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Hard to Kill: a Hard Targets novel

Page 4

by Wendy Byrne

  Sabrina fought against the wave of hopelessness. She'd faced worse odds than this on many occasions. Most missions she'd worked alone, but this felt almost insurmountable, knowing the obstacles in her way. Still, it wasn't time to throw in the towel. Besides, she didn't have a lot of options where this mess was concerned. It was go big or go home, and she wasn't going anywhere until she accomplished her goal.

  Marco pulled at her arm. "Come on, let's get moving. We're already running late." She trudged after him, letting the shuffle to her walk and blankness to her expression give him the false impression nothing occupied her mind. She played the part and led him to believe she was scared and powerless and willing to do whatever he wanted, because she had no other option but to be subdued.

  The streets were deserted given the early morning hour. A hint of fog hung along the mountains, keeping the town temperate. Even so, Sabrina shivered as the breeze ripped through the thin cotton of her peasant blouse.

  Evan eyed her as she walked with Marco. Something in the furrow in his brow made her contemplate the idea there was more to his glance than a status check. But allowing her mind to concentrate on that potential wrinkle would not be a prudent use of her time. Searching for possible avenues of escape remained her number one priority.

  She took in the scene, anxious to spot avenues that might allow for an escape. Every doorway, around every corner became a possibility, although it would have been much easier if they'd kept she and Liz together. Then again, the plan to separate them had been ideal from their perspective. If the situation was reversed and she was in the power position, she would have done the same thing.

  Never underestimate your opponent, Saby.

  Even though Anya had killed him over a year ago, reminders of Petrovich were a constant. He'd been both a blessing and a curse rolled into one. And, being back in the area where he'd been so much a part of her life, the bubbling up of memories was a given.

  She shook off thoughts of the past and focused on the present. She was in the open and had a weapon. To add to the good news, she'd spotted a sign indicating Switzerland was five kilometers away—a little over three miles. This was definitely doable.

  A sign over an old three-story building read "The Langford Inn," confirming the location in the southwest corner of Austria in the city of Langford. Once they had their break, she could lead Liz toward freedom. Switzerland would be the safest bet for now, since it might be far enough away to be out of Marco's immediate reach.

  They walked in silence down one street, then the next, weaving their way to their destination. Sabrina memorized each turn in the road in order to retrace her steps, but shuffled along as if her brain remained in that twilight state of complacency and defeat.

  She inhaled, steeling her body and mind for what she had to do. Waiting for the moment when she could make her move.

  "Is that the corner?" Evan pointed down the block. When Marco nodded, he continued, "I'll stay with her and you can wait for the flower guy to open up."

  She raised her head high enough to track the location for the meeting. While no traffic was in sight, she could imagine no more than a car at a time could pass down the narrow street. This could enhance her success during the escape she'd planned.

  Marco flipped his wrist, glancing at his watch. "Why don't you check it out? See if you see any of G's guys coming from the other way? Besides, I prefer to keep Grace in my sights. G's been known to pull a fast one occasionally and he won't be expecting you. I'll stay here with Grace."

  Some opportunities are made. Some fall right in your lap. She wouldn't have felt this confident if she were left with Evan. Playing the bodyguard role, he had a gun tucked into his holster. But Marco she could handle with or without a weapon.

  Sabrina counted to ten as she watched Evan's retreat through the tips of her lashes. Patience was indeed a virtue, especially when it lowered the odds and gave her the more vulnerable of the two targets.

  Catching him off guard was easy. Preoccupied and confident, Marco wasn't expecting a word from her, let alone the attack. She felt the relaxation of his hand on her bicep and knew there was no time like the present.

  Sabrina knocked the wind out of him with an elbow just below his ribcage, followed by a fist between his legs. When he bent over in pain, she brought up her knee, smashing his forehead against the bony part of her leg.

  She pulled out the knife and flicked it open, aiming for his throat, but nicking his shoulder instead when he shifted at the last minute. Moving quicker than she'd anticipated, he kicked at her hand before she had a chance to set the knife tight within her grasp for the second assault. The knife flew into the air and skittered along the walkway.

  When she tried to escape, he encircled her neck with his arms, pressing the bend of his elbows into the front of her throat. Her breath stalled from the pressure and Krav Maga mode kicked into gear.

  She raked her nails across his face then grasped his hands, pulling them down and away from her neck. Turning, she slipped her head through the opening underneath his armpit. She counterattacked with an elbow strike to the back of his head. As he went down toward the ground, she made one last kick to his midsection before she left, stopping once to smash his cell phone with her heel. The last thing she needed was either him or Evan warning Scar Man.

  She grabbed the knife and started running. Even when Marco cursed and screeched her name, following that up with a round of threats, she resisted the urge to look back.

  Retracing her steps through the maze of streets was more of a challenge. But after ten intense minutes of running, she spotted the Mercedes.

  Knowing Scar Man had an AK-47 and she had a simple pocketknife didn't give her a rush of confidence. But that meant she needed to utilize the element of surprise.

  Sabrina took off the black cloth belt around her waist and pulled it tight to test its strength. Satisfied it would do the job, she slunk low and eased her way toward the car.

  She had to act quickly. As soon as Evan found Marco, they'd both head back and she'd have lost her window of opportunity. More than likely they'd assume she'd try to save Liz.

  Unlike those heartless bastards, she gave a damn. Leaving Liz to fend for herself wasn't even a remote possibility. They knew that.

  She spotted the car, but blackout windows kept her from seeing inside. Sabrina could only assume both Scar Man and Liz were in the same position as when she left.

  Which meant he was in the back on the passenger side, and Liz was in the middle. Sabrina crouch-walked her way to the back of the car.

  "Noooooooo." The strangled plea came from inside the car.

  Sabrina's heart bounced against her ribcage as she struggled to regulate her breathing. She yanked open the door.

  Letting loose a scream so primal, Sabrina didn't even recognize it as her own, she drove the knife into Scar Man's back. Blood spurted, spraying her white blouse. His torso contorted while he sought to remove the weapon, leaving him open to her next move.

  Sabrina wrapped the sash about his neck and yanked. She held on until she heard the snap. Then, with the ease of removing a piece of garbage, she grabbed him by his shirt and pushed his lifeless body onto the street.

  Only then did she stop and glance at Liz, who looked as white as a ghost. "We need to get out of here." She urged Liz out of the back seat. Wiping at the tears running down her cheeks, Sabrina glanced into Liz's eyes as she coaxed her into the front passenger side. "Are you okay?"

  Liz nodded. At least she could answer questions even if she appeared to be in shock.

  Sabrina got behind the driver's seat. She'd been hot-wiring cars for nearly twenty years, but newer models were more of a challenge. Still, she had the engine humming within a minute or so.

  "Hey, you two, where the hell do you think you're going?" Marco's voice felt more menacing than normal as it drifted in the pre-dawn morning.

  Liz immediately started to moan and shake and looked like she might collapse under the strain of the last ten
minutes. The haunting sense of fear crept up Sabrina's spine and took hold. But fear was not her enemy. She needed to channel it to get what she needed. Before Marco could get any closer, she peeled away from the curb and headed toward the Swiss border with an impotent Marco running behind her, shaking his fist.


  Within five minutes they were at the border. Within another two they were in front of a police station. Although she hated to send the poor traumatized girl in there alone, she had to be practical. "You need to go in there by yourself, Liz. I'm covered in blood. They'll ask too many questions." Walking in there, looking like she did, would cause huge problems even if she could justify what she'd done to Scar Man. It would take days to sort it out. Even worse, it would put the whole organization on hyper-alert status and it would be even harder to track down Caitlyn. That was a complication she didn't need right now.

  "I can't." Liz was shaking so hard her teeth were chattering.

  Sabrina took the girl's hand and held it to the side of her face. "Yes, you can. This is the easy part."

  She didn't want to push Liz out of the car, but knew time was limited. No doubt Marco's car had a satellite locator, which meant he could remotely have the car shut off without too much trouble. She wanted to be far away from Liz when that happened in case Marco's reach extended beyond the border.

  "I feel…so weak…" Her voice trailed off and Liz shook her head. "I can't go in there by myself. Let's keep driving." A trickle of a tear slid down her cheek as she grabbed Sabrina's forearm in a death grip. No doubt if Liz had Super Glue, she'd coat herself in it and adhere to Sabrina's side until she was in her parents' arms once again.

  "This is the safest way for right now." She could see fear in the way Liz's gaze kept darting about, as if she were expecting Marco to pounce any second now. Sabrina could definitely relate to that fear. "You're a strong girl. I know you can do this."

  "I need you." The pleading tone seemed to echo through her trembling bones and into her defeated body language.

  "No you don't. I wouldn't send you off if I didn't think you could manage." She squeezed Liz's arm but wasn't positive the message of reassurance was received, based on the way the girl continued to tremble uncontrollably.

  "I can't leave you here alone." Her voice squeaked.

  "I'll be fine." When Sabrina saw the doubt surface on Liz's face, she continued, "You saw what I did to Scar Man. This way we can both escape." She wasn't going to give up so easily and had every intention of getting back within striking distance of Marco. He was the key to obtaining Caitlyn's whereabouts. "Tell the police you're an American and you're lost. Nothing more about Marco or what happened. Ask them to take you to the American Embassy immediately. Then call this number: 555-785-7878. It's an organization called The Alliance. My real name is Sabrina Shaw and I work for them. They'll make sure you get back home and will contact your parents and make sure you're safe in the meantime."


  Sabrina shook her head, knowing right now this was the only solution they had. She needed to accomplish what she came here to do, and leaving Europe wasn't going to get the job done.

  "Remember to say nothing about Marco." She held Liz's hand. "Promise me."

  Rather than respond, Liz nodded then opened the car door. Marching toward the police station, she kept her back straight, her head held high, sparing one last glance toward Sabrina with a hint of a smile gracing her face.

  After she watched Liz safely enter the station, Sabrina started the car and decided the only course of action would be to return to Marco's. The secrets he kept would lead her to Caitlyn. But she needed firepower. She'd learned the hard way she couldn't go in there as a victim and be successful.

  As she pulled away from the curb, she checked her mirrors and slammed on the brakes. Her chest lurched when she spotted a car going slowly down the block. Paranoia reared its ugly head as she watched a car go by. Was that Evan or Marco? She held her breath as the car inched past.

  But the car didn't stop. In fact, the old man driving didn't even look her way.

  She blew out a breath and smiled as she pulled away from the curb. The last few days must have played havoc with her confidence. She needed to get a grip and think about what to do next.

  First order of the day was a different car. Finding another car to steal would give her a fighting chance at remaining hidden. She had little choice but to head toward Italy and her friend Antonio. Coming down on the wrong side of the law most of the time, he was the only person she knew who could pull together enough firepower for her to accomplish the task of taking down Marco.

  It wouldn't take long to get to his home. All she would have to do is head south through Austria and hope to find a car along the way before Marco had this one turned off via satellite.

  She'd gotten a couple of miles away before the Shaw itch started at the base of her skull and fluttered down her spine, foretelling trouble. As she continued down the country road, a growing sense of trepidation fluttered inside her belly. Her first indication her instinct was right came when a cop appeared in her rearview mirror. She glanced down at the blood splattered across her blouse and tried to think of a logical explanation.

  When the cop was joined by another, she knew she wasn't going to make it to Antonio's, nor be given an opportunity to tell her side of the story. When the Mercedes began to slow despite increased pressure on the gas pedal, she knew how this would end. She tried to calm her racing heart, but that didn't seem possible when Marco appeared in the middle of the street in front of her as the car sputtered to a stop.

  The locks on the doors popped open without her assistance. One of the cops opened the driver's-side door and yanked her out, tossing her to the ground before she could even think about breaking her fall. As she lay on the ground trying to get herself to a standing position, she waited for the clink of the cuffs on her wrist. Being arrested for murder wasn't part of her plan.

  Instead, when she peered up from the ground, she spotted Marco patting the officer on the back. "I'll take it from here."

  She should have guessed Marco wouldn't allow her to be arrested. If she were in custody, his dirty little secrets might come to light. Was he powerful enough to have them ignore a potential murder charge?

  "Are you sure you don't want to press charges?" one of the officers asked as he eyed the blood on her white blouse.

  "Naw." Marco shook his head and wiped at the cut on his face. "I'll drop her off at the gypsy camp she ran away from. That's what I get for being a soft touch. She took advantage of my generous nature."

  Sabrina kept her face impassive as they continued their conversation in German. He hadn't told them about Scar Man. Even an outstanding citizen couldn't get away with having the police ignore a murder.

  No doubt he planned on bringing her back to his place. But if she broke away once, she could do it again. It would be more difficult this time, as she'd revealed her hand, but nothing was ever impossible.

  The police were barely out of sight when he smacked her across the face. His ring scraped across her cheek as he glared at her. "Where's Liz?"

  She looked at him, allowing a hint of a smile to turn up the corners of her lips. "Safe and sound, where you can't touch her." She had bet on the fact Marco's reach didn't extend beyond the local authorities. Based on his fury, and the fact he didn't know where Liz was, she had to believe she was right.

  "What the hell does that mean?" Without waiting for her answer, he backhanded her.

  Once again, he'd underestimated her. She balled her hand into a fist and connected with his nose, sending blood spraying before she took off running.

  Even though pretty much out in the open, running along the road gave her half a chance to snag a ride from a passerby. She could only hope the next car she spotted was neither Evan nor the police.

  The turn in the road brought her smack dab into the middle of a small village. While there weren't many people, it might offer her a place or two to hi
de. She managed a quick look behind her and spotted Marco not very far back. This wasn't going to be good.

  Plastered against the brick building, she hid among the shadows for as long as she could in order to catch her breath and think of a way out. Plan B: If she were going to be captured, she would use it to her advantage. This time she'd come prepared.

  Sabrina's heart pounded in her chest, the erratic beat caused by Marco's presence nearby. The itch crawled up her back. She flexed her fingers in anticipation.

  Sweat congealed beneath her armpits then trickled down the side of her chest. That flight-or-fight sensation went into overdrive, triggering adrenaline-soaked nerve endings.

  Footsteps. The little twerp must know she was close.

  "Here, Gracie, Gracie. Haven't you figured out yet you can't escape?"

  His voice crept up her back, causing a shiver to flush through. Schooled in the philosophy of never giving in or giving up, she found the concept of waiting for the inevitable to be excruciating.

  Still pressed against the wall, she cowered behind a trashcan, waiting for him to pass by, hoping at least to get in a good shot or two before being subdued. Knowing she had no other option, she waited. The element of surprise was all she had.

  First she heard the almost imperceptible slide of his three-hundred-dollar shoes along the street. Since Evan wore jeans and a pair of tennis shoes, Sabrina knew it was Marco. Unless she was mistaken, only one person approached.

  Crouching low, she peeked around the corner and spotted the gray fabric of Marco's suit pants. She grabbed his ankle and tugged, bringing him to the ground.

  Before he had a chance to react, she stomped as hard as she could on the center of his chest, once again targeting his intercostal nerve. The idea of killing him was a tantalizing thought, but she might still need him to get information about Caitlyn if necessary. While Marco struggled to catch his breath, she ran like the devil was chasing her. Turning onto the open street, Sabrina searched for a miracle.


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