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Justice Served: A Barkley and Parker Thriller

Page 24

by Flowers, R. Barri

  Monique looked confused. “You’d say anything to save your ass, scumbag. But it won’t work!”

  She slammed the bat again on the same leg. More bone shattered like glass. Ray had never felt such pain. He hurt too much now to even scream.

  “I’m telling you the damned truth,” he groaned, trying to maintain consciousness. “I’m Detective Sergeant Ray Barkley. You knew about the trap. Do you think they would use a real batterer to trap you?”

  Monique pondered this. She considered that he might not be an abuser. That the man really didn’t deserve to be beaten to death. That the trial had been nothing more than a cheap trick.

  But her mind was too far gone to accept this. Even if she had, Monique felt that he didn’t deserve to live. He was no different than the rest. A user who got his kicks out of humiliating and battering women.

  “Nice try, Richard Kendall,” she hissed, “but it won’t work. I didn’t just get out of the loony bin. Not today anyway. Your time for screwing with me—and your wife—is over!”

  Ray’s life literally flashed before him, as if watching a homemade movie. Everything he had achieved and hadn’t. Everything he had worked for and hoped to have. Everything he meant to do, but never got around to. Every dream he still had, including a life with Carole.

  It was all about to end in a way he had never imagined. Unless he could somehow avert disaster.

  But I’m quickly running out of options here.

  Summoning up every ounce of strength he had left—and it was fading fast—Ray managed to use his one good leg and rammed it into his assailant’s stomach as hard as he could, taking her by surprise. She doubled over in agony and he tried to crawl away for his life.

  But she recovered quickly and had cornered him like a leopard.

  “Just like the rest of them, you’ve got no balls to take the pain,” she snarled with a derisive chuckle. “Hurting women, but sissies when it comes to taking like a man what you dish out. Well it won’t work this time! You’re the one who will feel real pain when I’m through with you.”

  Ray watched in horror as Monique raised the bat above her head. It was aimed squarely at his head and he doubted he would be able to ward off the attack with the force she would exert in bringing the bat down upon him. He said a quick prayer and hoped the end was swift, but didn’t count on it. Even after death, he knew she planned to work him over good so that what was left would barely pass for a man. Much less, Ray Barkley.

  Without prelude, the lights suddenly came on, temporarily blinding both victim and perpetrator. A voice boomed: “Drop the bat, Monique! NOW!”

  Ray squinted and saw Nina standing there, legs spread, gun aimed squarely at Jacqueline Monique Lewiston’s chest.

  Monique, startled, glared at Nina, the bat still hovering perilously over her head. “This ain’t about you and me,” she said. “It’s about him and what he did!”

  “No, Monique,” blared Nina, never taking her eyes off the killer, “it is about you and what you’ve done. Now I said drop the bat! I won’t say it again!”

  Monique seemed to weigh her options for a moment or two before saying tartly: “Go to hell, bitch—”

  She looked down at Ray and, tightening her grip on the bat, began to lower it towards his head.

  He covered up defensively, but the blow never came.

  Nina fired twice at Jacqueline Monique Lewiston, driving her backwards as the bat flew from her hands, landing two feet from Ray. Monique went sprawling to the floor. The blonde wig she wore sprung loose upon impact, revealing dark Senegalese twists tied up underneath. As blood spurted from her mouth and chest, she attempted to get up. But Nina now hovered over her like a gladiator, planting a foot solidly on Monique’s outstretched arm. The gun was pointed at the vigilante killer’s face.

  “Don’t even think about it!” Nina shouted at her with asperity. “Believe me, I will kill your ass, if I have to—assuming you survive...”

  Monique glowered and groaned, spitting out: “Bitch.”

  “Takes one to know one,” Nina tossed back sharply.

  Monique’s eyes rolled in the back of her head, then slowly closed. She became silent.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Ray asked his partner, struggling to even speak.

  Nina glanced at him while still standing above Monique. “Had a hunch,” she said matter-of-factly. “Figured Lewiston wasn’t as dumb as we wanted her to be, even if insane. Then, wouldn’t you know it, I got stuck in traffic. Didn’t think I’d make it.”

  Ray winced, fighting back the pain that enveloped him like a dark cloud. “Damned good thing for me that you did,” he sputtered. “Otherwise I’d be dead right about now.”

  Nina glanced at Monique who had lost consciousness, two gaping bullet holes spurting blood from her chest. Satisfied that she had the killer under control, she put her gun away and rushed to Ray’s side.

  “You look pretty banged up to me, Barkley,” Nina uttered wide-eyed with concern. “Man, she did one hell of a job on you. Hang in there, partner—”

  Ray saw the fear in Nina’s face and tried to reassure her, if not himself. “It’ll take a hell of a lot more than a few broken bones and cracked ribs to do me in, Parker. Afraid you’ll have to put up with my bossing you around for a while yet.” Just how much longer, he wasn’t sure.

  “Wouldn’t want it any other way,” she said emotionally. “I’ll call for help.”

  “You do that,” he muttered in agony. “I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere.”

  Ray shut his eyes and began to feel his head spin like a wheel. Once again his life seemed to come to him in distorted images. The pain that wracked his body almost seemed to disappear.

  He thought about Nina and all they’d meant to each other over the years.

  Then he thought about Jacqueline Monique Lewiston and the abuse that turned her into a killing machine.

  Finally his thoughts turned to Carole and the short time they known each other that would always be with him no matter what happened in the future. He could only hope there was a future. That they were able to pick up where they left off, and much more.

  Then there was nothing but darkness...


  Carole was there when Ray came to. So was Nina. They were in his room at the Portland Medical Center. Carole saw that he was about as pale as an African-American could be, swollen, and weak looking. He had tubes extending from all parts of his body. A cast extended from just below his right knee to his foot, suspended several inches above the bed. He had suffered a contusion on the side of his head, broken ribs, and multiple fractures of his right leg.

  But he would live. She thanked God for that.

  In fact, doctors expected Ray to make a full recovery. But it would take time. For that Carole was grateful. The thought that he could have died without their having ever settled their differences made her feel faint.

  “Am I dreaming,” voiced Ray groggily, “or am I really in the company of two beautiful women?”

  Nina blushed, as did Carole.

  “Compliments will get you everywhere, Barkley,” quipped Nina. “At least while you’re on vacation in this hospital.”

  Ray forced a smile. “So am I going to pull through, or what?” he asked hesitantly.

  “Afraid so.” She feigned disappointment. “There’s no easy way out for you, Ray. You’re too bullheaded to die.”

  “Apparently some people will do anything to get their name in the paper,” Carole said, grinning while trying not to even think about what almost was.

  Ray furrowed his brow thoughtfully. “What about Monique?”

  Nina’s lips were a flat line. “She didn’t make it.” There was a moment of contemplation all around. “It was either you or her. I chose you.”

  Ray counted his blessings, considering just how close he had come to meeting his Maker. “Must have been my lucky day.”

  Nina’s eyes widened. “I think it was Portland’s lucky day. We
located a storage locker Monique had rented. It was filled with wooden baseball bats, as if she was just getting started on her murder campaign. Or maybe she had been planning to start a major league baseball team in the Rose City.” She sighed. “Her place wasn’t much better. Left behind practically a library stocked with books and magazines on everything you ever wanted to know about battering, domestic violence, and the inadequacies of the criminal justice system. Not to mention more evidence tying her directly to the murders.”

  “It’s likely we’ll never know for sure what put her over the edge,” Carole said. “Wife abuse is nothing new. Responding to it as she did seems to be. A scary thought.”

  “At least for some of us,” muttered Ray, wincing.

  “For all of us,” she insisted. “Who knows where such unpredictable, vigilante violence could lead?”

  “One thing I know for sure,” he remarked dryly, “this town will never be the same again.”

  Nina wrinkled her nose at Carole. “I think he’s been watching too many B movies. Or those painkillers are really starting to kick in.”

  Both women chuckled.

  “It’s not the town I’m worried about,” joked Carole, turning serious. “It’s the people in it who can cause trouble.”

  After a moment or two, Nina said: “Well, I’ll leave you two alone for a while. I have some paperwork to finish up. You take care of yourself now, Ray. I’ll check on you later.”

  Nina kissed his cheek and smiled at Carole, gently squeezing her arm, before walking out.

  Ray looked at Carole. He couldn’t help but think how fine she looked, even from the vantage point of a hospital bed. He imagined she had this effect on most men, in and out of the courtroom.

  “Tell me about you?” he asked, remembering that she faced all sorts of legal troubles before this case was brought to a head.

  Carole was thoughtful as she looked at him. “All charges were dropped,” she announced happily. “I’ve been completely exonerated and deluged with apologies and regrets. I return to the bench next week.”

  The expression on Ray’s face betrayed his relief and satisfaction. “I’m glad to hear that,” he said. No other words seemed necessary, though there was still much more he wanted to say.

  Carole moved closer to the bed, taking Ray’s hand. It was damp, but warm. “You know, you really had me worried for a while there, Detective Barkley.”

  He met her gaze. “Oh, yeah. How worried?”

  She licked her lips. “Worried enough that I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it in a big way.”

  Ray looped his fingers through hers. “So you think we might have a future then?” he asked hopefully.

  “I’d certainly like to discuss the possibilities,” Carole said eagerly.

  “So would I.” A broad smile parted his mouth. “I was thinking a real family might be nice.”

  She smiled back. “It might be.”

  “Just promise me one thing,” Ray said, not letting her out of his line of vision. “If I ever get out of line, can we just talk about it, please? This damned physical violence stuff can be hazardous to my health.”

  Carole chuckled warmly. “Of course,” she said. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, darling.”

  Neither would I. As far as he was concerned, there was only one way—and that was making a life together and not letting the past stand in the way of the future. He fully intended to make this happen, relishing the possibilities almost as much as the lady herself.


  Ray Barkley was still laid up on his back with limited movement. The grunts and moans he heard were music to his ears and his aches were anything but painful. He gripped Carole’s slender waist, assisting as she delicately lifted up and down atop him. Her breasts bounced greedily upon his face, begging him to put her nipples in his mouth. He did so ravenously and immediately felt them tauten with her rush of breath. This turned him on even more and, for an instant, he thought about flipping them over and assuming control of their lovemaking.

  Then Ray thought better. It had been a few months since he had come face to face with Jacqueline Monique Davis and got his ass whipped by the bat-wielding, crazy vigilante bitch. Although he had more or less recovered from his injuries, there was still some lingering soreness in parts of his body that reminded him a bit more time was needed to get back to one hundred percent.

  But ninety-five percent was more than enough to make love to his sexy judge girlfriend. Or have her make love to him.

  Carole sensed that things were building up to a heated climax in Ray’s bed. They certainly were for her. She kissed him, sticking her tongue inside his mouth, enjoying the taste of him and the remnants of the bottle of wine they had shared before turning their attention to more carnal interests.

  She felt a certain peace and lots of joy to be able to shed her judge’s role in his company and be herself. Ray clearly felt the same in leaving his badge and detective character outside the bedroom, allowing them to work at this relationship on an even footing. There was something about nearly losing one’s freedom and life which gave you a whole new perspective on what was truly important.

  Carole pondered that thought for a moment before returning her attention to Ray’s hard body, which he’d worked diligently on getting back into tiptop condition. They kissed passionately and his mustache tickled her mouth. She felt Ray grow inside her, compelling her to bring him in even deeper. She lifted slightly, moving astride him with a sense of urgency.

  “Oh...Ray—” she murmured, having nearly reached the point of no return.

  “Yeah, I’m with you, baby,” he grunted. “Every step of the way...”

  Ray wrapped his arms around Carole, holding tightly as they both trembled wildly with their orgasms coming in full force. It must have lasted for a full minute and even afterwards he was still seeing stars and already thinking about the next time.

  Those thoughts had to be put on hold when his cell phone started to vibrate on the dresser. Ray hated the timing, though they had already achieved their main goal. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t have been happy just holding Carole for a while.

  “I’d better get that,” he said apologetically. “It could be important.”

  Carole lifted her face from his shoulder, looking weary and slightly irritated. “That’s why I made a point to cut mine off the moment I stepped onto your houseboat. Didn’t want to be disturbed tonight.”

  “Why the hell didn’t I think of that?” Ray felt a twinge of guilt, though he knew damned well his job didn’t allow him the luxury of having time off—even when off duty with a very special lady who he’d come to know and love.

  He rolled off the bed and stumbled toward the dresser. The caller I.D. told Ray that Nina was the intrusive caller. Had it been anyone else, he would have been pissed. But ever since she saved his life, he had remembered what he first saw and admired in her and would be ever grateful to have her as his partner, friend, and ex-lover.

  “Hey, Parker.” Ray tried to lower his voice, as if Carole couldn’t hear. The truth was, she knew about him and Nina—or what they once had and still did to some extent—and was cool with it. She and Nina had gained a mutual respect for one another and coexisted just fine. “What’s up?”

  “Big trouble, I’m afraid,” Nina said tensely.

  “I don’t like the sound of that.” Ray glanced at Carole, who was sitting on his every word. He tried not to think about how hot she looked in the nude after sex.

  “Yeah, we’ll it gets worse. The mayor’s daughter has been abducted.”

  This news caused Ray to react, but he recovered quickly. “Sorry to hear that, but last I knew we were homicide cops.”

  “Her boyfriend was shot to death during the scuffle that led to the abduction. Everyone will be expected to bust their asses on this one.”

  “Damn,” Ray muttered under his breath.

  “I know,” Nina said. “Me, too.” She paused. “So, see you at the office...?

  “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”

  “Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

  “Is there ever a good time for stuff like this?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer, clicking off the phone and facing Carole.

  “What is it?” she asked, her brow furrowed.

  “Looks like the mayor’s daughter has been kidnapped—”

  * * *

  The Taker watched with glee as the pretty young woman with the long, dark, hair didn’t look so pretty anymore. She was tied down naked to the table he’d prepared for her arrival. Those big, bold blue eyes batted rapidly with fright. A moaning sound tried to escape her lips, but ran into the double layer of carpet tape he’d strapped across her mouth.

  “Scream all you want, bitch,” The Taker said. “Won’t do you a bit of good. Not even the mayor himself can save you now!”

  He laughed at her as she squirmed and tried to somehow free herself from the rope that held her arms and legs spread-eagled.

  Using his video camera, The Taker recorded these precious moments of life for his captive. Just as he would record her first moments of death. The mere thought sent chills of satisfaction up and down his spine.

  “Consider yourself lucky,” he told her. “You’re the first one to be an honored guest of The Taker. But you sure as hell won’t be the last. Look at it this way, honey: the mayor will thank me for doing what I’m gonna do to you. Bad girls need to be punished. And you will be punished in a manner you’ll never forget. Or, for that matter, remember since you’ll never live to reflect on it.”

  The Taker felt himself become aroused, as the person chosen to put him on the map was now scared out of her wits and helpless to do anything about it.

  But prepare to die.

  # # #


  R. Barri Flowers is an award winning, bestselling author of crime, mystery, thriller, suspense, and young adult fiction. His novels include DARK STREETS OF WHITECHAPEL, DEAD IN THE ROSE CITY, KILLER IN THE WOODS, MURDER IN MAUI, PERSUASIVE EVIDENCE, STATE'S EVIDENCE, CHRISTMAS WISHES, GHOST GIRL IN SHADOW BAY, and DANGER IN TIME.


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