Panic Attack
Page 35
25. Tom McKay, “Tweets About Diapers Broke the Entire Conservative Youth Movement,” Gizmodo, February 26, 2018,
1. Oliver Darcy, “The Untold Story of Baked Alaska,” Business Insider, April 30, 2017,
2. Image of T-shirt with Donald Trump atop a tank,,
3. Olivia Nuzzi, “Five Myths About the Alt-Right,” Washington Post, November 23, 2016,
4. Dylan Matthews, “Paleoconservatism, the Movement That Explains Donald Trump, Explained,” Vox, May 6, 2016,
5. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, “Libertarianism and the Alt-Right,” speech delivered at the twelfth annual meeting of the Property and Freedom Society in Bodrum, Turkey, on September 17, 2017,
6. Dylan Matthews, “Why the Alt-Right Loves Single-Payer Health Care,” Vox, April 4, 2017,
7. Xeni Jardin, “Andrew ‘Weev’ Auernheimer, Hacker in AT&T iPad Case, on Occupy Wall Street,” Boing Boing, October 20, 2011,
8. Joseph Bernstein, “Lane Davis’s Civil War,” BuzzFeed, last updated July 18, 2018,
9. Ethan Gach, “Wolfenstein 2 Collectible Mocks Progressive Magazine over Its Coverage of White Nationalists,” Kotaku, October 29, 2017,
10. Malcolm Jaggers, “Marijuana Makes You a Leftist,”, January 6, 2018,
11. Matt Pearce, “Tweet from the Account of Charlottesville Rally Organizer Insults Slain Protester Heather Heyer,” Los Angeles Times, August 19, 2017,
12. Matt Pearce, “White Nationalist Shot at Protesters After Richard Spencer Speech in Florida, Police Say,” Los Angeles Times, October 20, 2017,
13. Katelyn Caralle, “CNN Commentator: Washington, Jefferson Statues ‘Need to Come Down,’” Washington Free Beacon, August 17, 2017,
14. Clinton Nguyen, “An Attempted Suicide Forced a Tumblr Community to Open Its Eyes About Bullying,” Vice, November 6, 2015,
15. Drawing by Zamiio7o and comments, Tumblr, July 31, 2015,
18. “Suicide Statistics,” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,
19. Susan Scutti, “Suicide Rate Hit 40-Year Peak Among Older Teen Girls in 2015,” CNN, August 3, 2017,
20. Glen Poole, “Homelessness Is a Gendered Issue, and It Mostly Impacts Men,” Telegraph, August 6, 2015,
21. Robby Soave, “Trump Won Because Leftist Political Correctness Inspired a Terrifying Backlash,” Reason, November 9, 2016,
22. “Steven Pinker: Political Correctness Might Be Redpilling America,” YouTube, posted by Learn Liberty, January 2, 2018,
23. “ADL Report: Anti-Semitic Targeting of Journalists During the 2016 Presidential Campaign,” Task Force on Harassment and Journalism, Anti-Defamation League, October 19, 2016,
24. ICE (@ICEgov), “Read the full ICE statement regarding erroneous attacks on ICE employee for #military tattoo,” Twitter, June 18, 2018, 9:03 a.m.,
25. Jon Levine, “Media Matters Hires Ex–New Yorker Fact Checker Who Falsely Said ICE Agent Had Nazi Tattoo,” The Wrap, July 20, 2018,
1. Jean M. Twenge, “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?,” Atlantic, September 2017,
2. Taylor Lorenz, “Social and Media Will Split,” NiemanLab, December 2017,
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Acadia University
Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape (Brownmiller)
Aguilera, Jaqueline
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
Ahmed, Kayum
Airaksinen, Toni
Alex Jones Show, The
Alexander, Scott
Ali, Russlynn
Alito, Samuel
and ACLU
and antifa
and campus speakers
Charlottesville rally and protests
and Fight Club
and free speech
and leftists
and liberalism
and masculinity
Ms. on
origin of the term
and paleoconservatism
and red-pilling
and regulation
and social media
and student libertarian movement
and Trump
and Tumblr
and victim mentality
and white identity politics
See also Spencer, Richard
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
American Nazi Party
American University
Anglin, Andrew
Ansari, Talal
anti-war activism
and the alt-right
and Autonomen (militant group)
Battle of Cable Street
and intersectionality
NYC Antifascist Action
origins and positions of
Trump inauguration
and violence
and Yiannopoulos Stanford event
Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Bray)
appropriation, cultural
Arizona State University
Arndt, Alexa Lee
Atkinson, Ti-Grace
Atwood, Margaret
Auernheimer, Andrew
avocado toast
Ayers, Bill
Bailey, J. Michael
Bailey, Ronald
Baker, Gilbert
Bank of America
Bannon, Steve
Barber, William, II
Batey, Cory
Beauchamp, Zack
Bell Curve, The (Murray)
Bennett, Kaitlin
Bennett, William
Berenstain, Nora
Bernal, Melia
Berning, Nathan
bias response teams (BRTs)
Biden, Joe
birth control
black bloc (masked protesters)
Black Feminist Thought (Collins)
Black Lives Matter
and criminal justice reform
and intersectionality
origins of
philosophy and goals of
Black Panthers
Black Reconstruction (Du Bois)
Black Sexual Politics (Collins)
Blurred Line (Grigoriadis)
Body and Social Theory, The (Shilling)
Boermeester, Matt
Bollinger, Lee
Boosalis, Aristotle “Ari”
Borlaug, Norman
Bowling for Columbine (documentary)
Boys Don’t Cry (film)
Brandeis University
Brandenburg v. Ohio
Bray, Mark
Breslin, Susannah
Brewster, Kingman, Jr.
Bridges, George
Broaddrick, Juanita
Brooks, David
Brown, Elizabeth Nolan
Brown, Michael
Brown, Pat
Brownmiller, Susan
Buchanan, Pat
Buckley, William F.
Bush, George W.
California State University San Marcos
Campbell, Rebecca
Campus Rape Frenzy, The (Johnson and Taylor)
Cantwell, Christopher
late capitalism
Caplan, Bryan
Capodilupo, Christina
Cardozo Law School
Carmichael, Stokely
Carson, Rachel
Castro, Fidel
Cato Institute
Cernovich, Mike
Chapo Trap House (podcast)
Charlottesville rally and protests
Chavez, Elisa
Chenoweth, Erica
child abductions
Christakis, Nicholas
Chronicle of Higher Education
Ciccariello-Maher, George
cisgender (people who identify with birth gender)
City University of New York
Civil Rights Act (1964)
civil rights movement
and free speech
inclusivity of
murder of Emmett Till
violence of
Claremont McKenna College
Cleaver, Eldridge
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Clinton-Sanders contest
and dirtbag left
and feminism
“Lock her up!” chant against
“nasty woman” comment against
Cockburn, Alexander
Cohen, Robert
Colgate University
College Fix (news website)
College Republicans
at Columbia University
frat bro stereotype
at Regis University
at UC, Berkeley
at UC, Santa Cruz
Collins, Patricia Hill
Colorado College
Colorado State University–Pueblo
Columbia University
Columbia University School of Law
Columbine shooting
Combahee River Collective
and ACLU
and the alt-right
and antifa
and college campus speakers
and communal child-rearing
and environmental studies
and First Amendment rights
history of
and Red Scare
and Twitter
See also Marxism
Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels)
Connelly, Liz
Conway, Kellyanne
Cooper, Anna Julia
Copeland, Roger
Cornell University
Cox, Laverne
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams
crime statistics
and gender
hate crimes
critical theory
Crowley, Joe
Cruz, Nikolas
Cruz, Ted
Cullors, Patrisse
cultural appropriation
Cuomo, Andrew
Daily Beast
Daily Signal
Daily Stormer
Davidson College
Davis, Lane
Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education
Deane, Bill
deBoer, Freddie
Decatur, Ben
DeGraffenreid v. General Motors
DeHart, Maggie
DeLuna, Jennifer
Democracy: The God That Failed (Hoppe)
Democracy Now! (news program)
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
and abortion issue
and anti-capitalism
Boston DSA
and democracy
and election of Ocasio-Cortez
history of
and immigration
and intersectionality
marginalization of within Democratic Party
Medicare for All campaign
membership and demographics
and Murray event (UM)
organization of
policy issues of
and Sanders
and student debt
and Trump
Young Democratic Socialists
Derrida, Jacques
Dettwyler, Katherine
DeVos, Betsy
DiAngelo, Robin
Dickinson College
Dillon, Justin
Dirks, Danielle
dirtbag left
diversity training
Dolezal, Rachel
Douglass, Frederick
Dreger, Alice
Drexel University
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Duany, Jorge
Duke, David
Duke University
Dunham, Lena
Dunn, Laura
Dworkin, Andrea
Eastern Michigan University
Ehrlich, Paul
Emory University
End of History and the Last Man, The (Fukuyama)
Engber, Daniel
Ennis, Dawn
environmental activism
and anti-capitalism
Dakota Access Pipeline protests
history of
and intersectionality
Poor People’s Campaign
Eramo, Nicole
Erdely, Sabrina Rubin
Eskani, Amelia
Evans, Elizabeth
Evergreen State College
Evers, Charles
Everyday Feminism (blog)
and First Amendment protections
gender profile options on
shadow banning on
trolling on
and Women’s March
and Zillennial activism
Falwell, Jerry, Jr.
Farrakhan, Louis
Fears, Colton
Fears, William
Female Eunuch, The (Greer)
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan)
and abortion issue
first-wave feminism
fourth-wave feminism
individual-rights feminism
and intersectionality
and moral panics
National Organization for Women (NOW)
New Wave Feminism
and pornography
second-wave feminism
third-wave feminism
and Title IX
wave theory
Feminist Majority Foundation
Feministing (website)
Feris, Sachi
Fight Club (film)
Fitzgerald, Rick
Florida International University
Forbes, Ralph P.
Ford, Jack
Foucault, Michel
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
Fox, James Alan
Fox News
Free Range Kids (Skenazy)
free speech
and ACLU
and the alt-right
and antifa
and Brandenburg v. Ohio
and campus speakers
and censorship of bad ideas
and Davis v. Monroe County Board of Education
First Amendment text
and hate speech
hostility to
and intersectionality
and Matal v. Tam
and racial justice movements
and red-pilling
and safety culture
and Schenck v. United States
and Snyder v. Phelps
and social media
and Title IX
and TPUSA Professor Watchlist
and transgender activism
and Zillennials
Free Speech Movement
Freeman, Jo
Friedan, Betty
Friedersdorf, Conor
Frost, Amber A’Lee
Frostburg State University
Fukuyama, Francis
Galileo’s Middle Finger (Dreger)
Game of Thrones (HBO series)
Garner, Eric
Garza, Alicia
Gastañaga, Claire
Gay, Roxane
gender dysphoria
General Social Survey
Generation X
Generation Z. See Zillennials
George Mason University
Georgetown University