Book Read Free

Finding Valor

Page 42

by Charlotte Abel

  I can only imagine the rumors you’ve heard about me from your father. Please remember there’re always two sides to every story. I personally guarantee the safety of your delegation during negotiations as witnessed by my signature in blood.


  Your queen and grandmother, Dominance Veyjivik


  Josh was arguing with the council in Tim’s cabin when Carver burst through the door. “I’m sorry to intrude, but there’s a small group of troublemakers that want to take advantage of Dominance’s offer.”

  Secrets at Freedom Ridge spread like a virus and mutated twice as fast. But no one had read the message out loud. Whatever rumors were buzzing through camp had not evolved from fact. Someone was making stuff up. “What offer?”

  “Dominance’s promise to reward the entire clan of anyone that brings her your severed head.”

  “What!” Most of the mages at Freedom Ridge were loyal to Josh. Many of them would lay down their lives to save his, but there were a few disgruntled slackers that would gladly use this wild rumor as an excuse to get rid of him. It was no doubt one of these malcontents that had started the rumor in the first place. “Call a mandatory camp meeting for everyone—except the men on guard duty. We’ll convene in the mess hall in one hour.”

  Josh had no idea how to respond to Dominance’s invitation, or even if he should respond at all. But he needed to stop these rumors. “Let’s go back to my cabin. It’s a lot more private. Zen, post a guard at the head of the trail. I don’t want any eavesdroppers.”

  When Josh rounded the last bend in the trail and got his first glimpse of their cabin, it stopped his heart. Gold light shot out of every crack and crevice. It even beamed out of the chimney. He tore up the trail then yanked the door open. He slammed his eyes shut and covered them with his forearm, but found no relief from the glare. It was like staring into the sun.

  The source of the light came from under the bed…where he’d hidden the Book of the Dead. As soon as he touched it, the light blinked out. It took several minutes for his eyes to adjust before he could read the new message. When the words became legible, Josh read them out loud…

  The stars and planets are now aligned

  Blood calls to blood its powers to bind.

  Go to Black Mountain and meet your fate

  With your father, your friend and your charming mate.

  Your army must march to the enemy’s gate

  But in the mountain’s shadows hide and wait.

  Borrow their strength, magic and power

  Or you’ll fail to prevail in your final hour.

  Son of Vengeance, bringer of light,

  Fight with valor on this fateful night

  Some shall rejoice while others mourn

  As they watch the moon die and then be reborn.

  We’ve done all we can to protect and defend.

  But none shall know how the battle will end

  ’Til the total eclipse on solstice night

  Ordains the heir that wins the fight.

  Should you prevail when the battle’s done

  Cut out the heart of the evil one

  Then bury us deep in her empty chest

  And all of our power to thee we’ll bequest.

  Josh waited for Channie to finish copying the words then sighed. It wasn’t a tired sigh or a frustrated sigh or even an angry sigh. It was the final exhalation of a dying man. Going to Black Mountain wasn’t enough to appease the Book of the Dead? He had to take Channie, Hunter and Vince. Or what? It’d kill them all? Did it even matter? They were dead either way.


  A sense of impending doom weighed heavy in the tiny cabin, thickening the air, making it hard to breathe. Channie had faced death before, hers, her enemies and even Josh’s, but this was so much worse. Before, they’d always been the victims of circumstance. Now, they were marching into the jaws of death with their eyes wide open. None of them expected to survive.

  Vince and Aunt Wisdom exchanged vows that afternoon in the most solemn, heartbreaking ceremony Channie had ever witnessed. Hunter was holed up somewhere on the spare satellite phone with Kassie and would be all night…or as long as the battery lasted. Josh had refused to call his family, claiming he’d already said his good-byes when they left Colorado. But Channie knew it was because he didn’t want to breakdown over the phone. She could tell he was barely holding it together. He’d been so strong all day…strategizing with Tim and Zen…organizing the evacuation of Freedom Ridge.

  He’d called a general assembly to share what the Book of the Dead had revealed. In a heartwarming show of support, the entire camp had knelt and sworn fealty to Prince Valor.

  Josh leaned against the front window, forehead pressed to the glass, staring off into the distance.

  Channie sat on the bed and patted the mattress. “Come, sit beside me.”

  He turned around. His eyes mirrored her despair. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  “I know.” The mattress dipped, tilting her towards him when he sat down. He pressed her head against his chest. “But it feels like it is. It would be so much easier to do this if it were just me…”

  “Not for me.” She cupped his face with her palms and forced him to look in her eyes. “I could never let you face her alone.”

  “I don’t understand why anyone else needs to be involved. The book has always implied that it’s supposed to be a one-on-one duel…me against her.”

  “And it probably will be.” The thought sent a chill through Channie’s heart. “But you draw strength from people’s loyalty and love. And no one is more loyal to you, or loves you more than I do. No one.”

  “I don’t want to weaken you. Even if I kill Dominance, her entire army will be there. You’ll need your strength to escape.”

  “Have you ever considered that you strengthen me too? It’s not a give and take situation with us. Love multiplies love. It doesn’t weaken it.”

  “Are you sure?” Josh looked hopeful for the first time since learning he had to take her with him to Black Mountain.

  “Try it.”

  A golden rope of energy sprang out of both their chests, simultaneously. Magic flowed back and forth between them. Channie smiled. “See?”

  Josh cut the power from his end. “All I see is that I’m stronger.”

  “I wouldn’t lie to you about this, Joshua.”

  He quirked an eyebrow.

  Channie shifted her weight and slung a leg over Josh’s lap, straddling him on the bed. “I have plenty of energy. Shall I prove it?”

  He smiled, but it was a sad smile. “Maybe later.”

  “Why not now?” They were leaving in the morning—going to Black Mountain with Hunter, Vince and Ambition. They might not get another chance.

  “I’m tired.” He sounded like an old man. And why shouldn’t he? He bore more responsibility than any man should have to shoulder. If he didn’t defeat Dominance, they weren’t the only ones that would lose. The entire rebel force was following them to Black Mountain, as the Book of the Dead demanded, but without Josh, they wouldn’t be able to defeat Dominance’s army. “I just want to hold you for awhile.”

  Channie laid down beside him. She traced the contours of his face, as if she hadn’t already memorized the dip of his brow between his eyes; the feather-soft brush of his lashes against her fingertips; the sharp angles of his jaw and chin; the firm, but yielding flesh of his lips.

  He caught her finger between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth before releasing it then rolled on top of her. His hands slid up her rib cage, peeling her shirt off.

  “Josh.” She grabbed his wrists. “You don’t have to do this. It’s okay.”

  He kissed her forehead, both of her eyes, the tip of her nose, her jaw, her throat, the swell of her breast…then stopped. A hot, fat tear fell into the hollow of her collarbone. His breath hitched. He rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of his chest. But his shuddering sigh
meant he was done.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry.” His voice cracked. “I can’t stop thinking that this could be the last time…”

  Channie fisted her hands in his hair and lifted his head. She locked her gaze on his tear-filled eyes. She was angry. No, she was furious. How dare he give up before the fight had even begun. “This is not good-bye. Now kiss me like you mean it.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her then pried her hands out of his hair.

  She’d pissed him off. Good. He wouldn’t make love to her while he was angry, but anything was better than his unrelenting despair.

  He pinned both her wrists above her head with just one of his hands then attacked her mouth.

  She nipped his lower lip; a little harder than she’d intended. She tasted blood.

  Josh bit her back. It hurt. But she didn’t care. She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed.

  He grunted and raised his head. “Damn, woman, you’ve got strong thighs.”

  “Don’t underestimate me. I’m stronger than you think.”

  What started out rough, turned into the most tender, gentle and intimate night they’d ever shared. Josh’s fingers ghosted over her skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Power sparked between them with every touch, every sigh, every kiss. They both kept their eyes open, gazes locked. If this really was the last time, Channie didn’t want to miss any of it. She inhaled his musky, lemony scent and held each breath as long as she could, willing it to become a part of her. She wrapped her arms around his back and pressed his body closer. Josh always held his weight off her when they made love, but she didn’t want that tonight. She wanted to feel all of him. She wanted it to last forever. But nothing lasts forever.

  Someone knocked on their door a little before sunrise. “Josh? Channie? Y’all ready to go?”

  It was Hunter. His voice was rough as gravel. As if he’d been crying. Channie’s heart broke for him and Kassie. At least she and Josh were together.

  Josh kissed the top of Channie’s head then pressed a palm over her ear before calling out to Hunter. “Meet us at the gate in an hour.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ambition led them into Whistler’s Gulch where a stretch limo was waiting. Josh shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was. The trip to Black Mountain was somber…and silent. Ambition sat in front with the driver with the privacy window up, but that was probably a ploy to spy on them. The back seat was no doubt wired for sound. All the privacy window did was keep them from hearing what Ambition and the driver were saying. They couldn’t talk about anything important and no one was in the mood for idle chatter. Hunter pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Kassie sent me some new pictures of HJ. Y’all wanna see?”

  “No!” Josh shot Hunter an ‘are you crazy’ look and used magic to erase his phone.

  Hunter’s face turned chalk white.

  Josh didn’t know if it was because Hunter realized he’d just put Kassie and her baby on a hit list or if it was the loss of his precious pictures. He felt horrible for deleting them, but it was better than letting them fall into Dominance’s hands. He’d already deleted all his contacts off his phone and left it with Zen back at Freedom Ridge—as well as a message to send to Dad should things end badly with Dominance. They’d need to disappear. The only photo he’d saved was his and Channie’s wedding picture.

  Hunter mouthed, “Thanks,” and closed his eyes.

  Vince spent most of his time staring out the window. Josh had gotten so used to his scars that he could tell when Vince was thinking about Wisdom and when he was thinking about seeing Dominance again. Josh could only imagine the emotional turmoil he must be suffering.

  Channie stayed curled against Josh’s side, her hand on his knee.

  He played with her hair, winding a strand around his finger, letting it go, then doing it all over again. He kissed her head, her temple, her cheek. He wished with all his heart that she wasn’t there, but he wasn’t strong enough to resist the comfort touching her gave him.

  The tension in the limo climbed with every mile. When they passed the “Welcome to Kentucky” road sign, Josh’s stomach twisted into a knot. Channie squeezed his knee and lifted her chin to smile at him.

  He seriously needed to suck it up. He should be comforting her. He pulled her closer and kissed her temple then whispered, “I’m okay, babe.”

  “Liar.” She said it with a grin, but it was the truth.

  It was dark when they arrived. Clouds obscured the waxing moon. Josh’s mouth was so dry he couldn’t swallow. The gate to the castle was not at all what he expected. Instead of a massive structure of stone and iron over a moat, it was a wooden gate over a cattle guard. Ambition hopped out and unlocked the simple combination. Power flared briefly. It came from Vince.

  Josh frowned at him.

  Vince mouthed, “Thirty-four, eighteen, twenty-two.”

  He must have enhanced his hearing way past normal human ranges to decipher the combination from inside the car. Josh couldn’t help but be impressed. Even though all the freedom fighters would need to do was crawl between the boards.

  They must have driven at least ten miles before they came to a second gate. No moat, but it was definitely closer to what Josh had originally imagined. Stone turrets, complete with armed guards, stood like sentinels. The limo driver rolled down all the windows. One of the guards shone a flashlight into the interior of the car. He grimaced when the light fell on Vince's face and held it on him much longer than necessary. Josh gritted his teeth. He wanted to bury his fist in the jerk’s nose.

  Vince rolled his eyes after the guard waved them through the gate. “It’s okay. I’m used to it.”

  “You might be used to it, but it is not okay.”

  They continued up a winding gravel road for another mile. Josh’s heart tried to beat its way out of his chest when they broke out of the woods and the castle came into view. “Holy crap.”

  Vince got out of the limo and pointed to the left side of the fortress. “That entire wing was destroyed the night my mother assumed the throne.”

  Josh kept one arm around Channie’s waist as he stretched. “This place is freaking huge.”

  “Yes. It is.” A well dressed, middle aged woman seemed to appear out of nowhere. “And someday it could all be yours.”

  Hate flooded Vince's energy shield. “Hello, Mother.”

  She completely ignored Vengeance. Didn’t so much as glance in his direction. She stretched her hand out, palm down as if she expected Josh to kiss it. “I’m so glad you decided to accept my invitation.”

  Josh took her hand and gave it a friendly squeeze then let go.

  Dominance turned her attention to Channie. “And this must be your lovely wife, Enchantment Kerns…or is it Belks?”

  Josh’s heart jumped into his throat. Dominance was making sure they all knew that she knew exactly who Channie was and that she hadn’t forgotten that Channie’s family owed her a blood debt. He fought the urge to shove Channie behind his back.

  “Actually, it’s Veyjivik.” Channie smiled, politely, reminding Dominance that she was Prince Valor’s wife. Not that it would protect her, but still…Josh was proud of her for standing up to the bitch.

  “Of course.” Dominance returned Channie’s smile, but it looked like it pained her to do so. “Please, come in. The staff has prepared a light repast for our weary travelers. I hope the limo was comfortable.”

  “Cut the bullshit, Mother.”

  “Vince.” Josh glared at him. They’d all agreed to go along with Dominance’s ‘let’s play nice together’ ruse as long as possible before they’d even left Freedom Ridge. They didn’t want to start a fight until their army had a chance to arrive. With a group that large, it would take several days to shuttle everyone in. “Don’t be rude.”

  “Yes, Vengeance.” Dominance finally deigned to look at her son. To her credit, she kept her expression passive, as if she didn’t
even notice how her curse had scarred him. “I raised you better than that.”

  Josh cast a mild, pre-emptive be-calm spell on Vince. Not enough to impair him, but still, he expected him to smack the back of his head or at least give him a dirty look.

  All he did was nod at Josh and murmur, “Thank you.”

  The ‘light repast’ was nothing short of a five-course meal. Dominance made a big production out of tasting every dish before it was served to the rest of the group, obviously trying to prove that nothing was poisoned. Josh’s stomach was still tied in knots, so he pushed his food around with his fork and hoped he didn’t offend Dominance.

  She noticed. “Does the food not agree with your palette, Valor? Is there something else you’d prefer?”

  “No. It’s fine. I’m just…tired.”

  “Of course.” Dominance clapped her hands, twice. Three young women, about Channie’s age, scurried into the dining room and collected everyone’s plates—whether they were finished eating or not.

  Hunter grabbed the entire Cornish hen off his plate and hid it under the table as soon as he figured out what was going on. Josh couldn’t keep from smiling. It was such a “Hunter” thing.

  He was afraid that Dominance would try to separate everyone, but she gave them the entire northeast wing of the castle and told them to choose any of the rooms they liked. She was being incredibly nice for someone responsible for so much death and destruction. It was almost a relief when her two escorts remained at the entrance of their wing. She didn’t trust them either.

  Channie tugged Josh’s hand and led him into the first bedroom on the right. A gentle blaze nibbled at three logs the size of Josh’s thighs in a massive stone fireplace. A floor to ceiling window behind a sunken tub provided a view of the forest below and the heavens above. But it was the king-sized, four-poster bed that dominated the room. Channie tossed four of the six pillows onto the couch near the fireplace and turned down the comforter. “See, I told you last night wasn’t the last time we’d make love.”


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