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Vacation Writer

Page 9

by Coleinger, Ronnie

  The walk up the beach to Jill’s beach house only took five or so minutes. They had walked hand in hand, but the sand was starting to get quite hot. James reminded himself to tie his shoestrings together and carry his shoes over his shoulders whenever he planned to travel to and from the ketch. The hot beach sand could easily be hot enough to burn the soles of ones feet.

  When they walked inside the beach house, the red light on Jill’s desk phone was blinking. She walked over to it and pressed the play button. While listening to the messages, she retrieved a pad of paper and a pen from the desk drawer. She laid the pad on the kitchen counter and wrote across the top, “Things to do before the wedding.” Under the heading, she wrote the first note. It read, “Pick a date for the wedding,” followed by the second note that read, “Buy a wedding ring for James.” When James saw the note she had written, he added the third note. It read, “Buy two rings for Jill.” When Jill saw what he had written, she stepped up to him, kissed him and said, “You don’t need to waste your money on an engagement ring, only a sturdy gold wedding band. I would lose or damage an expensive diamond ring. A plain wedding band will be easy to keep clean when I am cleaning fish or applying marine spar varnish on the ketch.” Then she stepped up to James, kissed him again. When she stepped back, a tear trickled down her cheek. James stepped up close to her and asked, “Are those happy tears or is there a problem we need to discuss?” Jill looked up into his eyes and said, “I am very happy. I may never come down off this high. I have waited for the right man to enter my life and now you have. I could not be happier.” With those words, the tears streamed down her cheeks and began to drip off her chin. James pulled Jill into his arms and let her cry. When she stepped back, she looked into James eyes and said, “In case I have not told you in the last hour, I am madly in love with you.”

  Jill asked if James was hungry. He thought a moment and said, “We could take a shower, change into nice clothes and go out to a fancy restaurant tonight to celebrate.” Jill said, “Yes. That would be nice. I like it when you feed me a nice meal before shagging me in my own bed while Barbie and Ken sit on the love seat and watch.” James had just taken a sip of water. The little girl tone in Jill’s voice and her choice of words caused him to choke and he spit the water all over the sink. He turned around to Jill and said, “Sorry for that, but your words took me by surprise.” Jill just giggled and headed off towards her bedroom.

  When James and Jill walked into the restaurant, they realized that two of their coworkers were dining at the same restaurant. The waiter was just about to seat the two people ahead of them when James and Jill walked in. Tom had turned around to see who was behind them when he spotted James. Tom and Trish asked James and Jill to join them for dinner and they accepted. When the waiter sat them all down at a nice table near the fireplace, Trish looked at James and Jill and said, “I hope you two can keep this little dinner arrangement to yourselves. I think management would frown on us if they discover we are dating.” James laughed and said, “I think you two have missed an important bit of information. You both must realize that Jill is on our payroll and is an employee of the same company where all three of us work. If there is any impropriety, it is with me, being part owner, fraternizing with another employee. Maybe we should all keep this little dinner date to ourselves.” All four of them began to laugh. They continued to giggle while the waitress took their food order and they continued to laugh when the waiter delivered their drinks to the table. They were still laughing when their plates of food were in front of them. Finally, they all settled down to the task at hand, eating the wonderfully prepared steaks they had all four ordered.

  When they finished their meal and the waiter brought their checks to the table, James said, “People, I will pick up the checks today. I have had a great time tonight and it has been a pleasure to have such wonderful guests at my table.” When he placed his credit card in the check holder, he laughed and said, “Just consider this as hush money.” Trish began to giggle and said, “If that is the case, Tom and I should be paying the bill, since you are management.” James just laughed and shrugged off her words.


  Karen and Donald woke up before daylight on Saturday morning. Neither of them could sleep well, they were too excited over their upcoming trip to fall asleep. When Karen went into the bathroom to pee, she discovered that her period had not started. She had seen a tiny bit of blood on the towel last night, but her tampon was clean this morning. Her periods were always on time, but being a little late caused her little concern. When she got into the shower, she heard Donald standing over the toilet peeing. She stuck her head out from behind the shower curtain and said, “If you want to join me, my period has not started. I would love to have you inside me one more time before we leave on our vacation.” Donald stripped off his pajamas and climbed into the shower with his wife. When she and Donald had washed, she put her hands on the shower wall and allowed Donald to penetrate her from behind. As he slid into her, she felt the most incredible full feeling. She spread her feet a little further and felt Donald enter her even deeper. She spoke to him and said, “I dreamed about you last night. I woke up on my side squeezing my legs together just right until I had a wonderful orgasm. I dreamed that you were very old and told me you could not get an erection any more. I proved you wrong by lying on my back with my ankles up near my ears. The site you saw was all it took to get you hard. When you fucked me, you only thrust into me five or six times until you came. The fact that you enjoyed my sex and were able to come inside me made me happy. Thus I woke up horny.” Just then, she felt Donald tense up and then felt his warm semen squirt into the depths of her vagina. She squeezed hard around his penis and he continued to push into her. In a few moments, she heard him exhale a breath of air and tense up a second time. Then she felt his cock pulsing inside her, causing her to have a full orgasm. She felt her knees tremble and Donald wrapped his arms around her waist to insure she was okay. She leaned back against him and said, “I think you just came inside me twice. That was really nice.” Donald chuckled and said, “Something about your story brought back memories of my teenage years when I struggled with premature ejaculation. I have not felt such strong orgasms since I first realized I could masturbate at the age of eight or so. Those first orgasms were quite intense and wonderful.”

  After they finished breakfast and had cleaned up the kitchen, they took a few minutes to insure they had locked up everything of importance into their three safes. Then Karen went into the bathroom and put in a tampon, assuming that her period might start while in the car. Once they were certain they had turned everything off and they had properly locked up the house, they set the burglar alarm and loaded into the car. They would have to drive about three hundred miles and would have to make a few stops along the way.

  The trip to the hotel was uneventful, but they did have a great lunch at a small restaurant. When they began driving again, they discussed the bear repellent canister they left sitting on the workbench in the garage. When they passed a large sporting goods store, they decided to stop and purchase more repellent. When they looked around the store and did not find the bear repellent, they asked one of the men working near the camping supplies. The man smiled and said, “We have to keep the repellent locked up. Don’t want our customers spraying each other. I will help you find what you need.”

  When Karen and Donald walked out of the sporting goods store, they took some time to hang the holsters of the bear spray onto their backpacks. They put eight-ounce backup cans of spray into each backpack. They were carrying no firearms so having the bear repellent was very important.

  When they finally arrived at the hotel, they checked in and then loaded their gear onto a luggage cart. They would be staying for two days before moving their vehicle to a private parking area and hiking to the Gunflint trailhead.

  When they had their gear stored in their room, they decided to go down and have some supper. The restaurant was quite busy but the service was good a
nd they had some excellent choices in draft beer. Karen ordered a small steak with a baked potato and a vegetable skewer. Donald also had a steak, but he ordered one much larger along with a baked sweet potato. Karen wanted to enjoy some beer along with Donald, but did not. Since her period was now quite late, she decided to error on the side of caution and pass on the alcohol.

  When they finished their meal, they went outside and walked for almost an hour. The sun was just starting to set when they sat down on a bench in a small garden behind the hotel. There were a few other couples wandering around, most likely trying to walk off their supper. As they talked, they heard the sound of a coyote howling in the distance. Within seconds, they heard another coyote voice behind them. Other voices soon joined the two original coyote’s voices they had heard. Some sounds that joined in were deeper and did not sound the same as the coyotes. A man that walked past them said, “That lower tone voice sounds like a wolf to me.”

  When Karen and Donald returned to their room, they got into the shower. While she washed Donald’s back, she said, “My period is late. I am normally right on schedule, but I just wanted to warn you so you were not taken by surprise if I don’t get my period.” Donald turned around and faced her then planted a kiss on her lips. When she turned around, he began washing her back. He said to her, “We have been trying for three years to have a child without success. Time will tell if this is another false alarm or if Mother Nature has bestowed a child upon us. I will hope for the later but only time will tell.” Karen turned around and kissed Donald. She said, “I will not hold my breath over being late. I believe that if we want a child, we will have to both visit my doctor and find out what is holding up the process or adopt. The later would be just as wonderful as a child from my belly would. I hope you agree.” Donald hugged her and said, “For now, we are doing just fine. If we decide to have a child in our lives before we grow too old, we will make an appointment with your doctor. We will then make choices based on her findings.”

  They watched an adult only movie, but both fell asleep before the ending. When Karen woke up, she turned off the television and stepped into the bathroom to pee. When she got back into bed, Donald said, “I think we were supposed to make love before the ending of the movie. I guess it is too late now.” Karen giggled and snuggled up close. She said, “How about tomorrow night if I don’t get my period.”

  Karen woke to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking. She slid out of bed and went to the hallway door. She opened the door and took a deep breath. Donald laughed and said, “If you just farted, it smells really great.” Karen shut the door, locked it and ran to the bed. She jumped on top of Donald and pinned his wrists to the bed over his head. She wiggled her butt over his swollen cock and said, “I planned to wrap this pussy around your morning wood, but after that comment, I think I will just get dressed and head down to the restaurant without you.” Donald rolled her over onto her back and said, “I think your attitude displeases your husband.” Karen laughed and asked, “Just what do you think you can do about my attitude?” Donald rolled her over onto her belly, pulled her pajama bottoms down and proceeded to paddle her bare bottom. When her skin was crimson, he pulled down his own pajamas and got on top of her. She was breathing hard and she slid her hand down between her legs, circling her clit with her fingers, causing her to moan. Donald slid his erect cock between her legs and entered her vagina, causing Karen to moan with pleasure. He only thrust into her a few times until he felt her vaginal muscles spasm, squeezing hard around his cock. He went slowly until she relaxed a little and then pressed his cock deep into her belly. She came again, this time he could smell urine and knew she had squirted more than a little liquid. He felt her squeeze again. His climax surprised him it was so sudden. He slid all the way into Karen’s vagina and let his sperm fill her. He kept his cock pressed deep into her, hoping that at least one single sperm would swim through her cervix and into her uterus. He had performed this lovemaking scenario a dozen times without success, but this time he hoped it would succeed. Just as he leaned down to kiss Karen on the back of her neck, he felt the most wonderful feeling in his crotch and came again. Karen giggled and said, “Nice. I think you came twice.” As he thrust one last time into his wife’s vagina, she reached back and grabbed a handful of the skin on his butt. She pulled him towards her and said, “Please don’t stop. Just a little more, please.” Donald pressed his still hard cock all the way into her body and felt her muscles tense. She reached up over her head, grabbed two handfuls of sheet and squealed as she climaxed twice more. On a few occasions, Donald had witnessed his wife succumbing to a long stretch of multiple orgasms. This usually happened when they had sex during the time Karen was having her period. For whatever reason, sex during her period or a hard spanking would send her off into orgasm land. He was always happy to oblige her request whenever she was in need. He did at times wonder why spanking her caused such arousal, but decided never to discuss it with her. He did not want to embarrass her or trigger some deep recessed memory that would unseat this wonderful part of their love life. As long as she verbally requested the spankings, he would fulfill her sexual needs. He never spanked too hard or too long, always listening carefully for her safe word and stopping immediately when she spoke.


  When James and Jill returned to the beach house, they sat down on the couch and watched a movie. By the time they had finished the movie, it was near midnight. Jill stood up and said, “I am very tired and I am going to bed. Care to join me?” James stood up and walked behind Jill towards the bedroom. They brushed their teeth and then climbed into bed. They had no more than laid down when Jill got back up and said, “The beer went right through me. I have to pee again.” When she returned, she slid under the covers and snuggled up close to James. She kissed him and said, “In the morning, shall we make a trip into town so I can buy your wedding rings?” James laughed and said, “Yes. I would like that. We have quite a few things to pick up and work on. We should apply for our marriage license and pick up a few boxes of invitations to begin filling out.” Jill giggled and said, “You really are committed to this marriage. I feared you might run out on me.” James snuggled up closer to her and said, “The only way you are going to get rid of me is to throw my baggage out in the yard and lock the doors.” Jill kissed him and said, “That will never happen. I would not do that to you, not ever.”

  After Jill quit talking, Donald could tell she was asleep. He rolled over, trying not to wake her. She finally rolled over and moved over to her side of the bed. Then he felt her move again. This time she sat up on her elbow and said, “I forgot to tell you that I love you.” James chuckled and said, “I love you too, Jill. Now go to sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.” Jill stuck out her tongue at him before rolling over on her side. James began to laugh and could not stop. He finally caught his breath and said, “You are such a child.” Jill rolled onto her back, sat up, pulled her pajama top up to her neck and asked, “Do these look like the breasts of a child?” James had met his match and now all he could do was apologize for his comment. He sat up and said, “No. They are definitely the breasts of a full-grown woman. I apologize for my insensitive comments.” Jill huffed and pulled her top back down. Then she rolled over on her side and said, “Sleep tight.” James could feel the bed moving as she giggled.

  When Jill woke in the morning, James was already up. She could hear the shower running so she got up and headed towards the bathroom. When she slid the door open a couple of inches, she said, “Sorry to bother you, but I got to go.” James peeked out around the curtain and said, “No problem.” Jill sat down on the toilet for a few minutes. James said, “Girl, are you still alive out there. Smells like you died.” Jill giggled, and then reached over and turned on the fan. When James finished washing, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Jill was still sitting, so he dried and headed off to the bedroom to get dressed. He was quite certain that Jill must have been desperate to poop or she would not have do
ne so while he was in the shower, she was simply to bashful for that, at least he thought she was.

  After breakfast, they planned to head into town to pick out their rings and find some invitation cards. Once they finished with the paperwork for their marriage license, they would return home and begin filling out the invitations. They planned only to invite a few people to the wedding. Keeping the wedding simple was of utmost important to both of them. Their guest list would consist of Karen’s father, Timothy, and her brother Glen and his wife, Julie. James planned to invite his sister, Jenny, and their six office coworkers from the Vacation Clinic. They would have the wedding and the reception at Karen’s beach house, outdoors if the weather permitted.

  When Karen parked in front of a large jewelry story that she had used in the past, James took hold of her hand as they walked into the store. The lady that waited on them guided them to two large glass cases where they had displayed all of their engagement and wedding rings. James seemed drawn to one case. A man standing at that counter removed a ring that James liked and laid it beside the cash register. After a few more minutes, he returned to Jill’s side. As Jill looked and the jeweler showed her different styles that she liked, she pointed to a black stainless steel band with a white cross. She showed the ring to James and asked if he like it. He chuckled and turned around to the showcase behind him. The male jeweler laughed and picked up the ring that James had chosen. Jill’s mouth dropped open as she turned to James and asked, “Are you kidding me? You picked out the same ring as I did?” She stood looking at James and then turned back to the jeweler. The woman was all smiles and said, “When two people are meant for each other, their minds seem to work as one, sometimes in very mysterious ways.”


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