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Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1

Page 9

by Susan Donovan

  Suddenly, it all made sense to herRick had suffered such a serious injury in the motorcycle crash that he wasnt able to have sex! That could be the only explanation. But if that were the case, then what was that giant erection doing in his pants? Maybe it was more of a musculoskeletal issue than a blood-flow issue? She couldnt help itshe reevaluated his below-the-belt situation to be sure she hadnt been imagining things.

  Everything still works, if thats what youre wondering.

  Uh, no, I mean, thats really great news. Josie was helpless to prevent the red from flaming across her cheeks again.

  You look delicious when you blush, Rick said, eliminating whatever space had developed between their bodies. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her again. It was brief, but it was hot and slick and Josie felt the bottom of her belly drop.

  Mmmmm, she hummed.

  It was my choice to be celibate, he said.

  Josie nodded as the kiss ended, pretending to understand, though she didnt. And youre choosing to decelibate yourself? With me? Now?

  A crooked smile pushed up the left corner of Ricks lips, and she stared at those lips, blinking in wonder. Oh, boy. She was doing it againfalling in love. She was falling for Rick Rousseau. And this wasnt some kind of accidental slide, eitherthe way it had been with Lloyd or Spike or any of the rest of them, whose names she could no longer remember. This time she was going down hard and fast and with such abandon that she swore she could hear a loud thump. Maybe it was just the sound of her heart banging in her chest.

  Thats my plan, if youre okay with it, he said.

  Why me? She raised her eyes to his, and found him looking at her thoughtfully through those glorious eyelashes.

  Because you are wonderful, Josie. Beautiful and sweet and smart and I feel happy when Im with you. You make me laugh. You make me want to try.

  She shook her head, confused. Try?

  To be the decent man you imagine me to be.

  Josie slipped her hands around Ricks waist and rubbed his muscular back.

  Where were you hurt, can I ask? She let her hands roam, eventually bringing them to his firm butt.

  My ass is fine, he said with a grin.

  No kidding, Josie said, giggling. She moved her hands to his narrow hips.

  The left hip is man-made, he said.

  She let her hands slide down along the back of his thighs, then around to the front, feeling nothing but solid muscle beneath her fingers.

  My left femur is held together with a titanium rod. My left knee is a testament to modern plastics.

  Her stomach fluttered. She was frightened by what he was telling her.

  She squatted down and placed her hands gently on his calves, then his shins, waiting for anything else he had to say.

  Ricks hand caressed her hair. The right tibia broke in four places. My right ankle was crushedtrust me when I tell you that you dont want to go through airport security with me.

  Josie remained in her squat, staring down at the wood floor of her apartment, suddenly overwhelmed. She knew her fingers trembled where they touched him. Eventually she rose to a stand, spreading her palms flat against Ricks shirt, feeling the rise and fall of his solid abdomen, eventually moving her hands along his ribs and chest.

  Three broken ribs. A lacerated spleen. A bruised heart. A punctured lung.

  Josie felt the sorrow well up in her. How could one person go through so much and still be walking around?

  You can stop now, Josie. Its all ancient history.

  She shook her head, not looking at his face. She placed her hands on his shoulders, biceps, forearms, and hands. She needed to know everything.

  Rick sighed softly. Pretty much the same thing as my legsa little bit of plastic or metal here and there.

  With that, Josie placed her hands on his head and raked her fingers through his hair. The look on her face must have been horror, because Rick immediately comforted her.

  I was wearing a helmet. I had a minor concussion. Nothing more.

  She nodded, not knowing what to say, and not sure she wanted to be the woman to put all the pins and plates to the test.

  He tipped up her chin with his fingers and looked her in the eye. Im healthy now, Josie. Its been a long time and Im healed. I run. I lift weights. I do yoga. I get stiff sometimes, but Im good to go.

  But I… I dont want to hurt you accidentally, she whispered, trying with all her might not to blush or tear up. Im not a tiny woman. I could crush something. I could snap one of your rods or chip one of your plates.

  He chuckled again. Gently, he took her into his arms, squeezed her, and whispered into her hair. Youre the woman I want, Josie. Just say the word when youre ready.

  Josie melted into his hug, knowing that no mans embrace had ever felt this perfect, this complete. Ricks arms were strong but they cradled her gently. She could hear his heart beat in his chest. She could hear the patience in his voice. Sure, Rick Rousseau might have a few synthetic parts, but he was more of the real thing than any man shed ever encountered.

  Josie decided to skip the words. Instead, she took his hand and led him through the living room toward the bedroom. Genghis stopped chewing and looked up at them with curiosity, giving Josie the two seconds she needed to swoop down and grab the now disfigured vibrator. She tossed it in the bathroom trash can on the way down the hall.

  Josies home phone began to ring. Whoeverand whateverit was would have to wait.

  Bea snapped her cell phone closed and turned to Roxie and Ginger. Well, shes not answering. Now Im sure somethings going on.

  Good Lord, Bea! Roxie said, laughing. Josie is a grown woman. She can choose not to answer her phone if she wantsthats the beauty of living in a democracy.

  Ginger leaned forward on one elbow, whispering as if spies were lurking at the outdoor bistro. As much as it pains me to say this, Bea may be right. Think about itits more than the usual scatterbrain stuff with Josie lately. She may be avoiding us.

  As if shocked by the accusation, HeatherLynn poked her head out from the cocoon of Gingers jacket, little black button eyes popping from her white pompom head.

  You guys are nuts, Roxanne said.

  She didnt show up for our walk yesterday, Bea reminded Roxie, lowering her hand to stroke the top of her own dogs head. As usual, Martina slept peacefully by her owners side, content and well behaved. And now she cant meet us for a drink tonight? So I ask, since when does she have so many scheduling conflicts?

  Maybe shes babysitting for her sisters kids, Ginger offered.

  See? Im sure thats what it is, Roxie said. You know how Beths always dumping her kids on her at the last minute.

  Of course Im right.

  Youre wrong, Bea told Ginger with finality.

  Ginger sighed. She took a soothing sip of her lemongrass Mojito.

  Whatever you say, Bea.

  So you agree theres something going on with Josie?

  Ginger laughed. Not necessarily, but Ill say anything to get you to drop the subject.

  Not gonna happen, Bea said.

  For the next few minutes, the three women sat quietly at the small wrought-iron table. Lilith tugged at her muzzle and growled at a man strolling down the sidewalk. HeatherLynn retreated back into her hideaway. Martina slept.

  Roxie took a long drink from her margarita and sighed. Have you ever noticed that we get on each others nerves more when Josies not with us?

  Bea nodded, taking a swig of her Michelob Ultra. All the more reason to find out whats going on with her, and get her back on track.

  Roxie shrugged.

  Hey, Ginger, Bea continued. Remember that woman who came to the paper to see Josie the other day? When we were heading out to grab some of Paulie Patrakiss last baklava?

  Roxies mouth fell open. You got some of his last baklava? You went /without/ me?

  We tried to reach you but you were covering that double-murder thingy.

  Ginger frowned when she said that, then groaned in exasperation and smoothed out he
r brow. What about the old lady, Bea?

  You think Josie has something going on with an old /lady/? Roxies face froze in shock.

  Oh, for Gods sake, Bea said, dropping her head into her hand.

  Not everyone is turned on by senior citizens, Rox, Ginger said.

  What/ever/. Roxie rolled her eyes. So whos this old woman and what does she have to do with Josie avoiding us?

  Bea settled back in her bistro chair and looked around at the hip city crowd, pondering the question. Josie was in a very serious conversation with the woman. It looked important.

  I think she was the widow of one of Josies obits, Ginger said, pursing her lips. As usual, Bea, youre looking for intrigue where there is nonemaybe you should buy a spy novel or something.

  I can sense these things, Bea said, her conviction growing. Josie has something going on in her life that shes not telling us about, and Im sure its a man.

  When Ginger gasped and stiffened in surprise, HeatherLynn popped out of her owners jacket again.

  No way, Roxie said, her voice louder now. Josie would have told me if there was someone in her life.

  Oh, really? Bea arched her eyebrows. You dont think Josie would be the tiniest bit embarrassed about a new boyfriend considering that little no-man-no-way vow we all just took?

  Nobody had a response for that.

  Bea turned to Ginger. Do you really think shed be anxious to tell us about her latest selection from the primordial slime pit of men when all we do is talk about the joys of living in a testosterone-free zone?

  Gingers lips parted, but she stayed silent.

  Bea raised her bottle toward Roxie. And Roxie, do you really think shed be running to the proprietor of the infamous

  [] Web site to brag about the wonderful new guy whos stolen her heart?

  Well, if you put it that way…

  Ginger interrupted them both. You know, I took that vow seriously. Ive completely changed my way of thinking. I will never again worry about pleasing a man. From here on out its all about pleasuring myself!

  When she got two silent stares, Ginger amended her comment. Waitthat didnt come out right.

  Roxie turned to Bea. I dont get itwhat would the old lady have to do with Josies new man?

  Beas eyes narrowed. She drummed her short fingernails on the bistro tabletop, not answering right away. After a few moments of contemplation, she looked up with a smile. Whats the one thing we all have in common? she asked, sounding pleased with herself.

  Dogs, of course, Ginger said with a sigh. Plus, none of us are having any sex, and, lets face it, the more time that goes by the less likely I am to ever have it again, because in a few years Ill probably have a dried-up hoo-hah and more chin hair than the Unabomber, and then where will I be?

  Roxie choked on a mouthful of margarita.

  Actually, Bea said, rolling her eyes, I was alluding to the fact that were all experienced journalists. Bea folded her hands in front of her on the table. We are trained to track down information. We know how to put together facts to reveal an accurate and balanced snapshot of the truth.

  I write about trends in bathroom design, Ginger pointed out.

  Reporting is reporting, Bea snapped.

  Just then, a shiny black Lexus cruised by. The equally black man behind the wheel slowed the car, then nodded at the women before he drove on.

  Lilith growled.

  Do you know him? Ginger asked.

  Nope. Just a friendly guy, I guess, Roxie said.

  Anyone who drives that slow is on the prowl, Bea said.

  I swear Ive seen him before, Ginger said.

  So let me get this straight, Bea. Roxie crossed her arms across her chest. Youre suggesting we /spy/ on our friend? You want us to go undercover on Josie, start asking questions of her neighbors? Family?

  Sources? How about we sit outside her apartment and watch who comes and goes? Maybe root through her garbage?

  Theres no need to get carried away, Bea said.

  Youre the one whos been carried away! Roxie was clearly upset. Josie is my friend. I would never do that to her.

  It is pretty smarmy, Ginger said. I wouldnt want you guys doing that to me, not that youd find anything. I say we just ask Josie. If she wants us to know, shell tell us.

  Roxie nodded. Of course. Well just ask her whats going on. Well remind her that were her friends and she can tell us anything.

  Bea shrugged. Fine. Ask her, then. Go on.

  Roxie pulled out her cell phone. She dialed Josies home number. No answer. She called Josies cell. No answer. She tried both again. No answer.

  Here, let me, Ginger said, rooting through her oversized pink leather bag to find her cell. She placed the phone on the tabletop and put it on speaker. The three women waited patiently through four rings.

  See? Bea said. Shes not going to pick The phone sparked to life. The call had gone through but the only sound was of shuffling and mumbling, followed by a high-pitched yelp and a deep-voiced laugh. Then there was the sound of something smacking the receiver a few times, with a little more laughing thrown in. Then the line went dead.

  Ginger tossed the phone back into her purse and, without comment, drained the rest of her mojito.

  Bea bowed her head humbly, as if acknowledging the roars of an imaginary crowd. My work here is done, she said.

  I dont freakin believe this! Ginger waved her hands around. HeatherLynn panicked and popped back inside the jacket. Josie took a vow! She was the one who told us to go out and lead full and happy lives in the company of our dogs! No one forced her to say that! She came up with that all on her own!

  Lets not jump to any conclusions, here, Roxie said, glaring at Ginger.

  We dont know for sure what we just heard on the phone. It could have been anything.

  Bea nodded. Sure. Hey, in fact She started laughing. I bet all that giggling was part of her empty mind practice!

  Ginger pursed her mouth tight. Roxie stared out into the street. Bea chuckled some more.

  I do worry about her, Ginger said, shaking her head. You know how she isall a guy has to do is buy her a bacon cheeseburger and the next day shes at Macys picking out her stainless pattern. We cant let her do this to herself again. We cant let her waste her time with another ьberloser.

  Amen, sister, Bea said.

  But who are we to interfere? Roxie leaned forward on her elbows again, quite serious. I love Josie. Shes my best friend. But shes an adult. I know I wouldnt appreciate you guys doing that to me! Roxie flashed her dark eyes at them. I mean, its my life! I can make healthy choices for myself! Who are you to say whats good for me?

  Bea nodded. Okay. Well, I got two words for you/Raymond Sandberg/. Any further discussion?

  Lilith growled as the black Lexus cruised by again, headed in the opposite direction.

  Ive got a real bad feeling about this whole business, Ginger said, letting her voice trail off as she watched the car drive away. Strange old ladies. Mystery boyfriends. The idea of spying on our friend. And whats with Super Fly in the Lexus? Am I paranoid or is that the second time hes driven by?

  Roxie shook her head emphatically. Im not rooting through anybodys garbage. Thats where I have to draw the line.


  You sure are popular, Rick said through his teeth, which were clamped down on the elastic neckline of Josies little pink top. He would have used his hands to remove her blouse, but they were busy springing her left hip from the prison of her bikini underwear.

  The damn things turned off now, she said, tossing her cell phone onto a basket of folded laundry. My friends can be persistent. Josie returned her attention to the metal buckle of Ricks jeans, frowning in concentration. Theyre probably wondering why I didnt meet them for a drink tonight.

  Why didnt you just tell them you had a date?

  Josie smiled in triumph, pulling the belt strap loose from the buckle.

  Then she looked at Rick, biting her bottom lip. Um, t
hey dont know about you yet. I havent found the right time to tell them.

  Rick laughed. Ah. Youre ashamed of me.

  What? Josies gray eyes went big and her cheeks reddened. Of course not!

  Its just thatoh, jeez, its a really long story, but none of my friends are in relationships right now, and we kind of promised each other that wed be happy without men, that we could have wonderful, satisfying lives in the company of our dogs.


  Yeah. Josie glanced down at her own below-the-waist bareness, and when she looked back at Rick, her cheeks were flaming. Whoops big-time.

  Even while they laughed, Rick felt the weight of the moment descending on him. He was beginning to see all that was happening here, in stark clarity. There was a beautiful, funny, half-naked woman straddling his legs, looking down on him with trust and adoration. Her satiny thighs were spread. Her shiny curls fell around her face. Her creamy, freckled breasts were practically falling out of her top. And if all that wasnt erotic enough, the entire scene was backlit by evening sun spilling through the bedroom blinds, which gave the entire vision an ethereal glow. And as he stared in wonder at this apparition, he felt the light of her smile and the warmth of her laughter cut through seven years of cold darkness.

  It dawned on Rick that he was about to hold the door open and welcome a woman into his life. He was on the verge of telling her to make herself at home and prop her feet up right smack in the middle of his heart and soul. He was about to surrender to the possibility of a relationshipwith a good woman who deserved only goodness in her life.

  Rick smiled to himself, amused by his own big-time whoops moment. Seven years of hard absolutes had begun to soften the morning Josephine Sheehan walked off the sidewalk and entered his grooming salon. By now, Josies pretty face and easy laugh had begun to chisel away at every wall hed ever built around himself.

  Rick watched Josies happy smile fade. He reached up and stroked one of her cherry-red cheeks. Tell your friends about me whenever youre ready, if you ever decide you want to. Its completely your decision.

  She frowned. Youre having second thoughts. I can tell.

  Her question took him by surprise. You mean about you and me? About us?


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