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Finding Valor

Page 25

by Charlotte Abel

  Shep turned as he fell. He looked right at Josh with a shocked expression on his face.

  “No!” Josh blasted the guard and the tower, blowing them both up with a single burst of magic then ran to Shep. He slung him over his shoulder then ran back to the cover of the trees. He laid Shep on the ground and rolled him onto his back. “You’re going to be okay. Hang on.”

  But Shep wasn’t okay. Fear and pain twisted his features into a mask of horror. He coughed once, spraying Josh with blood, then went completely limp. His pupils dilated.

  “No!” Josh put his hands over Shep’s heart and willed him to live. Magic poured out of him and into Shep, but it didn’t work. He felt his own life force slipping away but refused to give up. “Come on, Shep!”

  “Stop.” Arms as thick as tree trunks wrapped around Josh’s chest and pulled him off Shep.

  “No. Let me go. I have to save him.” Josh struggled to break free, but he was too weak. And Tim was too strong.

  “You can’t. There’s too much damage.”

  “No!” He clutched his sapphire and used it to repel Tim. He reached for Shep, but before he could resume his attempts to revive him, Tim’s meaty fist slammed into the side of Josh’s head.

  When he came to, Tim was gone. Shep laid on the ground beside Josh. His eyes were open but blank, unseeing, dead.

  “No!” Josh stood up and screamed, “Stop it! All of you stop shooting.”

  Magic shot out of him again. But instead of a focused beam streaming towards a fixed target, it exited his body like a shock wave, expanding in all directions. All around him, people shouted in pain. Weapons clattered to the ground.

  “My weapon just overheated.”

  “Mine, too.”

  “What the hell’s going on?”

  “Valor? Did you do something to our weapons?”

  Josh stared at his bloody hands. “I don’t know…maybe?”

  Multicolored bursts of light inside the compound lit up the night sky. He’d disabled their guns, but they still had magic.

  A man grabbed Josh’s arm and shook him. “We need your shield, come on.”

  Josh tapped into his power well, but he was too weak to raise his shield, much less use it to protect anyone else. “I can’t.”

  Gather your army and feast on their power. This time the Book of the Dead seemed to be shouting its message in his mind.

  Josh closed his eyes and pictured each of the faces of the volunteers and marines. He thought about how each of them had pledged their loyalty to him.

  Light, energy and magic poured into him from all directions. His shield sprang into position just before a bolt of malevolent energy hit him. He absorbed that power, too. He stepped out into the open, inviting the enemy to attack him again.

  Bolt after bolt slammed into his shield, each one making him stronger. He expanded his shield to cover the men around him. They all marched together, through the gate.

  Someone yelled, “sustained attack.”

  Josh’s shield pulsed with magic as every hostile mage cursed him. He was going to blow up like an overloaded transformer if he didn’t redirect it soon. He searched for a safe target to unload on. The tower was empty now. He could use that.

  Zen grabbed Josh by the back of his neck with one hand and swatted his cheek with the other. “Come on, Valor, fight back! Use your magic.”

  “Let’s just gather up the hostages and get the hell out of here.”

  “They’re too many of them. You’ll never be able to shield them all.” Zen took off at a ninety degree angle while another man ran off in the opposite direction. As soon as they broke through, they raised their own shields and shot bolts of raw energy at the guards attacking Josh, drawing their attention and their fire. Josh tried to extend his shield to cover them both, but it didn’t work.

  Another man patted Josh on the shoulder and hunched over, obviously preparing to run.

  “Wait.” Josh grabbed his arm. “I can’t protect you if you get too far away.”

  “I can’t fight from inside your shield.”

  “Why not?”

  The man looked at Josh like he was an idiot.

  “Your shield won’t recognize anyone’s magic but yours. If we attack while you’re protecting us, our energy will ricochet off the inside of your shield. We’ll end up killing each other.” The man pried Josh’s hand off his shoulder. “Zen’s outnumbered. I gotta go.”

  Josh didn’t want to kill anyone else. Maybe he could steal the guards’ magic the way he had the trackers? He’d have to disable them, first. But there was no time for that. Zen and the other men outside his shield were getting hammered. How long could they hold out against multiple assailants?

  Open your eyes, Valor. If the ravaged bodies of the slain hostages all around you aren’t proof enough that you’re fighting pure evil, what is? Shep’s blood stained face? The cries of grieving widows? This is war. People die in wars. Join the fight or lose the battle.

  Josh pulled even more magic from his army then returned the deadly energy back to the men attacking them.

  A series of explosions turned the night to day as Josh obliterated the enemy.

  He fell to his hands and knees, completely drained: physically, emotionally, mentally and magically.

  Well done, son of Vengeance, well done.

  The Book of the Dead’s praise sickened Josh. Shep, and countless hostages were dead. This was not ‘well done.’ He searched for Channie through their bond. “Please, Channie. I need you.”

  She was still asleep, but she responded. Her love poured into his chest, warming his heart, soothing his tortured soul.

  But, something was wrong. Confusion and rising panic mixed with her love and concern…which meant she was feeling his emotions. Josh craved her comfort, but refused to burden her with his pain, so he closed their connection and dropped his head into his hands.

  Chapter Eight


  Channie floated in the twilight space between sleep and wakefulness. She tried to take a deep breath, but her chest refused to expand more than a few inches. She tried to open her eyes. Her brows arched, but her lids remained closed. A tingling sensation tugged at her heart…magic…Josh.

  “Please, Channie. I need you.”

  Love rushed out of her heart as Josh’s love poured into hers. But it was followed by an overwhelming sense of despair. Something’s wrong.

  Their connection snapped. An involuntary gasp filled her lungs. The clean scent of wet pine tickled her nose. It must have rained while she was asleep. No. The air was too dry. She tried to open her eyes again, but they refused. She took another deep breath. Something was off. Not only was the air too dry, it felt…lighter?

  She licked her chapped lips and tasted Burt’s Bees spearmint lip balm. The honey-mint flavor reminded her of Colorado and…Josh.

  She pushed a wave of love and concern towards him and felt his love in return, but he felt so far away. How long had it been since they’d strengthened their bond?

  Channie’s eyes fluttered open but her vision was so blurry she could barely see. She locked her gaze on Josh’s sapphire blue eyes and reached for his face, but he jerked out of reach before she could touch him.

  Her vision cleared. It wasn’t Josh’s face looming over her, but the hideous face of a monster. She screamed.

  The monster frowned and stepped back. “I’m not going to hurt you, as long as you cooperate.”

  It was a man, not a monster. Channie sat up and squinted, as if narrowing her vision would lessen the impact of the man’s disfigured face. It didn’t. “Who are you?”

  “Call me Vince.”

  Vince wasn’t a power-name, but the man was obviously a mage. He had his emotions locked down, but power radiated off him. Vince must be a nickname.

  Without magic, Channie couldn’t mask her emotions. She tried to steady her breathing and slow her heart. “Do you work for the Veyjivik clan?”

  The man’s mouth contorted into what would
have been a snarl, if he’d had any lips. “I don’t work for anyone.”

  “Then why did you take me?” There was a price on her head, so even if he were free-lancing, he was probably planning on turning her over to Dominance for the reward money.

  Channie glanced around, looking for an escape. She was in a loft, much like her own room at home, except this one was very well-built. Even if she managed to sneak out the window, the polished logs fit together too perfectly. There were no chinks or knots in the logs to provide finger and toe holds. And no trees close enough to climb down.

  “I didn’t take you. I hired a tracker to find you.”

  Channie’s heart stopped, then made up for lost time. Josh. Hunter. Shep. “What happened to my guards?”

  The man’s face contorted as he laughed. “Your so-called guards need to find a different career. All my tracker had to do was make a little noise in the woods behind your cabin then carry you out the front door while the three stooges ran off to investigate.”

  “So…they’re safe?”

  “The tracker was lazy. Avoiding them was easier than killing them.”

  Channie’s head swam with relief. “You still haven’t told me why you took me.”

  The man shrugged. “I needed you for bait.”


  “You’re married to my son.”

  Channie gasped before she could stop herself. Her hands flew to the base of her neck. “You’re Vengeance Veyjivik?”

  He nodded, watching her closely.

  “What do you want with Josh?” She was glad Vengeance had hired a tracker instead of taking her himself. He would have recognized his own son.

  “I want revenge on my mother.” Spit flew out of his mouth as he snarled the words.

  Channie cringed but immediately sat up straighter. She was too dizzy to risk standing, but she didn’t want Vengeance Veyjivik to know just how much he terrified her. “What does that have to do with Josh?”

  “He has a certain book that holds the key to destroying her.”

  Channie took a shuddering breath. “And?”

  “And I want it.”

  “What if he refuses?”

  “He won’t.” Vengeance’s eyes glowed with a feral gleam. He was obviously every bit as dangerous as his mother. “Not when I have you.”

  Channie could barely speak over the lump in her throat. “He doesn’t have the book anymore. Someone stole it.”

  “It has his name on it. The book’s magic will lead him to it.” Vengeance pooled a little magic in his hands. He rolled it back and forth as he narrowed his eyes at Channie. “And you will motivate him to find it.”

  “No. I won’t.” Channie didn’t want to be tortured, but she’d die before she helped this evil man get his hands on the Book of the Dead…or Josh.

  “I don’t need your cooperation.” Vengeance tossed the ball of magic at Channie.

  She instinctively tried to raise a shield she no longer had, but the ball of magic shattered into a harmless shower of sparks before it touched her.

  Vengeance laughed. “Valor will do anything to protect you.”

  “He’s been cursed with a remember-not spell. He doesn’t even know me anymore.” The half-truth tugged at the raw edges of Channie’s heart.

  “You two are heart-bound. He may not remember you, but he loves you.”

  Channie clutched at her dimly glowing chest. “What makes you think we’re heart bound?”

  His mouth opened into a grimace. “You just confirmed it.”

  Channie’s eyes filled with tears. She had to find a way to get out of here. She couldn’t let Vengeance use her for bait. “I need to use the privy.”

  Vengeance laughed. “This place is remote, but we have running water and electricity.”

  Blood warmed Channie’s cheeks. She should have figured as much. “That doesn’t change the fact that I need to pee.”

  “You have free reign inside the house. You may also utilize the front porch and the back deck so you can get a little fresh air.” He paused and held up a gloved finger. “But, I have containment spells cast around the perimeter strong enough to fry even the most powerful mage. Escape is impossible.”

  “I have a death pledge on me binding me to someone else. I can’t stay here.”

  “I went to a lot of trouble to capture you. It would be a shame for someone else’s magic to kill you. The curse obviously makes allowances for things out of your control, or you’d already be dead. Try to escape if you must, but be careful. My containment spell will kill you if you venture too far.”

  “What if your plan doesn’t work? What if Valor refuses to take your bait?” She pressed a palm over her racing heart. “Will you kill me then?”

  “Not intentionally.”

  Channie shivered at his oblique reference to torture.

  Vince started down the stairs, then paused and rested a hand on the banister as he gave her a verbal tour. “The pantry, freezer and refrigerator are fully stocked. There’s a big screen TV in the main room, an assortment of DVDs and a wide selection of books. You’ll find clean clothes in the dresser and closet. I found you in the loft at your previous location, so I thought you’d be more comfortable up here, but if you’d rather move to one of the other rooms downstairs, that’s fine. Help yourself to whatever you’d like.”

  Channie crawled back into bed and curled up into a ball. Her heart continued to race, even after the front door closed.

  Josh reached out to her through their bond, calming her. She didn’t want him to feel her fear and freak out, but she had no way to block him without magic. Her heartbeat slowed to a normal rhythm as Josh’s peaceful energy comforted her. Curiosity replaced terror. She got up and crept downstairs to investigate her new prison.

  A bearskin rug covered the floor in front of the fireplace. The warmth of the crackling blaze invited her closer but her bladder insisted she find a bathroom first. She opened a set of double doors across from the stairs and blinked in amazement. This had to be the master bedroom. The entire south wall was made of glass. A massive, four-poster bed commanded the center of the room. Sunlight poured through several skylights in the vaulted ceiling. Channie was impressed, but uneasy. The room was too open. She knew it was an illusion, but thought she’d feel safer staying in the loft…until she saw the oversized, jetted tub in the bathroom. Maybe she could sleep in the loft, but bathe in the master bathroom? It would mean an extra room to clean, but Vince had said to make herself comfortable.

  Channie’d had to make do with bucket baths for most of her life. Soaking in a galvanized tin tub full of water was a rare treat until she’d moved to Colorado. The fluffy white robe folded next to the towels in the linen closet broke through her last reservation. She wanted a bubble bath and after all she’d been through she deserved it.

  But once again, her body disagreed. How long had it been since she’d eaten? Days? It would take a considerable amount of time and water to fill a tub this size. She might as well get something to eat and explore the rest of the house while the water ran.

  The place was made of logs, but it was too big and too full of modern conveniences to call it a cabin. The first drawer Channie opened in the kitchen was full of Snickers candy bars. She tore into one and moaned with pleasure.

  The fancy, stainless steel refrigerator held an assortment of healthy food, but it was the twelve pack of Dr. Pepper on the bottom shelf that caught her eye. She grabbed one and popped the top, sneezing when the bubbles tickled her nose. It was as if Vince knew her favorite treats and stocked the kitchen accordingly. Maybe she’d talked in her sleep while she was under his be-calm spell. But even if she had, why was he being so nice? It didn’t make sense.

  The only thing that she didn’t want or need was the bottle of pre-natal vitamins sitting in the middle of the kitchen table. She put the vitamins in a cabinet then finished exploring the rest of the house. There were two more bedrooms on the main floor, an ‘entertainment’ room with all sorts of elect
ronic gadgets…but no phone or computer.

  Channie grabbed another Snickers and can of Dr. Pepper and took everything into the master bathroom. She might be a prisoner, but soaking in a jetted tub, binging on her favorite treats, made it hard to believe any of it was real. The only thing missing was Josh.

  And with that single thought, her mood plummeted. She had no right to relax in luxury while he was in so much danger.

  She climbed out of the tub and trudged back upstairs. She yanked open the top drawer and gasped when she found set after matching set of barely-there lace panties and bras. She covered her mouth with both hands and backed away from the drawer, panic clawing at her throat.

  If Vince had wanted to have his way with her, he would have done it already. Maybe he had? She’d been unconscious for days. With a face like his, he’d need to knock a woman out just to kiss her. Channie gulped back a sob as she realized the purpose of the pre-natal vitamins. Vince had gotten her pregnant.


  Zen squatted down and put a hand on Josh’s back. “Are you injured?”


  “We still have some clean up to do. Can you get yourself back to the rendezvous point?”

  “What’s left to clean up?” Josh did not want to engage the enemy again, but he’d tapped into his men’s power wells, weakening them. He wasn’t going anywhere without them.

  “One of the hostages told us that these creeps are holding the kids in a separate bunker. It’s how they’ve managed to keep everyone else under control. If they so much as raise their shields, they take it out on the kids.”

  “Where is it?” Josh pushed himself to his feet, but had to hang onto Zen to stay upright.

  “Josh, you’ve done enough. I don’t know what we’ll find when we get there. It’s probably too late to save them.”

  Josh ground his teeth so hard his molars ached. “Let’s go.”

  Zen frowned, but nodded and took off across the compound at a trot.

  Josh followed him. He heard the cries before the barracks came into view. At least some of the kids were still alive.


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