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Redemption: Lily's Surrender

Page 7

by Liz Andrews

  “My speed. My way,” he declared, before dropping a single kiss on her nape.

  Leading her to his chair, Marc pushed down his pants and kicked them off before settling into the seat and gesturing for her to kneel in front of him. Dropping to her knees, Lily eyed his member with greed. She wanted him inside of her, right now, and she didn’t care where. If he wanted her to take him in her mouth, then she gladly would.

  “I think you and I have some unfinished business.” Reaching towards her, Marc guided her face to his groin.

  Lily eagerly leaned forward to take his cock into her mouth. However, it wasn’t as easy as she thought with her hands behind her back and she had to try a second time. Pushing herself up onto her knees, Lily pushed his legs further apart. Leaning forward, again Lily captured him in her mouth, sucking his full length into her throat. She gagged and quickly backed off.

  “Slowly,” Marc encouraged, stroking her head. “There’s no need to rush.”

  Maybe he didn’t feel the need to rush, but Lily was burning with her desire. She could feel the dampness soaking the crotch of her panties. She wanted to taste him, and she wanted it now. Leaning forward again, she steadied herself and gently took him into her mouth, pressing her tongue under his cock as she sucked the head. She slowly inched more into her mouth, running her tongue along the underside of his cock, as she finally was able to engulf the entire length.

  Lost in the flavor of him, Lily sped up her movements. It was harder to be careful without the use of her hands, but she found the right motion that soon had Marc groaning her name. Lily had never understood what was so great from the woman’s perspective about giving a blowjob. The man got all the pleasure and the woman did all the work. But with Marc, she finally understood. Hearing him groan when she hit a particularly sensitive spot or the way he wrapped his fingers in her hair, pulling her towards him, made her feel potent and surprisingly aroused.

  “Stop, baby.” Lily released him reluctantly. Even though he was in control and she was tied, Lily still felt some level of power. Marc, her dominant lover, turned to putty when she had him in her mouth. A girl could get used to that.

  “Come here,” Marc ordered softly as he covered his shaft with a condom he had waiting on the arm of the chair before pulling Lily onto his lap. Lily heard the rending fabric as Marc ripped off her panties and pulled her onto his waiting cock.

  Moaning, she slid down onto him. Eyes closed, back arched, Lily savored every single inch as his penis pushed into her waiting flesh. It seemed like she’d been waiting for this moment forever, and it was well worth the wait. “Oh, God,” she groaned.

  “Not so loud,” he warned, pushing up into her.

  That was easier said than done. Lily wanted to throw back her head and yell like a banshee, but she wanted to be interrupted even less. “Hmm … mmm …”she moaned over and over again, trying her best not to scream.

  “So good,” Marc moaned, digging his hands into her flesh. The bite of pain just added to the pleasure coursing through her overheated body.

  Her bound hands were once again an inconvenience, but Lily loved the feel of the silk against her skin. It was as sexy as it was naughty, much like the man pumping inside of her.

  Speeding up her rhythm, Lily pushed down onto Marc, wanting to come with everything inside of her, but Marc put a hold on that, gripping her waist with his hands. “No, Lily.”


  “This is a punishment, not a love fest.”

  Panting, Lily’s body cried out in protest. “No, Marc. Please, just fuck me.”

  “My way, Goldie. My way.” Marc braced his hands on her hips, controlling the rhythm of her rise and descent, forcing her to milk his cock at his pace. And his pace was killing her. She wanted it hard and fast. “Faster … please,” she added, knowing how he liked her to beg.

  “No,” he groaned, keeping her at his pace. “This isn’t about you, Lily.”

  “Fuck you.” She wanted to scream. She wanted to kill him. She wanted to come so bad she could taste it. “Don’t tease me.”

  “Then don’t forget your place.”

  Rocking into him, Lily rode him at his slow pace. He was killing her. “And where is that?” she finally got out between panted breaths.

  “With me.” Leaning forward, Marc took an aching nipple between his lips.

  “Dear God, I don’t think I can hold out much longer.” Lily was trembling with her need to climax and Marc’s teasing of her nipples was driving her over the edge. It must have affected Marc as well, because he began thrusting faster, no longer able to continue his controlled movements.

  Lily rode his cock, pressing herself forward with each downward motion, frantically trying to reach that which seemed just beyond her grasp. She was sobbing with her need, begging Marc to allow her release. Reaching down between her legs Marc circled her clit with his thumb, rubbing it until she was in a frenzy.

  “Now, Lily!” Marc cried out as he thrust one final time. Lily sobbed her release as she exploded around him.

  Redemption: Lily’s Surrender

  Chapter Eight


  Marc couldn’t help the lazy chuckle that escaped his dry lips. If he could talk, he might have exclaimed the same thing.

  “Um … this was great and all, but can I please have my hands freed now?” Lily sat up, leaning back slightly from his chest.

  “Well since you asked so nicely.” Marc reached around her and untied her restraints. “Is that better?”

  Smiling, Lily nodded her head yes, before moving forward and lying back down on him. Marc was a bit surprised by her docile behavior, but he liked it nevertheless. If Lily wanted to cuddle, he’d sit there until doomsday. Dead legs or no dead legs.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re great in bed …”

  Eyebrow cocked, Marc couldn’t help but to ask, “How can I take that the wrong way?”

  “I wasn’t finished. You’re great in bed. It’s out of bed you need to work on.”

  “I’ll take that into consideration,” Marc replied dryly, tightening his hold around her waist. If she wanted to nitpick, he could nitpick. Two could play her game. “And since we’re discussing the in and outs of this courtship, your gratitude could use a bit of work.”

  “I’m sorry, should I have thanked you for my orgasm? I’m still new when it comes to these D/s types of things.”

  “No, but a thanks for the television would have been nice.”

  “I haven’t decided if I’m grateful for it yet.”

  Marc slapped her ass playfully with his hand, the brat. “Let me know when you do.”

  “I will.” Lily lazily trailed her fingers across his collarbone and down his chest, unconsciously petting him. Marc enjoyed her delicate touch. It was something he didn’t often have in his relationships. Usually it was more, “whip me, fuck me,” and then “see you later.”

  Running his hands through her hair, Marc sat with a slight smile on his face. He’d imagined making love to Lily many times, in many different ways, but never had it involve his office chair in the middle of the day with guards posted outside. Leave it to his Goldie to pick the most inopportune time to ask for a little loving.

  Done with her little post-coital snuggling, Lily began to unbend herself from her awkward position on his lap. It was a good thing he’d bought expensive leather chairs that a person could sink into or this might have been a little painful.

  “So why were you so pissy when I got here?” Leave it to Lily to get right to the heart of the matter.

  “I could ask the same question of you.”

  “I came right out and told you why I was mad. I don’t see the same kind of sharing from your corner.”

  “I’m not really the sharing type.” Oh, yeah, snuggle time was over.

  “Really, because normally I’m not the ‘tie me up and fuck me in the office’ type, but I made an exception.”

  Standing up, Marc slipped his pants back on befo
re walking across his room to his bar. Tidying himself up, he faced a dressed Lily, who, despite the thorough, stress relieving workout, still seemed as mad now as when she’d first entered. Women.

  “You know,” Marc began to fix himself a drink, “you’re not turning out to be a very good sub.”

  “Excuse me?” Lily’s eyebrows rose so far on her head they damn near disappeared into her hairline. “Don’t confuse our sex life with our …”

  “Our what?” Marc wondered what she would term their relationship. It was more than sex — not quite dating, but he’d be damned if he’d allow her to see other men.

  Waving her hand between them, Lily frowned. “I don’t know what you’d call this thing we have going, but if you think fucking me is going to appease me, you’re wrong.”

  Appease her, no, but right now he’d settle for her calming the fuck down. “And you couldn’t have mentioned that twenty minutes ago.”

  “So I was right, this was a ‘let’s shut her up’ fuck. I see just where I stand.” Lily grabbed her purse, ready to storm out. But she’d obviously forgotten about the locked door and was stopped when she tried to wrench the door open and almost ripped her arm out of its socket. Marc knew he definitely couldn’t start laughing, even though he wanted to. No, now was the time for diplomacy if ever it was called for.

  “Did I ever say I was trying to shut you up? Look, Lily, you need to start accepting some things about yourself. One of which is you want to be dominated and that’s why you keep coming back to me.”

  Flouncing over to the chair, Lily had a mutinous look on her face. However, her words belied that thought. “I never thought I would want someone controlling me, but you’re right, I do crave it. But it doesn’t mean I want you to use it against me.”

  “I’m not using it against you, but don’t try to use it against me.” Either she was purposely trying to pick a fight or completely naïve. “You come in here ready to raise hell over something so silly it doesn’t even warrant a conversation. Do you really think I was going to let you get away with it?”

  “Did you really think I was going to let you get away with not calling me and then delivering a television which cost more than my car? You can’t buy me, Marc.”

  Marc wasn’t surprised she saw it that way, even though it wasn’t his intention. That damn pesky road was going to be the end of him. “I wasn’t trying to, Lily. Heaven forbid I try to do something nice for you. I know you couldn’t afford one, so I bought it. Truth of the matter is, I ordered it the day after Thanksgiving, before you gave me the wonderful gift in my bedroom.”

  Lily’s face began to redden. “It was just a blowjob.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the blowjob,” Marc replied gently, walking across the room to her. “I was talking about the gift of your trust. Your trust is priceless to me and no amount of televisions would ever compare to it.”

  “Then why can’t you trust me? I know what happened the other night. I know about the broken windows. Would it have been so hard to tell me?”

  “What would have been the purpose?” Marc was frustrated. He wasn’t used to sharing his business life with his love life. Never the twain shall meet and all that jazz.

  “I can see this is getting me nowhere. You have no idea how normal relationships work, do you?”

  “You don’t want normal, baby, so just accept me for who and what I am.”

  Her blue eyes clouded over as if she was going to cry. “Why can’t you be a dominating man in the bedroom or office or whatever, and then a perfectly normal guy in every other aspect?”

  Marc watched her sadly. She really didn’t know. “Because I can’t.” Holding his arms out, he continued, “This is me, Lily, twenty-four seven. I can’t change who I am, just because it upsets you.”

  “I’m changing for you.”

  “No, you’re changing for you.” Marc cupped her cheek lovingly. “I would never ask you to change who you are. Don’t ask it of me.”

  “Fine. Don’t change, but don’t shut me out either.”

  “I’ll try, I’ll really try.” Marc didn’t want to disappoint Lily, but he wasn’t so sure he could be the knight in shining armor she seemed to be looking for. He was more like the villain in the fairy tales; didn’t she know that by now? Marc rubbed his thumb gently over her soft, satiny skin and he leaned in to kiss her.

  The knocking on the door interrupted what might have proved to be a very tender moment. Marc knew instinctively it was Griffin. Who else could totally fuck up his day?

  “Look, I better get going.” Lily straightened up, breaking the connection flowing between them.

  Marc flipped the lock and swung open the door just as Griffin was about to start his pounding again. “What now?” Marc was exasperated and didn’t really want to hear about any more problems today. He’d barely waded through the mini meltdown on his love life.

  “I have to go,” Lily repeated, slipping out the door before he could say a word. Marc stepped in the hallway to watch her leave. “I’m leaving now, goons. Chop, chop,” she tossed to the two men trying to blend in against the wall. Maybe she was right; maybe he needed to hire some new goons after all. They weren’t even fooling her. No wonder people were getting away with shooting up his office.

  Turning to Griffin, Marc watched his friend and mentor smirk at him and instantly wanted to throttle him. “You have perfect timing,” Marc sneered sarcastically, walking past the grinning man.

  “And you seem to be without a shirt.”

  Picking up his shirt, Marc slipped it on before leaning down to grab his shoes and headed back around his desk.

  “I thought we agreed about this, Marc.” Griffin shut the door behind with a firm slam, all amusement gone.

  “We didn’t agree on anything.” Marc loved Griffin like a father, but he wasn’t willing to give up Lily and the possibility of what they could have for anyone. “Lily is not now and never will be up for discussion.”

  With a sigh, Griffin walked across the carpet. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

  “I don’t need protection from Lily,” Marc thundered, tired of this conversation already. “You want to do something for me, get me something on the triumvirate we can use. Something solid that will have their asses on the line.”

  “We can’t prove any one of them did it. And to be honest, Marc, you’ve pissed a lot of people off. Any number of them wants to see you dead.” Words to warm a tyrant’s heart, Marc thought sarcastically. And it was about time. Marc was beginning to feel like if he didn’t piss anyone off, he wasn’t having a good day. Well, now Lily was pissed and so was Griffin. He was up on today’s goals.

  “Yeah, but only one of them was ballsy enough to shoot up my building.”

  “And deliver Lily a box of dead roses.”

  “What?” Marc felt as if a cold hand reached inside of his chest and grabbed his heart. “When did this happen?”

  “I’m thinking somewhere between foreplay and intercourse.”

  “This is no joke, Griffin. What happened?” Anything involving Lily was dead serious to Marc, nothing to make jokes about.

  “The guys watching the house saw a delivery van arrive and checked it out, per your instructions. They gave the delivery guy hell for it, let me tell you. The guy was scared shitless.”

  “And of course no idea who ordered them, I suppose?”

  “Something has got to break soon, Marc. You just have to give it time.”

  “Time?” Marc repeated loudly, astounded at Griffin’s lackadaisical attitude. “Fuck time. Find out who paid for it. Buy the fucking store if need be, but get me some answers.”

  “Hey, boy.” Griffin slammed his hand down on Marc’s desk in a rare show of temper. “I’m not one of your fucking lackeys.”

  “I didn’t say you were.”

  “Then don’t start treating me like it. I’m doing the best I can. We’ve greased palms, threatened, and damn near bankrupted the entire fucking town. I’m on top of my game.
Maybe it’s time you got on top of yours.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Marc replied coolly, a whole lot cooler than he felt, glad he had someone to yell at now. He always felt better when he got pissed off. Strange but true.

  “It means stop thinking with your dick. You need to get back on speed here. Hines has been bankrolling investors. I think he’s going to try to buy the mill back.”

  “Mr. Gossnor.” The voice over the intercom broke through Marc and Griffin’s yell fest, startling both men. “You have a Mr. Hines here to see you.”

  Marc and Griffin both looked down at the phone with dual expressions of shock. Marc expected a lot of things from the triumvirate, but one-on-one contact wasn’t one of them. “Send him in,” he replied stiffly, yanking his tie from the floor and slipping it on.

  “This is an interesting development.” Griffin moved behind Marc’s desk to stand at his side. Even though they’d barely argued a few seconds ago, Marc knew Griffin would have his back. Together they could figure this out.

  Marc slid into his cool business mode, no expression but mild amusement on his face. There was a brief knock at the door before it opened and Patrick Hines stepped into the room. Marc hadn’t seen him in almost two years, and time had not treated him well. He had the look of a man who drank too much and was paying for it.

  “How can we help you, Mr. Hines?” Griffin was all suave businessman, but the look on his face made one think he was viewing garbage. It was a look, like Marc’s attitude, they had perfected with time.

  “I’ve come to talk about the mill. You took over almost two years ago now and it’s sat empty. There are a lot of men out of work.”

  As if he cared. Marc remained silent, waiting to see what else Hines had to say. He’d learned that you learned more in business when you listened than when you talked. Marc didn’t have to wait long. Hines was nervous and sweaty and looked liked he needed a drink really badly. There was no way he would ever win a waiting game.


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