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Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1)

Page 7

by Knightly, Marianne

  A devious smile slid across his face as he picked up his wineglass. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

  “You first.”

  “No, you first. Elaborate on what that boy did to you.”

  Exasperated, she said, “He didn’t do anything. He wanted to sleep with me but I wasn’t ready for that, so he took me home after the night was over. End of story.”

  “Was that so difficult to say?” he asked before taking a drink.

  Instead of answering, she said, “Your turn.”

  He put down his glass and his fingers circled around the rim as he spoke. “I was fifteen when I had my first date. It had been arranged by my parents and the prime minister of Italy, who had a daughter near me in age. We attended the state dinner together, and barely spoke through two hours and a stiff dance.”

  “Sounds awful.”

  “It wasn’t so bad.”

  “I meant for her. What if that had been her first date, too? First dates mean more to women than men.”

  “There we disagree. Our first date has been something I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time; tonight means a lot to me.”

  When she didn’t say anything, he continued. “The first time I had sex with a woman, I was eighteen,” he started, and smiled when a blush spread across her cheek. He wondered what else might make her blush. “Another state dinner with the same Italian prime minister. This time, his daughter and I found much more to discuss.”

  “I’m sure,” she mumbled.

  “We’d both grown up in that time between state dinners, and we both understood, at least to some degree, the pressure and burdens on the other. It was her first time, too, and we fumbled through it quite nicely.”

  “I see,” she said, staring into her wineglass. Is that how her first time would be? Would she just fumble through it, too? Alexander would want an experienced woman for his wife, not a virgin in her thirties. She had never thought that she would reach this age and still be inexperienced; it had just happened. She had been on hundreds of dates it seemed like, but the men had only wanted her body when she was younger, and access to her political position when she was older. No one had ever wanted her.

  “Where did you go?”

  “Hmm?” she asked as she looked up into inquisitive eyes.

  “What were you remembering?” he asked as his hand picked up hers.

  “Nothing important.”

  “Were you remembering your own first time? You can tell me about it. I might have the man killed afterwards, but that’s no reason not to share,” he said with a smile.

  Rebecca huffed a laugh and tried to remove her hand, which stayed infuriatingly clasped in his tight hold. “It’s nothing.”

  “Tell me.”

  Her emotions had been on a whirlwind tonight. From believing she had no hope with Alex, to almost believing that she might. Would this push the balance in the other direction? “Let me ask you some questions first.”

  He gave her an assessing look, before he said, “All right. Ask away, but I reserve the right to ask my question again.”

  Rebecca nodded. “How many women have you been with?”


  Lower than she’d thought, but it meant he was much more experienced than her or any of her friends. “Have you ever had any relationships? The press never picked up anything, but that doesn’t mean anything.”

  “I promised you total honesty and I meant it. I mentioned I never had a girlfriend before, and that was true. No relationships. The women I’ve known, make no mistake, I’ve respected them and treated them with respect. I made it clear I couldn’t give them more than what I could, and I made my expectations clear before we were together. I enjoyed my time with them, and they with me, but I never considered a relationship with anybody but you.”

  “I just don’t understand why you never gave any hint to your feelings before, and why you’ve suddenly decided to pursue me now.”

  “I didn’t decide to pursue you now. It’s true that the feelings I have for you never really went away; they grew more complex and I just buried them. I decided to pursue you just over eight months ago, and tonight was just the first chance that I had to act upon it.”

  “Eight months?”

  “Yes. Eight months ago, you attended the Christmas Ball. You were beautiful, stunning in your rich red and gold dress. I had almost accepted my feelings for you before then but, when I saw you, there was no use denying it anymore. I wanted to dance with you, to take you into my arms and hold you close. However, you had come with a date, just as I had, and it wouldn’t have looked appropriate. Not with all the press there.”

  “I didn’t even think you’d noticed me except for when I greeted you and your family.”

  “As I said before, I was very good at hiding how I felt for you. Though it became difficult that night when that cretin you were with couldn’t keep his hands off of you.”

  Rebecca chuckled at his irritated expression. “We were dancing most of the night. It is hard to dance and not touch.”

  “As if that’s a valid excuse. Anyway, I tried to find a moment, a night for us, like tonight, but you were always so busy with Cat’s schedule and I couldn’t get away because of my own. When the opportunity came up tonight, I seized it. I know it seems sudden, but it’s not, not to me. I hope with a little more time, you’ll realize that.”

  Rebecca gazed at their joined hands. His hand felt warm and strong around hers. “I’m trying. That’s all I can do.”

  He brought her hand to his lips for a brief kiss. “That’s all I want, at least for now. Now then, I’m asking my question again. Please tell me what was troubling you earlier.”

  Rebecca sighed. It seemed only fair to provide him with her truth, as he had done the same. “I’m not as experienced as you are,” she said and felt his hand squeeze hers.


  She took a drink to fortify herself first. “I’ve been with less men than you have.”

  His mouth was a thin line. “Well, I haven’t been with any men, so unless you’ve been with less than zero you’ll have to elaborate.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Stop evading the question.”

  “I just think you’ll be upset when I tell you, so I’d rather not say anything else.”

  “I think you should just let me decide what to be angry about. Though I promise to keep a cool head, and I don’t make promises lightly. You should know that about me.”

  Though she believed him, it didn’t make it any easier to say the embarrassing words. “I-I’m a virgin.”

  For the first time in her life, she saw Alexander with a shocked face. Eyes wide and mouth parted, and his hand tightened on hers. “What did you say?”

  “I’m not going to repeat it,” she said and took another drink. Good God. She’d just told the crown prince of Valleria that she was a virgin. Where was a rock to bury yourself under when you needed it?

  “You’ve never been with anyone? No one? But we’re the same age.”

  “I know,” she said as she put down her wineglass and tried unsuccessfully to pull her hand away again. After a few more tugs, he finally released her and she stood and fled the room towards the front door of the office suite.

  He caught up to her barely a moment later, and stood behind her, placing his hands on her arms and rubbing softly. “You’re very much mistaken if you think I find that news upsetting. If anything, I’m even more attracted to you and I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “What?” she said as she spun around to face him. His face held a small smile but his eyes smoldered. “What?”

  He pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. “Knowing you’re untouched, God, it’s arousing.”

  “It is?”

  “Oh, yes. I want to take you right here and claim you for my own, like I’m some uncivilized caveman.” When she stiffened in his arms, he said, “But I won’t.”

  She had to admit
that she felt a little disappointed, though it didn’t make sense to her logical mind.

  “I will, however, do this,” he said before his lips fell hers. This kiss was different than the one before. It was just as powerful, just as masterful, but it meant something different. It felt different.

  Before, she had been a confused woman kissing Prince Alexander, future king. Now, she was a little less confused woman kissing Alex, the man who would be king one day. There was a sense of understanding between the two of them, though Rebecca still didn’t know how far they’d go.

  For now, she just enjoyed him and this moment. As she buried her hands in his hair, she tasted the meal and the wine on his lips and tongue, and wondered if he tasted it on hers. Somehow, they ended up on the couch in a waiting area, and she slid seamlessly under him while they continued kissing. With her eyes closed, she felt one of his hands tangle in her hair, while the other caressed her bare leg and slid underneath her skirt.

  Anticipation of where his hand may go drew both arousal and fear within her. No matter what they had shared tonight, she still wasn’t sure if she was ready for that next step.

  “Alex,” she whispered when he began to drop kisses along her neck.

  “I love it when you say my name. Say it again.”

  “Alex,” she said on a soft moan as her eyes fluttered open to find his watching her.

  “You’re so sexy. Do even you know how much?” He kissed her swiftly, as if he couldn’t resist doing so, and then drew back. Every inch of his formidable body could be felt, even through his suit.

  "You're not so bad yourself," she said and blushed again.

  “Really?” he said as he shifted to lay beside her on the couch, trapping her against it on one side and even closer to his body on the other. “Do you find me attractive, then?”

  “I think you know you’re attractive.”

  “Do I? And do you find me so?”


  “A compliment. Thank you, my lady.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that. You know how handsome you are. Women are always drooling over you.”

  “Upgraded from ‘attractive’ to ‘handsome’,” he said as kissed the long line of her neck. Against her ear, he whispered, “Are you one of those women drooling over me?”

  “I think you’re handsome,” she said vaguely. It wouldn’t do her any good to reveal just how much she’d thought of him over the years.

  He continued to drop soft kisses even as he spoke. “Progress. You just admitted without admitting it that you have been drooling over me.”

  “I didn’t say that,” she said as she tried futilely to push him away. He instead held her tighter and kissed a particular spot on her neck that had her vision going foggy.

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “Alex,” she said trying to push him away, but holding on at the same time. “Please.”

  “Please what?” His hand shifted lightly up her leg again.

  Just as she was about to speak, a knock sounded on the door. Rebecca gasped and froze as the haze of lust shattered around her. She tried to sit up, but Alex stayed her movements.

  “Yes?” he called out, his voice remarkably calm and authoritative.

  “The kitchen staff are here, Your Highness,” his security man said in a muted voice through the closed door. “May I give them permission to enter?”

  “We’re just finishing up our meeting. Give us a few more minutes.”

  “Yes, sir,” he said.

  Alex stood swiftly and carried Rebecca to her office. “What are you doing?” she whispered furiously.

  “Well, first, I’m going to fire the kitchen staff for interrupting us,” he said as he placed her on the floor again. “Second, I’m going to do this.” She gasped, then moaned softly as another kiss, furious and fast, was planted on her lips. When he pulled away, he said, “I’ll find some time for us, just the two of us, soon. I promise you.”

  “You said you keep your promises.”

  “Yes, and I do.” He broke her gaze only to glance at the neat piles of papers on her desk. “Were you planning on working all night before I came by?”

  Thinking of work had the rest of the day, video catastrophe and all, come rushing back in full force. “That was the plan. If I’m going to be fired tomorrow, I want to clear away as much as possible.”

  “You won’t be fired.”

  Rebecca shook her head. “You and the Princess may not want to, but you may not have a choice.”

  “You won’t be fired. End of story. Go home and relax, all right? We’ll get through this.”

  Despite what he’d said this evening, neither of them were ready to make whatever they were public, and she knew it. “I’ll be fine, either way. Don’t worry about me.”

  “That’s the problem. I’ve been worrying about you for some time, and I don’t think that will change.” His thumb caressed her slightly swollen lips as he said, “Dream of me, as I’ll dream of you.” He then kissed her forehead and swept from the room.

  Rebecca couldn’t think of anything else to do but sit down in her chair. She saw him walk into the conference room before reappearing and head for the front doors to the office, where the kitchen staff awaited.

  He turned to give her one last devastating smile, before he opened the door and began speaking to security and the staff outside. She barely remembered that she should be standing as the Prince left, and stood just before the staff entered and saw her. She gave them a wave and sat down again.

  After they left, carts of food rattling along in front of them, she took a deep breath and took stock of the evening. A lot had been said, much more had been revealed, and promises had been made. She still wasn’t sure what he was doing with her, but she could trust his sincerity, at the very least.

  As she glanced at the piles surrounding her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to think about anything work-related for the rest of the evening. Whether or not she was fired tomorrow, she had think about herself tonight, about everything that had happened. A hot bath and some more wine was calling her, so she grabbed her purse and headed for the door, pausing for a moment near the couch. Her fingers fell to her lips as she remembered the way he’d almost branded her with his kisses.

  She may not know what they were doing together, or if she would even be employed at that time tomorrow. However, one thing that was absolute: Alex could kiss, and he wanted her. She was sure she’d still feel his lips against hers as she fell asleep that night.


  Alex strolled down the familiar palace halls. It was quite a walk from one end, where the royal offices stood, to the other, where the royal apartments were. Sometimes, when there was too little time between appointments or events, he would have a car drive him between the two. Tonight, however, he wanted the long walk to sort through his feelings.

  He’d laid his cards on the table, well, most of them anyway. She’d been, as he’d expected, surprised and unsure when he’d revealed his intentions to her. His feelings, though implied, were left unsaid, as were hers. However, she hadn’t turned away or rejected him outright. She must care for him, or at least find him attractive enough to consider the things he’d said.

  It was a start, and that’s all he wanted right now.

  By the time he’d made it back to the royal apartments, he still hadn’t come to terms with the fact that she was still a virgin. A woman as gorgeous and vital as her still untouched? To him, it was one of the most arousing things about her, and he wondered what else he had yet to learn about her. He wanted to know anything and everything about her.

  He opened the doors to his royal apartment and stepped inside, his security man doing a quick sweep before positioning himself outside.

  “Will you be staying in the rest of the evening, Your Highness?”

  “That’s the plan, unless I need to see the family. I’ll use the corridors for that, if I do,” Alex said, referring to the hidden hallways that linked all the family apartments tog
ether. Though each set of apartments had its own entrance, they all linked to a communal family room, which also contained a dining room, offices, and other rooms nearby.

  “Very good, sir. Good night.”

  “Good night and thank you for your assistance this evening. I may need you again for similar reasons.”

  “I am always at your disposal, sir.”

  Alex nodded and shut the door. Finally alone after the long, frustrating, and exciting day, he went to a small bar and poured himself some scotch. He usually didn’t go for hard liquor, but he needed something to take the edge off. Particularly, his unsated lust.


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