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Happily Ever Alpha: Until More (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 8

by S. Van Horne

  “I love you both so much. You’re safe now,” I murmur on the tops of their heads.

  Crystal gasps out before sobbing even harder. Before I can ask if she is okay a hand is placed on my shoulder.

  “Conti, let’s get the girls to Kai’s. We have work to do.” Roman squeezes me gently before letting go. As much as I don’t want them out of my sight again, I know this has to happen. I just hope Crystal will understand too.



  I take in the man that’s standing on his front porch. He’s about six seven, three hundred pounds and bald. Honestly, he would scare anyone who walked up to him, seeing as he’s pointing a shotgun at the SUV. Roman rolls down his window and a small smile graces the man's face when he spots who’s behind the wheel.

  “Same bunker as last week?” I glance at Roman trying to figure out what the fuck the guy is talking about.

  “If it’s available that would be perfect, Dino. I know the drill. Follow you, leave keys in the vehicle, we’re locked in until we call, change of clothes and everything we need are provided.” Dino nods, then makes his way to an ATV and we begin to follow behind.

  Looking around, I see red lights blink off and on in the distance.

  “Roman, where the fuck are we?”

  “Another line crossing here, lawman. You tell anyone about this place and trust me you won’t be able to see your sister, the birth of your child or even kiss that sweet wife of yours again.” My head snaps in his direction. “Dino here has about two hundred acres of land that he had bomb shelters built on. This place is the perfect spot to not only kill someone, but to take your time doing it. Perfect for anyone in my line of work.”

  Glancing back out the front of the window, I let my thoughts drift as I take in what he just said. Yeah, I knew we were going to kill them, but I didn’t know it would be like this.

  Can I do this and still live with that choice? Will I be able to cross that line in taking a life, while I'm a man that is supposed to allow the justice system to make the punishment fit the crime?

  “Your parents might get off with simple drug rehab. Which let’s be real, might keep them off the drugs, but we both know most people will return to the addiction at some point in their life if they're forced to get help instead of choosing it,” Roman quietly states beside me.

  After driving for about thirty minutes, we finally pull up to the spot that Dino led us to. Roman turns off the engine then looks over at me.

  “Make that choice yet?”

  Without missing a beat, I say the only thing I can think of.

  “As long as I’m the one that delivers the kill shot to my parents.”

  His laughter rings out as we exit the vehicle and walk toward Keith where he’s waiting for us in the back. I’ll make sure my parents suffer for, not only kidnapping Crystal and Maddison, but also for the past.

  Revenge has a sweet taste, is my last thought as I give my parents a sick smile when their eyes meet mine.


  The hand on my back keeps rubbing as I dry heave into the toilet. I don’t know if my stomach being this upset is because of being pregnant, or if it’s due to worry I have about Conti being gone for so long.

  “You have to calm down, Crystal. Being sick like this isn’t good for the baby.” Mari murmurs from behind me.

  “How did . . .” is all I can get out before I’m heaving again.

  “I saw the test this morning in the trash at the hotel.”

  Ugh, I forgot to hide it.

  After a few more minutes, I lean back against the wall next to the toilet and see Kai standing in the door way.

  “He's been gone for four fucking hours.” My shaky hand reaches out and gently takes ginger ale that Kai hands me. “Do you know where he is, and when he’s coming back?” I ask him.

  “Just know when he returns, things will be safe for your family and yourself.” And with that, he leaves Mari and me alone.

  Closing my eyes, I take a few moments allowing the carbonated beverage to work its magic on my stomach. My thoughts run through what happened the last few hours, and what Conti must be facing. It also focuses on the fact that he told me he loved me for the first time. Realization hits me that I haven’t had the chance to tell him it back with all the chaos that has been going on.

  Yeah, admitting earlier that I loved his sister was easy. Understanding that I was pregnant with his baby when I saw the double lines form on that stick was even easier. But telling him I loved him, even though I knew this morning when he made love to me again after finding out that I was pregnant with his baby . . . that was hard. I just couldn’t get myself to open up to say the three words that I felt deep inside me.

  But now, after being kidnapped, I know I’ll never let an opportunity go by again without telling him and Maddison how much I love them. Standing up, I quickly prepare my toothbrush.

  “You figured it out, huh?” Mari chuckles when I glare at her. “I was wondering how long it would take before you and him both realized how much you loved each other.”

  “Shut it,” I grumble and then quickly brush my teeth to get the God-awful taste out of my mouth.

  “You love me, huh?” The sound of Conti’s voice has a cry of relief pouring from my lips.

  Before the tears start falling, I’m in his arms and we’re moving into the room we’re staying in.

  “You're back,” I murmur into his neck.

  “I told you I would be.” He gently lays me on the bed and crawls on top of me. Staring down into my face, he smiles. “So, again, you love me?”

  Nodding, I tug him down, placing a kiss on his lips. Feeling his body over mine has my panties getting wet.

  “As much as I want to bury myself deep inside you, I want to hear it, Crystal.” He begins to slowly take off my shirt. “I need to, so I can show my wife what hearing those three little words does to my cock.”

  “Conti, you get hard just looking at me,” I moan when his lips wrap around my nipple after he takes off my bra.

  “As true as that is, knowing you love me while I look at you makes it even worse.” He begins to nip his way down between my legs. Ripping off my sleep shorts and panties, he leans down and separates my pussy lips with his fingers, no doubt seeing just how much I need him to relieve the ache that has now built inside me. “Now, give me what I want, and I’ll make sure you get what you’re wanting.”

  “I love you, Vigo Conti.” His name leaves my mouth on a scream as he licks my clit.

  “Fuck, you always taste so fucking good.” His tongue dives into my entrance and I can’t control the sounds I’m making nor the movements of my hips. The orgasm is right there on the edge and I’m desperate to fall off the cliff into bliss. Being pregnant has my hormones racing through my body, making feelings seem more in depth, like they have more meaning.

  He slides a finger into my sex and I scream out my orgasm that hits me hard. Before I can catch my breath, he’s entering me causing my enjoyment to prolong.

  When did he get undressed?

  “While you were trying to recover from the orgasm I gave you. It’s been a couple minutes since then,” he chuckles.

  “I said that out loud?” The gasp is pulled from me as he eases out then slams back inside me.

  “I like that I can make you lose your ability to hold thoughts inside your head.” He begins to thrust harder. “However, if you’re still able to speak then I’m not doing my job as well as I thought I was.”

  The moan that leaves me spurs him on. His cock is hitting that spot inside that only he has ever been able to reach.

  “I love you,” I whisper and reach for his shoulders.

  He slows down and grabs my arms, bringing them above my head. His movements are now slow and deliberate as he looks deep into my soul.

  “I love you too, Legs. So fucking much.” He places a sweet gentle kiss on my lips before he leans back and stares into my eyes.

  Tears start to form because I know this
time means much more than any other time we've made love. And all because we finally said those three little words to each other. His hand reaches down and he begins to circle my clit with his thumb, as he picks up speed with his hips.

  “Come for me, Crystal,” he murmurs against my neck. The nip on my ear is the extra I needed to explode all over him.

  “Fuck,” he groans as he comes inside me. After a few more thrusts, he drops down beside me pulling me into his side.

  “When did you figure out you loved me,” he asks quietly against my head.

  “I realized it fully when I was throwing up in the bathroom a few hours ago. But I think I knew from the day I saw you on my beach. What about you?”

  “McDonald’s when that asshole was talking to you.” My laughter rings out through the room. “Love you Legs,” he whispers and then kisses my forehead.

  I hum because sleep is starting to take over my body. Immediately, my eyes close and I start to drift off to sleep. Just before I slip under, he whispers against my head, “Fucking boom is right.”



  Three months later . . .


  “Legs, we talked about this,” my amazing husband growls from behind me causing me to roll my eyes. The moment we made it back to Hawaii, he demanded that I not lift a fucking finger. Telling me that I would hurt myself or the baby. For fucks sake, I’m only four months pregnant and barely showing.

  “Really? I can’t even lift a fucking laptop? I don’t know how the hell it’s supposed to hurt me when it weighs less than the baby will when it gets here!” I yell at him. Laughter from the deck has me turning and glaring at Kai who just walked up. “Will you please tell him pregnant women are not fragile, since you've been through this three times now with Myla?”

  “Yeah, good luck with that. You do realize I consider your husband much tamer than mine when it comes to husbands being over protective of their pregnant wives, right?” Myla states as she walks into the house. She’s due any day now with their second son.

  “Makamae,” Kai says in the authoritative tone of voice he uses at times. “You know you aren’t supposed to walk that far from the house. I thought I told you to wait and I would come and get the kids from their playdate with Mads.”

  “And what have I told you about demanding things of me?” The look she gives him has me laughing out loud. “Anyway, I wanted to invite them over for some cake.”

  Kai’s face transforms and I know I don’t even want to know why he’s looking at her like she’s his next meal. The redness that’s creeping up her neck has me turning my back.

  “That cake is mine, makamae. You know how much I like your creations. It makes me want to get my special plate–” his voice is mumbled causing me look over my shoulder. Myla has covered his mouth but the twinkle in his eyes as he stares at her tells me that she was smart in doing it. In the next moment, the kids walk into the room.

  “Maxim. Melanie. It’s time to come home for dinner.” The grumbling is stopped when she says her next sentence. “We’re having cake for dessert and our neighbors are joining us.”

  “Cake!” Mads yells in happiness and rushes out the back door.

  Jane hurries out after her. She’s our new live in nurse that Mari recommended to us. She was more than willing to move to Hawaii with us to help take care of Maddison. At first, I was leery and had Conti do a major background check on her. Once it came back clean, I then began to open up a bit to her. It also helped that she has spent some time around Mads when Mari was taking care of her.

  Kai leads his family out the back. Before he closes our sliding glass door, he turns toward us. “Since Mads and Jane are already heading over, why don’t you two take some time to yourselves? Let’s just say it’s to make up for the time you gave us this afternoon.”

  Before I could fully comprehend what he just said, I’m picked up bridal style and carried off to our room.

  Knowing that I’ll be screaming down the house in a matter of minutes . . . and with the promise of cake. Well, this might just be one of the best days I’ve had since I married Conti.

  One Month later . . .

  Conti’s leg bounces as we wait on the ultrasound tech to finally enter the office. Knowing that we’re going to find out the sex of our baby today, has me on edge with excitement.

  “Would you settle down?” I mumble from the table I’m on.

  “I’m just hoping our little bubble is willing to open their legs today.” His eyes roll when I burst out in laughter. “I want to know what we’re having before we tell Mads that she’s going to be a big sister.

  My tears start when I think about Maddison finding out we’re going to have a baby. She's already noticing my stomach and has asked why I'm getting fat. Being five months pregnant and being called fat isn’t a good combination. Tears started and I then felt like an ass because it scared her to see me cry. It took Conti and Jane an hour to calm us both down.

  A knock on the door startles me and I turn seeing the ultrasound tech walking in.

  “Are we ready to see if this little one is cooperating today?” The tech asks as she starts tugging up my shirt to squirt gel on my stomach.

  The moment the wand touches me, the sound of the baby’s heartbeat fills the room immediately. Glancing at Conti, I watch as wonderment fills his face. The first time we heard it, he had tears falling down his face. I smirked at him, and he said he didn’t give a fuck if it made him looked like a pussy. That the sound of his child’s heartbeat was more important than what people thought about him. Which then brought on my tears and we sat there smiling as we listened to our baby.

  “Strong heartbeat,” the tech murmurs and moves the wand around. After a few more clicks and measurements she had to take of the baby, she smiles at both of us. “Looks like the baby’s willing to tell you what you’re going to have.”

  Staring at where her finger is pointing at the screen, I try to make out what she’s seeing.

  “What is it?” Conti asks.

  “Well, what do you think it is?”

  “A turtle.” The tech bursts out laughing at my husband's answer. Looking closer, I can make out exactly what my husband sees. “Look, I’m not–”

  “I’m sorry that I’m laughing, but you’re right. It’s a turtle. That’s what we call it anyway, because that’s exactly what a boy’s penis looks like when they are still inside the mom.” My eyes go to Conti’s as the realization sets in that we’re having a boy.

  His head descends and he gives me a kiss. “A son,” I whisper against his lips.

  “Perfect since we already have a girl,” he answers back.

  And he isn’t lying, this is perfect.


  I gently close the door to Maddison’s room. She finally fell asleep after reading her two bedtime stories. I didn’t think she would ever relax since she was still wound up from the cake that Myla gave her after we got back from the doctor’s appointment.

  Myla insisted that we had to celebrate the fact that we were having a boy. I agreed with her, but there was another way that I wanted to celebrate with my wife. And having cake wasn’t the way I was thinking.

  Making my way down the hallway, I enter our bedroom and find my wife asleep holding onto Ralph, her fucking body pillow. I named it Ralph, pronounced like the sound of barfing, shortly after she got it. When she asked me why that name, I told her because it makes me want to fuckin’ ralph knowing she was snuggling up to a fucking pillow instead of me. She laughed and called me crazy, I glared and vowed I was burning the fucking pillow after she had my child.

  Four more months. And that pillow will be ashes.

  Movement from the bed has my eyes zoning in. My hand reaches down and I adjust myself as I look at her legs that peek out of the covers. Her legs are my kryptonite. They turn me on with just one glance.

  Don’t lie to yourself Conti, any time you look at her you’re hard.

  After stripping, I climb into
the bed. Reaching out, my hand comes in contact with her silky skin and I see she decided to go to bed without wearing anything. The moan that slips out of my mouth causes her to stir.

  “Fuck,” I groan when she cuddles up against me, her ass brushing up against my cock.

  Her whimper is enough of a sign to me, and I begin to raise her leg and rub myself between her folds. After a minute of just thrusting and my tip hitting her clit, she gushes with wetness. The moment her hand touches me, it has my balls tightening up against my body. She lines my cock with her opening and I thrust home.

  “Conti,” she whimpers and I slap her ass before grabbing her hips to hold on while I move in and out of her.

  “Legs, I’m not going to last. I need you too fucking bad.” Moving my hand to the front of her after I give her another slap on her cheek, I find her clit and begin swirling my thumb around it. “I promise to make it up to you later with my tongue since this will be fast.”

  My hips began to pound into her from behind as hard as I can. The telling tingles start to travel my spine and I know I’m close to going off inside her.

  Leaning forward, my lips find the spot where her shoulder and neck meet, and the bite I give her adds the bit of pain she needs to have her exploding around me.

  Her pussy squeezes me to the point it’s hard to move, so I plant myself as deep as I can and let the orgasm take me. It takes a few moments for me to catch my breath again. Slowly I pull out and crawl out of bed.

  After making sure I wipe between her legs with the cloth I got from the bathroom, I climb back in and cuddle up behind her again. Placing my hand on my son, a smile begins to form on my lips as I think I’m the luckiest man on the planet to have what I have.



  Three months later . . .

  City Hall

  “Mr. and Mrs. Conti, it’s to my understanding that you’re wanting to take guardianship of a one, Maddison Elaine Conti, and make it into an adoption, correct?” the judge sitting before us asks as he looks over the paperwork.


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