Book Read Free

Finding Valor

Page 32

by Charlotte Abel

  Channie’s bell-like laughter more than compensated for Josh’s embarrassment over his clumsiness. Hell, he’d gladly fall on his face if it made her laugh again.

  “Are you okay?” Her eyes still sparkled, but she arched her brows as she stood up and offered a hand to steady him.

  “I’m fine.” Josh gulped then forced his gaze back to Channie’s face only to discover that her eyes had travelled south.

  The water covered his hips, but just barely. He backed up until he felt the molded recliner behind his knees and sat down.

  Channie leaned forward and drifted across the hot tub towards Josh. Her hair streamed behind her, floating on the surface of the water. She placed her hands on his knees then leaned in and kissed him.

  Josh braced a foot against the bottom step to keep from floating off the recliner then gripped her waist. He slid his hands up and down her sides as the kiss became more frantic. She thrust her tongue inside his mouth then retreated as he advanced.

  Channie straddled his hips.

  Josh’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. This was it, his fantasy was about to become a reality.

  Her hot breath caressed his ear. “You better go get one of those things on before we go any further.”

  “What things…oh…yeah.” He’d forgotten all about the box of condoms in his duffle bag. He kissed the tip of Channie’s nose then slid out from under her. “Hold that thought. I’ll be right back.”

  She sucked her lower lip into her mouth then pulled it through her teeth.

  Holy crap. Josh vaulted out of the hot tub, sloshing water all over the deck. He ran inside and dug the box of Trojans out his bag. He hadn’t tried to apply a condom since the eighth grade—that’s the only time he remembered. They’d all been given a couple during the human sexuality unit in health class. Josh had locked himself in the bathroom as soon as he’d gotten home to try it out. It wasn’t that difficult, but that had been in the privacy of his own bathroom. He pulled the instruction sheet out of the box and skimmed the information. He froze when he read, “not recommended for use underwater.”

  “What the hell?” Josh read it again. It didn’t say why it wasn’t recommended, but since it warned against the use of oil based lubricants, he suspected it had something to do with the chemicals in the water weakening the latex. He’d left his phone in his car so he couldn’t even look it up online. “Damn it.”

  Josh tucked the box in the top drawer of the nightstand next to the bed then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his hips. He remembered Dad explaining that the reason he wasn’t going in the hot tub anymore was because it lowered his sperm count and he and Liz were trying to have a baby. He shuddered at the memory of that awkward revelation, but it was useful information. Maybe if he soaked in the hot water for a couple of hours before using the condom it would be safe enough? What kind of a selfish prick thought like that?

  There was no such thing as ‘safe enough.’ Not when it came to Channie. He wasn’t going to risk getting her pregnant in the hot tub just to fulfill a selfish fantasy.

  “Josh? You okay?”

  He looked up and found Channie standing in the doorway wrapped up in her robe, a towel wound around her head like a turban.

  He sighed then forced a smile. “We can’t have sex in the hot tub.”

  “Why not?”

  He handed her the condom instruction sheet and pointed to the warning about sex underwater.

  She sat down beside him on the bed then twisted her mouth to the side and frowned. “It doesn’t say ‘don’t do it.’ It just says, ‘not recommended.’”

  Josh shook his head. “It’s not worth the risk.”

  Channie scratched her forearm and stood up. “The chemicals in the water are making me itch. Why don’t we take a shower together then finish what we started in bed?”

  Josh grinned then followed her into the bathroom. Showering with Channie was even better than messing around in the hot tub. The feel of her firm, but yielding, curves under his hot, soapy hands had him panting with desire. He lost the ability to breathe at all when she dug her fingers into his biceps. But when she threw back her head and gasped his name, he thought he’d surely melt and disappear down the drain with the soap and shampoo and…blood.

  “Channie! Are you okay?”

  “Um-hum.” The corners of her lips curled up in a lazy smile as her eyes fluttered open.

  “You’re bleeding.” Josh pointed at the trickle of blood flowing down her inner thigh.

  She gasped and yanked the shower door open then shoved Josh’s shoulder, propelling him out of the shower. “Get out!”

  Panic rose in his throat, choking him. Had he hurt her? She’d obviously enjoyed it, but even vigorous foreplay shouldn’t make her bleed…oh. “Did you just start your period?”

  “Out!” She pointed at the bathroom door.

  “Okay, okay.” Josh kept his eyes on her face as he backed up.

  She slammed the door in his face.

  “Just tell me you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. And the answer to your question is yes.”

  “Oh, good.” Josh had suspected as much but it was a relief to know for sure.

  The sound of doors and drawers opening and closing put Josh on alert. “Do you need anything? Advil? Tylenol?”

  “Vengeance stocked this place with everything I could possibly need except…you know…”

  “Oh.” Josh’s face burned with heat. “You need tampons?”


  Buying the condoms had been embarrassing, but it was nothing compared to shopping for tampons. The Kwik Mart in Nederland had an entire shelf full of the things. Josh had no idea what size, absorbency or even brand Channie used. It was a twenty minute drive back to the cabin, so he called Kassie for advice.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes and no…” He turned his back on the curious clerk watching him from behind the counter and lowered his voice to explain his dilemma.

  Kassie laughed for a full minute before calming down enough to talk. “The brand’s not important, just be sure it’s unscented. Get regular absorbency. It’s better to change more often than to use something that’s going to dry her out—”

  “Okay, got it.” Talk about too much information, Jeeze. “Thanks.”

  Kassie laughed again. “Anytime, Josh.”


  April and May flew by in a whirlwind. Josh’s double life exhausted him, physically and mentally.

  The different factions of mages at Freedom Ridge continued to squabble amongst themselves. Josh dreaded the bi-monthly meetings. Tim kept the Freedom Ridge rebels in line when he was there, but he was much more aggressive about harassing Dominance’s forces than Wisdom had been, so that kept him away from camp. Things had a way of escalating whenever he was gone. The cage that had held Prudence, now housed six men. They were accused of various crimes, including murder.

  Josh told Tim to choose whether he wanted to govern Freedom Ridge or lead the rebels in battle. He couldn’t do both. Not surprisingly, Tim chose to fight. Josh decided the best way to fill the vacancy of camp administrator was to hold an election. It was a close race, but Inheritance Crawford beat Vixen by a slim margin. The fact that there were more women in camp probably gave him the edge. Vixen wasn’t very popular among her own sex.

  At least Rider kept the Bowling Green mages under control and organized. They continued to support Freedom Ridge with bi-monthly shipments of food, medicine and other supplies.

  Even his ‘normal’ life was stressful. He used magic to help him remember the things he studied so his test scores were high, but it barely made up for all his missed assignments. He wouldn’t graduate with honors, but he would graduate.

  Channie straightened Josh’s cap then gave the tassel a flick with her finger. “I’d give anything to be able to see you get your diploma.”

  “I seriously doubt it.” Josh regretted his sarcastic remark as soon as it left his mouth. He’d pu
t on his cap and gown so Channie could see ‘how handsome he looked in his graduation costume.’ And he had to rub it in that she couldn’t go because he hadn’t killed her mother.

  “Josh, I want to be free from this curse, more than you can imagine, but I want it to be because Aunt Wisdom’s cured Momma. Not because you’ve killed her!”

  It was a frequent source of friction between them. Josh had hoped that Channie would accept the inevitable. He’d even recited the Book of the Dead’s instructions, but she’d remained adamant. He never should have told her about the ‘progress’ Wisdom thought Prudence had made.

  Hunter called every day and left vague messages on Josh’s phone.

  “No luck today, sorry.”

  “Them two is more slippery than a snail’s trail.”

  “More bad news.”

  “Got a bead on ‘em today, headed for the west coast. Wish us luck!”

  “That California lead was a dead end. You sure you cain’t talk your daddy into spilling the beans. It’d sure help if we had some idea of what part of the country they’s in.”

  Josh had tried everything, even magic, but Dad refused to break his promise to Wisdom. All he’d tell Josh was that Wisdom was still working on a cure and that she was still calling his office every day with an update.

  He’d even had Zen bug Dad’s office phone. But all that did was add another layer of guilt to Josh’s overburdened conscience. Whenever Wisdom called, she never mentioned where they were or where they were headed. It was always from a pay phone and she never stayed on the line long enough for Zen or any of the Bowling Green rebels to trace the call.

  Channie rolled onto her tiptoes and pulled Josh’s face down for a kiss. “This is a day to celebrate, not argue.”

  Josh smiled, even though he didn’t feel like it. “I’ll come right home as soon as it’s over.”

  “You’ll do no such thing! Your grandparents came all the way from New York to see you graduate. Enjoy your family. Spend the night and then bring me pictures tomorrow morning. We’ll have our own celebration.” Channie pressed her body against his as she kissed him, giving him a hint of just how she planned to celebrate.

  “I’ll go to dinner, but I’m not spending the night away from you.”


  Dad rented the entire Flagstaff Restaurant for Josh and Kassie’s graduation party. They’d just finished their salads and were waiting for the next course when Kassie gasped. The color drained from her face as her eyes widened. “I think…my water broke.”

  Josh reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “Are you sure?”

  Kassie nodded and looked down at her lap. “I’m sure.”

  “I’ll call 911.” Josh leaned to the side and dug his phone out of his pocket.

  Aunt Mary grabbed it before he could dial and laughed. “That won’t be necessary. First babies usually take quite awhile. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  “But…the baby’s not due until next month.” Josh stood up. “At least let me drive you to the hospital.”

  “This kid is due in three weeks, but if she wants out now, I’m not going to argue.” Kassie scooted her chair back. “And I’m not leaving my car here.”

  “I’m not letting you drive yourself to the hospital while you’re in labor!”

  Aunt Mary laughed again. “I’ll drive her, Josh. Stay here and enjoy the party.”

  Josh glanced down the table. Dad was talking to someone on his cell phone. Mom was arguing with Grandmother Waverly about ordering another glass of wine. Elijah was building a log cabin out of breadsticks to entertain Savvy, CoCo and Zeal. And the containment field Josh created to keep the trips from zapping anyone should last until morning. “I don’t think anyone will notice I’m gone.”

  “What are you going to do? Hold my hand while I push the baby out?”

  Josh felt the blood drain from his face.

  “Didn’t think so.” Kassie rolled her eyes. “You better grow a pair before Channie goes into labor.”

  “Kassie!” Aunt Mary gave Josh a sympathetic smile. “Apologize, right now.”

  She muttered, “sorry,” but did so with a look of disdain.

  Josh closed his eyes to keep from glaring at her. They were still using Channie’s fake pregnancy and doctor prescribed bed rest as an excuse for her prolonged absence. But Kassie, Dad and Liz knew the truth. Kassie had taken it hard but it wasn’t like Josh had lied to her on purpose. Dad hadn’t been happy about the news, or the fact that Josh had lied to him, so it was surprising when he was the one that suggested they wait until Channie was out of danger to tell everyone that she’d lost the baby.

  “Josh, do you mind helping Kassie to the car while I explain to everyone why we’re leaving early?”

  “No problem.” He tried to take her arm, but Kassie jerked it away from him.

  “I’m pregnant, not helpless.”

  “Look, I know you’re mad at me, but I don’t know how to make it up to you.”

  Kassie tore into Josh while they were waiting for the valet to bring her car around. “You want to make it up to me? Then get Channie pregnant so my kid will have a cousin close to her own age.”

  That had to be one of the worst reasons Josh had ever heard to have a baby, but he wasn’t about to tell Kassie that. “Will you at least call me and let me know when the baby gets here?”

  “Why? You never have your phone on you anymore.”

  “I’ll keep it with me tonight. Okay?”

  Kassie sighed then nodded. “Okay.”

  Channie was even more excited than Josh about the baby. He leaned his back against the fridge, put his phone on speaker, then held it out of reach so Channie could talk to Kassie. Josh tuned them out when they started discussing cervical effacement, dilation and epidural blocks. He just enjoyed watching Channie’s face as she chatted with Kassie. It was obvious that she missed her. He hated that Channie had to be so isolated. Maybe he’d have Vince ‘kidnap’ Kassie and the baby for a week…or not. That would probably freak Channie out too much.

  Hey, the anesthesiologist is here to give me my epidural. Thank god. I gotta go.”

  “Give us a call as soon as you can after the baby’s born.”

  Channie made a grab for Josh’s phone when Kassie ended the call, but he had no problem keeping it away from her. “Oh no you don’t, shorty.”

  “I had to try.” Channie smiled and shrugged. “But I’m glad you’re so big and strong that there’s no way for me to overpower you to steal your phone.”

  “Is it a problem? Are you going to try to knock me out or something?”

  “You’re too smart for that.”

  “Damn straight.” Josh tightened his grip on his phone. “Why don’t you sit on your hands so I can show you the pictures from graduation.”

  Channie hopped her butt onto the counter and tucked her hands under her thighs. Tears filled her eyes as she watched the slide show on his phone. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I’m proud of you, too.” Josh didn’t want to risk Channie picking his pocket, so he shoved his phone down his pants before sliding between her knees. He put his hands on the counter next to her hips and leaned over her. “You’ll be a senior next year. Just one more year of high school and you’re done.”

  Channie tucked an unruly strand of hair behind her ear. “Actually, I was thinking that I might like to go to college someday.”

  “Awesome! Any idea what you’d like to study?”

  “Herbal medicine.”

  “That sounds like a perfect fit.”

  Channie wrapped her legs around Josh’s hips. “I figured I could use what I learned about plants from Aunt Wisdom when I was her apprentice and apply it to empty medicine.”

  That gave Josh an idea. The box Wisdom constructed for the Book of the Dead was made from a live cedar tree. Ordinary magic was plenty strong enough to keep other mages from touching it, but if he used the added power of his sapphire with elemental magic, there was no way C
hannie could get past that.

  He tucked his phone under the Book of the Dead, strengthened the no-touch spell on the box then showed it to Channie.

  Her hand shook as it hovered over the box. She tapped the top of it with her index finger then yelped in pain and stuck her finger in her mouth.

  Josh hated hurting her, but she needed to feel the repellent shock to satisfy the death pledge. “Are we good?”

  She nodded.

  Josh set the box on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. “Come on. We might as well try to get some sleep before Kassie calls with good news.”


  Josh’s phone chimed with a text alert at seven thirty the next morning. He dug it out from under the Book of the Dead and grinned when he saw the picture of a newborn baby. “Hey, Channie, wake up. Kassie had the baby.”

  She bolted upright and blinked. “Let me see.”

  Josh kept a death grip on his phone as he showed her the picture.

  “It’s a boy!”

  “How can you tell?” Josh hoped Channie was wrong. The kid was bundled up from head to toe. Kassie had declined the doctor’s offer to give her his best guess of the baby’s sex after each ultrasound, saying she already knew it was a girl.

  “The blanket’s blue.”

  “I hope you’re wrong or that Kassie’s not disappointed.” Josh’s phone chimed again. The message read, “Hunter Joshua Waverly born 5:55 am 5 lbs. 3 oz. CUTEST BABY EVER!!!”

  “Whoa.” Josh’s mouth fell open. “She named her kid after me and Hunter.”

  Tears streamed down Channie’s face as she laughed. “I wish I could see Hunter’s face when he finds out.”

  Josh grinned as he leaned back against the headboard. “You wanna call Kassie?”

  Channie nodded.

  “Okay, you know the drill. Sit on your hands.”

  Channie and Kassie talked, nonstop, for fifteen minutes, before Josh got the chance to congratulate her. He was shocked to hear that Kassie hadn’t texted Hunter with the news of his namesake’s arrival.

  “Why’d you name the baby after him if you don’t even care enough to tell him?”

  “I just like the name, that’s all. It doesn’t mean anything.”


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