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Page 30

by Karen Baney

  Marcy was right. She was happier around him. Other than his secret about Alana, he had been great, always making her feel special. He’s the one who helped lead her to the Lord. How could she keep holding a grudge?

  Besides, she missed him more than she wanted to admit.

  Her hair took long enough that both Marcy and Tori were done in the makeup chair. Marcy traded Niki places while Tori sat nearby, all put together.

  When the makeup artist was done, Niki tried not to cringe as she looked at her reflection. She looked garish, especially with the casual button down shirt that clashed horribly with the bright red lipstick. Hopefully it would transform into something beautiful against the maroon of her bridesmaid dress.

  The stylist pinned the last curl of Marcy’s hair into place. When she turned Marcy toward Tori and Niki, Niki thought she might cry. Her friend looked stunning.

  “Chad is a lucky, guy.”

  “Oh, stop,” Marcy said, “or you’ll have me testing this waterproof mascara before we even get to the church.”

  “Speaking of church…” Niki ushered Marcy to her car.

  As they pulled into the church parking lot, Marcy waited in the car for the all clear. She wanted to stick with tradition and make sure her soon-to-be husband didn’t get an accidental glimpse.

  Niki pulled Marcy’s dress from the back, helping her hold it in a way so it wouldn’t get wrinkled or drag on the ground. Then she grabbed her own dress, following behind her.

  “The bride’s changing room is over here,” Marcy said.

  The sound of a woman crying drew her attention to the foyer. Niki’s feet locked as if they had been bolted to the floor when her eyes took in the scene before her.

  A tuxedo clad Kyle held a tearful Kelly in his arms. He was whispering something in her ear.

  Her stomach tightened. Her breathing stopped. Her hopes imploded. It would have hurt less if he’d come over and ripped her beating heart from her chest.

  “Niki!” Tori’s loud voice echoed through the lobby. “Are you coming?”

  Kyle’s head snapped her direction as he dropped his hold on Kelly like her skin suddenly turned into corrosive acid. “Niki, wait—”

  “Yeah, right behind you,” Niki said, turning to follow Tori back down the hall. She slammed the door shut with a shaky hand, securing the barrier between her and Kyle. Slowly she began erecting the wall around her heart.

  She could do this. Breathe in and out. She only had to get through this day. Then she could say goodbye to Kyle Jacobs forever.

  “You okay?” Brenda Jacobs asked as she lifted the dress from her arms.

  Niki exhaled a stuttered breath. “Yeah, fine. Just had to run out to my car for something and I’m a little winded.”

  Brenda raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

  Niki moved to stand next to Marcy. “Put me to work.”

  Between Niki and Brenda, they finally got Marcy into her gown and veil situated. Marcy chatted about a million different things, a sure indication that she was getting nervous. Niki smiled as Marcy carefully spun in a circle.

  “You’re gorgeous!” Tori exclaimed.

  Niki echoed the sentiment before leaving the happy group to fawn over Marcy. She slipped out of her casual outfit and shimmied into the maroon bride’s maid gown. She reached around to zip up the dress, certain she had not gotten it all the way up. Re-entering the bride’s changing room, she sought Tori’s help. How on earth was she going to get out of this thing tonight?

  She caught her own reflection in the mirror. The makeup, which looked gaudy before, suited her perfectly with the rich tone of the gown. She felt like a princess with her hair perfectly curled and cascading down her back. She wondered what Jack would have thought, seeing his sister all decked out. Or what her parents would think.

  The loneliness clawed at her heart. She was losing Marcy today—the one person who remained steady in her life for nearly twelve years—ever since they met in high school.

  She finally lost everyone—including Kyle.

  A soft knock on the door preceded Rick’s voice. Niki, Tori, and Chad’s mom exited the room, giving Marcy a few minutes with her dad and mom. Niki looked around and spotted a restless Alana between Kyle and Kelly.

  As guests filed in, Kyle joined Chad and Matt at the front. The girls stood in the hallway off of the lobby for several minutes until the ceremony officially started. Niki was up first.

  On cue, Niki started down the aisle. Kyle’s smile was soft and he looked so handsome in his tux. His blue eyes shimmered. As her eyes connected with his, the look he gave her threatened to drown her. She darted her eyes away, remembering to smile sweetly despite the pain piercing her heart. She had to keep it together. This was Marcy’s wedding day.

  At the last row before the stairs, she fretted about how to make her way up the stairs without stepping on her dress. Her first step came off without mishap. On the second step, the toe of her sandal came down on the hem of her gown. She stumbled into place on the top step. Why did her clumsiness have to show up for this occasion? Hearing a few snickers, Niki looked for the videographer and gave a quick thumbs up. Might as well give Marcy something fun for her wedding video.

  Tori made her way up, followed by a quiet and demure Alana.

  Then the music sounded and the guests stood to their feet. Every eye turned to watch as Marcy’s father escorted her down the aisle. Her white satin gown shimmered with each step, giving her an almost angelic appearance. Her father carefully helped her up the steps and waited for his cue.

  From there, everything seemed to rush by. Niki hated that she couldn’t see Marcy’s face. It never dawned on her that she wouldn’t be able to. She felt like she missed the best part. She could see Chad and the tears in his eyes that threatened to spill over. She wondered if Marcy’s eyes were clear.

  Niki’s gaze moved from the couple to Kyle. He looked at her in the same second. Did he have some extra sense that he could tell when she was looking at him? She blinked and returned her eyes firmly on the back of Marcy’s head.

  Once the vows and rings were exchanged, the pastor announced them as Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer. Chad gave Marcy a big and a tasteful kiss before Niki handed the bouquet over. She watched as they walked down the aisle.

  Then came the moment she was dreading. She met Kyle on the top step and took his arm. Wordlessly she followed his leisurely pace down the aisle. As soon as they were at the back of the church, she tried to skirt away, but he held her hand tight.

  “You are radiant, Niki,” Kyle said. “Before you run off, can we talk a minute?”

  Niki tugged on her hand. “Not the time or place. Besides I want to wish the happy couple well.” She started towards Marcy and Chad, expecting him to drop her hand. He didn’t—not until she reached up to hug Marcy.

  “Congrats, Marcella,” she teased. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Thanks, Niki.”

  The rest of the wedding party made their way to the lobby. As the lobby filled with the throng of guests, Niki walked back into the empty chapel, waiting for the pictures to begin. She ran her hand along the ends of the pews on the bride’s side.

  Bride’s side. When—or better yet, if—Niki got married, the bride’s side would be empty. No father to give her away. No mother to make last minute adjustments to her veil. No brother to tease her then secretly find a way to tell her how proud he is.

  Weddings were supposed to be happy, but she felt very far from it as she blinked away her tears.

  “Hey,” Kelly’s soft voice broke through her thoughts. “I just wanted to tell you that there’s nothing going on between me and Kyle.”

  Niki nodded, only because it seemed the thing to do.

  “I saw your face before you ran off, so I know what you were thinking. It’s not that. My fiancé Derrick called me this morning and broke off our engagement. I was a mess and needed a shoulder to cry on.”

  “And Kyle’s just happened to be the one you picked? Thanks so much,
” Niki said with false sugary sweetness.

  Kelly shied away. “Just thought you might want to know the truth.” She walked a few steps before she turned back to Niki. “You know, I saw the way he looked at you as you walked down the aisle. He’s completely smitten with you. Don’t take that for granted.”

  The last thing she wanted was advice from Kyle’s ex-lover. She narrowed her eyes and almost launched into a tirade, but Kelly turned and made her way to Alana’s side.

  She didn’t believe that there was nothing between Kyle and Kelly.

  For the next thirty minutes, the bride and groom and the wedding party posed for what seemed like a million different pictures. Niki thought her cheeks were going to be numb all night after so much smiling.

  “Niki, Kyle,” the photographer said, “Marcy wants one with just the two of you.”

  Niki glared at Marcy, who shrugged. She willingly complied and smiled sweetly, hoping to cut short the number of pictures needed. As soon as the pose finished, she stalked off to a corner trying to get as far away from him as possible. Thankfully, he was busy now getting his picture with Alana and then with Alana and Kelly.

  At last the pictures were finished. Niki gathered up her things and Marcy’s things from the bride’s changing room. Struggling to manage everything in one trip, she smiled when Matt appeared just in time to help load her car.

  The trip to the hotel for the reception took less than fifteen minutes. Marcy and Chad had yet to make their grand entrance, giving the wedding party a chance to arrive first. Niki walked into the ballroom on Kyle’s arm again—hopefully for the last time of the night. She took her seat next to the Marcy’s reserved seat.

  As Marcy and Chad entered, the celebrating friends and family cheered, watching intently as the couple made their way to their seats.

  “I thought I told them to put you and Kyle together and Matt and Tori on the other side,” Marcy commented as she sat down looking at the place cards Niki cleverly repositioned.

  “Mrs. Schaefer, are you not into the traditional seating?”

  “Hmm. I know what you’re up to Niki. And if I know my brother, you won’t get away with brushing him off so easily.”

  She gave Marcy a wry smile before picking at the food on her plate. Despite having eaten nothing all day, she wasn’t really hungry. As the meal neared the end, Kyle stood clanging his glass to give a toast.

  “Marcella,” he said looking at his sister. “Chad. I have never met two people more perfect for each other. After all, Chad, you survived a date with Marcy’s roommate long enough to get Marcy’s number.” The crowd laughed, many of them already familiar with the story. “And, Marcy, you just couldn’t settle for some conventional way to meet your husband, could you? Anyway,” he raised his glass, “may your union be strong, always blessed by God with His love strengthening the love you hold for each other.”

  The crowd joined in the toast. Niki chose to down the whole glass of champagne, hoping to calm her nerves.

  Marcy smiled and ran over to hug her brother. “Thanks, Kyle. That was very sweet.”

  “You did good, Marcella.”

  Magically, Niki’s champagne flute refilled. She sipped this one a little slower while watching the cutting of the cake—better described as Marcy mashing cake on her husband’s face.

  By the time the music started, she felt a bit light headed. Probably from not eating much.

  She saw Kyle heading her direction, so she quickly ducked out, pretending to use the restroom.

  Standing in front of the mirror, her reflection looked foreign. Who was this Niki?

  Sometime this morning she resolved to forgive Kyle. Then she saw Kelly in his arms. No matter what Kelly said the reason was, the image would stay with her for a long time. Nope. It was time to bring back the guarded Niki—the one who never gets too close and never gets hurt.

  Squaring her shoulders in determination, she pushed the bathroom door open. She returned to the table and downed the rest of her champagne. Kyle stood nearby talking with Matt, seeming not to notice her return.

  “Can you check in on my place the next few weeks?” Kyle asked.

  “Sure. You’re not heading out of town on business again are you? Niki seemed pretty upset by this last trip,” Matt said.

  “No. I’ve got some time off so I’m going to head up to Colorado Springs to spend some time with Alana.”

  And her mother, Niki thought, taking another sip of the tangy liquid.

  “That’s good. I’m sure she’ll love spending time with her dad. She’s so cute.”

  Niki rolled her eyes taking another sip. Perhaps she should just get this over with. Save Kyle the trouble of breaking it off with her before he ran into the arms of his daughter’s mother.

  When she stood she swayed. She waited a second for the swimming feeling to leave. Then she walked around the table and stood in front of Kyle, stopping him mid sentence.


  “Kyle. You and I need to talk.” She grabbed his hand and led him from the table onto the dance floor, not really paying attention to where she took him.

  “Look,” she said, confused by his arms wrapping around her waist. She lifted her arms around his neck following his lead.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “I’ve missed you so much.” Then he rested his cheek against hers.

  She felt warm and her brain was fuzzy. She was going to tell him something. But, the feel of his skin against her cheek sent cool tingles down her arms. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. Her body turned to jello. She tripped over his foot and his grip tightened.

  “Careful,” he whispered.

  “I was going to tell you something important,” she said, trying to remember what it was.

  “Hmm. Let me guess. You love me?”

  She shook her head, immediately regretting the spinning it set into motion. She rested her head on his chest, hoping the spinning would stop soon.

  “You forgive me?”

  “That’s not it.”

  He ran his fingers along her neck. Niki lamely tried to swat at his hand completely missing.

  “Nickels, how much champagne have you had?”

  She giggled. “I don’t know. A couple of glasses. Why?”

  “Are you drunk?”

  She shook her head and the spinning started again. “Maybe.”

  “Who drove you?”

  “Me, myself, and I.”

  “Do you have your keys?”

  “Sure. They’re in my clutch. Over there at the table.”

  “Can you show me?”


  Kyle led her from the dance floor. She slithered into her seat at the table. Opening her clutch she showed him her keys. He grabbed them and put them in his pocket. She reached for a glass, very thirsty. Kyle slipped the flute from her fingers, replacing it with an ice water.

  “Too bad,” she mumbled.


  “Too bad you’re in love with Kelly. I really had fun with you, Kyle.” She chugged the water, burping more like a guy than a girl. “I thought I loved you. But seeing her in your arms…”

  “Come on. Let’s get you home,” he said, easing her from her chair.

  She felt even dizzier now. And these sandals hurt her feet. She kicked them off and carried them in one hand, clutch in the other, as Kyle helped her to her car. When he opened the door, she hit the seat with a hard thud. He closed the passenger door and went around to the driver’s side. After scooting the seat back several notches, he adjusted the mirrors then started her car.

  “Buckle up.”

  It took her three tries but she finally got it.

  “I think we should break up,” she blurted out.

  “You’re drunk.”

  “Still. I think it’s over. That’s what I was trying to tell you. Don’t think it will work.”

  “Why’s that?” Kyle’s voice sounded irritated.

  “Cause you still love Kelly.”
br />   “I’ve never loved Kelly. I love you.”

  “Nope. You would have told me about Alana. And you held Kelly in your arms!”

  “Can we talk about this when you’re in your right mind?”

  Niki snorted then giggled. “I know what I’m saying.”

  “Ha. You don’t even know where you are.”

  “In my car.”

  “In your garage.”


  Kyle cut the engine. He walked around to the passenger side, unfastened the seat belt, and helped her out of the car, down the hall and to her bedroom.

  “Goodnight, Niki. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  “Night,” she said leaning on him. He pushed her away.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed, suddenly remembering. “Can you help me out of this dress?”

  He swallowed hard. “Niki, I’m not going to—”

  She turned her back towards him and tried to reach for the zipper. “See,” she said glancing over her shoulder. “Can’t reach.”

  He was silent for a minute. She thought he might have left. Then his fingers brushed against her back. He started the zipper only far enough for her to reach.

  “Goodnight, Niki,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  “Goodbye, Kyle.”

  She managed to get out of the beautiful maroon dress, leaving it in a heap on the floor. Her head swam, but she found a sleep shirt and threw it on. Flipping off the light she fell into bed, hoping the spinning would stop soon.

  Chapter 40

  Kyle drove Niki’s car to his home, still shaky from helping unzip her dress. It took all of his will power not to take advantage of the situation. She looked so incredible in that dress. It hugged every sensuous curve perfectly. It would have been so easy to give into his thoughts.

  But, that would probably have been the death sentence to their relationship. It wasn’t worth it.

  As he turned off the engine, he breathed a heavy sigh.

  She was mad. Even if she was drunk, he heard her loud and clear. She was mad and threatened by Kelly. She was mad that he had not told her sooner.

  He groaned as he unlocked the door of his townhouse. Once inside he tore off the bow tie and threw it over the edge of the couch.


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