been with her when she was accosted by those teenage thugs.


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