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Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels

Page 12

by Aingealicia, Lady

  Dan had tried to find Raku through a friend of his. Raku had disappeared after her left. There was no explanation, she was just gone his friend said. So Dan decided to move on. He was not sure why he thought Vietnam would be the best place to start, the best thing that he had since he arrived was the food and a decent blowjob.

  ` Zhuji

  Dan left Saigon quickly after his evening with the girl. He did go back to find out what her name was before he left. Her name was Le, which meant pearl in Vietnamese. He found that interesting since he never even explored her pearl before he left. When he had gone back to the bar, she would not even look at him as he walked through. She blushed as he noticed her and turned her head.

  His journey lead him to ` Zhuji to take in the sites and see the beauty that China had to offer. He was always taken by the gardens and how at peace many of the people were in such a place of turmoil at times. How the people got by with what they had and the space they had to work in. He was most impressed with the women and how they respected the men they loved. Whether by choice or by force.

  One day while in the town, he traveled to a cherry blossom garden and saw a woman there whom took his breath away. Her skin was without a flaw, her eyes were downcast as he walked by her. She bowed and acknowledged him. He was taken by her delicacy and demeanor. He desired to learn more about her. He wanted to know if she was the perfect woman that he sought.

  Then he noticed an older gentleman join the girl. She blushed as they greeted each other. Dan figured it must be her suitor or her father. Dan slowly approached the two and nodded as was custom. He introduced himself, he was not going to let this girl get away. The man introduced himself as Dai. The girl did not speak. She waited to be introduced.

  Dan asked if they would like to go for some tea. It was agreed upon that they would. As they went to a tea house, the girl kneeled beside her father. She would not look at either man as he tea pot was brought over and sat on the table. She served her father first then Dan. Dan and Dai spoke about the ` Zhuji and what the trade was there. Dan found out that the girl came from a family of pearl divers.

  He noticed her careful moves and could imagine her in the water diving for pearls. Eventually he found out that her name was Lan, meaning orchid. She was as beautiful as an orchid he felt. Her features were perfect, her hands slender and inviting. She showed her respect as she served them quietly. Dai asked Dan if he had ever been pearl diving and Dan shook his head. Dai invited him to come to where they lived to see the ancient art.

  As they left the tea house, Dan bowed and got the directions to make it to the house the next day. As he went home, he thought about the girl. She reminded him of Raku in many ways. He wondered if she was the same in the bedroom as well. He was not sure that he would ever find out, however he would do his best to find out. For him, it was not just about how she was out of the bedroom, it was in the bedroom as well. Could she please his needs?

  As he headed to the farm on the outskirts, he came across one of the most beautiful sites he had seen in all of Asia. He saw the crystal blue waters of the ocean and a small house that sat back from the shore. Dai waved to him follow them. As he made his way to Dai, he saw that Lan was ready to go diving. He walked along with them and they came to a cove. Dai motioned for him to sit on the rocks as Lan dove in. Dan looked at his watched and noted the time. She stayed under the water for longer than 5 minutes as he began to worry.

  Soon she came up and sat beside him looking over the ocean. She showed Dan the bag of oysters that she had and smiled. Blushing at the same time, she lowered her eyes. As she held out one of the oysters for him to look at, their fingertips touched and he felt the electrical shock. Dai came up from the swim and looked at his daughter shaking his head. He pointed to the house and suggest lunch.

  Dan noticed that the house had a lot of work that needed to be done. He mentioned to Dai that he would be glad to help if Dai did not mind. He wanted to earn this man’s respect and trust to be able to have his daughter. Surprisingly, Dai agreed to the suggestion. While they spoke of what needed to be done, Lan served them lunch. She was always very careful not to make eye contact with Dan.

  Soon Dan had helped Dai with much of the farm work and he had time to spend with Lan. She was amazing in her diving, he was impressed with her breath control and when she dove, she always came back with a catch. One day when her father had gone to town, they had been left alone on the farm to build a fence. As they worked side by side, it began to rain. They ran to be under the trees that surrounded the farm and she bumped into him.

  His hands went around her waist as he pulled her close. Taking one hand he placed it under her chin and kissed her softly. She did not pull away as her body leaned into his. Emotions took over and his tongue sought hers as he removed her dress. Her small hands traced down his body quickly, removing his shirt and working on his pants.

  He found her small breast and suckled each one as her hands ran through his hair and down his back. She gasped as she felt him lift her and place her body against the tree. She wrapped her legs around his hips as she felt the tip of his member edge towards her opening. Slowly he entered her as she cried out. Her arms wrapped around him. She pushed down on him with her hips and he bit her breast gently.

  Soon he was inside her, he felt how tight she was as he moved his hips back and forth. Her breath quickened as he heard the rain fall around them. Her long hair was plastered to her skin as his mouth covered every inch of her body making her squirm. His hands went around her small waist and pushed her down on him one last time as he released inside her. Her cries were drown out by the rain that fell down around them.

  She kissed him softly as he put her back on the ground. He looked at her and smiled, he knew he had found his perfect girl.



  By Lady Aingealicia

  And the Beat Goes On

  Jasmyn had found the one she wanted to be with for the rest of her life, she knew it in her heart and soul. Though their relationship was not one that most would journey down, it was what she wanted, what she needed. She had fallen in love with Max and now it was just to prove it to him that she was. That would take a leap of faith on her part and a great deal of trust for the relationship to work since Max was a hard man to please and expected a great deal from the one whom would be his. She was ready to make that leap and profess her everything, until Max dropped a bomb on her and made her question how much further she would be willing to go in the relationship. Would she be willing to help Max heal from the past, could she give him that strength while holding onto her own?

  Fruit Platter

  Jasmyn looked at the outfit she wore that Max had picked out for her for the party that evening. She was wearing electrical tape over her nipples in the form of an ‘x’ and a g string that would come off once she was on the table covered with fruit. She had been fascinated with how cookie was a fruit platter at the last party Max had. Jasmyn had begun to spend more time at the club with Max, watching how the world of BDSM worked and the players in it. She was always questioning things. Max said this was a good trait in someone coming into the lifestyle because that meant that she was paying attention and aware of situations around her.

  The party was going to be at Jim’s that night. Jasmyn felt it was going to be an exciting evening. The last time that Jim had come over, Max surprised her by having cookie and Jim join them in the play room. It was more than she had expected and found out she did not have such an issue with Max being polyamorous. Right now he had Jasmyn and Cherry, however he had explained to Jasmyn that he may wish for another to join them in the home. Max always made sure that everything was safe, sane and consensual in the relationship for all of them. If not, either Cherry or she would question it.

  Jasmyn had found out during her time with Max. She enjoyed being with others as well. As long as it was safe. There was something exciting knowing Max was watching her in a voyeuristic way while she enjoyed what was being done to her
. She knew most would not understand the relationship that she and Max had, however it worked for them and one could say that it was never boring.

  She heard the door open behind her and turned around. Max had come home early. He looked her over and then pointed to his feet. She fell to her knees and crawled over to him with her eyes lowered. She kissed his feet and then waited. He leaned down and touched the back of her neck, signaling her to stand. She stood up and felt him place his fingers in her hair and pulled her to him, kissing her softly.

  “Welcome home Master.” She said after the kiss was broken.

  “Thank you my pet.” He smiled and held her close to him. “Well let me take a look at you.”

  She stepped back and turned for him. He liked the lace thong that enhanced her frame and the electrical tape barely covered her nipples. Her long black hair down and it fell to the middle of her back. He walked around her and nodded as his fingertips traced across her bare flesh. He felt the goose pimples rise as he did this. He moved the flat of his hand across her stomach and to the curve of her breast and held it there.

  “Are you ready for tonight?” He asked as he walked to the closet to pull out his clothes for the night.

  “I am Master.” She answered as she stood in the middle of the room.

  “You realize that many will be touching you tonight?” He removed his black suit that he wore to the club.

  “Yes Master.” She replied with a shiver and her mind raced to the thoughts of so many touching her.

  “And you are okay with this?” He put on his black leather pants.

  “Yes Master.” She nodded as she answered.

  “Tell me your feelings my pet.” He stated bluntly.

  “I am excited Master.” She began, “I am nervous as well.”

  “That is understandable.” He put on his boots. “I will be there to watch the whole thing. No one will harm you and you always have your safety word as well.”

  “I know Master.” She bit her lip. “I am very excited you will be watching.”

  He chuckled and snapped his fingers. She fell to her knees and moved towards his feet, her hands palms down upon her thighs. She kept her eyes lowered to his feet and felt him run his hands through her hair. Then she felt a leather collar go around her neck and snap in place.

  “I don’t need anyone claiming you tonight.” He chuckled as he tapped her shoulder to get up. “Remember your rules, be mindful and above all safe, sane and consensual tonight.”

  “Yes Master.” She answered as her belly felt warm.

  They walked downstairs and he placed a cape on her shoulders and she wrapped it around her. As they went to the car, she looked around for Cherry. Cherry must have been helping set up the party at Jim’s because she was nowhere to be found. Once they were in the car, Max began to talk again.

  “Now, you will be the fruit platter tonight.” He told her.

  “Yes Master.” They had discussed this in great length.

  “Mistress Crimson will be there as well.” He continued. “She will guide you if I am otherwise preoccupied. You will be groped, licked, kissed and fondled. Do you want the blindfold or no? This is one decision I will allow you.”

  “I wish to go with the blindfold Master.” Jasmyn had learned she loved sensory deprivation, it enhanced her other senses. “Thank you Master for asking.”

  “Well you have never been a fruit platter before.” Max replied with a chuckle. “I think you will enjoy it.”

  “I do too Master.” Jasmyn smiled.

  Jasmyn saw the large home that they approached in the car. Max stopped the car and leaned across Jasmyn to the glove compartment. He pulled out a leash and then got out of the car. Walking around to where Jasmyn was, he opened the door and placed the leash on the collar that Jasmyn wore and led her up the steps. Mistress Crimson stood there with a smile on her face as she led Max to the buffet room and showed him the table where Jasmyn would be.

  Pointing to table for Jasmyn to get up on it and lay down, Mistress Crimson looked at Cherry and cookie in the room and nodded. They both came over with bowls of fruit in their hand and began to place it on Jasmyn. Jasmyn knew she was to remain very still while being in this position so none of the fruit would fall off by her own movements. She felt her legs spread to place the bowls of dip from her ankles to her thighs.

  Shivering as the fruit was placed on her body, it was an erotic feeling. She was sure that cookie and Cherry were touching sensitive spots of her body for reasons to excite her. Also to prepare her for what was coming. She felt the fingertips run up her bare flesh that was still exposed and shivered. Then she felt the blindfold go over her eyes as the noises of the party went on around her.

  In her mind, she knew that Max and Mistress Crimson were watching everything going on. She felt many hands on her body as they took off the fruit and the bowls moved against the insides of her legs as people dipped their fruit. As the fruit was removed, she felt the cool air dry the wetness from the juices of the delights that had been placed on her. She also felt that as the fruits were removed, fingers traced over her body and sometimes inside her. She held as still as she possibly could as the fruit disappeared and she felt the blindfold removed.

  When she looked around, she saw the whole room was alive with activity. She saw that there were Dominants and submissives in activities that would make most shudder. In the corner was a slave who was tied to a peg and being flogged as she cried out for more. Another was bent across the table as a Master paddled her bottom red. Her whimpers were muffled by a ball gag. Max took the leash in his hand and led Jasmyn to the shower room to wash the fruit juices off.

  Play Time

  Max waited for Jasmyn to finish washing off as he looked around the room and saw Mistress Crimson in the room with a male slave bent over the horse. She was getting ready to break the boy in as she called it. He wanted Jasmyn to watch. He took the leash and led her to the room where Mistress Crimson was engaging the boy.

  Max leaned over and whispered in her ear to watch. She was mesmerized by what she saw, she could not have looked away if she wanted to. Mistress Crimson walked around the boy, every step echoed in Jasmyn’s ears as she felt Max’s fingers trace down her back. As Mistress Crimson leaned forward, she lifted the boy’s head up and smacked him across his face. He had disappointed her by not calling her as he said he would. She walked around behind him and traced her long red nails across his bare cheeks and then slapped them hard with her bare hand.

  She snapped her fingers for a bowl of ice. The boy remained quiet as his head hung over the horse. Cherry brought a bowl of ice as the crowd gathered round to watch the punishment of the boy. Had he been a simple submissive, he could have begged forgiveness and perhaps not had such a harsh punishment, however he had pronounced himself a slave and under Mistress Crimson’s hand. She took a piece of ice from the bowl and rubbed it over his pink flesh as he did not move.

  “Did you say you would call me boy?” She questioned.

  “Yes Mistress.” He responded.

  “Did you call me?” Mistress Crimson placed a piece of ice inside him.

  “No Mistress.” He gasped.

  “And you say you are a slave?” Mistress Crimson hissed.

  “Yes Mistress.” He shivered at her icy words.

  “Do you know what a slave is?” Mistress Crimson grabbed another piece of ice and ran it over his pink flesh.

  “Yes Mistress.” He took a deep breath and continued. “A slave does not have limits. A slave is at the mercy of their Dominant. A slave is to be pleasing and place their Dominant first at all times.”

  “And you are at the mercy of my hand now.” Mistress Crimson grabbed a paddle that had studs embedded on it. “Do you think you pleased me?”

  “No Mistress.” He replied.

  “How many other Mistresses have you told them you would call and did not?” She walked around him, her heels clacking with every movement.

  “I have lost count Mistress.” He answ
ered honestly.

  “So this lifestyle is a game to you slime bucket.” Mistress Crimson leaned down and ran the paddle up his back.

  “No Mistress.” Jasmyn could see that he was nervous as Mistress Crimson touched him.

  “Yes, actually it is.” Mistress Crimson made sure that the ropes were in place tightly around the boy’s hands. “And yes, this is going to hurt to remind you that you should not ask for what you do not wish.”

  Quickly Mistress Crimson moved around behind the boy and gave him 5 quick swats on each cheek. She smiled with each smack of the flesh. Jasmyn shivered as she watched. She was infatuated with paddle and looked at Max. She saw in his eyes that he was amused at what was going on. There were many who knew of this boy whom claimed to be a slave and had often been to the club seeking thrills yet not upholding his word. He had just not run into Mistress Crimson as of yet.


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