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Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1

Page 14

by Susan Donovan

  Bea, Roxie said breathlessly. Youre a freakin genius! /?

  [] I-vomit-on-all-men.coma cyber haven for the spurned and burned./ How rockin is that?

  Pretty rockin, Bea said, grinning. So, werent you going to read me the license plate numbers?

  Oh, hell, why not? Just promise me you wont go launching some intervention without me and Ginger.

  Girl Scouts honor.

  Roxie read the series of numbers and letters to Bea and they hung up.

  Within five minutes, Bea was finished chatting with an old friend at the Motor Vehicles Administration.

  She looked down at the chicken scratch in her notepad: /CPS Incorporated of Berkeley, California./ Hello there, Romeo, Bea said under her breath, staring at her handwriting. I sure hope youre on the up-and-up, otherwise, youre going down.

  The sun was setting as they walked the last few blocks to Josies place.

  I had a great time tonight, Josie said, looking up at Ricks handsome, smiling face. Thanks for bringing the pizza.

  Rick wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed tight. Ive loved every minute, he said.

  It was a sweet enough moment, but Josie had been sensing a soft hum of uneasiness between the two of them all evening, while they ate their vegetarian thin crust and laughed, while they sat on the balcony and talked, and all during their hour-long walk with Genghis. It was nothing she could put her finger on, really, just an occasional look in his eye or twist to his voice. It could be that Rick was experiencing one of those Oh-my-God-what-have-I-done? day-afters. But it could be something worse.

  One thing Josie knew for sure: If she were truly taking a different approach to dating this time around, shed need to come right out and ask Rick what was up. She had to ask even if she was afraid of the answer.

  It was a bold move shed never managed with Spike or Billy or Wayne or Lloyd or Troy or any of the others, so shed never had a clear sense of the status of the relationship on any given day. No wonder every one of her liaisons had been a road to nowhere. No wonder the end was always a surprise to Josiea /Starsky and Hutch/ swerve down an exit ramp she didnt even see coming.

  Josie smiled back at Rick and squeezed him around the waist, thinking that Rick might not be troubled by their brand-new romance at all. Maybe he was distracted by his work. Or, God forbid, he could be thinking about the danger Mrs. Needleman had warned of.

  Theres something Id like to talk to you about, Josie. / Guess I better buckle up./ I really like you. I think youre wonderful and fun and beautiful.

  Josie sighed, wondering which breakup clichй Rick Rousseau would select, because, if she didnt count Spikes alien abduction, shed never had a relationship end without one of the Big Three: /This is not working for me. I really think we should see other people. Its not you, its me./ God, did she ever hate that last one.

  Rick took a breath. What I wanted to tell you was that Ive thought about it, and…

  He was going to pick the last one, she just knew it!

  Id like you to come spend the weekend with me at my ranch. Ive never invited a woman there. But I want you to see it because its the place I love more than anywhere else in the world.

  Josie turned very slowly and looked up into Ricks face, dumbfounded. Her arm fell away from his waist.

  Oh, Rick said. You have other plans. Thats cool.

  Josie shook her head.

  Look, if Im going too fast, all you have to do is let me know. I completely understand.

  Josie grabbed his hand. Her heart was kicking up its heels under her breastbone.

  Rick laughed. Oh, man, this is patheticIve lost my game, Josie. I dont know what the hell Im doing.

  She laughed, too. You dont need a game with me, she said.

  Good, because Im feeling about as suave as a twelve-year-old right now.

  He raked his fingers through his wavy hair. Look, I know Im going fast, but Im crazy about you and all I want is to spend time with you.

  Josie nodded, so overwhelmed by this mans honesty and goodness that she thought she might cry. She averted her eyes momentarily and checked on Genghis, who was peeing on a tree.

  Can I bring Genghis?

  Rick chuckled. Absolutely.

  Because I can have my parents watch him if its not convenient. He can get wild sometimes.

  Ill remember to pick up my boxers from the floor, Rick said, giving Josies chin a little pinch between his thumb and forefinger. The G-man is always welcome. There are a couple dogs up there to keep him company, so theyll have the run of the place.

  Really? Josie didnt know what excited her morethat Rick had invited her to his ranch or that he owned dogs! /He loves dogs! Another item from my list!/ I had no idea you had pets.

  Of course I do. What kind of pet store owner would I be if I didnt?

  Excellent point.

  There are about sixteen barn cats up there, too, but only one of them finds humans worthy of his time. Rick paused, letting his fingers brush the side of her cheek. So youll come with me?

  When do we leave?

  How does now work for you?


  Rick grabbed her and hugged her so tight she couldnt breathe for an instant. Even without oxygen, shed never been this happy in her life.

  It was a shame that the Sonoma Valley was blanketed in darkness by the time they pulled into the automated wrought-iron gates at Samhain Ranch.

  The hour drive from the city was always spectacular, and Rick had never forgotten the impact of the first time he drove up the lane to the property. /Magic./ Thats all he thought. Hed even said it out loud. This place is magic.

  Teeny had turned to him and said, Ill tell you whatwith this listing price they better have Houdini himself doing the valet parking.

  Because theyd called ahead when they left the city, the main house was lit up from the inside and all the porch lights were blazing. Rick looked in the rearview mirror to see the headlights of Teenys SUV right behind him. The gates closed and locked once both vehicles were in.

  Sweet Mother of Jesus, Josie gasped, rolling down the passenger-side window of the Lexus and sticking her head all the way out. This place looks like a resort or something!

  Rick smiled. It is. But its just for us.

  She popped her head back into the car and looked over at him, her curls messed up from the wind. I had no idea, Josie whispered. I mean, you told me what to expect, okay, but I had no idea it was this amazing. I can already tell the place is magical.

  Rick didnt bother to hide his huge grin. Hed known that shed appreciate the place the way he did. Maybe you brought the magic with you, sweet Josie, he said.

  As always, Chen and Tara started their barking frenzy to welcome Rick home. Genghis barked his reply, which made his own dogs double their racket. Then Genghis spun out of control, running back and forth on the rear leather seat, barking nonstop in a high-pitched yelp of excitement, as if he were about to have the greatest adventure of his life.

  Rick knew how he felt.

  Josie didnt bother trying to control Genghis. She opened the back passenger door of the Lexus and let him fly out, a big ball of brown fluff that hit the dirt running, the other dogs in pursuit.

  You sure theyre friendly? Josie asked, trying not to sound like an overprotective mother.

  Rick chuckled and slid his arm around her waist. Absolutely sure. Since Genghis arrived with me, theyll be cool. Theyre really sweet dogs.

  Just then, three blurred shapes charged down the dirt lane, sending dust through the dark air. First was a mid-sized fur ball, followed by a much bigger dog, and then a little creature barking so fast it sounded like a toy machine gun.

  First thing I did after I bought this place was go to the pound for a couple mutts to keep me company, Rick said, getting their bags from the trunk.

  Josie nodded and bit her lip, trying to keep track of Genghis as the dogs looped around gardens in front of the house. She couldnt help ither little guy had never needed to
protect himself from an aggressive dog.

  Not even at Dolores Park. Would he know how to defend himself? He could get hurt.

  Rick pointed toward the dogs. Taras the little one. Shes a sheltie with terrier thrown in. Chen is the big one. Hes a combination of Rottweiler and a cement mixer, I think.

  Josie laughed nervously, still not convinced of the sweetness level of Ricks dogs, especially the cement mixer. When she heard a terrified yelp a second later, her spine stiffened. The pack returned, racing just as fast, the machine-gun barking still at full volume at the rear. Only this time, Chen was out in front of Genghis in a flat-out run, yelping as if fleeing from death itself. Josie smiled.

  I think were good, she said. Then she got up on her tiptoes and gave Rick a gentle kiss. Im really glad to be here. I cant wait to see everything.

  Before her heels could hit the ground again, Rick dropped their bags and wrapped her in his arms, a clear signal that her little peck hadnt satisfied. He lowered his mouth to Josies with confidence, as if he were sure shed know exactly how to respond. And she did. It was a mystery, really. With most men, kissing had felt like some kind of test to Josie, an intimate gesture that was supposed to convey passion but usually only resulted in a torturous Ping-Pong match inside her mind/does he want me to open wider? Is that wide enough? Does he want a taste of my tongue?

  Was that too much? Hes just clamped down on my upper lip, but was that a slip or on purpose, and does he expect me to return the nibble?/ Obviously, it was difficult to enjoy kissing when she thought she was being graded.

  There was no such torture with Rick. Just pure pleasure. Pure relief.

  Josie let go with a deep sigh as her body melted against his, as his lips captured hers, caressed hers, responded in warm welcome to anything she might give him in return. Now this was kissing, Josie knew. This was bliss.

  Her fingers twisted in the curls on the back of Ricks head. She wrapped one leg around his and pressed her belly up against his belt. She didnt worry about making a wrong move with Rick, because there were no wrong moves. They were speaking to each other with honesty. They were connecting. And that energy was swirling and looping through Josie and into Rick and back into her, entering and exiting her body, driving her forward, pushing her on and on and Pardon me, a deep voice said.

  Josie staggered away from Ricks embrace, trying to pretend she wasnt horrified.

  Teeny gave her a sweet smile. Welcome to Samhain Ranch, Miss Sheehan.

  Teeny lowered his voice and looked toward Rick, his eyes big. Sorry about that, man, but Rosa wants to know if you prefer the guest cottage, or your suite, or both, or what. Ill fill her in and then I promise you wont see me till tomorrow.

  Rick chuckled. No problem. Lets ask our guest which shed like. Rick pulled on Josies hand until she was touching his side. Any preference?


  The suite is closer, Teeny offered helpfully.

  Well take it.

  Rick smiled down on her, laughing. Then he said to Teeny, Tell Rosa not to worry about uswe wont be needing anything until breakfast.

  Will do, Teeny said, then he nodded Josies way. Enjoy, Miss Sheehan.

  Call me Josie, /please/. She took a step closer to the huge man and touched his arm. Only the lady at the dry cleaners calls me?Miss Sheehan.

  Teenys smile widened. You got it, Josie. Night.

  Rick cradled her hand as they watched Teeny walk around the side of the main house. Shall we start our weekend, then? he said, smiling down at her in the dark.

  I thought we already had.

  Weve not even begun, Rick said. Ive got big plans for you, Josephine. /My girlfriend/. With those two words, Gwen Anderss world had collapsed.

  The dinner meeting had been an utter waste of time. The swinging dicks from Staunton and Blalock didnt know a damn thing more than she did.

  They were just fumbling around in the dark like everyone else. It wasnt about the thrill anymore. It was only about survival. In the world of finance, the line that separated the heroes from the villains had always been somewhat blurry. Now it had been obliterated. The rules had changed on everyone, overnight.

  Just like in her personal life.

  Gwen took another gulp of wine, ashamed that she was slamming down a three-hundred-dollar bottle of California cab like it was Welchs grape juice. Shed been saving that bottle for the evening Rick would finally be sitting here with her, in front of the fireplace on a cool San Francisco night, the lights of Fishermans Wharf twinkling below. /Girlfriend./ Gwen had known for a few months now that Rick was ready to have a breakthrough. Hed been laughing more. Talking more. His life seemed to have a robust quality about it that shed never seen. He was about to emerge from his cocoon, and why? Gwen herself, of course. Her presence had coaxed Rick out of hidingher beauty, her steadfast devotion, and her quiet support. He was about to admit his hidden attraction for her. And she was waiting for him with open arms. /Girlfriend?/ Absurd! She and Rick were destined for each other. Shed known it from the start, the afternoon shed been brought in for the interview. She was his perfect match, his equal in all respects, the man shed been created for. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Fucking /perfect/. /Girlfriend!/ How could this have happened? Who was she? How did she get to him? Just how beautiful /was/ this woman?

  Gwen jerked to attention, her wine nearly spilling. There wasnt anyone more beautiful than she was. That wasnt her ego talking. It was simply the truth.

  She threw her wine glass across the room. The crystal shattered. The ruby-red liquid dripped like tears down her off-white walls and splashed on her white carpet.

  Gwen dropped her face into her hands. Shed saved herself for himnearly six long years of deprivation. Living like a fucking nun! Turning down hundreds of offers from menmany of them very rich and handsome menbecause she was waiting for Rick Rousseau!

  Bastard. Liar. Traitor.

  She heard her own voice cry out. When she began to slide off the sofa it was like she couldnt prevent ither bones had melted in the heat of his betrayal. Her knees hit the plush carpet. She fell forward, pounding her fists into the rug. /Bastard! Liar! How could you do this to me! You were supposed to be mine!/ Gwen regained consciousness when the morning light slipped through the slats of her miniblinds. Her mouth felt as if it were stuffed with sand.

  Her head pounded. She opened her eyes to find herself crumpled on the living room floor. When she raised her head she was treated to the horrific sight of cabernet sauvignon on the wall, dried like trails of blood on pale skin.

  Instantlyseamlesslyher thoughts turned to Bennett Cummings.


  It didnt happen often, but Josie was rendered speechless the moment she stepped from the outdoor balcony and into Ricks suite.

  The bathroom is right through there, Rick said, carrying the bags through the room and nodding his head to the left. He disappeared into what looked like a huge dressing room with walk-in closets. Josie heard the thud of the bags hitting the floor.

  We should have everything you need, Rick called out, but let me know if theres something extra you might like.

  Josie remained silent, staring. The first eye-opener had to be the bed.

  It was quite old, and quite large. It was made of a dark wood like mahogany, and the headboard was carved in an ornate pattern of ocean waves and dolphins and sea birds, and it stretched all the way to the ceiling, which had to be ten feet high. The footboard was carved in the same motif and was about four feet high.

  The whole vision was covered in what looked like decadent cotton and silk in a muted bluepillows of every size, sheets, down comforter, coverlet. The bed was so high up off the floor that there were his-and-her step stools on either side.

  A dresser and mirror took up most of the opposite wall. Made of the same mahogany and carved in the same fancy design, the dressing table was topped with gray marble and the mirror frame stretched all the way to the ceiling.

  The room was rounded out by a huge fireplace, several group
ings of settees with tables and lamps, six floor-to-ceiling windows, and an antique Persian carpet.

  You okay?

  Josies mouth must have been hanging open unattractively. She tried to collect herself. Dear God, Rick, she whispered.

  He laughed, moving toward where she stood in the center of the huge room. Most of the furniture in here is original to the house, he said, kissing her cheek. This place has a pretty colorful pastwould you like me to tell you the story?

  I love stories, Josie said.

  Then lets get comfy. Rick guided Josie to the bed and helped her up one of the step stools, kind enough to steady her by placing his hands firmly on her ass.

  Youre a true gentleman, she told him.

  Id hate for you to injure yourself, he said, patting her behind protectively.

  Rick laid Josie on her back, propped her up comfortably on pillows, then stretched out beside her. He cleared his throat. Once upon a timewell, in 1883, to be precisethis place was built as a hotel for travelers from the Sonoma Valley train station up the road. Rick played with Josies hair for a few moments, then dragged a fingertip down the length of her nose.

  About ten years later, a mysterious woman bought the property. She was a biracial daughter of a former slave with some bad-ass entrepreneurial skillsshe turned the hotel into the regions premier bordello.

  No! Josie tried to sit up but Rick soothed her shoulders back down.

  Oh, yes. Just relax and let me tell you all about it. He kissed her lips softly and continued. So Madame Toulouse, as she was called Youre making this up.

  I am not. Rick kissed the side of her neck. Madame /Too-loose/ made sure there was always plenty of live music, liquor, and immoral babes to go around. Apparently, she did a bang-up business.

  Okaynow I know youre making this up, Josie said, rolling her eyes at the bad puns.

  She became a very rich woman, Rick continued, as he unbuttoned the first three buttons of Josies shirt. Local law enforcement turned a blind eye to the shenanigans, mostly because they were blind drunk and holed up behind locked doors like the rest of the regulars.


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