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The Lost Treasure Map Series

Page 72

by V Bertolaccini

  Cameron was amazed when the pick smashed through into somewhere below and a large chunk of concrete went crash down into somewhere below, and left a hole going into somewhere, and he put his face up close and looked below trying to alter his eyesight to the dark, but only saw darkness.

  He left there and went to get a light, while Dory quickly moved over and stuck her head in close to the hole and moved back.

  He climbed back in and shone the torch down, and watched it illuminate an area below, and he tried to see below but never saw anything, and only directly below him, and he removed some debris from about him and moved out of the cavity, and Dory started examining it.

  “What do reckon is there?” she asked.

  “I reckon it’s another cellar like this one!”

  “But why is it there?”

  “I don’t know yet!” he replied, sincerely.

  “Why did they need another cellar and bury the entrance?”

  “Perhaps it’s not buried away and there’s an entrance somewhere else in the building, and its attached to somewhere!”

  She laughed out loud, considering what he had said, and replied, “But what if it is still in use by them?”

  Cameron shrugged and removed a can of beer and relaxed.

  “What if they heard the noise and investigate it?” she asked.

  “We can say that we’re explorers and adventurers, and looking for places to take adventurers and tourists in London, and were exploring the ancient sewage system and came across an ancient underground structure. Buried away since the war under rubble, and we were exploring artifacts in it to possibly give to a museum, and with the metal detector detected the metal in the underground chamber and started trying to dig it up.”

  Chapter 18

  The Chamber

  Cameron looked over the edge of the large hole going into the cellar below and sat down at its edge with his legs dangling into it, and took the rope from Dory and lowered it into the darkness below, and wondered why the bottom was so low down, as its above cellars were far smaller.

  He shone his light about trying to see something. It was his first proper look, through the enlarged hole, and all he saw was what looked like a large metal object, which he tried to grasp over and over but he could not identify it, and looked back at Dory and started lowering himself.

  The wait had turned the search more intense, as they had to leave and get a rope and had to make the hole far larger, and he started wondering what the outcome would be and if it was just another disappointment.

  In an instant the rope jerked and wildly oscillated and he spun uncontrollably around and a surge of blackness engulfed him, and he wondered what the hell he was entering, and again considered the well and where the treasure could be buried away in it and wondered if they had underestimated the amount of mud that had piled up at the bottom of the well and if it had been far deeper, and then he remembered the metal detector and wondered why they had not tried using it there. Surely there was something that could search far below for them! There had to be metal there! Then he realized that it could have been the reason that they never used it, as they thought there was no metal there.

  It mystified him! He thought of ancient devil and black magic worshippers concealing something below, beyond their comprehension, hidden away from mankind!

  He tried straining his eyes to see further down but there were no features of anything new.

  When he hit the ground he never fully realized what he was in, and also almost fell over sideways into rocks.

  He pulled himself upright with the help of the rope and released the rope’s tightened grip around his body, and shivered at the coldness there.

  He cleaned away dirt and casually gave looks around him at the debris, and wondered what the outcome of it would be, and he realized that Dory was now staring down from above, and waved when he looked directly.

  There was only one object in the chamber and he was surprised at the actual size of it, and he walked over to it examining it, still considering it could be just something like a generator, and considered what they would have used it for and realized the chamber had to be part of what the workmen had started building the building with, and realized it must be an old damaged and discarded generator.

  He touched its black material as he started examining it and was staggered to feel a form of extraordinary energy pulsating through it, which he sensed had more magnitude than he had ever encountered before, and he wondered what the hell it was doing, and wondered if it belonged to the government or military, and shined his torch over it and marched around it, and slowly revealed its perfectly symmetrical black sphere central region.

  Chapter 19

  The Intelligence Agent

  “What do you think that thing under Downing Street is?” Dory immediately asked Cameron, concerned, glaring, as he entered through her front door. “You are the only one to have seen it!”

  “I think it’s powerful whatever it is!” Cameron replied, as he jumped into one of her seats, and put his legs up on the arm of the seat. “There’s energy blasting through it!”

  She gasped and budged, and slowly studied his face over again, and she studied his clothing.

  “What is your job exactly?” he asked, after noticing the way she acted was far different, as if she had another career, which she had not mentioned.

  “I’m an intelligence agent!” she confessed.

  Cameron gasped, and then realized that it was connected to his career, with the military, and replied, “Were you a soldier like me before you became an agent?”

  “I was in the military!”

  He thought about it and thought of questioning her about it and what she was really up to, instead of leaving him wondering what the hell was happening and what the future would be.

  She offered him a cigarette, and he nodded that he never, and he detected that she wanted to say stuff about things, and asked, “Have you any beer left?”

  “No! There is some whisky over there!” she replied firmly, and he rushed over and poured her and him large glasses of it.

  Cameron sat down and drank it fast and relaxed and waited for what she had to say.

  Someone rang on the phone and she just ignored it to his surprise and wondered who the caller was.

  She glanced over and gasped, and examined him looking straight over at her, as if she saw something she did not fully want to see and could not quite grasp and studied him.

  He wondered what she was up to and why she had been hiding being an intelligence agent.

  “I want to ask you some questions!”

  Cameron sat straight up and copied one of the soldiers he had once seen and he waited.

  “Why did you join the army, Dave?” she asked, studying him with great confusion and annoyance, while sipping from her glass, and he realized that she never fully liked straight whisky.

  “I can’t remember!”

  “You can’t remember why you went in the army!” she gasped, blowing out some of the whisky in her mouth, in a spray, covering her dress, and she laughed.

  When Cameron offered to clean it, she replied, “I’ll just leave it there for the moment!”

  “It was probably the reason many people join up for and to visit places one normally never sees!”

  “Really?” she asked, determinedly, trying to do something that he could not quite grasp.

  “I have no recollection of anything before I found myself in a pool in a field! So I can’t fully confirm that answer!”

  Suddenly it struck him that she was trying to suggest something and he realized he could have done something that he could not have found out about! Then he gasped as he realized his mind was blank in places and he had no real memories of anything of his original self before joining the army!

  “Do you think the army did something to me?” he gasped, recalling waking up in the pool of mud in the field, wondering if she had heard of something as an intelligence agent, as they were connected to the mi

  He thought of all the things he had heard being used by the military on prisoners and if someone could have done something by accident, and just dumped him in the pool in the field.

  She made strange faces, as though in slight pain, and bent over and sat deeper into her seat, and her shoulders bent as she relaxed, and she remained thinking for a few minutes.

  “There are many reasons people can lose their memories!” she replied firmly, no longer looking at him, and Cameron was left confused and he realized his goal was still to find out who the hell he was as far as he could!

  “I’ve another question!” she quickly asked.


  “What the hell did the army originally say it was doing where you were? Surely the military doesn’t need anyone there?”

  “We were searching for a killer lion!” he replied, smiling, now amused at it.

  “A killer lion was roaming about there?”

  “They said that it had escaped from a nearby village circus I think!”

  Cameron realized how little parts of his memory had actually returned since then!

  “What proof did they give that it existed?”

  “Farmers were supposed to have reported seeing the thing to the police! And we were to investigate the incident!”

  A shiver ran up his spine as he considered the danger he could have been in out in the field in the pool of mud.

  “So what’s your interest in that thing we found under 10 Downing Street?” he replied, recalling that she had a great interest in the object, and he was sure it had been the reason behind her informing him she was an intelligence agent.

  “I gave your description to someone and they think it has to be atomic – and could be a weapon!”

  “You think someone has an atomic bomb under Downing Street? Yet if they did it must have been put there years ago!”

  She shrugged and gasped, and sat back into her seat.

  “If you give me the whole story of what is happening I’m sure I can help you!” he asked.

  She thought about it and decided to do something and turned on her television and watched it for a few minutes.

  “I think I’d better start over again ... From when we first met I was an intelligence agent and helping you?”

  “Tell me what happened?” he replied, thinking that he could finally answer some unanswered questions from the past

  “The Prime Minister David Cameron, the politician, had a craving for great wealth! One day he was offered far more to do something for someone!

  “A group of Germans, descended from top Nazis, met with him one night and asked him to do something for them, to which they would reward him greatly, and he discovered that they never wanted what he normal provided! They had located a German map from the Second World War that was of value to them and they asked for his help to get it, and he agreed to carry out their request.

  “They claimed the map was in Downing Street and they told him where it was located, and that it was buried away in a cellar beneath Downing Street, but he never found anything, and one of them persuaded him to take him there and they searched everywhere and still never found anything.

  “He was paid for helping them and that was that, but he was so curious and hungry for more action and wealth that he started having people search for information about the cellar to see if he had missed anything and he discovered that there had been another cellar, below the cellar, which had been covered over when the building had been altered, and one night he started looking for the opening and soon found it and started digging the entrance up and eventually had to smash his way through it, and replaced it afterwards, and he searched everywhere in the cellar and found the safe there and finally drilled his way into it, where he found Hess’s treasure map.

  “It was found out that the Germans had first heard rumors of the treasure from soldiers from the war, and of it belonging to Rudolf Hess. Some others heard of the map and had flown over to search for the treasure without it! The map was actually officially recorded as being taken from Hess by the army, and that it had not been recognized by them, and it was kept with other stuff that they had taken from him. The map was only recognized as being of value by people who questioned Hess but they had been unable to decipher anything and it had been kept in the safe, and it had been left in the cellar when it was buried away below Downing Street.

  “The Prime Minister David Cameron vanished and nobody anywhere had seen him leave in the night, and it was believed that the Germans had kidnapped him, and they were looking everywhere for him, but it was kept a secret, and they even used a bank robbery to find him and gave the police and media a photo of someone with identical looks to find him, and had the police search everywhere for him, and other agencies all joined in.

  “The story of the unidentified flying object crashing at where Hess landed emerged and they actually realized where Hess landed could be connected with the map, and they found out about the soldier, which was you, who was there, that looked like him, who was described as having lost his memory.”

  “So the army were watching me because they thought I had something to do with it?” Cameron replied.

  “Yes!” she replied, smiling. “And they found out you were his twin brother! They have a lot of information missing on what happened and how you lost your memory. They sent you to the London psychiatrist, to get information, who has been trying to cure your memory problem. They are still trying to find out what happened there, how you managed to get the map, and get in the army well before the Prime Minister and then the army arrived at that site!”

  “What were the bug creatures that attacked my house though?”

  “We do not know! They were witnessed by all your neighbors! They could be connected with the alien crash they believe occurred, which NASA and the US military are investigating! The army was put there to look for any aliens that might have survived the crash, and they originally used the story of there being a dangerous lion there to search for it!

  “They now believe the message the IEs, Interdimensional Extraterrestrials, picked up and located this point in the universe, came from Britain and not as thought from the US!”

  “Which was why it arrived over this country, and perhaps accurately over where the signal came from!” Cameron replied.

  “It was sent by a group of scientists carrying out experiments at a place near Edinburgh with a new form of technology!”

  “Was it a confidential experiment project?”

  “All the information about it is on the internet!”

  “How do you know so much about the alien – if it existed?”

  “I was given the information and heard some from other scientific sources.”

  “What did it intend to do?”

  “On its arrival here it sent out a message, all over the world, which was only fully deciphered a long time after its arrival.”

  “What did it say?”

  “I haven’t heard anything of it except that it was a reply first contact message!”

  “Now besides a lot of unanswered questions we now have the unsolved question of the atomic bomb under Downing Street!”

  “Exactly! I have not officially reported it yet, as anything, as it has not been proven to be anything. I’ve been given specialist equipment to check it out! If you’ll help me!”

  Chapter 20

  The Black Sphere

  Cameron hit the ground a lot faster and harder than he intended and he almost collapsed! His mind was elsewhere and on the treasure map, and he was gasping at the discovery he had made!

  He watched Dory watching him from the above cellar and realized at how concerned she was, and of if the black object near him was an atomic bomb, and he wondered what the hell she was talking about and why he had even suggested it was, and realized that she might not even come down, as she seemed terrified by it, and he wondered why someone would put an atomic bomb beneath Downing Street, and wondered what the hell the thing was anyway an
d looked over at its mysterious black shape.

  His mind soon went back on the treasure map and what he had accidentally realized and that when heated there was writing on it, as after he had been examining it near the safe Dory accidentally put one of her cigarettes on it and writing started showing up on it and he had been able to read all the writing on it by heating it with her lighter, and though German it translated as mentioning the treasure was expensive jewel sets with historical value.

  He was sure Hess had intended to give the jewels to someone in exchange for favors, and he knew that Hess intended to visit the Duke of Hamilton, and he wondered if it had been for Britain to surrender in the war with Germany, and if so it could have been of great value!

  His mind went straight on the metal box they had found down the well and he recalled the pieces of glass that they had found inside it. Surely if all the metal around the jewels had corroded and the jewels had been in mud long enough they might have turned out looking like glass.

  Why had glass been in it? Why was there a metal box there? He had proven that the metal box could have been of German origins and from that era.

  It was amazing that they never actually properly checked them in the light of day and it was thrown away!

  He pulled himself upright with the help of the rope and released the rope’s tightened grip around his body, and he shivered at the coldness and from his thoughts.

  He cleaned dust away from his clothes and casually gave looks around him for anything he might have missed and in the debris, and wondered what the outcome of it would be, and he realized that Dory was now staring down intensely from above, and he had the feeling she would avoid coming down, and wondered how ridicules it was as if it was an atomic bomb she would end up disintegrated and up in the clouds with him, and he wondered if she thought of it as a normal bomb, like one of the bombs that had landed on London during the war, and if it exploded he would be the only one to get it in the chamber, and he waved directly at her and she waved back and smiled.


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