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Western Night Series Collection (Mail-Order Brides)

Page 6

by Rosie Harper

  She held out a gloved hand to him, “Mariette Macardle.” He took the proffered hand, but found himself suddenly feeling unsure if he should shake it, or kiss it. Thankfully she took the decision out of his hands as she grinned at him and pumped his hand firmly.

  “Hardy Williams. It’s a pleasure,” he said, and truly meant it. Even if there was no work, it would be worth staying in town for a while just to see if he could get to know this glorious woman better. “Did you say Caleb Green? Where might I find him?”

  “Well right now, probably in bed with his new wife!” she said with a knowing wink at the barman. She slapped her purse down on the bar, and turned back to him. “But I would imagine that tomorrow you will find him up at the old Greive place, checking over what he has just purchased. Which means that you will probably be finding yourself at a loose end this evening, am I right?” she asked with a playful smile on her lusciously full lips. He nodded, suddenly he was nervous. His throat had closed tight around the words he wanted to say out loud. “Well, we like to pride ourselves on our hospitality here in Stephenville, and I am having just a very intimate supper for some friends. You would be more than welcome to join us?”

  “Erm, th..that would be most kind,” he stuttered, taken aback at her instant generosity.

  “Elliot, would you mind checking to see if you have any bottles of decent Irish whiskey in the cellar please? I have Judge Fitzpatrick joining me, and he will not touch anything that isn’t from the Emerald Isle!”

  “Sure, Miss Mariette. I’ll get Matty to drop them by for you,” the barman said warmly. Clearly this young woman was well known to him, and he thought that odd. He had seen no ring, and single women rarely stepped foot inside a Saloon where he came from unless they were there to sell themselves. Then again not that many married women did either, unless they’d had the misfortune to have married the owner. She counted out some coins, and then moved towards the door.

  “Can you point this lovely young man in the direction of my house for about seven thirty? And if at all possible if he could be bathed and shaved first, and in some clean clothes it would be a bonus.” She winked at Hardy, and he began to wonder if he had just been steamrollered into something he might just regret.

  “I will indeed Miss Mariette, now you take care of yourself. I shall make sure Mr Williams has a comfortable room, a hot bath, and he looks like he may be my size so if needs must he can even borrow something of mine. I’ll make sure he is respectable for you.”

  “Respectable I’m not worried by, but presentable I insist upon!”

  Hardy watched her, his mouth wide open in amazement as she swept magisterially out of the door. What a woman! And she seemed to want his company. He couldn’t for the life of him think why, he’d been worse than a dumb teenager – unable to string a sentence together. His hands felt sticky from sweat, and he could still feel his body’s arousal at her mere presence. What he wouldn’t give to be able to sweep her off her feet, and make her his? But to do that he’d need to be able to take charge of the situation, and it was patently clear that might just be harder than it should be.

  As he soaked in the tub that Elliot had brought up for him, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He had simply never met anyone, let alone a woman who was quite so forthright. He sure as hell hadn’t met one who could turn him into a gibbering wreck with just one smile and a firm handshake. He prayed that he wouldn’t make such a fool of himself again, especially not in front of her guests. He had a feeling that anyone looking at him for even a second would see right through him, and gaze easily upon the heat in his loins and the muddle in his head that Mariette Macardle made him feel. Well, he’d have to make sure nobody did see it. Because he damn well had to spend whatever time he could with her.

  Warm and dry, he found himself with a few hours to kill before supper. The storm had cleared, leaving a bright sky and so he headed out to explore the little town. Hardy was impressed to see that they had a church, a courthouse, a well stocked general store and a number of other shops. He wasn’t interested in their wares though, more that the town was big enough to warrant so many. He walked a way out of town, and was enchanted by the broad vista that spread out before him. A herd of cattle were grazing not too far away, and the Bosque River wound its way sensuously across the landscape. He had to admit it would be a fine place to settle, if he could only find work.

  He looked longingly at the Longhorn Cattle munching contentedly on the rich grassland, and wished he could have his own ranch, but sadly he had not so much as a dollar to his name. No, he would have to work hard, save harder and maybe one day he would be able to have his own place, his own family, his own wife. He hadn’t met him yet, but he already had the tiniest bit of envy of Caleb Green, who seemed to have everything Hardy had ever dreamed of.

  He didn’t begrudge his older brother, Matthew, a thing. His Father had left the farm back in New York State to him when he died. But it was only a small farm, had not needed them both to work it and there had been nothing left to give to Hardy to set him up elsewhere. But what he did envy his brother for was his beautiful wife and six month old son. They were so very happy together, and Hardy had begun to find it harder and harder to be around them the more their blessings seemed to accumulate. All he seemed to attract was trouble.

  First, his favourite horse had gone lame making it hard for him to find work, then he had been mistaken by the local Sheriff for a notorious bandit, and finally he had been held up at gunpoint by that self same bandit. He had decided it was time to go somewhere, anywhere to see if he could outrun his bad luck. His brother had given him every penny he could spare. It would be enough for him to buy a new horse and pay for a train ticket to Fort Worth. But, it seemed his misfortune had followed him. His bags were stolen on the train, leaving him with nothing but the money for a horse.

  A moment of unusual good fortune had been upon him when he found Blaze. He was a stocky crossbreed, with plenty of strength and stamina. He would make an ideal mount for a cowboy. But, sadly Hardy had yet to find a ranch that needed an inexperienced cowboy. He had some skills. Living on a farm his entire life did not make him completely useless, but his family had grown crops, not bred livestock and his roping technique left much to be desired.

  Maybe at last his luck was changing, he prayed as he looked out over the land he longed to call his home. At least there was hope of work here, and if nothing else he had gotten to meet the most stunning woman he had ever seen, and would be dining with her tonight. Despite the storm, this was definitely the best day he had enjoyed since before his Father had passed away. He turned to walk slowly back to the saloon, tipping his hat and greeting everyone he met with a cheerful smile. Every one of them smiled back, and welcomed him to town. Yes, Stephenville was already feeling more like home than Gabriels had ever done.

  Chapter Two

  The dining room was lit with candles, and the two place settings looked immaculate. Katie had outdone herself. It looked romantic, and inviting – but not over the top. Mariette felt a little guilty at her white lie that there would be other guests, but she had been unable to stop herself. She had so desperately wanted to get to know Hardy Williams better, and her unerringly accurate assessment of his character told her that he would never agree to join her for an intimate dinner for two.

  Her neighbours in Stephenville had gotten used to her ways now, and though she had discarded her buckskins in favour of more conventional women’s attire on purchasing her home here, she still hadn’t yet learned to be a demure and well-behaved young lady herself. She knew what she wanted, and as soon as she had seen his ocean blue eyes, the strong aquiline nose, and those perfectly chiselled cheekbones she had known that she wanted Hardy Williams. Add into that the fact he was a good four inches taller than she was, and his strong, hard body and she had struggled to contain her desire.

  Mariette ruminated on the events of the last few weeks. It seemed that something had changed her. She had watched, sadly, as her ex-fiancé
had poisoned his body with too much alcohol, and the diseases that ran rampant through the brothels across the nation. His gambling with his very life had broken her heart, and she had been forced to leave him some time ago now. But his folly in advertising for a mail order bride had unwittingly brought him back into her life, as he managed to gamble away his ranch and scare poor Melissa Green, as she was now, half to death.

  When she thought of the kind, and loving man he had once been she could hardly believe he could have become a creature so unrecognizable as the one who had threatened to take all their lives. That final few months on her claim, she had unwittingly revealed her secret to him. But she had known he would not ever tell a soul. Their love had been passionate, and thankfully gone unobserved by their contemporaries out on the claims, but at the end of the season they had both decided enough was enough. Now was the time to marry, to settle down.

  They had picked Stephenville together, and Bartlett had bought his ranch and she her little house in town. They would do their best to make their courtship appear to be respectable, but they could hardly bear to be parted. At least until Bartlett had decided he needed to go and visit his ‘sister’. He had told her long ago that he had no family, so she had followed him. Knowing what she did now, she was so glad she had. As poor Bartlett had disappeared over the past years into a disease addled, angry and unhappy man. She had made a lucky escape.

  But she still wanted the home and family that being with him had promised, and she had decided that as time was marching on, and that she was more than happy to bear any scandal, that it was time for her to have that family – whether or not she had the husband to provide for them. She had no need of a man to support her financially, was set more than comfortably for the rest of her life. And, knowing that many men were just like Bartlett - that they liked their drink, the card tables and prostitutes too well out here – she decided that she was probably better off without a husband to hold her back. She needed a man for just one thing, and Hardy Williams would do nicely.

  His knock on the door suddenly made Mariette feel a little guilty for duping him, for getting him here under false pretences. But the feeling passed as soon as he walked through the door. In Elliot’s smartest suit Hardy was magnificent. His hair was just a little too long, curling up from the perfectly starched collar at his nape. His hair was a sandy brown, with sun-kissed highlights of blonde streaking through its wavy lengths. He had broad shoulders, slim hips and long legs. She smiled when she saw the only flaw in his appearance, the trouser legs were just a little too short, and she could see his boots right up to his mid calf. They were well worn, but had clearly been well made too, with solid soles an elegantly tooled pattern of wheat on the sides. “Evening Ma’am,” he grinned at her sheepishly, looking around at the fancy dining room. “I’ve never been anywhere so clean and nice before. Thank you for invi…” he tailed off, seeing just the two place settings. “I’m sorry, could your other guests not make it?”

  “Not at all. I have a confession to make. There never were any other guests. I just wanted to get you to myself. I hope you won’t think me too bold,” she said forthrightly. She would not act the coquette, or tease and flirt with him. She despised women who played games.

  “Well, I’m mighty flattered, but are you sure that this is right? Back home we don’t tend to get to spend time alone with a beautiful woman until we’ve put a ring on her finger,” he joked. Mariette laughed.

  “We play by our own rules out here Hardy, at least I do anyway. You’ll learn that if you stick around. Now, I am sure you must be hungry. I have never met a man who isn’t. Would you like to take a seat and then as we eat the delicious chowder my cook has prepared for us you can tell me all about your life back East.”

  A neatly dressed maid appeared in the doorway with a large tureen. “Thank you Katie,” Mariette said. “You can just leave it, I shall serve. I’ll ring for you when we are ready for the beef.” Katie nodded and disappeared quickly, a sly grin on her young face. Mariette knew her assignation with the handsome stranger would be all round town by the morning. She strangely did not care. She had the gall to brazen out any gossip, and it would all be so much worse if she got what she truly wanted out of the evening in just nine short months time.

  She filled their glasses with wine, and ladled the thick soup into bowls. Hardy ate hungrily, but didn’t slurp or spill a drop. He used his cutlery as if he had been brought up in high society, not on a small farm. She admired him, and that his parents had set standards they had expected him to adhere to. “So, you lived on a farm?” she asked as they came to the end of the course.

  “Yes, my Father was a wonder. He got our fields to yield twice that of many of the others locally. He always said it was about the way you cared for your soil. He never overplanted, always nurtured it with manure and let every field have one year fallow in three. Swore that was the way to do it.”

  “He sounds like he marched to his own tune,” Mariette said admiringly. She knew that many farmers were beginning to abandon the old ways, were overplanting and not resting their fields as they should. She could see only trouble lay ahead in the desperate grab for profits at the cost of the earth that provided such bounty.

  “He did that. I’m guessing you do too Miss Mariette,” Hardy said with a lopsided grin. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you.”

  “Nor will you ever again I’d imagine. It can be difficult being a woman my size when the world tells us that to be feminine is to be petite, delicate and pretty.” She had no rancour about this fact. It was what it was.

  “I think pretty is often too highly over-rated. I much prefer a woman who knows her mind,” he teased.

  Mariette was flattered, there was definitely a flirtatious look in his sharp eyes. She could see his genuine attraction to her there. “Shall I call for the beef?” she asked him with an impish grin.

  “I thought you had already had it served up on a platter!” She laughed, and enjoyed watching him as he did the same. He laughed with his entire body, and it was a deep and booming sound. She was so pleased he had taken it so well. So many men would have been intimidated by such a forward woman. He seemed to be enchanted by her.

  “Indeed, so I suppose I had better make sure you have your strength for whatever other evil machinations I may have in store for you,” she giggled.

  “Now that sounds most intriguing. Will I hate myself in the morning?”

  “Quite possibly, but I’m sure you’ll get over it quickly.”

  The rest of the meal passed in a moment. They laughed, teased, talked of their lives, their hopes, flirted and were downright blatant about their attraction to one another. When they retired to the warm and cosy library for the delicious Irish whiskey Mariette had purchased from the Saloon earlier that day they both knew where the evening would inevitably end. Mariette curled up in front of the fire on the rug. She loved to sit on the thick sheepskin. It was so luxuriantly soft, and having the warmth of the golden flames lick over her skin she could spend hours just gazing into the flickering glow. Hardy sat down beside her, and she shivered at the light touch of his hand on her thigh.

  “You are a very beautiful woman Mariette,” he said gazing at her hungrily. She sighed heavily, and leant in to kiss him on his perfect mouth. He parted his lips willingly, and kissed her passionately as his hand moved to her throat, winding gently into her long hair. He trailed kisses down her jaw, her neck and nibbled on her earlobe tenderly. She found the sound of his breath intoxicating as it came deeper, slower and caught slightly as she moved her hands to his tautly muscled chest. She ran her fingers over his flat stomach, and pulled his shirt from his pants impatiently. Soon she felt his skin, silky and soft as her fingertips played across the ridges and contours of his torso.

  He tenderly pushed her down onto her side, and dipped his head to kiss her again. He trailed his fingers across the perfectly exposed orbs of creamy flesh that escaped her corsets in a flattering and beguiling way. Shifting slightly, h
e began to slowly undo the tiny pearl buttons of her dress, and then with tantalisingly deft movements had her unlaced from her stays. Her heavy breasts spilled from their prison, and she took a deep breath. He kissed the red, angry lines from the whalebone and began to trail a lazy circle with his fingers. It started at her collarbone, dipping between her breasts, and around in ever decreasing spirals until she was gasping with desire.

  In response he dipped his head and took her nipples in his mouth and suckled gently. Mariette could feel a warmth between her thighs and was powerless to stop herself from straining towards him. She wanted him so badly. She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it aside, gazing at the tight hair on his chest that thinned to a dark line that dissected his abdomen. She followed the trail with her finger, watching his face all the while. As she ripped at his fly and pulled his pants down, she gasped at the sheer perfection of his manhood. It was eager and straining for her touch, and she ran her perfectly manicured finger down its length.

  “Mariette, stop!” he cried.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “What if I just did this instead?” She grasped him firmly, and began to ease her hand up and down. He groaned and tried to fumble at her skirts, but the pleasure was clearly too intense. He closed his eyes and lay back as she brought him pleasure. When she was ready, she quickly pulled off her skirts and under garments and straddled him shamelessly. He may be the one about to become a cowboy, but tonight she would ride him until he gave her everything she wanted.

  Chapter Three


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