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Marrying a Billionaire

Page 14

by Anne-Marie Meyer

There was a quiet knock on the door. Lillian turned and said, “Come in.” It must be the nurse with the ultrasound equipment. If she were honest with herself, the thought of seeing the baby excited her. Being here made this real.

  “How are we feeling?” a portly nurse asked as she wheeled in an ultrasound machine. She smiled over at Lillian. “Better when I tell you that your husband is in the hall.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

  Lillian’s breath caught in her throat. “What?” Reed was here? He actually came?

  “Yeah. He’s right outside. I told him I’d check with you first and then let him in. Is that okay?”

  Lillian shifted in the bed to pull herself up. After she adjusted the blanket, she nodded. “Let him in.”

  “Come on in,” the nurse called, disappearing around the corner.

  Lillian held her breath as she waited. It felt like an eternity until Joshua appeared from the hall.

  Wait. Joshua?

  Frustration boiled up inside of her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, folding her arms across her chest. She needed to protect herself.

  Tamara stood and glared at him. “You need to leave.”

  The nurse stood there with her lips parted. “Is he not the father?”

  Lillian scoffed in unison with Tamara.

  “That’s the father. He just gave up his right to be called that when he walked out,” Tamara said, placing her hands on her hips.

  Joshua rung his hands as he glanced between all the women. “Can I talk to you?” he asked, stepping forward and focusing on Lillian.

  Right now, Lillian wanted to chase everyone from her room so she could nurse her broken heart in peace. But that wasn’t realistic. And from the apologetic look on Joshua’s face, she realized that she was too tired. Carrying this much pain and stress was exhausting. So she nodded and glanced over at Tamara.

  “Give us a minute.”

  Tamara’s lips fluttered like a fish out of water. “But—”

  “It’ll be okay,” Lillian said, reaching out and squeezing her best friend’s hand.

  Tamara’s face reddened and then she nodded. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.” She dropped Lillian’s hand and headed toward the door. Then she stopped when she got to Joshua. “If you do anything to upset her, I will hunt you down.” She narrowed her eyes.

  Joshua raised his hands and nodded. “Noted.”

  She gave him one more final glare and then left.

  The nurse stood there as if she didn’t know what to do. Then she pushed the machine to the wall and backed away. “I’ll come back in a few minutes. You have your call button, use it if you need anything.”

  Lillian thanked her and then waited until she heard the door click before she turned back to Joshua. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, another contraction came.

  Once it peaked, she breathed out the tension and then turned to her snake, ex-husband. “What do you want, Joshua? How did you even know I was here?”

  He glanced around before he moved to the chair that Tamara had vacated. He sat on it, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. “I’ve been following your engagement to Reed Williamson.”

  Panic raced through her chest. Was he here for money? “Well, that’s not going to happen so if you’re here for money, forget it.”

  Joshua shook his head. “See, I knew that was the first thing you were going to think. That I was some money grubbing loser here to get money from his pregnant ex.” He shook his head. “It’s not like that. I just realized how much I missed you. I hurt me to see another man be with my wife. To be father to my baby.” He nodded toward her stomach.

  Out of instinct, Lillian brought her hand up to her stomach. She needed to protect this baby from Joshua. “The one you demanded I abort cause you didn’t want a baby?”

  A sheepish expression crossed his face. “I was scared, Lil. I didn’t know what I was doing. The first baby freaked me out. And then you got pregnant so fast”—he ran his hands through his hair—“I didn’t know what to do.”

  Lillian swallowed. She knew that reaction all too well. Running because you were scared. But that still didn’t excuse him for his behavior.

  As if sensing her hesitation, he leaned over and grasped her hand. “I’m ready now, Lil. I want to be here for you and the baby. I want to be a family.”

  The last word fell from his lips and hung in the air. She studied him. A family was all she’d ever wanted. And one with Reed wasn’t possible. Even if she didn’t want Joshua in her life, how could she keep him from her baby’s?

  She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay. If you want to be here for the baby, I can’t stop you.” She pulled her hand away and held it to her chest. “But know that you and I are finished. We can never be a couple.” She narrowed her eyes. “Understand.”

  A triumphant smile spread across his face. “Perfect,” he said as he leaned back.

  Lillian relaxed against her pillows as she breathed through another contraction. Tamara was not going to be happy when Lillian told her what she’d agreed to. But at this point, Lillian was so confused, she didn’t know what she was doing. All she knew was Reed was out of her life and that pain hurt her more than allowing her ex back into it.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Reed paced in his grandfather’s study. It had been an hour since he’d put Lillian on that helicopter, and he was a mess. Every time he passed the windows that faced the back lawn, his gaze fell to the helicopter pad and the memory of Lillian in his arms rushed back to him. He could feel her against his chest as if she were there with him.

  Growling, he rubbed his hands over his face. Why had he been such an idiot? What was wrong with him?

  Pain took hold of his chest as the truth flooded his mind. It was because he loved her. She was everything to him and now she was gone. He’d tried to tell her, but she brushed him off as if he didn’t matter. As if this marriage had only been what it was designed to be. A contract between the two of them.

  But it had become something more. He’d felt it and he was sure Lillian had felt it as well.

  She was just scared. Of what, he didn’t know, but he had to find out. As he made his way to the door to leave, a knock startled him. Pulling it open he glanced down to see Cassie standing there with a determined look. He raised an eyebrow.

  “Where are you going?” she asked as she took a step back and studied him.

  Not wanting to waste time standing there, explaining himself to his sister, he tried to step past her. “I have a place to be,” he said.

  Cassie folded her arms and remained in his path. “You’re an idiot,” she said.

  Reed hesitated as he glanced down at his sister. “What?”

  “You let the most amazing girl slip through your grasp. There’s only one explanation for that. You are an idiot.” She emphasized her words with a gab to his chest.

  Had she not been in the same room as him? “Cas, she told me not to come.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “And you listened? Clearly that woman wanted you there. No one wants to go to the hospital alone. Not when the person they love is on another island.” She steeled her expression as if that was going to intimidate him.

  “Cas, I love that you are trying to be all protective, but I don’t need it,” he said, reaching out and pulling his kid sister into a hug.

  She stiffened for a moment and then pulled back so she could look up at him. “You don’t?”

  Reed shook his head. “I’m going to the hospital. I realized that I need to be there even if she doesn’t want me there. We’re family and family don’t abandon each other.”

  A wide smile spread across her face. “Yeah, they don’t.” She reached out and wrapped her arms around his chest. He laughed as she squeezed him. “You’re not as dumb as you look, big bro,” she said, pulling away and punching his shoulder.

  He pretended to wince from the pain and then smiled at her. “I’m happy,” he said.

  She patted his back. “Go get

  Reed nodded and swallowed as he passed by her. It was a half hour boat ride to the mainland and then another thirty minutes to the hospital. He hoped she would be there when he arrived. And perhaps, she would be excited to see him. But that might be pushing his luck, so he focused his energy on her being there.

  With traffic, it took an hour longer then he’d planned. Ground travel was such a time suck. He walked through the sliding doors of the hospital and glanced around. A woman sat at the information desk, tapping on the keyboard in front of her. He swallowed as he approached.

  He wasn’t sure what he was going to say to her or how much information she could give away. But he was going to try to locate Lillian. It was the least he could do.

  “Hello,” he said, leaning against the counter.

  The woman’s bright green eyes met his and her jaw slacked. “You’re Reed Williamson,” she said, exhaling and letting her gaze roam over him.

  It was strange to be recognized. But it made sense. Everything about his life this last week had been publicized. He put on his biggest grin. “I am.” He leaned closer. “And I’m looking for someone.”

  She nodded as her fingernails clicked on the keys. “Lillian. I saw her get airlifted from your grandfather’s home.” She narrowed her eyes as she stuck out her finger and ran it along the glass of the monitor. “Ah, here she is.”

  Relief flooded his chest. “That’s amazing. Can you tell me her room number?”

  Her gaze made its way over to him as she raised her eyebrows. “We’re really not supposed to do that.”

  Crap. But she knew him, and she knew that Lillian knew him. Perhaps, he could work some of his Williamson charm. “She’s expecting me.” He leaned closer and winked at her. “I’d forever be in your debt.”

  The woman rocked back in her chair and folded her arms. “For a hundred thousand dollars I’ll tell you.”

  Reed raised his eyebrows. “What?”

  The women’s expression remained serious and then she broke out into a smile. “I’m just joking. Lillian’s in room 4B in Labor and Delivery.”

  Reed tapped the counter he’d been leaning on and nodded. “Thanks.” And then he stopped and glanced back over at her. “Did you say Labor and Delivery?”

  The receptionist nodded. “Yep. Straight up those elevators to the fourth floor. They’ll guide you from there.”

  He knit is eyebrows. Why was Lillian in Labor and Delivery? Did they run out of room in the ER? As he walked down the hall, he saw a small gift shop. His thoughts turned to Lillian and what he was going to say when he got to her room. Suddenly, showing up empty handed seemed like the worst idea.

  So he bee-lined into the store. Flowers lined one wall while helium balloons danced in the air vent above. Chocolates and stuffed animals filled the shelves. Reed stopped in front of a giant stuffed panda bear and studied it. Would Lillian like it? What did he know. Maybe?

  After waffling for a few minutes, he grabbed it and brought it to the register. A woman was helping a guy who was buying a huge bouquet of roses. Reed tried not to eavesdrop but something caught his attention.

  “Yep, a girl. We’re so excited,” the guy said as he handed the attendant his card.

  She smiled. “That’s amazing. Congrats.” She took it and swiped it in the card reader next to the register.

  The man nodded and turned, meeting Reed’s gaze.

  Reed raised his eyebrows. “Have a baby?”

  The man shook his head. “Not yet. We had a scare, but everything seems settled down now. I just found out it’s a girl.” The man drummed his fingers on the counter as the woman swiped his card again. “We were split up for a while, but now we’re back together. I have to convince her that she can’t live without me,” he said nodding toward the roses.

  Reed nodded. Was it strange that this man was confessing this to him? Probably not. He seemed determined. Probably just working through his game plan by talking it out.

  “Sir, I’m sorry, but your card keeps coming back declined.” The attendant handed his card to him.

  He took it and embarrassment passed over his face. “I’m sorry.” He shuffled through his wallet. “Here. Try this.” He handed another card over.

  The woman ran it. After a few seconds, she shook her head and handed it back. “Sorry. Declined again.”

  The man took it and slipped it into his wallet. “I—”

  Feeling sorry for the guy, Reed pulled out his card and handed it to the woman. “Ring both up,” he said, nodding toward the bear and then the flowers.

  A relieved expression passed over the man’s face. “Geez, thanks,” he said, clapping Reed on the shoulder.

  Reed shook his head. “Don’t mention it. The least I can do for someone who just received good news.”

  The man nodded and reached for the bouquet. “Lil will love this.”

  Reed stopped. What did he just say? “Who?”

  The man smiled as if he knew what he’d just done. “Lil. Lillian? I’m Joshua, her husband.”

  Heat raced up Reed’s spine. So he had heard right. He took the pen from the attendant and signed the receipt she’d handed him. “You know Lillian?”

  Joshua scoffed. “I know who you are. You’re Reed Williamson.” He folded his arms, holding the flowers so that they stuck straight up. “What are you doing here?” He glanced over at the bear. “Is that for her?”

  Still trying to process just what was happening, Reed grabbed the bear and turned to study Joshua head on. “Are you here with another woman?” He felt thoroughly confused.

  Joshua raised his eyebrows. “No. Lillian’s pregnant with my baby.” He let out a mocking laugh. “Did she not tell you?”

  Lillian’s pregnant? And she’d gone into labor. That was what happened to her. Worry flowed through his mind as he made his way to the hall. Joshua was hot on his heels.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I need to talk to her.”

  A hand reached out and grabbed his elbow. Reed stopped and stared down at Joshua’s hand. Why was he touching him? “Please remove your hand from me.”

  Joshua pulled back but kept his close proximity. “I just think we should talk about this first.”

  Reed shook his head. “See, that’s where you are wrong. You may be the ex-husband, but I’m the current fiancée. I need to talk to her.” He headed toward the elevator.

  “She wants to be a family,” Joshua called after him.

  Reed stopped at that word. Family. The one thing that Lillian wanted more than anything. He turned and studied Joshua who had a smug expression. He knew that would get him to hesitate. He sauntered up to Reed as if he knew he’d already won.

  “She told me before we had the ultrasound that she wanted to try again. She wants to do it for the baby.” He reached out and brushed Reed’s shoulder. “Seems like she picked the better man.” He met Reed’s gaze and smiled. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go up to be with my wife and child.” He side-stepped Reed and pressed the elevator button.

  Frustration boiled up inside of him. There was no way he was going to let this snake win. He’d already lost one girl to an awful person, there was no way he was going to have that happen again. He would go up there and talk to Lillian. He wanted her to tell him that she didn’t want him around. There was no way he was going to take her ex’s word for it.

  He waited outside the elevator until the doors opened. Joshua boarded, and Reed followed. When he turned, Joshua raised his eyebrows.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, pressing the button for the fourth floor.

  “I’m going to talk to Lillian.”

  Anger raced across Joshua’s face. “No, you’re not.”

  There was no way this guy was going to intimidate Reed when he was a foot taller than him and twice his size. “Yes. I am. She’s going to tell me to leave, not you.”

  Joshua shrugged as he studied the numbers that changed as the elevator climbed the floors. “Fine. I’ll en
joy that better anyway.”

  They rode the rest of the way in silence. Reed focused his thoughts on what he was going to say to Lillian. When the doors opened, revealing the Labor and Delivery desk, his confidence wavered.

  What is she didn’t want to see him? How much worse would it be to ride all the way up here just to be rejected to his face?

  He’d already had that happen once. Could he survive another heart break? But then, he nodded. He would never live with himself if he just walked away without telling Lillian how he felt.

  He followed after Joshua who strutted through the hall and stopped at room 4B. He winked at Reed as he pushed open the door, leading with the flowers.

  “Where did you get those?” Lillian’s voice came from inside the room.

  Reed hesitated, gathering his courage. The familiarity of the tone of her voice washed over him, rendering him speechless. He missed her, even though it had only been a few hours since he’d seen her.

  “There’s someone to see you,” Joshua said.

  “Who?” she asked.

  “You can come in. My wife is decent.”

  Reed heard Lillian scoff and he’d hoped that it was because she’d been classified as Joshua’s wife. But before she could answer, Reed stepped into the room.

  Lillian’s skin paled when her gaze fell on him. She straightened pulling the blanket around her. “What are you doing here?” she asked, her gaze sweeping the room as if she expected the paparazzi to jump out from behind him and start shooting pictures.

  “Lillian, you went to the hospital. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t come visit you?” He extended the bear to her.

  Her expression softened as she took it. “Thanks.”

  He nodded and the glanced around the room. A monitor was set up next to her. One was tracking her heartbeat and the other. . . her baby. It was true.

  When his gaze found hers, she dropped it. As if her secret had been dirty and she was embarrassed that he found out.

  “You’re pregnant,” he said and the mentally slapped himself. Of course, she was. Why did he have to state the obvious?


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